I believe I hate brisbane though. I'd much rather live in Melbourne or something.
I believe I would rather live anywhere but here (Perth).
I believe I've never been to Perth, but I was told it was much better than brisbane...
I believe whoever told you that is crazy! :P
I believe it can't be that bad? :P
I believe your mind will change if you ever visit! It's dead seriously - nothing to do but eat and sleep! xD
I beliee I used to live in a place like that, it was awful.
I believe I'll just take your word for it and stay here. |
I believe your making a wise move. :D
I believe I will still hopefully move overseas when I'm older. :P |
I believe I will move somewhere that snows and that is cold 24/7. I'm maybe thinking Alaska?
I believe i'll never move. Probably. Good old ****'. or, er not. i think Melbourne might be where i end up.
I believe i've scrapped the hermit idea by the way. the one at the moment is ranting to everyone. |
I believe more people should sign my MTS yearbook :K
I believe i havn't looked at my yearbook for a month or so, and i'm pretty sure no one has signed it.
I believe Calline called me awesome on my yearbook.
I believe I signed Calline's Yearbook first. I believe this movie i'm watching is actually pretty good. |
I believe I should probably sign more people's yearbooks.
I believe I always forget too, and the yearbook hype has worn off now. I also believe I deleted the picture and forgot to put a new one up. :P
i believe i have college tomoz
I believe I am sick
I believe I got back last night I believe my power cord comes Thursday |
I believe that I got my stereo to work
I believe that I am now BLASTING it I believe that I keep on hearing the phone ring when it's not, and when it is I never hear it . . . |
I believe .... I'm a little annoyed
I believe I have to go now.
I believe everyone is ditching me today. :P
I believe i was actually stupid enough to put the carp-as story i wrote on my blog...
I believe you should really have more confidence in yourself Becca.
I believe whatever.
I believe I amcleaning my desk, finally.
I believe I'm listening to music
I believe my desk is filthy I believe that I have a terrible headache I believe I am inpatient I believe I have a new sig I believe I will change the new sig soon |
I believe I like Alicia's new siggy. :D
I believe I changed it
I believe i like the new new siggy Alicia
I believe I'm going to learn how to sew properly.
I believe I do know how
I believe thx, Brendon I believe now I need a new avvie |
I believe I know how to sew, but I want to learn how to design and create my own clothes.
I believe nothing
I believe I suck at sewing. :P
I believe I made myself a skirt when I was 8, but all knowledge of clothes-making has fallen out of the side of my head now >.<
I believe that sucks
I believe I have my new avvie I believe I never saw 300 |
I believe 300 used to be my favouritest movie ever. Not any longer mind you. :P
I believe that I need to finish my drawing that I started at 12am last night.
I believe I kinda want to see it
I believe you should, it's pretty good.
I believe it's like my brother's favourite movie. :P
I believe I changed my favourite movie after seeing Avatar. :P
I believe Avatar replaced Sweeny Todd as my favourite movie (which replaced 300) :P |
I believe I <3 Avatar as well..... it's an awesome movie :D
I believe it is indeed.
I believe I want to go see it again soon. :D |
I believe I don't want to see avatar
I believe I hate sci fi I believe harry potter ftw! |
I believe that one day I'll visit Pandora and become one of the Na'vi! xD
I believe you'll have to take me with you.
oh and believe I hate SciFi too but I really liked this movie! It's REALLY good. :P |
I believe I will not watch it
I believe you should go watch your Harry Potter movies then. :P
I believe eh, your loss. :P
Dazzleaf. haha |
I believe Harry Potter is awesomesauce with awesomeness added
I believe i'm sorry, it just beats harry potter in a landslide. :P
I believe i havn't ever watched the harry potter moives anyway, i jsut said someithing.
I believe Harry is in great danger! (When isn't he?) :P
I believe
I believe something about someone
I believe I dunno.... :P
I believe brendon loved his christmas present from me (dun tell anyone, Brendon)
I believe I did indeed!
Quote: Originally posted by Beccapixie10
IU believe I wish to know I believe I believe I believe rule 89 of the internet |
I believe I don't know what rule 89 of the internet is...
