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flanah 16th Jun 2009 6:40 PM

yup lots !!! and you could be on your laptop in the living room or something DUH !

do you use the expiration "duh" in RL?

Beata125 16th Jun 2009 6:48 PM

Yes, lots

Have a bird ever splatted u with it's poo?

flanah 16th Jun 2009 6:50 PM

no thank god !!

tried to learn to play any musical instrument ?

bb4daddy123 16th Jun 2009 6:50 PM

Yes.(I play drums)

Do you wish more people would post?

Beata125 16th Jun 2009 6:51 PM


Do you like thunder?

straightroad 17th Jun 2009 8:50 AM

Yes, well I like thunderstorms anyway.

Do you like Twilight?

bb4daddy123 17th Jun 2009 8:56 AM


Do you have an I-Pod?

straightroad 17th Jun 2009 9:18 AM


Do you think Aussie accents are annoying?

negneg189 17th Jun 2009 9:23 AM

Depends on who's speaking with it.

Have you ever shoplifted?

Sunuvabich 17th Jun 2009 1:41 PM

Yes. I was five y.o and my sis told me I could buy the entire shop with a nickle. I just grabbed some gum and walked out of the store...

Have you ever cheated?

ktbcca 17th Jun 2009 2:20 PM

Yes. Not on my husband, but on my very first boyfriend. Not that it makes it any better.

Have you ever been arrested?

chowgilly 17th Jun 2009 2:31 PM

No. Im a good law abiding citizen (apparently)

Have you been cheated on?

lethifold 18th Jun 2009 8:24 AM

Not that I know of...

Have you ever jumped into a pool fully clothed? (So much fun...)

ktbcca 18th Jun 2009 12:14 PM

Nope, but now I want to.

Have you ever flushed a live goldfish down the toilet?

flanah 18th Jun 2009 12:35 PM

lol no !!!

have you ever dropped a laptop from the second floor to the ground floor?

ktbcca 18th Jun 2009 1:35 PM


Have you ever peed in a lake or the ocean?

Beata125 18th Jun 2009 9:08 PM

Yes. It was this year, may. Don't laugh-it was in Spain so it was hot, I needed a piss and there weren't any toilets around that beach!

Have you ever tried to close the door but your foot was in the way and you hit it? Did you brake/twist/sprained anything?

Raindrops757 18th Jun 2009 9:31 PM

Yes, I've done that lots of times but I never had anything other than bruised toes.

Have you ever stayed up for 2 nights in a row without sleep?

flanah 19th Jun 2009 12:17 AM

yes.. not for any reason expat that I can't sleep sometimes

have you every went out and discovered that you are still wearing your slippers >.< (I always do that and then I run back home to change it)

DollyRot 19th Jun 2009 1:01 AM

Lol no, can't say that I have.

Have you ever broke a bone?

lethifold 19th Jun 2009 7:59 AM

Yes, my elbow when I was two. My brother pushed me off a slide .

Have you ever licked a pole?

Elice 19th Jun 2009 6:03 PM

Yes--I watch too many movies -_-

Have you ever did something weird and then later asked yourself why?

Rabid 19th Jun 2009 10:10 PM

Yes. Who hasn't ?

Have you ever accidentally left a sticker or tag on new clothes and gone out in them?

Beata125 20th Jun 2009 5:45 PM

Maybe, I dunno
Have you ever had a crush on the boy next door?

Elice 20th Jun 2009 7:18 PM

No-- my past next door neighbors were an old lady, and a old guy that had six dogs and would go fishing to bring the stinky things back to his dogs to eat. Now, my nextdoor neighbors leave three houses down (new neighborhood)

Have you ever physically hurt someone? (past slapping/kicking/kneeing)

_Mnemosine_ 20th Jun 2009 8:09 PM

Yes. Had a huge fight with a "friend". She hit me. I hit her back.

Have you ever sing in front of lots of people?

Rabid 20th Jun 2009 8:55 PM

No. And I never will .

Do you like to exercise?

Beata125 20th Jun 2009 9:52 PM

It depends-dancing rocks! Football does not!

Do you have pets?

ktbcca 20th Jun 2009 11:49 PM

Yes! A cat and a dog.

Do you like sushi?

Elice 21st Jun 2009 12:29 AM

Yes. So glad that walmart sells it now.

Would you date someone because they were just ultra hot? (everything else is a nightmare--they only have good looks)

Eliyana 21st Jun 2009 1:10 AM

No, it'd be a one-nighter sorta thing :P

Do you like going camping?

mitzymoo589 23rd Jun 2009 9:14 PM

Never been and I don't intend to :D

Is there other forums you go on?

