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Sterling_Archer 23rd Mar 2013 5:32 AM

A-Z Cities Game
Okay, this is very simple, you have to post the name of a City
according to the letters of the Alphabet, e.g. Albany, then the next poster has to reply Berlin and so on..

-You can only post real world city names nothing else.

-You can't use cities from City Journals and anything else which is not a city.

-Two post rule applies, please keep this rule in mind!
I don't want to get this game closed, because of breaking the rules!
-Please use only the English alphabet.
-Please avoid repeatings of the cities
-You can post a picture of the city, but it can't be bigger than
800 x 600 Pixels

Now have Fun!

Let's start:


squaretable 23rd Mar 2013 8:45 AM

Birmingham, UK
(Where's Albury?)

Deadly Spoon 23rd Mar 2013 3:21 PM

Chicago Illinois

SweetCat4444 23rd Mar 2013 8:31 PM

Denver, Colorado

destinychaser 24th Mar 2013 2:06 AM

Easton, Pennsylvania

Sterling_Archer 24th Mar 2013 11:22 AM


@squaretable; Albury is in Australia and I live there

squaretable 24th Mar 2013 12:32 PM

Guangzhou, China
Is Finley in Australia too?

Sterling_Archer 24th Mar 2013 2:21 PM

^ Yep. There is actually two Finley's in Australia.

Harrietville. It's the only place that starts with H, that I cant think of. It is also in Australia and it was burnt by the bushfires earlier this year

SweetCat4444 24th Mar 2013 6:24 PM

Indianapolis, Indiana

Deadly Spoon 24th Mar 2013 7:53 PM

Jackson, missisippi

Tanky 24th Mar 2013 7:57 PM

Kalamazoo, Michigan

squaretable 24th Mar 2013 8:10 PM

London, England

Deadly Spoon 24th Mar 2013 8:22 PM

Montgomery Alabama

squaretable 24th Mar 2013 9:17 PM

Northampton, Northamptonshire, England

Ferguson Avenue 24th Mar 2013 10:29 PM

Oxford, Oxfordshire, England.

destinychaser 24th Mar 2013 10:39 PM

Paris, France

Sterling_Archer 24th Mar 2013 10:53 PM

Quebec, Canada

Mordecai and Rigby 24th Mar 2013 11:11 PM

Reno, California

Sterling_Archer 24th Mar 2013 11:15 PM

Sydney, Australia

SweetCat4444 25th Mar 2013 12:36 AM

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Sterling_Archer 25th Mar 2013 1:11 AM

Urbandale, Iowa

squaretable 25th Mar 2013 5:02 PM

Vaudeville, Paris, Ille de France, France
(A town, but I don't care)

Or Vegas, Las, Arizona, USA

destinychaser 25th Mar 2013 6:27 PM

Washington, USA

SweetCat4444 25th Mar 2013 7:43 PM

Xiamen, China

Tanky 25th Mar 2013 8:34 PM

York, UK

Ferguson Avenue 25th Mar 2013 8:43 PM

Zurich, Switzerland.
What happens next?
Do we restart but use different cities which haven't been used before?

destinychaser 26th Mar 2013 12:09 AM

I guess so. Albuquerque, New Mexico (in the US)

