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Florentzina 21st Dec 2024 3:38 AM

Quote: Originally posted by LadySmoks
Being a CC horder, I never really tried this, but perhaps you could have CC era folders to drop in and remove, according to what era your Sims are living in? This site has some good stuff, including a pee bush and an all in one that's a tree.

Well, I never will be a CC horder so I only download the absolute minimum.

But I´ll check out the website as some stuff from game is a bit weird looking with era, like metal showers and deleted the landmarks. A big airport decoration during 400-100BC doesnt make sense. .

I also restarting the world because I went overboard and got too many sims to deal with after week 6.

Elynda 21st Dec 2024 5:48 AM

Originally posted by LadySmoks:
Being a CC horder, I never really tried this, but perhaps you could have CC era folders to drop in and remove, according to what era your Sims are living in? This site has some good stuff, including a pee bush and an all in one that's a tree.

I do something similar to that, although I have most of my cc installed using CCMagic. I try to have everything sorted into separate folders, especially all the medieval and Victorian clothing I use for story telling. Many of those items are set for random, so I try to remember to disable those folders when not playing my story saves, otherwise I get a lot of bizarrely dressed NPCs showing up. Some sims have some very odd ideas when it comes to mixing tops with bottoms.

Florentzina 21st Dec 2024 7:24 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Elynda
Originally posted by LadySmoks:
otherwise I get a lot of bizarrely dressed NPCs showing up. Some sims have some very odd ideas when it comes to mixing tops with bottoms.

I solve outfit clashes by using master controller and transfer the playable sims outfits manually to npcs. Usually I have a few sims with very basic clothing of the world theme and give the NPC that.

I also play on short lifesspan so all my sims typcially has same underwear, pjs, formal wear etc unless they are a very different lifestyle. Like medieval i wouldnt give the royalty peasant clothings

Florentzina 21st Dec 2024 10:07 PM

New CC
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Sorry for double post. Download some CC and now my pre-historic world is much better. Found some stuff on a site called around the world for cavemen cc.

Hided the mailbox and trash can behind the rocks. Im not a good builder and a bit lazy with build cheat. They wont live their for long.

Started over but aged up the 2nd generation to teenagers because that stage were tedius.

The couple in the image attachment is 2nd generation. Stone age will last until his grandchildren become teens. (Tot is suppose to be 3 but I want to make each era 4 gen):

LadySmoks 30th Dec 2024 10:51 PM

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Um... my Sim's son got a "My Buddy Doll" for Christmas. It should be fine... right?

Thanks to @VenusPrincess for the doll mesh! And Ani for Dexter The Bear script!

Florentzina 31st Dec 2024 2:22 PM

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Well. I also have Dexter the Bear.

I entered the roman era in my game, but I have two emperors - East and West.

Currently, in the Asian side (inspired by the Han dynasty but dont do the clothes accurated to the theme lol) one of my Emperors Consort rolled to become a witch (Err Shaman) So I had my emperor execute her.

... The poor emperor is a good sim.

The Bear will become in handy as Ive over 200 sims and need to cull down the population. This emperor is an elder and has 12 kids now and 20 grandchildren. But it was on my part of giving the sims so many kids.

Craft90 5th Jan 2025 3:34 AM

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A few years ago there was a challenge on here. A building challenge. I don't remember what it was called but it was something about adventure and ancient structures. I made a lot and handed it in. However it wasn't up to par and I never got around to fixing it up. I still think about it from time to time. Now, I've lost that save and the lot aswell. But the other day I decided to take another stab at the theme. I only got a rough draft so far (well rough and rough... it does contain a fully functional tomb that I've furnished to the best of my abilities.) I still need to do the outside and maybe add some auxiliary buildings/facilities. Any ideas of plants that would fit the theme of a Mayan Pyramid? I'm not all too happy with the walls either... I use a bunch of CC from the Lost Tribe collection by BLÀde. I spotted some Incan walls CC of TSR. I might use it instead.

But anyway, what do you think of it so far?

I replaced the outside walls with the Inca stones. I don't know, it looks a bit more natural. Not so busy. But I'm not sure I'm happy with it. What you think? Better or worse?

