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Ponytail Braids/Cornrows for Adults (Child-To-Adult Conversion)

by Esmeralda Posted 10th Jan 2015 at 5:30 PM - Updated 30th May 2015 at 11:56 PM by Esmeralda : Just a change to the name of the package as requested
33 Comments / Replies (Who?) - 13 Feedback Posts, 19 Thanks Posts
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#26 Old 20th Jan 2015 at 6:56 PM
Thanks! Now I can finally have dreads for my sims, 'cause before I couldn't have any hair for athletic wear! :)
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#27 Old 27th Jan 2015 at 12:41 PM
Can you make, these dreads on TS3 too? I really wan't those there... teen and elder female.
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#28 Old 28th Jan 2015 at 1:08 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Flaima
Can you make, these dreads on TS3 too? I really wan't those there... teen and elder female.

I don't create for TS3 any more, so I won't be doing that, but any TS3 creator is free to extract the original girl's mesh and textures from the TS4 base game and convert them for TS3 for whatever ages they want. You could look in the TS3 Creators Who Take Requests thread to see if anyone does hair meshes, or ask in Where Can I Find to see if someone has converted it for TS3 - it's possible that it's already been done.
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#29 Old 30th May 2015 at 10:47 PM
Default Not dreads...
Quote: Originally posted by Esmeralda
I called the hairdo Dreads because that's the name I've always heard this type of hairdo referred to by. I'd thought cornrows were a very short hair, without the long plaits. If I have the terminology wrong, I apologise! I just thought it was more meaningful than EA's 'Braided Ponytail'.

That poster didn't thank me; his post was a Feedback post, not a Thanks post. I wasn't being unkind in my reply; indeed I stated that he had some good ideas and recommended he take them to the Creation Forum. I think he has good ideas but my upload threads are not the place for them.

ETA: NVM, I've removed my reply to that poster because it's not worth having any hassle...!

Thanks so much for creating this hairstyle (and acknowledging different hair types) but could you please not call them "dreads"?
I feel that it is just spreading misinformation. Thank you
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#30 Old 30th May 2015 at 11:49 PM
Quote: Originally posted by FTSims
Thanks so much for creating this hairstyle (and acknowledging different hair types) but could you please not call them "dreads"?
I feel that it is just spreading misinformation. Thank you

Ah, thank you for the reminder, actually - I meant to do that a while back but because I made these such a long time ago, I completely forgot. I've now changed the thread title and also changed the file name. The zip file name still says 'Dreads' because changing the zip name will mess up the stats on the Download tab, but the internal package file inside the zip file now just says Braided Ponytail. Hope that fixes any confusion. I'm just not 'hairstyle name' conscious enough, I guess. I know what I like, but I might not always know what the correct name for it is!
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#31 Old 16th Jul 2015 at 12:05 AM
check dat melanin
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#32 Old 14th Oct 2015 at 4:41 PM
This is awesome! I was so sad when the game just had this hairstyle for kids but you saved the day!
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#33 Old 1st Aug 2016 at 6:45 PM
How I can download it?
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#34 Old 1st Aug 2016 at 7:37 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Andysek491
How I can download it?

Click on the tab called 'Files', and then within that tab, click on whichever of the two hairs (men's or women's) you want to download. Your browser will then download it. If you want both hairs, download one of them and when it's finished, then click on the other one to download it too.
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