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Beata125 3rd Aug 2009 12:55 PM

oooosh I hate that.

I must always see the screen completely, I cannot stand if there's something blocking the screen, even the tiniest littlest bit.

mitzymoo589 3rd Aug 2009 11:10 PM

Same with me I always clean the screen if I find a dot of dirt

I purposley mess up my room since it doesn't feel right when it's clean :D

Raindrops757 4th Aug 2009 12:05 AM

Nope, I actually really like it when my room is tidy, I just never have the patience to clean it...(I'm a lazy person too...)

I hate it when people leave used dishes on the table after eating, I always have to carry them over to the sink or put them in the dishwasher.

lethifold 4th Aug 2009 12:15 AM

Yes, I'm the same. My brother always just gets up from the table and leaves, and I jump up right after him and clear his dishes .

I always tap along to beats, but really quietly because I know it annoys people.

zauberlinda12 4th Aug 2009 3:08 AM

Sometimes, If I particularly like the song.

It bugs me when people scrape their eating utensils with their teeth.

stygia2002 4th Aug 2009 3:10 AM

That drives me batty and grosses me out!

It bugs me when people pick their nose and eat it, especially if it's my husband and we're out in public.

zauberlinda12 4th Aug 2009 3:14 AM

I only thought kids did that...and yes it is grow-taay!

It bugs me when people say asterick instead of asterisk

Dreamydre 4th Aug 2009 3:36 AM

no not really.
I've always had this feeling that I would die young.

Rabid 4th Aug 2009 3:53 AM

No. I'm a very cautious person- I'm sure that I'll live to a ripe old age.

I like to be fully upright and fairly close to the steering wheel when I drive. I know people who drive practically laying down and I don't know how they do it.

stygia2002 4th Aug 2009 4:00 AM

That would be really uncomfortable for me (the reclined position)... I need to be sitting up!

I can't stand kids who come into my yard and kill/torture the critters that live there (like praying mantises, toads etc.). It really bothers me and makes me want to tazer the little jerks as soon as I see them anywhere near my yard (fortunately, it's rather illegal or I'd be sorely tempted!).

Dreamydre 4th Aug 2009 4:45 AM

...please don't kill the kids stygia. But no, I run like hell from bugs.

I can clap with my feet. (I feel so childish saying this lol).

zauberlinda12 4th Aug 2009 4:48 AM

I've never tried *tests it out* I can do it too!

I can raise one eyebrow and then the other separately.

Rabid 4th Aug 2009 4:58 AM


I can wiggle my pinky toe independently of the rest of my toes so that they stay perfectly still.

zauberlinda12 4th Aug 2009 5:01 AM

I wish I could do that!

I can make my tongue make that boat motor-like sound...

KyleTheArtist 4th Aug 2009 8:58 AM


I can make top falangi of my pinky move even if I tense my finger( I think I broke it at some point)

lethifold 4th Aug 2009 9:06 AM

Nope .

I can crack any joint at will.

KyleTheArtist 4th Aug 2009 9:10 AM


I have fast metabolism. In few hour my foods is gone

Beata125 4th Aug 2009 10:17 AM


I can bend my toes keeping the second one (the one next to the big toe) straight.

lethifold 4th Aug 2009 10:54 AM

Same here.

I never leave the house without my phone and my iPod.

Beata125 4th Aug 2009 2:00 PM


I like raw rhubarb dipped in sugar

PharaohHound 4th Aug 2009 6:31 PM


I can bend my thumb down to touch the inside of my arm. Apparently I have "hypermobile" joints.

stygia2002 4th Aug 2009 8:06 PM


I can carry on a conversation with one of my best friends where both of us are talking at the same time (my husband says we sound like a couple of squirrels high on caffeine).

Beata125 4th Aug 2009 8:33 PM

oh cool, no.

When I came to england I was astonished that people put MILK into their tea or coffee. I think it's a stupid idea and drink it black. The milk makes me feel sick.

Rabid 4th Aug 2009 8:54 PM

I put sugar in my tea and powdered chocolate in my coffee, so I suppose I would agree.

I can easily wrap my thumb and forefinger around my wrist so that they meet. I have really small-boned wrists.

PharaohHound 4th Aug 2009 9:04 PM

It's a snug fit, but I can certainly do it, though I think in my case it has more to do with having long fingers.

When I'm singing certain songs (well, make that most songs) I often find myself adopting the accent and speech mannerisms of the original artist.