Ruusupapu 5th Jan 2025 8:11 PM

During two parties my sim Lydias father hosted, Lydias boyfriend was flirting with Lydias twin sister and their mother cheated her husband kissing a neighbour. And I did plan nothing! Lydia lives alone so other sims are controlled by the game.

Mandelyn 6th Jan 2025 8:06 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Craft90
A few years ago there was a challenge on here. A building challenge. I don't remember what it was called but it was something about adventure and ancient structures. I made a lot and handed it in. However it wasn't up to par and I never got around to fixing it up. I still think about it from time to time. Now, I've lost that save and the lot aswell. But the other day I decided to take another stab at the theme. I only got a rough draft so far (well rough and rough... it does contain a fully functional tomb that I've furnished to the best of my abilities.) I still need to do the outside and maybe add some auxiliary buildings/facilities. Any ideas of plants that would fit the theme of a Mayan Pyramid? I'm not all too happy with the walls either... I use a bunch of CC from the Lost Tribe collection by BLÀde. I spotted some Incan walls CC of TSR. I might use it instead.

But anyway, what do you think of it so far?

I replaced the outside walls with the Inca stones. I don't know, it looks a bit more natural. Not so busy. But I'm not sure I'm happy with it. What you think? Better or worse?

So far it looks pretty good, the less busy pattern does look a little better.

Craft90 7th Jan 2025 12:09 AM

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Oh look, I figured out how to change the language in the Sims 3. I have played in English for a long ass time. While I do understand English, certain terms I'm not familiar with (such as "gusy up". That gave me pause). Let's see how many mistranslations there are.

Edit. I love how even the debug catalog and tomb interactions are translated. Like... how many casual players would even use those things? Yet the translators went the extra mile and translated everything.

Edit2. My current Sim aged up to adult and lost his hairstyle. (I guess the beanie is young adult only). So I made some slight changes to his wardrobe and looks and man... he ended up looking hot.

Tacitala 9th Jan 2025 4:26 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Craft90
Any ideas of plants that would fit the theme of a Mayan Pyramid?

I'm not sure if any of these will work for what you have in mind (or just how much custom content you want) but Around the Sims converted the Sims 4's Into the Jungle. There's a link on the page that goes over to the updated versions of the plants.

Craft90 9th Jan 2025 4:28 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Tacitala
I'm not sure if any of these will work for what you have in mind (or just how much custom content you want) but Around the Sims converted the Sims 4's Into the Jungle. There's a link on the page that goes over to the updated versions of the plants.

I was wondering about what non-CC plants would work. That said, I appreciate the suggestion. Into the Jungle stuff could look nice. Though I'm a little confused about what I'm supposed to download. I'd like the updated version but I couldn't spot the matching pair. As in what updated version replaces what original. The thumbnails and names are all different. But I downloaded both stuff. I guess I'll have to trial and error them.

I have since added plants, pictures here:
I went with Island Paradise plants. Sure it's more Caribbean than Amazonian jungle... but it's the closest match I could think of.

Ruusupapu 9th Jan 2025 9:20 PM

There is a family. Mother Lydia, father Dakota and daughter Ellen. They had a cat. Somehow the cat and father became enemies. I do not have idea how but it is quite funny. ( I am test playing memade challenge and that is why I do not control Dakota at all. ) Then I decice to give the cat away. It would be unfair to have cat you hate althougt the scenario would be quite funny. They also did not have enough time for the cat because they also had a toddler. and both of parents were working.

Craft90 15th Jan 2025 3:44 AM

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Lately I've been playing a lot in Jericho. It's a pretty cool world to explore. I unfortunately lost a lot of progress due to a crash. I'm concerned it might have been because of the new Sims 3 patch. So, I downloaded NRaas Saver and the 4GB patch. Hopefully they should mitigate future problems. At least I'll have more frequent saves if it doesn't.

Anyhow, rather than recuperating lost progress I made a new pair of Sims. (The other Sim was about to retire and had fulfilled his lifetime want anyhow.)

I might just have seen too many Shameless edits... because these two kinda look like Mickey and Ian.