Elice 23rd Jun 2009 10:36 PM

Yup, two RPs and now I'm in a little debate.

Would you take a suit case of money if it were just out in the woods?

ktbcca 23rd Jun 2009 11:17 PM

I would probably hand it over to the "authorities". I'd feel too guilty to keep it.

Have you ever accidentally ripped the button off of something in the store and just put it back without telling the store clerk?

kustirider2 23rd Jun 2009 11:19 PM


Do you like any games apart from TS2/3?

Eliyana 24th Jun 2009 12:51 AM

Yes, quite a lot actually

Have you ever had a nightmare?

Elice 24th Jun 2009 3:09 AM

Yes, very vivid and kind of silly, one were me being chased by a wild elephant in a nieghborhood and I was running in slow motion. I have a lot like that, but different things chasing me.

On dreams, have you ever knew you were dreaming/could control your dreams?

punchlines! 24th Jun 2009 6:13 AM


Have you ever rolled down a hill?

straightroad 24th Jun 2009 6:40 AM

Yep, loads.

Do you ever eat when you're not hungry?

ktbcca 24th Jun 2009 6:44 AM

Yes! I love food

Have you ever made a sim after someone in RL that you didn't like and killed them in some tragic way?

DollyRot 24th Jun 2009 7:29 AM


Have you ever raised a kitten?

straightroad 24th Jun 2009 7:35 AM

Yes, not well though

Have you ever wanted kids very badly?

DollyRot 24th Jun 2009 8:42 AM

Nope. Im not a fan of spawning.

Do you watch the Fashion Channel?

lethifold 24th Jun 2009 8:46 AM

Nope, TV is eeeeebil. Except for Lost. And Supernatural. Other than that, it is eeeeebil .

Do you believe in the supernatural i.e. ghosts, spirits?

ktbcca 24th Jun 2009 8:49 AM

I haven't really decided whether I do or not, yet.

Do you ever iron your clothes?

straightroad 24th Jun 2009 9:14 AM

Nup. That's what my mom does (Love ya, mom..*shifty eyes*)

Do you hate your nose?

Beata125 24th Jun 2009 5:53 PM

No its fine

Do you like pizza? LOL

flanah 24th Jun 2009 5:58 PM

yea !! very

can you live with no cellphone? :P

Beata125 24th Jun 2009 6:11 PM


do you walk to school/work?

flanah 24th Jun 2009 6:41 PM

nope.. bus

you have a job?

kustirider2 24th Jun 2009 6:42 PM


Can you play an instrument?

flanah 24th Jun 2009 7:11 PM

mad world.. on acoustic guitar.. no more no less ><

I bought it 2 weeks ago xP

you have trouble sleeping?

kustirider2 24th Jun 2009 7:13 PM

Last night, Yes. But not usually.

Do you like Ice-cream?

flanah 24th Jun 2009 7:16 PM

umm yea I guess...

you wear hats?

Rabid 24th Jun 2009 7:26 PM

Yes, but only on the beach. I love big, floppy sunhats.

Are you an insomniac?

Beata125 24th Jun 2009 8:52 PM


[Spacefiller] [Spacefiller]

kustirider2 24th Jun 2009 8:57 PM

An Insomiac is someone who has trouble sleeping.

flanah 24th Jun 2009 10:08 PM


you are a lazy person :P

straightroad 24th Jun 2009 11:31 PM

Yes but I prefer.."selectively active" :P

Can you watch scary movies and be able to go to sleep at night?

flanah 25th Jun 2009 12:38 AM

well yea... the scary movies have no effect on my sleeping habits which is already messed up :P

you love reading?

PennyTheCorgi 25th Jun 2009 1:10 AM


Have you ever owned a guinea pig?

straightroad 25th Jun 2009 1:40 AM


Are you finding it difficult to not stare at er..Penny's avatar?

flanah 25th Jun 2009 2:11 AM

no not rly I don't stare @ avatar's.. Elice's avatar is another story tho ><

can you read a book and watch a film and listen to a song @ the same time?

Eliyana 25th Jun 2009 2:14 AM

Yep, suprisingly, I did that today while watching Angels and Demons, Reading Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six and listening to my Summer '09 playlist. :P

Do you use photoshop?

straightroad 25th Jun 2009 2:22 AM


Do you like Linkin Park?

flanah 25th Jun 2009 3:07 AM

Angels and Demons.. haven't watched it yet..only the trailer ? is it good?

yes some of their songs...

do you have any Unusual habits (like collecting cups and mags for me >< )

Rabid 25th Jun 2009 4:26 AM

Who doesn't have unusual habits? Off the top of my head, I always check my closet for I don't know what (serial killers? Boogeyman?) before I get in bed at night and I collect ticket stubs.

