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Calline 16th Jan 2010 11:54 AM

i believe i'm also happy! xD

HEAVEN-SENT 16th Jan 2010 4:52 PM

i believe i am tired and very hungry

VoiceIHear 16th Jan 2010 10:22 PM

I believe I just woke up

I believe I am still tired

Beccapixie10 16th Jan 2010 10:57 PM

I believe I woke up at 6.08am this morning

I believe I'm not tired at all!

VoiceIHear 16th Jan 2010 11:03 PM

I believe I didn't actually get that much sleep so I am, I'm not normally

I believe I can't go back to sleep either

Beccapixie10 16th Jan 2010 11:06 PM

I believe being tired is annoying...

I believe being annoyed is annoying.

VoiceIHear 16th Jan 2010 11:18 PM

I believe everything can be annoying when you're tired. :P

I believe I can't type properly this morning, which is uber annoying.

Beccapixie10 16th Jan 2010 11:17 PM

I believe I don't know whether to go on MSN or not...

I believe it's annoying when you want to talk to some people but not others...

VoiceIHear 16th Jan 2010 11:30 PM

I believe it's annoying when the only person you want to talk to isn't online.

I believe I don't know what to have for breakfast.

Beccapixie10 16th Jan 2010 11:31 PM

I believe i had corn flakes and peach for breakfast this morning...

I believe I love peach! Best fruit ever. And nice dipped in chocolate.

I believe it's annoying when literally no one is online...

VoiceIHear 16th Jan 2010 11:37 PM

I believe dipping it in chocolate would defeat the purpose of eating healthly.

Beccapixie10 16th Jan 2010 11:40 PM

I believe eating healthy isn't as good when you're trying to gain weight.

I believe eating healthy was never the purpose for me anyway... I think the purpose of the experiment to see if chocolate and peach tasted nice together was to find out if i could eat my two favourite foods together

I believe I haven't had a text from anyone other than Telstra in the last week and a bit...

VoiceIHear 16th Jan 2010 11:57 PM

I believe that's a good point.

I believe I can't gain weight no matter how hard I try...

I believe I've been spending an awful lot of time on youtube lately

Beccapixie10 16th Jan 2010 11:58 PM

I believe everything Brendon said.

I believe I've been spending too much time on Youtube and trying to find someone to talk to...

I believe I NEED to finish that book...

VoiceIHear 17th Jan 2010 12:03 AM

I believe I need to upload that house today as well... hmm. =/

I believe if it's the HP one, I think you should too.

Beccapixie10 17th Jan 2010 12:10 AM

I believe I'm on page 488 of 766...

I believe it's HP Order of the Phoenix. Still.

VoiceIHear 17th Jan 2010 12:14 AM

I believe it takes me ages to read books, seeing as I don't really like reading. :P

Beccapixie10 17th Jan 2010 12:13 AM

I believe i love reading, but haven't done much lately at all...

VoiceIHear 17th Jan 2010 12:27 AM

I believe it can take me months to finish a book.

Beccapixie10 17th Jan 2010 12:34 AM

I believe i normally take a couple of days to finish a 700-ish page one....

I believe i read too quickly.

VoiceIHear 17th Jan 2010 12:44 AM

I believe that is quick.

I believe I should get dressed...

Gingerxyz 17th Jan 2010 12:57 AM

I believe that I also read really quickly. I got Deathly Hallows at one In the morning and had it finished by dinnertime. I even got a few hours sleep.
Now that I've read it a few times it takes a bit longer. But that's cause I do other stuff as well.

I believe I've finally finished redecorating the pleasants house!

I believe that I can't decide what house to do next.

Beccapixie10 17th Jan 2010 1:05 AM

I believe I'd love to redecorate all the TS3 houses and actually play families in them...

I believe my computer can only handle building/Edit towning and sim making though

VoiceIHear 17th Jan 2010 2:25 AM

I believe part of building is decorating though...

I believe I will prepare my house for upload soon...

lethifold 17th Jan 2010 2:43 AM

I believe I'm pissed off D:

VoiceIHear 17th Jan 2010 2:48 AM

I believe I'm wondering why Sophie is pissed off...