Also... dog. His name is Grunt, a German Shepard. You can tell that Maxis put more love into these pets than the Sims 4 ones. More interactions. More animations. No "jump and teleport to pet bed". The fact they're controllable and have their own wants. Grunt picks up the newspaper and delivers it to the Sim he likes best (Shane, the dark haired one) even. The blonde one, Cieran doesn't like the squeak toy. I also love that when the dog looks for toys he sniffs through the box before picking something out. I even taught Grunt how to hunt because he wanted to learn. Even if he only found a maple leaf when he started digging. It's also so cute how they tilt their heads when they try to learn stuff.

Craft90 16th Jan 2025 12:16 AM

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I noticed that Shane out of the blue saluted another Sim. Seeing as he's not military (in fact he's a self-employed painter. Someone ought to stay home with the dog!), that made me curious. So I checked the career history and there is was, Fort Starch Military School Graduate. Now, I don't know if it's because he's based on a pre-made Sim, or random. But either way it's surprisingly fitting. I imagine that maybe he acted out as a teen and was sent away, which's why he's taking on a rocker attitude. Fight against the machine and all that. His boyfriend is a graduate from the sport school which also fits. He's in the professional sports career after all.

I'd like to share some more photos too.

I love how the cuddle in bed is a base game addition in the Sims 3, and doesn't need some buggy expansion to work (looking at Love Struck).

Some photos of Shane and Grunt the dog.

I didn't know that pets could gain additional traits. Grunt got Adventurous as a Trained trait.

EDIT. Found out something new! Grunt found a piece of a fire hydrant. That's fun. So I guess you need to collect three pieces to place your very own fire hydrant? (I'm trying to fulfill his want of finding a rock. Harder than I thought.)
Also, I like how dogs stand up on two to look through a window that is too high up. Such a nice little detail.

KevinL75 17th Jan 2025 4:22 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Craft90
So, I downloaded NRaas Saver and the 4GB patch. Hopefully they should mitigate future problems. At least I'll have more frequent saves if it doesn't.

Where did you get this 4GB patch? Its been out-dated for 10 years now. Sims3 was updated to be 4GB aware already.

Are you also using ErrorTrap and Overwatch?

Craft90 17th Jan 2025 2:17 PM

Quote: Originally posted by KevinL75
[QUOTE=Craft90]So, I downloaded NRaas Saver and the 4GB patch. Hopefully they should mitigate future problems. At least I'll have more frequent saves if it doesn't.

Where did you get this 4GB patch? Its been out-dated for 10 years now. Sims3 was updated to be 4GB aware already.

Are you also using ErrorTrap and Overwatch?

I got it off
I didn't know it was outdated or that Sims 3 was updated to not need it anymore. It has stopped my crashes so it did something at least? The crash report mentioned that Sims 3 was using like 87% memory before crashing. So I figured the patch would help.

I do have ErrorTrap and Overwatch. But it didn't stop the game from crashing out of the blue.

LadySmoks 17th Jan 2025 4:43 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Craft90
I got it off
I didn't know it was outdated or that Sims 3 was updated to not need it anymore. It has stopped my crashes so it did something at least? The crash report mentioned that Sims 3 was using like 87% memory before crashing. So I figured the patch would help.

I do have ErrorTrap and Overwatch. But it didn't stop the game from crashing out of the blue.

Always go straight to Nraas site to be sure you get their latest updated versions.

Craft90 17th Jan 2025 6:29 PM

Quote: Originally posted by LadySmoks

Always go straight to Nraas site to be sure you get their latest updated versions.

I always get Nraas mods from the site. I even got the latest version of ErrorTrap, as it had to be updated for the new patch level. I don't know if Overwatch is updated yet. The game still crashed even with the latest ErrorTrap.

I found the 4GB patch by searching Google. it's not specifically for Sims 3 but any game.

I'm also playing in Jericho which is a large world. I had no sudden crashes before the recent patch though. It wouldn't surprise me if the patch is partially to blame. The reset fixer in Overwatch doesn't seem to work properly either. Sims get stuck behind NPC doors and horses stuck on stairs. All I get is ET reports. I have had to reset horses and Sims myself with Master Controller.

