Sterling_Archer |
14th May 2013 12:00 AM |
on the giant
Nick-the-Greek |
14th May 2013 1:55 AM |
Cup of coffee
Sterling_Archer |
14th May 2013 7:42 AM |
Until it got
squaretable |
14th May 2013 8:05 AM |
Of the polar
Nick-the-Greek |
14th May 2013 8:13 AM |
full of puke
Sterling_Archer |
14th May 2013 8:18 AM |
and it dived
Nick-the-Greek |
14th May 2013 12:47 PM |
crazily through the
Sterling_Archer |
15th May 2013 10:01 AM |
orange coloured water
squaretable |
16th May 2013 12:10 AM |
Known as urine.
Sterling_Archer |
16th May 2013 3:25 AM |
All of the
Nick-the-Greek |
19th May 2013 10:39 AM |
toxic urine melted
Sterling_Archer |
19th May 2013 1:21 PM |
onto the icy
Nick-the-Greek |
20th May 2013 12:03 PM |
Pencilcase of doom
Sterling_Archer |
20th May 2013 1:23 PM |
When the orange
Nick-the-Greek |
21st May 2013 9:49 AM |
Blueberry smashed into
Sterling_Archer |
21st May 2013 10:18 AM |
window, when the
Nick-the-Greek |
22nd May 2013 10:13 AM |
hammer cut a
Sterling_Archer |
22nd May 2013 2:27 PM |
big hole in
Nick-the-Greek |
22nd May 2013 4:33 PM |
a worms head
Sterling_Archer |
23rd May 2013 2:43 AM |
and then the
Nick-the-Greek |
23rd May 2013 10:55 AM |
Worm died leaving
Sterling_Archer |
23rd May 2013 1:44 PM |
The big room
Nick-the-Greek |
23rd May 2013 3:43 PM |
full of blood
Sterling_Archer |
24th May 2013 12:07 AM |
and the shiny
Nick-the-Greek |
24th May 2013 8:37 AM |
Eggs crashed into
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