Charley-x 4th Aug 2009 9:38 PM

na not really.

when lots of people are listening to a song (including me) i hate it when just one person sings. either everyone has to sing or everyone has to shut up.

Raindrops757 5th Aug 2009 12:10 AM

Only if the person is singing really loudly and badly, and ruining the song completely...

I am always tired, even if I haven't done anything to make myself tired.

lethifold 5th Aug 2009 12:13 AM

Same here.

I can't start the day without a cup of tea.

Charley-x 5th Aug 2009 12:19 AM

e, i aint got the effort to make tea in the morning, wish i did though!

when getting ready the first thing i do is my hair.

IrishGrace 5th Aug 2009 12:26 AM

it's the last thing I do

I can wiggle my nose

Charley-x 5th Aug 2009 12:28 AM

sort of.

the last thing i sdo when getting ready is my make-up.

minus. 5th Aug 2009 1:19 AM

I don't wear makeup, so no.

I can't fall asleep if my feet are cold.

Beata125 5th Aug 2009 1:49 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Rabid
I put sugar in my tea

WTF? Isn't that normal?

Beata125 5th Aug 2009 1:51 PM

Quote: Originally posted by minus.
I don't wear makeup, so no.

I can't fall asleep if my feet are cold.


I don't see how ppl don't put sugar in their tea-it tastes like water if they don't!

lethifold 5th Aug 2009 1:52 PM

I have sugar in my tea, but plenty of people drink it without, and I do on occasions.

I can listen to the same song for an hour or more and not get sick of it if I like the song.

zauberlinda12 5th Aug 2009 2:05 PM

Me too.

If I see a person yawn...I automatically yawn as well

Beata125 5th Aug 2009 2:24 PM

yes I just yawned when I read it LOL

I'm not sure bout' my style. One day I'm emo, but another I dress up in a frilly dress!

Rabid 5th Aug 2009 4:34 PM

Nope, I'm pretty glamorous. High heels, red lipstick, and red nails are my signatures.

Caffeine doesn't affect me at all. I don't need it to wake up, and when I drink it, I don't get buzzed.

Beata125 5th Aug 2009 5:24 PM

I never tried coffee.

I can't stand people that need explaining to E-V-E-R-Y-S-I-N-G-L-E-T-H-I-N-G-!

Raindrops757 6th Aug 2009 1:06 AM

Umm...I can stand them but it does get a bit annoying sometimes. My mum is like that so I've had lots of practise.

I don't like it when people don't answer you if you ask them something, unless they've got a very good reason like they're in shock.

stygia2002 6th Aug 2009 1:49 AM

Don't get married then (both men I've been married to are that way)...I throw things at people who do that! It's so rude!

I can't stand being manhandled by touchy-feely people that I don't know (if I know, and like, someone well enough, I'm okay with hugs and the like).

zauberlinda12 6th Aug 2009 3:47 AM


Loud mouthed, obnoxious, arrogant people irritate me. When I was a kid I would just run away and hide somewhere if someone like that visited. But now....if I'm at work...whaddya do? Put up with it, that's what.

Rabid 6th Aug 2009 5:08 AM


I cannot stand people who vocalize their every inane thought. I'm a very private person in real life and perhaps that's where this abhorrence stems from, but I don't like it when people think out loud. No one wants to hear you stumble over the eccentricities of your mind.

Dreamydre 6th Aug 2009 5:16 AM

Well thinking out loud, actually helps some people get things off their back. You never know what someone could be going through.

I hate when the N word comes out of everyone's mouth including African-Americans. In my opinion everyone should say it or no one at all.

stygia2002 6th Aug 2009 5:28 AM

Right on!

I hate hanging out with people who can't have a good time or feel good without it being at someone else's expense (as in, they have to make someone else feel bad).

Dreamydre 6th Aug 2009 5:34 AM


I hate when I get notifications on Facebook and I get all excited thinking its a friend posting something on my wall only to find out that someone sent me a damn octopus. Its not real, what the eff am I suppose to do with it?

Rabid 6th Aug 2009 5:41 AM

I only use Facebook to set up interviews for newspaper, so I can't say that I feel that way.

I have very tall, narrow handwriting. My friends tell me that it reflects my body .

Dreamydre 6th Aug 2009 6:25 AM

mmm...I'm 5'8, my handwriting isn't narrow though.