Can you do homework in a loud environment?

PennyTheCorgi 25th Jun 2009 4:58 AM

Yup. I'm pretty good at multitasking and I study better with my zune on.

Can you do a cartwheel?

Elice 25th Jun 2009 5:52 AM

No, I'm fat, lazy, and out of shape. Plus I don't want to mess up my nails girl~ XD

Is looks the first thing you see in a lover; i.e eyes, hair, face, clothes. (come now, be honest, it doesn't have to be the only thing)

ktbcca 25th Jun 2009 8:42 AM

I would say, yes.

Do you drink energy drinks often? (Red Bull, Full Throttle, etc.)

lethifold 25th Jun 2009 8:43 AM

Nope, I hate them. They taste like medicine.

Are you a vegetarian?

straightroad 25th Jun 2009 8:59 AM


Do you love cheeese?

Elice 25th Jun 2009 11:16 AM


do you hate a certain animal?

straightroad 25th Jun 2009 11:25 AM

Nah, but I am terrified of amphibians, reptiles, sea creatures, insects...basically I only like mammals. Except cows and pigs cause they're scary.

Do you think I'm a wuss from reading that?

lethifold 25th Jun 2009 11:26 AM

Nope. I'm terrified of insects as well.

Do you play an instrument?

straightroad 25th Jun 2009 12:10 PM

Used to. I'm pretty incompetent.

Do you wear a lot of make up?

DollyRot 25th Jun 2009 12:36 PM


Do you drink diet sodas?

straightroad 25th Jun 2009 12:42 PM

Nup. Juice.

Do you wish you had your own Prince Charming?

Gangreless 25th Jun 2009 1:03 PM

Yes (But only if I get to do whatever I want to him)

Have you ever seriously contemplated murder?

flanah 25th Jun 2009 4:04 PM

not yet :D

you like "boston legal" ?

Rabid 25th Jun 2009 4:11 PM

No, but my parents love it.

Are you a romantic?

flanah 25th Jun 2009 4:18 PM


you are going on a trip this summer ?

Rabid 25th Jun 2009 4:23 PM

Yes. I'll be in California for two weeks in July.

Do bugs freak you out?

mitzymoo589 25th Jun 2009 8:02 PM


Is your room an absolute mess?

Beata125 25th Jun 2009 8:57 PM

no, i'm not allowed BOOOO!

Do you burp loudly?

Gangreless 26th Jun 2009 1:17 AM


Do you miss Rocko's Modern Life?

Elice 26th Jun 2009 6:43 AM

No, I hated that show but for some reason I couldn't stop watching it.

Do you think Johnny Depp is the hottes man on earth? (don't worry ladies, we wont tell your boyfriend/husbands)

straightroad 26th Jun 2009 8:12 AM

Nah, sorry, Antonio Banderas is :P

Do you get cramps when you have your period?

lethifold 26th Jun 2009 8:15 AM

Yes .

Are you sad that Michael Jackson died?

Elice 26th Jun 2009 8:18 AM

Yes. He was so~ young D=

If you wouldn't ever get caught, would you steal from a bank?

Gangreless 26th Jun 2009 8:24 AM

Yes... if I would never get caught and there would never be any consequences at all.

If you (very) happily married and had the chance to have a relationship with the celebrity of your choice, but it ruined your marriage, would you?

straightroad 26th Jun 2009 8:37 AM

No, sorry Antonio Banderas..:P

Do you want a MJ sim made as a tribute to the King of Pop?

Gangreless 26th Jun 2009 8:50 AM

No, unfortunately someone already made one:

Have you ever slept in the woods alone?

Elice 26th Jun 2009 9:02 AM

No, and I never plan, or hope, for that to ever happen. I hate the woods... unless it's pretty like fairytale or something.

Would you sell your child if you were really poor and the family that wanted him/her were extremely rich?

ktbcca 26th Jun 2009 9:25 AM


Do you bite your toenails?

Gangreless 26th Jun 2009 9:33 AM

Haha, although I could, no, I do not

Do you believe in The Matrix?

Beata125 26th Jun 2009 6:38 PM


Did you like the Powerpuff girls when you were little?

flanah 26th Jun 2009 8:18 PM


are you good with kids?

Beata125 26th Jun 2009 8:34 PM

Yes I know this boy he's 5 he's called Charlie he's so CUTE! I give him so called
''whizzies'' and oh he looks so innocent but he's a bit naughty too in a cute way OMG!

Do you wear glasses?

Elice 26th Jun 2009 10:35 PM

Yes, but I choose not to and run into many walls.

Would you sell yourself to a king/queen if it were to save your entire family?

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