I believe I hate coming up with house names.

lethifold 17th Jan 2010 2:51 AM

I believe I'm pissed off because my mother is being really annoying, as per usual, but she won't admit she's done anything wrong.

I believe I want some lunch.

Beccapixie10 17th Jan 2010 2:52 AM

I believe I'm also wondering why Sophie is pissed off

EDIT: I believe I was slow, as usual. Ah well.

lethifold 17th Jan 2010 2:53 AM

I believe I don't want to go shopping, but mum is making me, which is another reason why I'm pissed off.

VoiceIHear 17th Jan 2010 3:26 AM

I believe that sucks

I believe I also want some lunch...

Beccapixie10 17th Jan 2010 3:37 AM

I believe I had left over stir fry for lunch...

I believe that does suck...

VoiceIHear 17th Jan 2010 4:09 AM

I believe I still haven't had lunch.

I believe, however, I have submitted my lot into moderation. :D

Beccapixie10 17th Jan 2010 4:22 AM

I believe it would be nice if someone was on MSN... or Skype...

VoiceIHear 17th Jan 2010 8:45 AM

I believe VBloggers on youtube are so amusing! :P

Beccapixie10 17th Jan 2010 8:50 AM

I believe i'm hungry.

VoiceIHear 17th Jan 2010 9:10 AM

I believe Simone Simons is just amazing.

Beccapixie10 17th Jan 2010 9:09 AM

I believe I am really annoyed at Dad tonight...

VoiceIHear 17th Jan 2010 10:48 AM

I believe I am wondering why...

I believe I just had dinner...

lethifold 17th Jan 2010 10:50 AM

I believe "Clark Gable," by The Postal Service is my new favourite song.

I believe I'm drinking tea, as per usual :D

Beccapixie10 17th Jan 2010 11:40 AM

I believe I was annoyed at Dad because he released a new ad so all the 'that's your dad in the showcase jewellers ads isn't it?' stuff will start again

I believe now I'm even more annoyed, and with mum and dad this time. They keep going 'your cousin Emily does this, so should you!' 'emily only gets 15 minutes on the computer every day, were going to gradually bring the time you're allowed on every day down to 15 as well, because talking to all those people you don't even know is dangerous and pointless as is everything that can be done using a computer' 'you have to play at least one sport this year, Emily plays cricket and netball and this and that and etc etc etc...'

VoiceIHear 17th Jan 2010 11:51 AM

I believe I hate it when parents to that. >=\

I believe it is wayyyy to hot... but for some reason only upstairs. Stupid house.

HEAVEN-SENT 17th Jan 2010 11:50 AM

I believe my dad just had a go at me for getting so I am going to stop eatting now cos of him

Beccapixie10 17th Jan 2010 11:56 AM

I believe its rather cool here..

I believe dad is completely serious about the 15 minutes a day thing. I start tomorrow with 4 hours, which will be annoying enough seeing as I have to organize something with Isabelle, and the only way to contact her is on MSN and I have no idea what time she'll be on, so normally I'd stay signed in all day...

VoiceIHear 17th Jan 2010 11:58 AM

I believe I'd die if I had a time limit on the internet

I believe if he were my dad I'd just tell him to go to hell, but that don't work for all situations obviously

I believe some dude on youtube has soooo much skill on that stupid piano, it makes me jealous. :P

I also believe I am saying Hi to Jem. Hiya! :D

Rikachu 17th Jan 2010 11:56 AM

I believe that as a 3 year old I was insanely stupid. xD

Beccapixie10 17th Jan 2010 12:04 PM

I believe my iPod seems to like running low on charge when I want to make use of the wireless without making any noise...

VoiceIHear 17th Jan 2010 12:05 PM

I believe I was an insanely adorable 3 year old. XD

Beccapixie10 17th Jan 2010 12:09 PM

I believe I have no idea what I was like as a 3 year old...

