I had 4 parties thrown for me today, all of which were pure awesome. I couldn't have asked for a better 16th birthday :D
^ I'm jealous, and how dare you not invite me!?!?!!?? >:-( HAPPY BIRRRRRRRRDAYYZZ ;-D
You guys HAVE to see this , it is beyond epic |
Anyone who likes disaster movies, go find Knowing. It's amazing, if a little creepy. The ending, however, was completely unexpected.
This is super late, but she knows I love her anyway, but HAPPY BIRTHDAY, CALLINE THE CUTTLEFISH! And check your email :3
What made my day is the fact that Sydney is the greatest. Not quite, Melbourne is better, but Sydney is pretty fucking amazing. Weow, so much shopping! |
Happy Birthdaaaay Calline, sorry I'm late! I'm glad you enjoyed yourself (:
Happy late Birthday Calline :D
Hope you had a great time |
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bZhysHY1_UY Ahahahahha, fail.
Well, this was last night, but pigging out on microwave popcorn and playing Beatles Rock Band with Andrew and Josh. :D
Bertie Botts Every Flavour Beans, you complete me.
EDIT: Horseradish flavoured bean, you do not complete me :\ |
Holy shit LMAO! Looks like MJ has moved to GoS. What a fucking moron XD |
^ Lol wtf?
^ I know right?! She picked GoS out of all the sims websites too? I'm pretty sure GoS mods know most stuff that's going on here too, considering that they're members of the forum Way to go Jenfold!
Dude, her/his/its banned thread has almost 70 funny's.
Had a great day, perfect ending for such a nice weekend. Plus Andy Schleck won today's TDF stage.
Quote: Originally posted by kustirider2
Will she ever learn? And really, GoS of all places? I thought she was smarter than that. Well, not really, but wow. That just made my life. Along with more Bertie Botts Ever Flavour Beans :D |
I was browsing at a thread over at the official EAxis forum in order to resolve a saving error I've been having, and lo and behind, who should I notice posted in the thread but someone named MJ? I'm not sure if it's the same one, but if it is... I'll say this for her, at least she's casting her net wide .
Finally sitting myself down and working my way through one of my short stories so it's all edited and pretty for my BLOG /endshamelessadvertising...not really: HEY GUYZ, CHECK OUT MY WORDPRESS
Quote: Originally posted by Rabid
It just gets better and better She's just always making a fool out of herself. I just quickly searched.. There's about 5 pages of MJs D: (They all look dormant, so maybe she's preparing another "social experiment" ) |
^ That chick is wacked!
Talking to my best friend, even though we didn't talk much but I just love talking with him |
My brother text us to say he was staying over at his friend's house so nobody needed to come pick him up.
My father: What? But he hasn't got anything to sleep in, or his toothbrush! Me: Dad, I don't think they care. I'm not sure Pete even bothered to brush his teeth this morning. My father: WHAT? After all the money I spent on his teeth?! I love how that's his problem with my brother's lack of personal hygiene. |
Finding out that I got a 5 on the AP Lit exam!
"I have a six pack"
"...where??" "Under my fat, it's shy" ........... |
Once again, something that made my day yesterday but it was too late to post.
My mum and I normally have a good chat before I go to bed, a remnant of bedtime stories. Anyway, last night I start talking about Doctor Who (e.g. "Martha was so out of character in The Doctor's Daughter, I mean, seriously, she gets all blubbery over some fish she met twenty minutes ago! Really kinda pathetic, and weird even for her. And, y'know, I still don't know why RTD bothered to bring Rose back for series 4 if she was actually more or less completely useless in TSE/JE, other than killing the Doctor and being a convenient way to dispose of his clone, both of which could have been accomplished other ways. If you're gonna bring her back - not to say I wasn't happy about it 'cause I still really like her - make her USEFUL! Gosh those were badly paced episodes..." um, you get the idea.) And she just smiles and nods. I just go on and on and on and eventually she gets this little funny expression on my face and I realize I've been going on for about thirty minutes. |
My friend sent me a link to the funniest Twilight fanfiction EVER. Really, the euphimisms for Edward's...man-carrot...just blew my mind. And as for the gay, drug taking, alcohol drinking, driving, talking panda...well...you get the picture.