Sterling_Archer 26th Mar 2013 2:07 AM

Boston, Massachusetts

squaretable 26th Mar 2013 7:24 AM

Corpus Christi, TX, US

Mordecai and Rigby 26th Mar 2013 8:03 AM

Death Valley, California

Sterling_Archer 26th Mar 2013 8:29 AM

Edinburgh, Scotland

squaretable 26th Mar 2013 8:58 AM

Frankfurt, Germany

Sterling_Archer 26th Mar 2013 9:41 AM

Glasgow, Scotland

destinychaser 26th Mar 2013 4:19 PM

Harrisburg, Pennsylvania

squaretable 26th Mar 2013 6:21 PM

Indianapolis, Indiana, America

Ferguson Avenue 26th Mar 2013 7:51 PM

Johannesburg, South Africa

squaretable 26th Mar 2013 8:58 PM

Kettering, England

Sterling_Archer 26th Mar 2013 10:16 PM

Launceston, Australia

Ferguson Avenue 26th Mar 2013 10:25 PM

Mumbai, Maharashtra, India

Sterling_Archer 26th Mar 2013 10:33 PM

Newcastle, Australia

squaretable 27th Mar 2013 7:40 AM

Oslo, Norway

Sterling_Archer 27th Mar 2013 10:31 AM


Ferguson Avenue 27th Mar 2013 5:10 PM

Quincy, Adams County, Illinois

Tanky 27th Mar 2013 5:40 PM

Reading, UK

Sterling_Archer 27th Mar 2013 10:40 PM

Surfer's Paradise, Queensland

destinychaser 27th Mar 2013 10:54 PM

Tampa, Florida

squaretable 27th Mar 2013 11:16 PM

Ulanbataar Mongolia

Sterling_Archer 27th Mar 2013 11:42 PM


squaretable 27th Mar 2013 11:48 PM

Weston Super Mare, England

Sterling_Archer 27th Mar 2013 11:56 PM

Xenia, Ohio

squaretable 28th Mar 2013 12:03 AM

Yokohama Japan

Sterling_Archer 28th Mar 2013 2:56 AM

Zagreb, Croatia

squaretable 28th Mar 2013 8:20 AM

Austin, Texas

Sterling_Archer 28th Mar 2013 1:02 PM

Baghdad, Iraq

Ferguson Avenue 28th Mar 2013 5:09 PM

Chelmsford, Essex, England

destinychaser 28th Mar 2013 5:11 PM

Denver, Colorado

Tanky 28th Mar 2013 11:44 PM


Sterling_Archer 28th Mar 2013 11:56 PM

Frankston, Australia

Tanky 28th Mar 2013 11:57 PM

Ipswich, UK

Sterling_Archer 29th Mar 2013 12:01 AM

^ Lol, we have a Ipswich in Australia too.

Jakarta, Indonesia

squaretable 29th Mar 2013 11:03 AM

Gary, Indiana, USA
Hertford, England

Kabul, Afghanistan

Sterling_Archer 29th Mar 2013 11:10 AM

Las Vegas

Tanky 29th Mar 2013 12:20 PM

Sorry about the alphabet fail up there. To make up for it I'll do 2
Manchester, UK
Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK

Sterling_Archer 29th Mar 2013 12:36 PM

Okinawa, Japan

destinychaser 29th Mar 2013 4:59 PM

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Sterling_Archer 29th Mar 2013 11:21 PM

Queenstown, South Africa

Ylana 30th Mar 2013 12:20 AM

Rab, Croatia.

Sterling_Archer 30th Mar 2013 1:29 AM

Salt Lake City, Utah

squaretable 30th Mar 2013 9:33 AM

Turin Italy

Sterling_Archer 30th Mar 2013 9:49 AM

Ujung Pandang, Indonesia

squaretable 30th Mar 2013 11:06 AM

Verona, Italy

Sterling_Archer 30th Mar 2013 12:02 PM

Wagga Wagga, Australia

Ylana 30th Mar 2013 1:22 PM

Xin Hui, China

squaretable 30th Mar 2013 2:06 PM

Yamaguchi Japan

destinychaser 30th Mar 2013 5:20 PM

Zagora, Morocco (I admit I googled that one)

Sterling_Archer 30th Mar 2013 11:37 PM

Adelong, Australia

Vampire_aninyosaloh 31st Mar 2013 4:36 AM

Barcelona, Spain

Sterling_Archer 31st Mar 2013 6:45 AM

Culcairn, Australia

Mordecai and Rigby 31st Mar 2013 8:41 AM

Dover, Delaware

Sterling_Archer 31st Mar 2013 8:47 AM

Echuca, Australia

Mordecai and Rigby 31st Mar 2013 8:52 PM

Flagstaff, AZ

Tanky 31st Mar 2013 11:11 PM

Glasgow, UK

Deadly Spoon 1st Apr 2013 12:52 AM

Hartford, Connecticut

SweetCat4444 1st Apr 2013 1:19 AM

Inagua, Bahamas

Deadly Spoon 1st Apr 2013 1:20 AM

Jamestown, Virginia

Mordecai and Rigby 1st Apr 2013 4:29 AM

Kona, Hawaii

Sterling_Archer 1st Apr 2013 9:46 AM

London, England

squaretable 1st Apr 2013 11:55 AM

Marseilles France

Sterling_Archer 1st Apr 2013 12:20 PM

Newcastle, Australia

squaretable 2nd Apr 2013 1:12 AM

Orleans, France

Palma de Mallorca, Spain

Sterling_Archer 2nd Apr 2013 1:33 AM

Qingdao, China

Mordecai and Rigby 2nd Apr 2013 4:33 AM

Rome, Italy (someone probably already said this but whatever)

Sterling_Archer 2nd Apr 2013 6:22 AM

Summer Bay, Australia (It's from the TV show Home and Away, but it is a real place)

squaretable 2nd Apr 2013 9:16 AM

Toledo, Spain

Sterling_Archer 3rd Apr 2013 12:05 AM

Upper Mudgeeraba, Australia

squaretable 3rd Apr 2013 12:14 AM

Valladolid spain

Sterling_Archer 3rd Apr 2013 12:35 AM

Wangaratta, Australia

squaretable 3rd Apr 2013 10:06 AM

Xian, china

Ferguson Avenue 3rd Apr 2013 12:56 PM

Yerba Buena, California, U.S.A. Or San Francisco as it's now more commonly known

Tanky 3rd Apr 2013 7:08 PM

Zhoushan, China

All times are GMT +1. The time now is 9:59 AM.
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