I sometimes wonder about Rabid and her odd obsession with Lady Gaga. hmm..

zauberlinda12 6th Aug 2009 8:23 AM

We all do, Dreamy, we all do...

Bad table manners bug me, i.e, eating with mouth open, elbows on the table, etc...oh, no... I've become my Mother!

PharaohHound 6th Aug 2009 1:12 PM

Eating with mouth open drives me nuts, but I'll happily put my elbows on the table!

When I get into an artistic project (painting, drawing, etc) I often completely forget to eat or drink. I often miss meals because I'm so caught up in what I'm doing! My mum gets really annoyed, she says I don't eat enough as it is.

stygia2002 6th Aug 2009 3:26 PM

I do that too with anything I get really focused on, whether it's cleaning out a closet or getting involved in one of my (many) hobbies. It's really bad when I play a video game (Sims included) and have one of those "in the zone" experiences (which is actually very rare for me).

I hate it when people throw whiny fits over stupid things that make no sense.

Beata125 6th Aug 2009 3:45 PM


I can't stand people who don't have any friends and it's their fault, because they don't know how to act socially.

stygia2002 6th Aug 2009 9:09 PM

OMG I know a few people like that and I just want to thump them when they whine about no one liking them!

People who make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and use the jelly covered knife to get their peanut butter even though you've asked them nicely not to do that because it makes you gag when you want to make a sandwich.

Charley-x 7th Aug 2009 12:21 AM

umm.. no. nobody i know eats PBJ sammies.

i apply nail varnish then pick it off.

zauberlinda12 7th Aug 2009 2:11 AM

No. I'm obsessive about my polished nails and chips bug me.

I have no sense of direction so I always have a GPS with me in the car...just in case I need it. AND....

Those "Pedigree Dog Food" commercials make me cry

cupcake12winx 7th Aug 2009 10:55 AM

No and no.

I HAVE to look behind me when I go upstairs to bed. Like, I get on the landing, over to my door, then look back to the big open spot to make sure nothing's there. Same with leaving any dark space. I'm paranoid. -_-

Raindrops757 7th Aug 2009 7:45 PM

Me too, I think I've seen too many horror films.

I feel ugly if I leave the house without wearing at least some make-up. I don't know why because I only starting wearing it like 2 years ago.

Beata125 7th Aug 2009 7:54 PM

Same here. AND I started wearing in 2 years ago too. If Vaseline does not count

Before I turn on a full-screen game, eg. TS3 every other window has to be closed, eg. internet.

stygia2002 7th Aug 2009 10:00 PM too.

I have to have my music on to get "in the zone" when I'm playing video games (kind of a soundtrack)

cupcake12winx 8th Aug 2009 11:44 AM


I have to have the TV on for noise when I go to bed or I get creeped out. The weird thing is that I turn it down so low that I can't hear anything but the tiny fan in front of my face... I don't get it.

incurablyromantic 8th Aug 2009 12:52 PM

Hehe, no..I don't get that...

I cry at almost anything slightly emotional (the news, adverts, happy endings, sad endings etc etc)
For example, the other day (not sure if people heard) those 2 women who were being kept in Northern Korea, and I cried because it was so touching when they were reunited with their families...AND I'd signed a petition on to set them free, and the thought that I could have made a difference, even if it was small...that made me sad too. I had to leave the room
I usually cry at Oxfam adverts about water. *shakes head*


PharaohHound 8th Aug 2009 1:52 PM

I'm actually quite the opposite, takes a lot to get me to cry. Unless it's something sad about an animal - then it's pretty darn easy.

I forget loads of things (birthdays, where I put my iPod, etc) but I can recite entire dialogues from movies and TV shows I've only seen once.

Beata125 8th Aug 2009 4:32 PM


Everything has to be symmetrical except hair clips.

Rabid 8th Aug 2009 5:02 PM


I cry very, very easily at movies. It doesn't take much, and it doesn't always have to be sad.

Beata125 8th Aug 2009 5:27 PM

me too! but I sometimes stop myself.

I get really angry if I want to do something but I have to do something else instead/before.

stygia2002 8th Aug 2009 5:32 PM

Not so much since I've become an adult (I was that way when I was a kid though)...doing stuff I don't want to is just part of life.

I get really annoyed by people who make loud noises when they chew and smack their mouths really loud while they're eating.

incurablyromantic 8th Aug 2009 6:20 PM

I'm probably the person who does that! Sorry!

