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148 Montgomery Ln. - 7BR 4BA - $137,483

by Bizkit Posted 12th Oct 2005 at 2:02 AM
7 Comments / Replies (Who?) - 6 Feedback Posts
Lab Assistant
#2 Old 12th Oct 2005 at 4:27 AM
3 lane bowling alley! OMG...! O_O *Downloads XD*
Great house.

Stay frosty, Squeaks.
Test Subject
#3 Old 12th Oct 2005 at 1:21 PM
alright what every house needs is a bowling lane thanks alot
Test Subject
#4 Old 12th Oct 2005 at 5:58 PM
The outside of the house looks so realistic. I can't wait to use it in my neighborhood. Thank you for making it and sharing.
Test Subject
#5 Old 14th Oct 2005 at 5:01 AM
My simmies will love this house!!! Great Work!!!!!
#6 Old 14th Oct 2005 at 8:36 PM
Looks Awesom Downloading Thanks for Sharing !!!!!
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#7 Old 25th Oct 2005 at 11:20 PM
No problem, I'm glad ya'll liked it.

How-To change roof pitch.

First bring up the cheat console by pressing control, shift and c at the same time. Then type roofslopeangle and any number between 1 and 90. Example, type "roofslopeangle 20" and you will get a 20 degree pitch. Don't include the quotation marks though.
#8 Old 14th Nov 2005 at 4:03 AM
Oh geeze, when I read that it had a bowling ally in the basement, I was sold. Thanks again for the d/l

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