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Chaavik's Little Corner
Stuff to stick on sims/Makeup and clothes and suchlike/Tart 'em up a bit.
Hair 1Facial Hair 1
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Facial Hair For Women - Sims 3 Showtime: 3-18-2012
by Chaavik updated 19th Mar 2012 at 12:57am
Facial hair styles available for female Sims - teen, young adult/adult and elder. more...
57 65.1k 39
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Facial Hair For Women - Sims 3 Showtime: 3-18-2012
by Chaavik updated 19th Mar 2012 at 12:57am
Facial hair styles available for female Sims - teen, young adult/adult and elder. more...
57 65.1k 39
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About My Policy
I enjoy modding Sims 4 for my own pleasure and sometimes share what I did with others, granted that I ask for permission to modify their mods for my own use. When I'm not making my Sims miserable, I play World of Warcraft, Cyberpunk 2077 and EQ 2 (when I feel like it). I used to play text-based MUDs such as Achaea, Lusternia, Aetolia and Imperian. When I'm working, I work at Amazon. Don't ask me about free stuff or stuff we pack or sell at our warehouse because I don't know what we carry.
Other than playing games, I enjoy reading and watching movies. I don't have a lot of favorite movies, but I have a fun fact.
Fun fact: I enjoy all of the Tinkerbell movies. Don't diss the fairies.
Another fun fact: I also enjoy high octane movies like Fast and the Furious series. Anything that has to do with racing and shooting. I do like foreign movies and shows like Squid for example.
Favorite line from a movie: "Humor... It is a difficult concept."
Favorite answer my manager gave me when I asked her which department she liked the best: "I hate them all equally."
Other than playing games, I enjoy reading and watching movies. I don't have a lot of favorite movies, but I have a fun fact.
Fun fact: I enjoy all of the Tinkerbell movies. Don't diss the fairies.
Another fun fact: I also enjoy high octane movies like Fast and the Furious series. Anything that has to do with racing and shooting. I do like foreign movies and shows like Squid for example.
Favorite line from a movie: "Humor... It is a difficult concept."
Favorite answer my manager gave me when I asked her which department she liked the best: "I hate them all equally."