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The Picklin House - 100 Redwood Pkwy Updated 6-22-2009

by GiveTheNineARide Posted 11th Jun 2009 at 4:01 PM - Updated 22nd Jun 2009 at 10:09 AM by GiveTheNineARide
16 Comments / Replies (Who?) - 14 Feedback Posts, 1 Thanks Posts
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Test Subject
#2 Old 11th Jun 2009 at 4:25 PM
WOW this is awesome. It looks so real, and I love the design! I think you did a wonderful job.
Lab Assistant
#3 Old 11th Jun 2009 at 5:06 PM
I love, love, love this house! Thanks for sharing! :lovestruc
#4 Old 11th Jun 2009 at 5:36 PM
LOVE IT! *huggles*
Mad Poster
#5 Old 11th Jun 2009 at 5:56 PM
Well, now I'm decided. I can't believe how beautiful this house is. The decoration is really much more beautiful than I though would be possible in Sims 3 and I love the views...I'm going out today to get Sims 3. Thanks for supporting my sims addiction!!! :b
#6 Old 11th Jun 2009 at 6:00 PM
What a great looking house...the sims will love it....thank you for sharing!
Test Subject
#7 Old 11th Jun 2009 at 6:12 PM
I really like both the interior and exterior Good job~~ Thanks for sharing. <3
Test Subject
#8 Old 12th Jun 2009 at 3:04 AM
Oh my gosh, the INSIDE! Absolutely amazing. Keep up the awesome work!
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#9 Old 12th Jun 2009 at 3:19 AM
Thank you for all the kind words.

The early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.
There is no limit to what you can accomplish when you're supposed to be doing something else.
Test Subject
#10 Old 12th Jun 2009 at 1:08 PM
just beautiful. thank you
Test Subject
#11 Old 12th Jun 2009 at 9:06 PM
This house is stunning...really. i absolutely love the design, the lanai area is beautiful. i placed it up in the hills looking out onto the water. All those windows in the back make it very enjoyable for my sims

I smell death on u!...just kidding....but really u r going to die. but the good news is there's a cure! goto and download everything!
Field Researcher
#12 Old 13th Jun 2009 at 6:07 PM
I really love the sitting room with the fireplace. Thanks for this!
Test Subject
#13 Old 22nd Jun 2009 at 9:39 AM
I love the house. I wish I could use it...but whenever I try to eat, it never works )= (from the fridge) Anyone else get this?
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#14 Old 22nd Jun 2009 at 10:20 AM
Fridge access glitch
Quote: Originally posted by crystalmew
I love the house. I wish I could use it...but whenever I try to eat, it never works )= (from the fridge) Anyone else get this?

Thanks for pointing this out. I did not remember anything like this happening when I play tested the lot. I have been busy with other things and have not played with this lot again until I read your post. I experienced the same problem. I'm sorry for any inconvienience this caused. If you haven't already you can fix the problem by swapping the fridge with the counter/cabinet next to it. I have done so with the upload here on 6/22/2009. What is really odd is that the game allows you to put the frige there without "moveobjects on" but then it's useless? I guess that's Maxis. To correct the problem with the house in the bin, just download and replace the old one with the updated one. Again, sorry!

The early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.
There is no limit to what you can accomplish when you're supposed to be doing something else.
Test Subject
#15 Old 19th Aug 2009 at 3:40 PM
The decorating is wonderful! I wish it were bigger! I am one of those nuts that fills the house with babies asap.

Maybe the babysitter could live here? I really do love it!

Awesome work, great talent.
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#16 Old 20th Aug 2009 at 12:16 AM
Thanks for all the kind words.

The early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.
There is no limit to what you can accomplish when you're supposed to be doing something else.
Mad Poster
#17 Old 15th Sep 2023 at 4:20 AM
Thank you