Craft90 17th Jan 2025 6:52 PM

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Anyhow, I had my Sims visit France. Shane had an oppturnity to deliver a painting to France. The wording calls for a painting he did himself, though I from experience that you could just buy a 750+ painting and bring it. However for fun I decided to give one he made himself. That did require him to raise his painting skill alot. Eventually he produced a 900 something Brilliant painting. So off they went. I was concerned about the dog tbh. I knew there isn't any pet essentials and I couldn't bring a bowl with me. Turned out you can't bring pets along anyhow. Not that it mattered, the home neighborhood remains static anyhow. They then visited the museum and the nectary. Cieran tasted so much nectar that he got sick. Which is kinda funny, I imagine he got drunk from all the free drink. I did some tomb raiding and the nectar maker adventure. Shane got Visa level 1 from it.

In Jericho I also had Cieran find a secret private club at one of the lots. I advanced his career. I did get an oppturnity to watch a scrimage... but I didn't find any option to watch it. Maybe because the Jericho sports arena is both a venue and a stadium, so maybe the option isn't there. I also got two dog gnomes now...

Anyhow here are some images of Shane and Grunt.

I tried to paint a portrait off Grunt but he wouldn't stand still... it ended up just capturing his neck.
Oh and I also noticed something fun. I knew that dogs could chase of mail carriers in Sims 2. But Grunt didn't have any options when interacting with a mail carrier. I figured it didn't work. Turns out it does... they do it autonomously. Poor Shirley... getting chased by grunt every time she comes by. Another fun thing with Grunt is that he likes to wake up Shane is the morning... and ironically Shane is a light sleeper so Grunt doesn't have to try very hard.

I got two dog gnomes living at my lot now...

Edit. I realized I mostly got images of Shane... so here are two of Cieran.

Speaking of which... why is there no tug-o-war interaction for dogs in Sims 4? It's a classic.

Tacitala 17th Jan 2025 7:12 PM

I get the idea of dogs chasing the mail carriers but it's so annoying. Not only can't you cancel it, it makes your dog more aggressive.

If you ever decide to take your pets on vacation (which you can do with NRaas's Traveller) you can edit base camps with 'testingcheatsenabled true' then 'enablelotlocking true'. Getting the always full reward pet bowl out of the debug menu helps.

I've never tried bringing my dogs into tombs. Presumably like kids they route fail if you tell them to walk somewhere a hidden trap is. Might have to try that sometime.

Craft90 17th Jan 2025 7:24 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Tacitala
I get the idea of dogs chasing the mail carriers but it's so annoying. Not only can't you cancel it, it makes your dog more aggressive.

If you ever decide to take your pets on vacation (which you can do with NRaas's Traveller) you can edit base camps with 'testingcheatsenabled true' then 'enablelotlocking true'. Getting the always full reward pet bowl out of the debug menu helps.

I've never tried bringing my dogs into tombs. Presumably like kids they route fail if you tell them to walk somewhere a hidden trap is. Might have to try that sometime.

Does it help any if you scold your dog for doing it?

I use simler90's gameplay mod, from what I've read it's incompatible with Nraas Traveller. So I can't do that. It's a good tip though. I wonder if pets can come along if you have a vacation home tho?

Florentzina 19th Jan 2025 1:32 PM

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Well i kind of started over with my ToT journey and now only has sims inspired by the roman nationalities. According to history, romans didnt met the han dynasty to the point it make sense to have sims married to them. Just trades.

Im also more happy with the building location in this save and with the simulate a war post, ive my gladiators set up. Now Im only going to use a list of random rolls and give each sim a story.

lucy kemnitzer 20th Jan 2025 2:37 AM

What does ToT stand for?

Florentzina 20th Jan 2025 11:07 AM

Quote: Originally posted by lucy kemnitzer
What does ToT stand for?

Test of Time.
Its orginally a challenge from TS2 thats been converted to TS3, I just use it as inspiration for my world.

Basically every 2-4 generation you play a different era. Stone Age, Roman Empire, Medieval, Dark age, Reissance, Victorian (and Modern) and add gameplay inspired them.

Now I rougly play a world that are set in 400-200BC

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