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Realistic Diner - by Martine

by Martine Posted 22nd Aug 2006 at 3:34 PM - Updated 2nd Sep 2011 at 2:29 AM by Phaenoh : formating links ;)
109 Comments / Replies (Who?) - 97 Feedback Posts, 11 Thanks Posts
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#2 Old 24th Aug 2006 at 8:55 AM
Wonderful wonderful, wonderful, amazing, wonderful job! Thanks so much for sharing! I love it!

Please check me out at Sims Crossing Please do not upload any of my lots,clothing, or other creations to other sites!
#3 Old 24th Aug 2006 at 8:58 AM
YAY! you got featured. Well deserved. Smiles for you!

Please check me out at Sims Crossing Please do not upload any of my lots,clothing, or other creations to other sites!
Test Subject
#4 Old 24th Aug 2006 at 9:03 AM
Wow. beautiful. Thanks so much!
Mad Poster
#5 Old 24th Aug 2006 at 9:24 AM
What a lot !!!!!

You know a site allowing re-upload of free build/buy stuff in lots ? Help us to update the list !

* Plus j'échoue plus je m'approche de la réussite
* The more I fail the more I approach the success

(Lao patul MMVI AD)
Test Subject
#6 Old 24th Aug 2006 at 9:42 AM
I don't usually download lots but wanted to say you did an awesome job on this, looks great!
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#7 Old 24th Aug 2006 at 9:48 AM
Thanks everyone! I'm so happy this lot got featured!

#8 Old 24th Aug 2006 at 9:56 AM
So cool! This rocks my socks!
#9 Old 24th Aug 2006 at 10:03 AM
Lol, this is too cool!

Great job! :D

♦ Animal Lover, Eco Friendly, Loner, Perfectionist, Vegetarian ♦

Sensitivity is strength.
Test Subject
#10 Old 24th Aug 2006 at 10:11 AM
5 stars are not enough too show how amazing this is, its beautiful!

"I'd rather be ordinary rather than extraordinary....if your extraordinary people use you and see you as someone else, if your ordinary your just like everyone else."
Mad Poster
#11 Old 24th Aug 2006 at 10:14 AM
This is amazing!!! Thank you!!!
Field Researcher
#12 Old 24th Aug 2006 at 10:52 AM
All I can say is WOW!!! Seriously! I am blown away!!! Thank you! :D
Field Researcher
#13 Old 24th Aug 2006 at 11:12 AM
How does the lot work without a podium? I don't see one in the screenshots. I thought the required objects for a restaurant was a podium, a food service stove, a table and a chair. How do the customers get seated?
Lab Assistant
#14 Old 24th Aug 2006 at 11:24 AM
Best community-lot E.V.E.R.!!! I love your detailed hyper-realistic style very much! This ist artwork! Thanks a lot for making and sharing.



~ Atheism: Belief in no God, and no belief in God ~
Lab Assistant
#15 Old 24th Aug 2006 at 11:30 AM
this is a new generation in realistic, something you would find in new york! THANKIES!
#16 Old 24th Aug 2006 at 12:16 PM
woa omg this is just too good to be true thank you so much :lovestruc

(()) Pass the ribbon around if you know someone that
//\\ has survived, died, or is living with cancer.
Test Subject
#17 Old 24th Aug 2006 at 12:24 PM
yes i agree, good show !
Test Subject
#18 Old 24th Aug 2006 at 12:37 PM
I feel a chain of diners coming on for some lucky Simmie!
Thank you, Mummybear
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#19 Old 24th Aug 2006 at 12:50 PM
Quote: Originally posted by raynuss
How does the lot work without a podium? I don't see one in the screenshots. I thought the required objects for a restaurant was a podium, a food service stove, a table and a chair. How do the customers get seated?

There is a podium, you can see it in the top view shot (upper right corner).

Lab Assistant
#20 Old 24th Aug 2006 at 1:20 PM
A little TOO realistic in those bathrooms!
Excellent job. Thanks for sharing!!
Test Subject
#21 Old 24th Aug 2006 at 1:30 PM
Looks great..reminds me of the diner at the start of the game in fahrenheit.
#22 Old 24th Aug 2006 at 1:51 PM
looks very real, eventough I don't have restaurant like that in my country but still I can imagine it. awesome job and congrats to be featured.

The rest of my skins can be found in my blog
Field Researcher
#23 Old 24th Aug 2006 at 2:02 PM
It looks so real!!! you did an incredible job.. :d
#24 Old 24th Aug 2006 at 2:04 PM
Wow. Simply wow. THANK YOU so much for sharing this with us!!

Test Subject
#25 Old 24th Aug 2006 at 2:34 PM
I'm not suprised this got featured! Great work. Your attention to detail is amazing! This will look great coupled with your Mendoza Lane house!
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