I believe I want to know what rule 89 of the internet is. :P |
I believe i want to know all rules of the internet! *googles*
I believe *whispers something about someone* |
I believe the internet shouldn't have rules. :P
I believe that Windows 7 isn't all that better than Vista.
I believe rule 89 of the internet: Rule 96 is false
I believe rule 96: Rule 89 is true |
I believe where are the rules of the internet?
I believe Vista and Windows 7 are pretty much the same, but Windows 7 looks better than Vista. Also, I never had any problems with Vista so eh..
I believe I'm confuddled by Alicia's post. :P |
@Becca: I believe My friend made some up and gave them random numbers
@Brendon: I believe that's the intention I believe rule 35 is very disturbing |
I believe what is it?
I believe I will spare you that knowledge
I believe okay
I believe that this list made me giggle:
1. pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis 2. supercalifragilisticexpialidocious 3. pseudopseudohypoparathyroidism 4. floccinaucinihilipilification 4. triethylsulphonemethylmethane 5. antidisestablishmentarianism 5. octamethylcyclotetrasiloxane 5. tetrachlorodibenzoparadioxin 6. hepaticocholangiogastronomy 7. radioimmunoelectrophoresis 7. radiommunoelectrophoretic . . . because I can say ALL of those words! |
I believe *stares at MJ*
I believe that's INSANE. |
I believe the first one is a bacteria found in volcanoes, isn't it MJ?
I believe I can say them all too
I believe what's insane ri? |
I believe I can only say 2 of those. XD
I believe i'm not trying to say them.
I believe that tomorrow I will prove my claim by posting a video of me saying those words.
I believe that spending time teaching yourself to say those words is somewhat pointless =/
I believe i agree somewhat, PixCii. But anyways.
I believe i was nearly forced into getting in the pool. I have a good excuse though, I'm waiting for a call from 'Brad The Tech Guy That Will Fix My Computer Magically' as my Dad calls him. I believe he won't be able to fix it i doubt, seeing as he isn't here to put a new wireless receiver thingamajig in it. |
I believe I'm watching a really strange movie.
I believe i just realised since the divides dissapeared, the story makes no sense on my blog.
I believe i made the stupidest grammar error ever in it, i just noticed. |
I believe that HA. I did it. The 8 longest words have been CONQUERED!!!! *muahahaha*
http://img138.imageshack.us/img138/579/002.mp4 |
I belive that the link doesn't work
I believe that yes it does too, it's just that our server is a piece of crap and the vid only works in Canada, so I'm probably just going to load it to Youtube.
I believe I just watched MJ's video.
I believe I need more tea, but I can't be bothered to get it. I believe my daaaaaad is at the hospital again -.- |
I believe it now works. *is confused*
I believe that I will have to wait till tomorrow to watch it because I have to go really soon. |
I believe that I found out - on tape - that I am the proud owner of a Radeon 7000. Go me.
EDIT: I just googled it and the reason it's not in the computer is actually a good reason: this is a very cheap card. Damn you, Future Shop and your 2001 sales techniques! |
I believe that Canadians DO have a slightly different accent than Americans.
I believe that they pronounce, "about" and "out" like "aboot" and "oot". I believe I noticed it while watching Degrassi. I believe I love Degrassi. I believe that they showed that damn episode that always makes me mad. I believe it's the episode with all the super annoying religious people who say condoms make people have sex, and then that one dude calls Marco a fag and says he'll go to hell. I believe it makes me SOOOO mad. |
I believe i am a bit mad, very annoyed and also completely utterly bored
Why, I do believe that my laptop cord came today :D
Quote: Originally posted by supaclova
Erm, well I sure don't. I have an overbite, so I actually pronounce 'about' as 'abou' and 'out' as 'ou'. I cut off my t's, nothing I can do 'aboot' it. |
I believe my internet is effing up -.-
I believe that I'm glad I managed to get something sorted on the web before it started effing up. I believe I looooove cheese on toast. Nom. |
I believe i am re-reading all the harry potter series
I believe I've spent 3 hours installing all my ts3 stuff and it didn't work. Guess who's staying up past bedtime to figure out wth is going on?
I believe I am an addict.
An oatmeal addict. |
I believe I am a recovering sims addict
I believe guess who getting back their addiction? |
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