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im not taking request right now guys sorry :( i just have way to many of my own ideas to make that i don't have time for any extra ones :)
you are more than welcome to use my creations in pictures and movies, i love seeing people use my stuff :) and although i always appreciated credit i don't require it for this at all.
At the moment i don't make content for the sims 3, or 4.
if anyone would like to convert my textures to the sims 3, or 4, they are more than welcome to do so, i just ask for a little credit for the original textures. thank you :)
you are more than welcome to use my creations in pictures and movies, i love seeing people use my stuff :) and although i always appreciated credit i don't require it for this at all.
At the moment i don't make content for the sims 3, or 4.
if anyone would like to convert my textures to the sims 3, or 4, they are more than welcome to do so, i just ask for a little credit for the original textures. thank you :)