Rikachu 17th Jan 2010 12:08 PM

I believe I nearly killed myself as a three year old. XD

VoiceIHear 17th Jan 2010 12:21 PM

I believe I nearly killed my brother multiple times, but never myself, I was smarter then that. xD

Beccapixie10 17th Jan 2010 12:29 PM

I believe I nearly killed myself just now.

I believe I did something completely utterly stupid on facebook, someone noticed and I have no idea what to do now except admit something and hope the person that noticed is REALLY nice.

VoiceIHear 17th Jan 2010 12:31 PM

I believe I have no idea what Becca is talking about, but whatever it is, it isn't worth doing something irrational over...

Rikachu 17th Jan 2010 12:31 PM

i believe I jumped into a pool with no water from 2 stories up, and got lucky and only broke my collarbone! :D

Beccapixie10 17th Jan 2010 12:38 PM

I believe it is pretty noticeable, and unfortuneately I can't delete comments on my status on my iPod

I believe I can't spell unfortunately either.

VoiceIHear 17th Jan 2010 12:38 PM

I believe that is extremely lucky Ri! wow.

Beccapixie10 17th Jan 2010 12:39 PM

I believe that is VERY Lucky Ri!

Rikachu 17th Jan 2010 12:37 PM

I believe that I don't see anything Becca, you're not even online for me o_o'

Beccapixie10 17th Jan 2010 12:41 PM

I believe it doesn't show me as online seeing as I'm
using the iPhone web page because I haven't got the app yet.

VoiceIHear 17th Jan 2010 12:43 PM

I believe I can only guess what it is.

I believe otherwise I don't see anything either...

Rikachu 17th Jan 2010 12:41 PM

I believe that explains it. xD

Beccapixie10 17th Jan 2010 12:47 PM

I believe the mistake is only visible if you look closely, thank god...

I believe an hour just passed withoutc me realising -.-

Rikachu 17th Jan 2010 12:46 PM

I believe Chrome just froze while I was downloading a car. o_o'

VoiceIHear 17th Jan 2010 12:50 PM

I believe, nope, I still have no idea.

I believe it is very rare for chrome to freeze. :P

I believe I love chrome. :D

Rikachu 17th Jan 2010 12:49 PM

I believe I also love chrome, and only ever found out about it when you posted a picture of your desktop, Brendon. XD

Beccapixie10 17th Jan 2010 12:55 PM

I believe I don't want you to have any idea, that's why i didn't just tell you!

I believe it's mostly fixed now so... *looks at the time* too early for sleeping.

I believe I've never tried chrome...

VoiceIHear 17th Jan 2010 12:57 PM

I believe I feel awesome now. XD

Rikachu 17th Jan 2010 12:55 PM

I believe that anyone who gets on MSN right now is going to wonder wtf I'm doing, because my quick message keeps changing erratically. xD

VoiceIHear 17th Jan 2010 12:59 PM

I believe I think I actually know what it was.

I believe I just realised i'm not actually on msn.

I believe i can't be bothered logging on.

Beccapixie10 17th Jan 2010 12:57 PM

I believe I'm going on msn to see if someone is online to talk to...

VoiceIHear 17th Jan 2010 1:01 PM

I believe I might go to bed soon...

Beccapixie10 17th Jan 2010 1:15 PM

I believe goodnight then Brendon...

HEAVEN-SENT 17th Jan 2010 3:00 PM

I belive I am hungry. ................ I believe I have not eatten all day

Calline 17th Jan 2010 5:46 PM

^ I believe you should make a little bit more effort to take care of your spelling, I'm dyslexic too btw. (:

I believe I really, really hate Damaris right now.

I believe it's not really her fault. She has every right to be gorgeous, intelligent, and have an amazing life.

HEAVEN-SENT 17th Jan 2010 6:30 PM

I believe I am sorry ....... I believe I was not paying atention to what I was typing

Calline 17th Jan 2010 6:53 PM

I believe it's okay, just thought I'd let you know xD

HEAVEN-SENT 17th Jan 2010 7:35 PM

I believe that is ok ......... I believe I take dislekic lessons at college to help me

Calline 17th Jan 2010 7:39 PM

I believe I just use a spellchecker online to help me with my dyslexia :p

I believe it sucks that I don't have a spellchecker for my english essays...

