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hillaryhwv 19th Jun 2010 9:48 AM

found out i'm preggy with my 2nd kid!

lethifold 19th Jun 2010 9:51 AM


Geah 19th Jun 2010 11:17 AM


fthomas 19th Jun 2010 2:03 PM

Congrats Hillary!
I wish you the best of luck!

Ice skating was amazing, my spins and jumps are so much better than before.
Yayay xD

Calline 19th Jun 2010 2:06 PM

Congratulations Hillary! Are you hoping for a boy or a girl?

My dad and I drove all around Cairo trying to find the laptop I want, since my mum's at our beach house and isn't here to nag the living hell out of me. We found out that it'll be available 2 days after my last exam, what a great start to my summer! <3

hillaryhwv 19th Jun 2010 4:19 PM

thanks everyone! <3

I'd like to have another girl, but my husband is hoping for a boy of course... either way I'll be happy. Won't find out for awhile though since I'm only around 9 weeks.

Beccapixie10 20th Jun 2010 1:07 AM

Congrats Hillary!

Getting my second lot accepted here has already made my day today. (:

Metatwaddle 20th Jun 2010 8:57 AM

Toy Story 3 is excellent.

lethifold 21st Jun 2010 9:53 AM

I ran into Julian today. Fuuuuck, he's hot. If you remember me talking about a guy in a waistcoat, then yeah, that's Julian.

And Milly's reaction was priceless:

Milly: WHY HAVE YOU NOT FUCKED HIM YET?! He'! There's no other word! H-O-T! And he wouldn't stop looking at you. HOT!

minus. 21st Jun 2010 11:33 AM

I'm back hooome! Sure, I had a great great great time in the last ten days, but it was nice to sleep in my own bed for once.

Calline 21st Jun 2010 7:13 PM

^ Welcome back! Hope you had fun in Italy :D

My eyebrows made my day. I've been growing them out and those 4 weeks of ugliness were well worth the result. I got them done today by my favourite lady and she says it's still a while til they go back to being perfect, but they'll be back. YAY!

PharaohHound 22nd Jun 2010 3:20 AM

Conversation I had with my brother while watching the opening credits from The Hunt for Red October.

Me: Alec Baldwin. Didn't he play that old guy in Star Wars?
Andrew: *sputters incoherently for half a second* What?!
Me: Oh, or was that, uh, what's-his-name. Alec Guinness?
Andrew: The last time Alec Guinness looked that young was in, like, the 40's!!
Me: Well, how am I supposed to know when they shot this?
Andrew: Look, see there's the woman from Star Trek: TNG! And besides, look, fluorescent lights!!

cupcake12winx 22nd Jun 2010 3:33 AM

My Avatar dream made my day until it got weird... nothing's happened today.

lethifold 22nd Jun 2010 3:39 AM

Exams = Over! 4 weeks of holidays begin nowwww!

spotlight-shure 22nd Jun 2010 6:11 AM

Good friends, good music, and going green. :P

Geah 22nd Jun 2010 10:01 AM

Technically it made my day yesterday, but seeing as I didn't have my notebook with me ...

I went to my first Zumba class last night, holy moly is it fun! AbsoFabso workout and majorly intense! .. I R proud of myself for not stopping at all in the whole hour session after being warned by my friend that I'd get tired like her and probably have to sit out for 5 minutes at some stage. Pah! i tell you! :P

Rabid 22nd Jun 2010 3:20 PM

This t-shirt. References to classic literature + sexual humor = comedic gold.

Metatwaddle 23rd Jun 2010 10:09 AM

I was looking up an anthology that I was thinking of buying on Amazon. Turns out that a friend of my family contributed an essay to it, and multiple reviewers said it was one of the highlights of the book. She is truly awesome, and the world needs more atheist women philosophers like her. My school's philosophy department would be a nice start.

Rabid 23rd Jun 2010 11:34 PM

Someone I go to school with labeled their religious affiliation on Facebook as the following: "Christian, so get over it you athiests." Say whatever you want about we atheists, but if you're going to get nasty, at least learn to spell the word right .

Dreamydre 23rd Jun 2010 11:52 PM

I can't get over the fact that I had a Great Great Great Grandfather that was a black guy 0____0

lethifold 24th Jun 2010 1:37 AM


Ahhh, this is so fucking amazing!