On OoVoo with my boyfriend.
Me: Did it hurt? Him: Did what hurt? Me: When you fell from Heaven? Him: Yeah baby, but do you have a bandage because I fell for you Mom: LAME! |
My brotherrrrr will be home this afternoon <3 I never knew a month without him would feel like such a long time.
veeeery late but, happy birthday! :'D
milk chocolate pretzels, always make my day. /fatty |
I just saw my brother <3 He's lost weight and is way more tanned than I am, and it's so nice to see him <3 He's too manly to give me a hug in front of his friend, though :P
New game I got recently, The Saboteur...epicness!
Talking to my best friend and making plans for the weekend with my classmates. I can't believe it's our last summer together.
Some background info: I teach piano, and accompany a small children's choir. One of my students is Sophie, who's eight and has been terrified of dogs since she was two, when one knocked her over. At the choir director's house (Sophie's also in the choir) even the sound of dogs barking can send her standing on her chair, and according to her mom if they're out walking they have to cross the street if they see a dog coming.
She was initially a little nervous about coming to my house for lessons, since I own a dog (my beloved Mick). Our house is fairly open, so I couldn't put him in a different room and shut the door, I had to have him in an adjacent room that's separated with babygates. Sophie's been gradually growing more and more at ease around Mick (who is very, very calm with her), and for the first time ever today she patted him! Her mom and I were both thrilled, and Sophie enjoyed it too. (she loves how soft his ears are.) |
@PharaohHound: That's adorible! (: I'm terrified of dogs myself, and I can see how much of a big step that is. You and Mick must make her feel very comfortable. ((((:
Future Funk were voted through on America's Got Talent. :DDDD |
Bacon and eggs for dinner :3 It's such a little thing, but still. omnomnomnomnomnom.
My friend in North Carolina made a video for me just to say happy birthday She's so lovely
Screw the yahoo funnies. Having a conversation about autism with my best friend is better than that.
EDIT: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EvH7zfsP9nc Disney sucks now. |
Hanging out with my girls. I'm so stoked for the weekend!
My parents bought me a car! We've been looking for something suitable for awhile and, after testing driving a few cars, they settled on this. I'm about ready to go take it for a bonding spin.
Quote: Originally posted by Rabid
Congrats girly!! I remember my first car, I miss Rangey |
Quote: Originally posted by Rabid
Congrats, Rabid! Have fun driving around while I'm sat here waiting another half year *grumbles* |
It's Fridaaaaaay!
Meaning it's the weekend, two lush days (: Then Monday is SPORTS DAY! (: <3. Tuesday, relaxing school day with 12.20pm finish! Theeen, 3 activies days with school xD Then SUMMER VACATION! :D |
One week left of school. Then I'm in Year 10. O.O I'm a bit scared actually...
The other day when my vegetarian knitted ugg boots arrived.
Jess, I'm gonna be year 11 next year, year 10 at the moment. If you need any info, just ask.
^You girls are lucky. I've got only one year ahead, it makes me sad.
What made my day today so far? Curling up in front of the TV with a nice cup of coffee. I'm going out in a bit though, so that might change it. |
Quote: Originally posted by candiiee
Year 10 is a great year! You have a few exams, but mostly it's the year when you get all of your coursework out of the way. I've just finished year 11 (With early maths + English entries) and I found it pretty relaxing, and stress-free. I'm sure you'll be okay |
A gothfish, sparklefish and the cha-cha slide... done by a fish.
A very interesting conversation I just had at orchestra. oh, and I just had my last day as a year 12... scary! |
Going shopping soon.
My friend has just got her driving licence and took us for a ride today. Needless to say, we had a great laugh. Aaaaand barbecue tomorrow with my friends. I can't wait!
