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PharaohHound 10th Apr 2010 10:06 PM

Not sure it actually irks me, but I think it's kinda stupid.

I have at least five passwords for my various accounts on websites, and I choose which to use depending on how secure I want my account to be (e.g. my photobucket account which I never use has my least secure password, and my paid Flickr account has my most secure password.) And I can remember them all.

Raindrops757 10th Apr 2010 11:27 PM

You must have a really good memory I don't do that because I'm kind of forgetful, so I would just sit there like...o.o "Oh no! I've forgotten which one!"

When I'm cooking in the kitchen, I don't like too many other people in there with me, or else I get really flustered and start being klutzy.

Wartooth 11th Apr 2010 1:03 AM

Nope, I don't do the "cooking" unless it's the "instant noodles style cooking".

When I look at an avatar, I instantly think that's what the person looks like (if it's of a person) or it's like their favorite favorite favorite thing ever.

xhyleh 11th Apr 2010 3:44 AM

Same here.

I hate locking eyes with people, because whenever I do, I start a staring contest with them, which I always lose.

supaclova 11th Apr 2010 3:43 AM

Nope. I hate locking eyes with people only because it's awkward.

When I can't convince someone that I'm right, I get so angry and frustrated that I just wanna scream.

Wartooth 11th Apr 2010 5:21 AM

OMG. Yes.

When I feel happy, I feel tempted to tell people, "Guess what? I'm HAPPY!"

Ebonova 11th Apr 2010 6:33 AM

Not really. But I tell people to 'not mind me, I'm just being odd' a lot :D

Admitting that something I did was wrong. Hate it.

PharaohHound 11th Apr 2010 2:46 PM

It depends. Most of the time I'm fine with it, but if it's a point of contention between my brother and me I really hate it.

I can remember the names of most of the bones of the skull, but I can never remember what to call the humerus. I always want to call it the ulna, for some weird reason.

Wartooth 11th Apr 2010 4:01 PM

No... skeletons freak me out for some odd reason so I tend to avoid them. Especially those open, void, blacker than the blackest black eye sockets where eyeballs once were... staring... at me... I took classes for human body a while ago, like three years ago, and can't remember anything now.

When I'm on vacation, I lose track of what day of the week it is, and it all kind of mushes up into "my vacation".

minus. 11th Apr 2010 4:02 PM


When I'm writing something, an e-mail for example, I tend to stare at the blank screen for like half an hour, but after I manage to crank out the first sentence, the rest goes smoothly.

candiiee 11th Apr 2010 4:59 PM

Sometimes, depends on the email.

I bite my nails a lot without even thinking about it, and I've never been able to stop. Don't know why.

Ebonova 11th Apr 2010 5:22 PM

No, I don't bite my nails.

I have the best ideas but end up forgetting them

Wartooth 11th Apr 2010 5:30 PM

You changed your avvie! Good job! :D

Yes, I do.

I always remember quotes from movies I've watched if they were really good.

Ebonova 11th Apr 2010 5:30 PM

Er... not sure if that's really a quirk, but yeah! Photographic (or tape recorder, whatever) memory here!

People who try to whistle but end up making a whooshy noise. It annoys me SO much when they try to whistle all the time. Same goes with people who whistle EVERYTHING they hear.

HEAVEN-SENT 11th Apr 2010 5:31 PM


i can listen to a song once and know all the lyrics and who its by and where it places in the charts and when it was realesed

jewaukeela 12th Apr 2010 3:43 AM

Not at all, that's so cool!

I hate it when people switch songs in the middle and if I start a song and it goes more than a few seconds I have to listen all the way through or turn off the music and wait a few minutes, I can't just switch.

supaclova 12th Apr 2010 3:47 AM


I can't just let songs switch by themselves. When a song reaches the end, I pause it, find a new song, then unpause.

jewaukeela 12th Apr 2010 3:51 AM

Not really, I actually prefer to just let it play, but I usually play on shuffle so it switches for me.

I usually play on shuffle so it switches for me.

HEAVEN-SENT 12th Apr 2010 10:27 AM

yeah (but them i end up switches songs anyway)

if i am in a weird mood i listen to only one artist,all the time that i am in the weird mood

PharaohHound 12th Apr 2010 1:33 PM

No, I listen to loads of artists.

I can push my thumb down so the tip touches the inside of my arm. I've been told by my physio I'm "hyperflexible". I do it just to freak people out xD

HEAVEN-SENT 12th Apr 2010 2:24 PM

yeah i can do that (i am hyperflexible and double jointed and have hypermobilate)

i can do the spilts to the side and to the front

jewaukeela 12th Apr 2010 11:26 PM

No way in hell, im super inflexible.

I get really worked up about nerdy things (mythology mistakes in Percy Jackson, for example)

PharaohHound 13th Apr 2010 12:14 AM

Yes! I can't actually think of any examples atm, but I know I do.

I have no trouble deciding what I don't want to do, but actually figuring out something I want to do is, ahem, challenging.

Rabid 15th May 2010 12:56 AM

Not really. However, I often have a really hard time deciding where I want to eat. I don't really get cravings, so I'm never sure what sounds good to me. When I'm going to eat with someone, I often tell them to pick the place, because I'll be sitting around contemplating it forever if I get to pick.

One of my pet peeves: people who don't cover their mouth when they yawn. I don't really know why; I just think it's impolite.

NightlyEMP 15th May 2010 4:49 AM

I agree. Anyone over the age of 5 should know to cover their mouths. If I wanted to see your tonsils, I'd ask.

I have to plan out everything I do ahead of time (usually the night before when I'm drifting off to sleep). I don't mean planning as in "I plan on going to the store tomorrow", I mean it as "Tomorrow I'm gonna get up, put this on, with these undergarments and these socks, leave at this time, take these roads and go to this store and park in this section."

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