DollyRot 24th Jun 2010 2:27 AM

so jealous you are in Canberra right now and I am stuck in the social wasteland of W.A!


lethifold 24th Jun 2010 3:54 AM

^Just after the announcement was made my friend called up, so I picked up and said "hello" and she just screamed at me. She's a huge fan of Julia Gillard. Yay for having politically interested chums!

Dreamydre 24th Jun 2010 8:06 AM


cupcake12winx 24th Jun 2010 8:29 AM


Beccapixie10 24th Jun 2010 8:34 AM


Calline 24th Jun 2010 5:07 PM


Oh and, I got a prize for attainment (... can someone please fill me in on what that means? xD)

fthomas 24th Jun 2010 5:52 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Dreamydre

Thanks for showing me that Izzy :]

DigitalSympathies 24th Jun 2010 9:35 PM

Quote: Originally posted by PixCii

Ahhh, this is so fucking amazing!

I should know these things T.T Good for her!

What made my day is that Jenna got a new puppy yesterday named Wilbur! :3

Dreamydre 24th Jun 2010 11:54 PM

I walk into my sister's room to find her trying to fit into my dog's pink harness. Her face awkwardly turns bright red as her arms stick out the head hole. She apologizes for being such a weirdo and then resorts to laughing as I walk out of her room and back to my laptop sitting on the living room sofa, it doesn't humor me, the fact that she's my little sister is enough of an explanation to explain her weirdness.

cupcake12winx 25th Jun 2010 10:35 AM Such a sad song, but its meaning is amazing, and the song itself is just amazing.

Dreamydre 26th Jun 2010 1:17 AM

Going on SUMMA VACATION ;-D ! !

PharaohHound 26th Jun 2010 2:17 AM

Apparently a border services guard tried to recruit my pet dog to be a drug sniffer while he was at the park with my dad.

DigitalSympathies 26th Jun 2010 4:58 AM

^ O.O

I can actually stare off into space. That's my happy time today :3

cupcake12winx 26th Jun 2010 12:06 PM

I love Within Temptation.

...And purple.

lethifold 26th Jun 2010 12:22 PM

Being home alone is the shit.

DollyRot 26th Jun 2010 2:00 PM

I can finally play Ambitions now that I have located the corrupting file!

fthomas 26th Jun 2010 3:47 PM

I passed my Ice Skating assesment!

candiiee 26th Jun 2010 9:30 PM

^ Congrats!

I found out that Paranormal Activity is a fictional film. Some moron told me it was real. Or maybe I just interpreted it wrong, whatever. Still, I can sleep with the lights off now.

...Oh, I'm so gullible. XD

kustirider2 26th Jun 2010 9:41 PM

^ ! I don't blame you though, It was filmed in a style where it looked like it was real!

My dad gave me £30 because he feels sorry for me, because I'm always sick. I also bought Bioshock 1+2 for PC, and they were only £6 together!! Score :D

lethifold 27th Jun 2010 3:25 AM

Katie Noonan. What an incredible voice.

cupcake12winx 27th Jun 2010 4:16 AM

Oh my God, I love being right.

Calline 27th Jun 2010 4:15 PM

My new laptop! :D

PharaohHound 27th Jun 2010 8:28 PM

Just watched the Doctor Who episode Vincent and the Doctor. Wow.

lethifold 28th Jun 2010 1:58 AM


I like that girl.

minus. 28th Jun 2010 2:35 PM

It was technically yesterday, but concert with my girls.

fthomas 28th Jun 2010 8:02 PM

Quote: Originally posted by candiiee
^ Congrats!

Awwh, thank you <33.

Quote: Originally posted by candiiee
I found out that Paranormal Activity is a fictional film.

Yeah, I thought it was real too, but its just loosely based on real stories. I can't take the film seriously though..its too funny. I weird

Anyways, my day was made by just general stuff. But, the sun was waaay too hot D:

DollyRot 29th Jun 2010 5:00 AM lolz

cupcake12winx 29th Jun 2010 5:30 AM

Something new FINALLY being released on a game I play.

lethifold 29th Jun 2010 7:07 AM

I got pretty ace grades. They tell us that getting B's is really hard, so gettin A's and B's only on my report is sick.

el_flel 29th Jun 2010 8:27 AM

The heat has finally stopped. I've never been so pleased to wake up to rain!

Geah 29th Jun 2010 8:27 AM

Italics = me
My step dad just came running through the lounge cause he'd forgotten about the sausages in the pan ...

