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B2 Sims
A pixel dollie/Covered in makeup and stuff/For you to play with
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About My Uploads
Please do not re-upload my work elsewhere or modify/claim as your own.
If you have created a Sim or lot that includes any of my creations, all I ask is that you credit me and link back to the respective MTS page or to
I do not take requests. My creations are made for my own enjoyment or requirement of what I'm making and shared so that others may also enjoy them. The element of expectation just takes the fun out of it.
Wanna convert my stuff for TS2 or TS4? Drop me a message. I'll probably say yes because I'm too lazy to convert it myself. :p
I don't mind a bit of exposure either, so if you'd like to feature anything on your site (no pay sites or Exchange), please credit items accordingly and link back to the original download. Don't forget to let me know where you've featured it so I can tell my mother and make her proud. ;)
If you have created a Sim or lot that includes any of my creations, all I ask is that you credit me and link back to the respective MTS page or to
I do not take requests. My creations are made for my own enjoyment or requirement of what I'm making and shared so that others may also enjoy them. The element of expectation just takes the fun out of it.
Wanna convert my stuff for TS2 or TS4? Drop me a message. I'll probably say yes because I'm too lazy to convert it myself. :p
I don't mind a bit of exposure either, so if you'd like to feature anything on your site (no pay sites or Exchange), please credit items accordingly and link back to the original download. Don't forget to let me know where you've featured it so I can tell my mother and make her proud. ;)