HEAVEN-SENT 17th Jan 2010 8:43 PM

I believe I do not us spellchecker .......... I believe I like to coup without it ....... I believe it sucks that I can't do somethings cos I am dysilexkic

Calline 17th Jan 2010 8:55 PM

I believe it does really suck.

I believe getting more time in my exams does not really help, because the extra time doesn't help me spot my mistakes :/

supaclova 17th Jan 2010 9:16 PM

I believe I just finished the last Cirque Du Freak book.

I believe those books are completely twisted genius brilliant.

I believe I was just sitting there crying my eyeballs out, unable to put the book down.

mj2004_3 17th Jan 2010 9:32 PM

I believe that I have never even read Cirque du Freak. Sounds cool.

I believe that argh Adobe Premiere converted my finished movie into an .avi file and now Youtube tells me that it's going to take 5 hours to load a stupid 7 minute video!

I believe that yesterday I almost gave up Premiere, until I found a workaround to get my clips to work.

I believe that grr I need new shoes, but we can't afford new shoes.

supaclova 17th Jan 2010 9:40 PM

I believe that they definitely are cool. Especially the last one. The whole time-traveling thing never fails to freak me out.

Calline 17th Jan 2010 9:41 PM

I believe I'm watching Casanova, which is an awesome movie.

Beccapixie10 17th Jan 2010 10:40 PM

I believe today might be either extremely bad or extremely good.

I believe I have to go and get new school shoes later...

I believe I'm going to Melbourne tomorrow, staying there for two nights xD

I believe I love Melbourne!

supaclova 17th Jan 2010 11:01 PM

I believe my friend's mom died.

VoiceIHear 18th Jan 2010 12:12 AM


I believe my house got accepted.

I believe Mario Kart can be INCREDIBLY annoying sometimes.

I believe it's gunna be hot here again today =/

supaclova 18th Jan 2010 12:15 AM

I believe Mario Kart is awesome.

I believe that my computer needs more USB slots.

I believe that I wish it were hot here.

Beccapixie10 18th Jan 2010 12:24 AM

I believe it's rather cool today...

I believe Mario Kart is awesome, but hard. I always call off the track on the Wii version...

I believe your house is AWESOMESAUCENESS Brendon

I believe I'm a bit crazy this morning...

supaclova 18th Jan 2010 12:27 AM

I believe I should go look at Brendon's house. *wanders off*

EDIT: I believe it's fantabulous.

VoiceIHear 18th Jan 2010 12:53 AM

Thanks Sidney and Becca.

I believe I find it annoying in Mario Kart when I'm coming first, I get blown up ten million times and end up last, all on the last lap.

Beccapixie10 18th Jan 2010 12:59 AM

I believe i agree with that xD

I believe i stole a huge thing of biscuits from the cupboard and have accidentally eaten all of them... oops.

supaclova 18th Jan 2010 1:03 AM

I believe that when you say biscuits, you don't mean what I think that means.

I believe maybe biscuits means cookies?

Beccapixie10 18th Jan 2010 1:11 AM

I believe i mean... Sakatas. Google them.

lethifold 18th Jan 2010 1:16 AM

I believe I'm going to go and get some tea (:

supaclova 18th Jan 2010 1:47 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Beccapixie10
I believe i mean... Sakatas. Google them.

I believe NOM.

Beccapixie10 18th Jan 2010 2:05 AM

I believe i never have any idea what to talk about to people online, even though i would in real life... *sigh*

lethifold 18th Jan 2010 2:06 AM

I believe my dad just keeps talking at me about stuff I don't care about.

I believe I'm in love with this weather.

Beccapixie10 18th Jan 2010 2:08 AM

I believe I like this weather... Sun, but not boiling hot

I believe Dad keeps trying to get me to go and watch cricket or something...

supaclova 18th Jan 2010 2:08 AM

I believe I wanna find a new avatar...

lethifold 18th Jan 2010 2:11 AM

I believe I also want to find a new avatar.

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