*quietly*"All right in there?"
"Just asking the sausages if they're alright -
Shut up you"
"Abuse of the Elders and Betters"
"Shutting up now..."
"Oh doubting the 'betters' part are we?" had to be there. We have the oddest conversations :P

spotlight-shure 29th Jun 2010 9:36 AM


PharaohHound 29th Jun 2010 1:55 PM

CS5! CS5! *does happy dance*

lol, the theatre director who procured it for me posted "The PACKAGE arrived today. Will get it to you asap". Ahaha, sounds like something out of a spy movie.

Geah 30th Jun 2010 10:28 AM

My lovely, amazing, wonderful boyfriend telling me I'm beautiful ... That boosts a girl's confidence so much

lethifold 30th Jun 2010 10:40 AM

My gorgeous little cat. She burrowed beneath my blankets this morning when I was asleep and fell asleep like that, using my arm as a pillow. It was so lovely.

cupcake12winx 30th Jun 2010 11:07 AM

^ Awwww. This. It's so freakishly related to a book I've read that it scares me.

EDIT: Indian, Russian and English accents. <3

Phoeberg 30th Jun 2010 3:21 PM

Me: Your room really needs a clean before Tom gets here.
Pete: No it doesn't, it's fine.
Me: It's disgusting. Could you at least hoover?
Pete: Look, the world's probably going to end in 2012, little miss neat freak, and then you'll be sorry you spent all your time cleaning, won't you?

lethifold 30th Jun 2010 4:03 PM Because you ARE beautiful.

fthomas 30th Jun 2010 7:41 PM

Aww, thats lovely Sophie :3 <3.
Tennis match tonight was good fun, won 1, lost 2, but it was still amazing :]

KyleTheArtist 1st Jul 2010 6:05 AM

It's my birthday I'm officially 19.

Geah 1st Jul 2010 7:11 AM

Happy Birthday!!

"Get more bang for your buck - 0508 MufMan" Um, Hmm.. This is an online ad for some guy who does mufflers and custom car work

Dreamydre 1st Jul 2010 7:19 AM

I love Virginia Beach <3333333333 We were in the car at a stoplight and my speakers were booming "Somebody to Love" by Justin Bieber, and we were like all in the car singing as loud as we could, and then these people in the car next to us started singing a long with us.

Quote: Originally posted by KyleTheArtist
It's my birthday I'm officially 19.


cupcake12winx 1st Jul 2010 8:13 AM

Happy birthday!!!

lethifold 1st Jul 2010 8:39 AM

Happy birthday, Kyle!

What made my day was my father.

In the newspaper, there was a huge poster for Eclipse. He saved it for me and left a note beside it saying "Look at this!! You can put it on your ceiling and they can watch you while you sleep!" When he came home I had drawn all over it and he goes "Ah, excellent. I've trained you well." and walks out of the room.

PharaohHound 1st Jul 2010 2:37 PM

Happy Canada Day!! :D

Going to see Toy Story 3 later with friends.

fthomas 1st Jul 2010 5:55 PM

I have been promoted :3.
I'm now a 'Top Secret Researcher' xD

Zela 1st Jul 2010 7:33 PM

Be able to say to you lovely ladies, 'Hey!'. And knowing Eastenders will be on later.

fthomas 1st Jul 2010 7:40 PM

You watch eastenders? SAME.
Omg. Did you watch last night's?
Leon nearly puked when he saw the foot :L

Elena Swan 1st Jul 2010 7:54 PM

I was preparing my luggage, tomorrow I will be in Germany!! ^^

Dreamydre 1st Jul 2010 9:40 PM

Last few days in Virginia and then back in California, gotta make some more plans before this Summer Break ends!! Life is just too short to not explore the world and to have a happy life, and I still wanna go to like Australia or New Zealand. I think I've talked my parents into it

Beccapixie10 2nd Jul 2010 3:26 AM

Got my end-of-semester-1 report. A+ in everything except music, which I got an A for. I even somehow got an A+ in P.E. O_o

minus. 2nd Jul 2010 11:05 AM

The Tour de France, finally. I may be a huge nerd for watching it, I couldn't care less. :D

cupcake12winx 2nd Jul 2010 11:40 AM

Today was just, in general, a very good day.