So at the beach this guy takes off his shirt and is like "whaddya think" but he wasn't talking to us, but my friend walked up to him and was like "hmm, I dunno what do you think Adrienne" and I was like "meh, I've seen better bods on better men" and he's like "oh word? So does that mean I can't have your numbers?" and my friend was like "She's taken and I'm a lesbian but I have a sister who's 21 and still has her virginity"
I love Cali, but they do it better in Miami! I DON'T WANNA GO HOME!!! |
^ lol, I really want to see the look on that guy's face xD
The number of Ke$ha parodies...awesomeness! |
I do too. XD
Lol. My grandpa keeps asking me to sing... he always does. |
Inception. Talk about fucking MINDBLOWING.
^Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. <3
I think that made my day. Oh, and having a Masterchef-inspired cupcake decorating contest with my aunt. |
I had so much fun today! I have a headache from staying out in the sun for too long and I'm exhausted, but it was so worth it.
Thanks Kusti and Em, looking back to what you said made my day. Well, made me feel better, anyway.
This made my day yesterday, but I never thought to post it.
I know this sounds mean, but I totally owned my mom. So, I got this new book and my mom read the back of it, of course the only thing she notices is the phrase "sex-crazed dreams" and starts nosing through the book. I'm amazed she missed the actual sex-crazed dream.. XD. Anyways, when we were in the car last night coming home, she told me that if I found anything inappropriate to stop reading the book. I love/hate how I reacted, "Why can't I choose my own books?! I'm not stupid." because it wasn't what I had in mind, but it works. I've read worse, I mean, my God, Twilight had worse in it, and I read that 13 times when I was obsessed with it. I'm 14 and I've read several books involving that kind of thing. I just love being right against my parents. |
Learning how to change a tire. I'm getting my license this weekend, so I figured I should learn (:
I did the Race For Life yesterday - a 5km charity race for Cancer Research UK. I power walked it with my mum and sis cos we're not fit enough to run, but we did it in 44 mins which was quite impressive. It was such a good day, so much fun, and I have never seen so much pink in my life. There were male cheerleaders, firemen and bikers wearing frilly pink tutu skirts under their leather jackets! I raised over £100 and am going to sign up again next year with the intention of running it = eek.
Won the Sports Day long jump.
(: |
I found the nursery items for my little sims I had been looking for. I also found my mood changing nail polish.
Dad's home from Belgium. (:
Oh, and he brought chocolate back. And a shirt for me that says "Belgian Chocolate Addict". :D |
A guy in year 12 came up to me today and told me I was beautiful :3
^ Awwwww <3. That's so sweet :3.
Ice skating. My spins are so much better than before! (: |
My crush saving a bird that was stuck in the football net. <3 He could have just carried on playing and used one of the other nets, but he didn't... He's totally won my heart. :lovestruc
Cottage trip! (which I'm now back from.)
My Crime Fiction teacher talking about the oddities in a Sherlock Holmes story we just read:
"I mean, what would you do if you were just walking along and a HUGE FUCKING BABOON jumped out at you?" |
My Indonesian teacher talking about her "Shithouse album" again. Which is basically pictures of every toilet she encountered while in Indonesia. xD
EDIT: 'What's similar about McDonalds and the Australian Labor Party?' 'They're both run by red-headed clowns.' |
^ Hahahaha good one :D
Finding some of my old pants and realizing I'm pretty much half the size I used to be.
finding out that my cousin lives waaaaay closer than i expected
These just arrived in a package on my doorstep |
Six weeks of summer holidays, starting today. :D
My dog. We were at the park practising his obedience, working on down-stays, when three five-year-olds came over, screaming like banshees and riding bikes right past my dog - and he STAYED!
Well, it wasn't necessarily today, but I got back from my trip to France yesterday. IT WAS AMAAAAAAAZING!
My college interviews went really, really well. I was expecting the interviewers to be fuddy old white guys attempting to catch me by surprise, but much to my relief, the interviewers were college students themselves, which put me at ease.
Why is my boyfriend and my best friend eating leftover pizza from my fridge, and it's been in their for like almost 2 months?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xj4jjIxR6eI Amazing song that I completely forgot about until last night.
I should probably get some sleep, heading to Catalina tomorrow with my boyfriend and his fam, then Venice Beach on Sunday with my mom and step-dad, and camping later that day with some friends at Malibu State Creek Park. Sheesh, it's like events are just pulling out of my ass! My mom and I need to make a Hawaii vacation before I go back to school!
