Riddles Galore :P
Post some of your favourite riddles here...
Hopefully this doesn't break any rules... :p A young boy and his father were out playing football when they were caught at the bottom of a giant pileup. Both were injured and rushed to the hospital. They were wheeled into separate operating rooms and two doctors prepped up to work on them, one doctor for each patient. The doctor operating on the father got started right away, but the doctor assigned to the young boy stared at him in surprise. "I canĀ“t operate on him!" the doctor exclaimed to the staff. "That child is my son!" How can that be? |
He has two fathers. *looks at Father suspiciusly*
nope... :p
His father came back in an after life (I don't actually believe in afterlifes but it's worth a try).
sorry. but no...
The doctor is his mother.
yep, hehe, now it's your turn...lol
Damn you MSB!!!
hahahhaa!! .................. I don't have a riddle
lol. well look one up... hehe
Ok.....that's not what you did, was it, Corrie?
Mountains will crumble and temples will fall, and no man can survive its endless call. What is it? |
ummm... i know this one... is it the wind or something...
No...but it's a simple answer like that.
oh well. i'll think of it, then reply tomorrow, im off to bed now... g'nite
ummm, is it Time?
Ding Ding Ding!!! Yep, it's Time, RiBlan! ... your turn...!
Michael is talking to Sue. They can see each other clearly. Michael is in the sunshine, while Sue is drapes in night. How is this possible?
they're on the moon?
Quote: Originally posted by RiBlan
They are having a video call on msn? lol |
Wow, good guess aeowyn22! You win! your turn! *chucks pointed plumbbob turn-marker at aeowyn22*
Quote: Originally posted by RiBlan
You serious? LOL That was kinda a joke answer, but hey! Now I need a riddle.. hmm Ok, A magician was boasting one day at how long he could hold his breath under water. His record was 6 minutes. A kid that was listening said, "that's nothing, I can stay under water for 10 minutes using no types of equipment or air pockets!" The magician told the kid if he could do that, he'd give him $10,000. The kid did it and won the money. Can you figure out how? |
ahaha i know this. the kid filled a glass of water and put it on top of his head... and held it there for 10 minutes...
I was googling riddles for like 20 mins to find one I thought no one would know Your turn :P |
A real easy one...
"A man works at a butchery, wears red gumboots, a white apron, A hair net and yellow gloves... What does he weigh?" |
Meat ;D
-No googling necessary;I'm very proud- Brad stared through the dirty soot-smeared window on the 22nd floor of the office tower. Overcome with depression he slid the window open and jumped through it. It was a sheer drop outside the building to the ground. Miraculously after he landed he was completely unhurt. Since there was nothing to cushion his fall or slow his descent, how could he have survived the fall? |
hahaha... good site that huh... he was a window cleaner, and he was sick of his job, so he opened the window and jumped through...
No Legs I Have to Dance, No Lungs I Have to Breathe, No Life I Have to Live or Die, and yet I do all 3. What am I??? |
Fire. :D
Water *wishes WWW hadn't nicked idea*
hehe... yep WWW your turn now... ;p
Corrie *looks at signature* How do you tolerate stupid qusetions?
oh man... rhetorical question... think about... what did you just ask???
a stupid question... |
I asked... how do you tolerate stupid questions? Btw, I love your avatar., so funny.
I wish I could spin then eat, spint then eat, spin then eat... (goes on forever).
hehe, you'd get fatter and fatter, then you'd getter dizzier and dizzier... hehe
... And sicker and sicker *curses motion sickness*
hehehe... :/ i always hated it... lol
L love! *high five*
Zombie Socks, I mean WWW is here!!! *Curses WWW for nitpicking at everything*
L love *high fives back*
*Listens to high fives* Ugh... sudden silence.
*gives lewjen a wedgie in retaliation*
WWw - what the hell was that for... o.O *remembers* Jese that hurt... you must be carefull in the future *Hides in corner*
*evil laughter*
What goes up and down at the same time yet you alway get where you're going? |
*finds courage* Take this WWW *Hits over the head with baseball bat*
Answer (Hopefuly) - a ball |
What Did I Say About Hitting Invalids?! *Falcon Punch*
Nope! |
*Puts finger in ear and continues hitting and then rubs sore body part after falcon punch*
The Sun!
The su- WTF Ri?
hmmm an elevator?
what? It goes up and down at the same time!
So was I right? (yes, i do like turtles ) |
a car? Because you know, it bounces.....
<=== Smiley say all
Air!!! (Please be right)
thermals? and airplane? Trees?
Trees? Okay, that's it! You've all lost your minds!
... Again. So, as lovely as all your guesses are, when do I get to give you the answer? As it were, I will give you A Hint Elevator got very, very close. |
You got it! Raps gets the next turn!
What 2 things can you never eat for breakfast?
Lunch and Dinner!
damn. your turn!
Awww! I was going to say turpentine! *is a sad panda*
*tosses sad panda a cookie.*
Ham cookie??
What is it the more you take the more you leave behind?
Yup Your turn
There is a dark street and a person is crossing it. Streetlights are out and a car comes without lights. It stops before knock the person down... WHY??
it was daylight?
YEP!! It was too easy??
nope i have heard that one before though... how about a brainteser this time... This one is really tough... the person that gets it will be the ultimate winner... haha anyway... here it is: It is said that engineers take 2 minutes to resolve this, architects 3 hours and doctors 6 hours, Supervisors/Managers 10 hours. If you guess which the 6th number is, you'll be able to open the excel file. Which is the 6th number? 1, 2, 6, 42, 1806, ___??? |
45577 *Random guess*
curse you and your smartness... aninyosaloh
lol how did you get it so fast... have you seen it before? |
No... but I'm good at this kind of problems...
Your turn Nina...
What thing hasn't been, but has to be and when it had been it will stop being?
Nope! :P
Nope! :P
or... the past! |
Nope!! :P
The future??
*stomps foot* Darnit, Lew! I was gunna say that! Phooie.
YES!! The future!! I'm sorry WWW
So close! *eye twitches*
And no more googling! Googling is CHEATING! And cheaters will have *thinks to self* Goombas shoved down their pants! Yes! |
and be forced to eat goomba cookies.
and ham cookies!!!! mmm... ham cookies...
Hamooba Cookies!
Why am I the same age as every single thing in the universe and so are you guys?
YOU ARE A GOOMBA!! no! wait... mmm... water??
stardust!!! Big Bang!!!!
Time is relative? :P
I'll give it to raps for that very good answer!!!
That makes no sense.
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