fthomas 2nd Jul 2010 7:45 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Elena Swan
I was preparing my luggage, tomorrow I will be in Germany!! ^^

Have fun! xD

Rabid 2nd Jul 2010 10:31 PM

Buying a $50 bra that was on sale for $20 and having a great hair day. I am easy to please .

lethifold 3rd Jul 2010 8:03 AM

My mother is amazing. She's taking me on a surprise shopping trip in Sydney next weekend <3

Beccapixie10 3rd Jul 2010 11:09 AM

Spent the day in Melbourne. <3

Dreamydre 4th Jul 2010 8:00 AM

My mom has officially made my entire life!!! I wrote on a piece of paper "Alpha Kenny Body" and told her to say it fast, and she's saying it all fast and still doesn't get it. And then she's like "Adrienne, go away from me you're annoying, I'm trying to read my book, ALPHA KENNY BODY" LMFAO!!! And her Irish accent just makes it even funnier, we're all in here laughing our asses off and she doesn't even realize what she's saying. :p

cupcake12winx 4th Jul 2010 11:25 AM

^ I think that just made my day. XDDDD

Beccapixie10 4th Jul 2010 11:28 AM

Overall it was just a good day. (:

Rabid 5th Jul 2010 4:12 AM

My brother and my brother-in-law dozed off after our barbecue, so my sister woke them with an air horn . I've never seen someone move so fast.

candiiee 5th Jul 2010 7:17 PM

I took the French exam I missed on Friday, and I'm fairly sure I did OK.

thedivineone 5th Jul 2010 7:19 PM

Slept well, picked out a living room furniture set and rugs, downtown isn't as scary in the morning ya know

Dreamydre 5th Jul 2010 11:07 PM

I call my friend Julia to see what she's doing

Me: Hey bitch, what are you getting into today?
Julia: Riding around Ventura Boulevard, wanna come?
Me: Riding around Ventura doing what exactly?
Julia: I'm stalking for celebrities, I have a whole list made out of celebrities that I want to meet, and I am going to stalk every single one of them. Yep, so what are you doing?

Zinthos 5th Jul 2010 11:51 PM

Just about the most epic win thing I've ever seen ever.

Dreamydre 6th Jul 2010 1:24 AM

I'm under the weather and has really been having a crappy day; my boyfriend and I got into an argument four days ago, and haven't talked since then, well we did talk once, but really it was just another argument. So imagine how I feel when my mom gives me this package from the mail and it's the Grey's Anatomy Season 1-6 DVD box set, and after aimlessly scrounging around trying to figure out who bought it, I call him and turns out he bought it and had it sent to my address

kustirider2 6th Jul 2010 1:50 AM

I get to go college tomorrrooow Only for an introduction, but I really like it there :D

cupcake12winx 6th Jul 2010 11:41 AM

Today didn't go by nearly as fast as the past few days have.

Beccapixie10 6th Jul 2010 12:25 PM

A friend of mine finally talked a lot on a Skype call. :3
We have awesome conversations. ^_^

Dreamydre 7th Jul 2010 9:30 PM

Dear Los Angeles,

I Love You :-)


Adrienne <3

Rabid 8th Jul 2010 1:12 AM

All of my friends seem to be at camp/at sports practice/in a foreign country, so I was wallowing in my loneliness this afternoon when a friend that I thought was at camp called me up to splatter paint with her. I was delighted.

lethifold 8th Jul 2010 1:46 AM

Sydneyyyyy tomorrow <3 My mother best have her credit card ready :P

Jeniveve 8th Jul 2010 2:52 AM

Free twisters galore at school today. Om nom nom.
End of.

DollyRot 8th Jul 2010 2:51 PM


minus. 8th Jul 2010 3:30 PM

This commercial is made of win.

Dreamydre 8th Jul 2010 11:07 PM

In Laguna Beach, the men are hotter and the chicks are tanner... I said tanner not baked, they're not Orange lol.

Phoeberg 9th Jul 2010 1:31 PM

I made some crazy plans with my best friend. We are so weird.

Rabid 9th Jul 2010 10:41 PM

Being told by my brother that I looked "classy." Anyone here with a brother knows how hard it is for him to say that you like kinda-sorta nice-ish, so classy was a rare compliment.

cupcake12winx 10th Jul 2010 12:32 AM

I now know what a computer screaming sounds like. 2:00

Don't blame me if it kills your ears, I warned you.

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