Am I the only one who thinks time is flying by fast? I mean it's almost August already.. |
^no, time is going by fast. kinda sad, actually.
a friend sent me harry potter and the half blood prince in 15 minutes. :'D that writer is too funny. |
Went to an amazing partaaay today <3.
And, ordered both of the Vampire Knight soundtracks online, *squeee*. :3. |
Done nothing for a few days except watch stuff on our new 40 INCH HD TV. YES, 40 FUCKING INCH. And it's HD! We've never had HD before. :') and make YouTube videos, listen to TMB and discuss Stefan Abingdon's superior hotness with Sophie. Oh, and share inside France jokes regarding German sausages. Oh, the sexual innuendos we spout.
Half Life 2: Deathmatch with Andrew and Josh. (DEATH BY REFRIGERATOR!!! xD)
I got out of going to Ikea. The downside is that my period is a bitch which is my reason for not going, but hey, a full day of simming!
Me and my Brother got a helium balloon, and 'consumed' the helium from it...
We sounded absolutely hilarious :L Especially my brother, he sounded all high pitched and girly |
Watched all the TV I missed whilst in France. You know you're having fun when you see James May and Richard Hammond push a Grand Design citroen mobile home off a cliff, Dara O'Briain be pestered for having a big head and Mat Banyton singing about being a cannibal Incan emperor in 2 action-packed hours of 40 inch HD TV heaven.
Well firstly, I'm going on holiday in 5 days and its be-a-utiful there (Southern France, the Ardeche), I could literally cry with happiness to be leaving England.
Also, for the last 5 years, my period has come WHILST on holiday. I even started on holiday ¬¬, BUT IT'S NOT THIS YEAR! I'm so happy. :') |
Emily (DollyRot) is the greatest person alive. Ever. Full stop.
Lol I know I sound mean, but one of my semi-friends is a complete moron. On this game, there was a puzzle he had to solve: "Those that live must shine bright, those that do not must remain dark." There was like a bug, a beetle and a tree, and a sun and a moon. He said, "Sun and moon or what?" Wow...
^ I don't get it. Am I a complete moron too? D:
Anyway, I am now in TWOOOO MEP groups. Magical Disney Productions and Beyond Innocence Studios. And all I did today was make a cake with my Grandma and watch Beauty and The Beast and The Rugrats Movie. That's one of the best films ever full stop. "You know what they say: Born under Venus, look for a... Oh, wait, I have to take this call!" |
^I don't get it either.
Had a beer, a nice chat and generally a good time with one of my friends. He's always ready to cheer me up. |
A local bookstore in my city has been eclipsed by Barnes & Noble and is therefore going out of business. They're trying to get rid of all their inventory, so I was able to buy five books for the price of two. Very exciting :P. Oh, and this. I'm not sure whether to be offended or amused by the remarks associated with my choices, Jonathan Safran Foer and Michael Chabon.
He was supposed to turn on the lights that had living things on it: the tree, beetle and bird. (I meant those 3 in the last post...) He asked if he was supposed to turn on the sun and moon ones. You're not morons. I don't even really like the guy, that's why I found it funny.
My friend's letter from Japan just arrived.
^That is -brilliant-. I've seen the advertisements on Ten a couple of times. I wonder what Julia Gillard would have to say about it.
What made my day was a hilarious prefect speech this morning from the school captain. - He quoted AVPM a few times, used Dumbledore as his main Inspiration, and it was just generally funny. Oh, and he finished with "And sometimes, people do unexpected things. *throws cue cards on floor and tips the lectern onto it's side, then sits on it* These things can often be what inspires us most. I'm on a horse." |
^LOL! at that guy! It reminds me of a concert I went to where the singer got up on stage and was like "Well, I could namedrop, but audiences hate that. So instead I'm going to throw tomatoes at you with my slingshot." and then pulls out a box of cherry tomatoes and a slingshot. It ended when he accidentally hit himself in the eye with one, but it was hilarious.
I know that there are a fair few members of the ALP with pictures on there as well as the leader of the Greens. |
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