If someone or something wakes me up, or if my sleep is interrupted I will be really moody in the morning, if I wake up naturally, of my own accord, I am usually pleasant to people

Beata125 8th Aug 2009 6:43 PM

no. I'm always hyper and full of energy

I reserve my bed for EVERYTHING!

Raindrops757 10th Aug 2009 11:12 PM

Same, I love my bed...

I hate wearing bright colours. Nearly everything in my wardrobe is in greys, blacks and purples.

Rabid 10th Aug 2009 11:17 PM

Only in the winter. I'm very picky about seasonal wardrobe- I'm a firm believer in the no white after Labor Day rule.

When I eat Chex Mix, I avoid the pretzels. There's something I won't eat in practically every snack mix.

Beata125 11th Aug 2009 11:48 AM


I keep changing my style: Yesterday I was Emo, a week ago I was like, glamour, today I'm just casual!

Rabid 14th Aug 2009 1:03 AM

No- I'm pretty consistent. Classic glamour day in and day out.

When I drive, I tend to take the longest, most back-assward route to get to where I'm going. Without thinking, I always go the long way.

Charley-x 14th Aug 2009 1:18 AM

i can't drive (not old enough).

i only listen to my left earphone (in the left ear) when listening to my ipod/mp3/whatever you have, my case, ipod.

Raindrops757 15th Aug 2009 7:58 PM

Nope, I listen to both earphones.

It annoys me when people argue very loudly in public. I also think it's odd that it doesn't make them feel embarassed.

feefifofum 15th Aug 2009 9:04 PM

Hrm...well, I hate when people shout at their kids in public. It's almost all neddy parents who do it. For people outside of Scotland, ned = non-educated delinquent.

Whenever I see a smudge/mark on something, I want to get it off. If it's something I can't do anything about (e.g. something on TV), I'll get all twitchy.

stygia2002 15th Aug 2009 9:28 PM

I get like that sometimes, but it depends on what kind of mood I'm in.

Sometimes I feel antagonistic toward everything for seemingly no real reason.

zauberlinda12 15th Aug 2009 9:46 PM

I have to say I chalk that up to hormonal swings when feelings like that take over me for no reason.

I have to have all the lights off in the room when I'm watching a movie.

Rabid 15th Aug 2009 10:13 PM

I'm the same way. It feels more like a theater in the dark.

I hate using knives. I'd rather hack at whatever I'm eating with a fork rather than use a knife.

Charley-x 15th Aug 2009 11:27 PM


i hate it when people talk loudly on mobile phones while in a restraunt, TAEK IT OUTSIDE PLZ.

stygia2002 15th Aug 2009 11:50 PM

I don't mind people talking on a phone if they make it quick and aren't loud about it. I don't appreciate hearing someone airing their "dirty laundry" when I'm out with my friends/family (it's always TMI).

People who just go on and on gushing compliments and spewing how lucky and wonderful I am come across as insincere and bug me after awhile and I eventually have to make an excuse and leave...otherwise I might tell them to put a cork in it!

girlgeek19 15th Aug 2009 11:58 PM

Hm...I don't get that so much. It does annoy me when you ask someone for their honest opinion and they give you a load of garbage to make you feel better and it's blatantly obvious.

When I'm chewing my food, the last chew has to be on the right side of my mouth.

Charley-x 16th Aug 2009 12:31 AM

I chew with my left side, so no.

When I eat an ice lolly, the last bit is the coldest, it gives me a brain freeze. It's like my head knows that its the last bit.

PharaohHound 16th Aug 2009 1:41 PM

Nope, I don't get brain freeze.

I tend to hold things while doing stuff with my hands. For example, I can play piano while holding a pencil with my index finger (useful for composing and arranging music), or when making cards I hold a craft knife with my right ring-finger while gluing stuff, then flip the knife down and cut with it, then hold it again.

Beata125 16th Aug 2009 4:00 PM

lol no

I cant possibly read 2 books at the same time. If I started one, I must finish it before I start another one. Except if I'm studying obvs.

candiiee 16th Aug 2009 4:21 PM

I'm usually like that, but at the moment I'm halfway through about five books because I've lost three of them and I forgot about another of them...

If there's any insect in a room, I have to kill it before I do anything else.

minus. 16th Aug 2009 4:24 PM

Nope. I usually set them free^^

I tend to chew on candies instead of sucking.

stygia2002 16th Aug 2009 6:07 PM

Depends on the candy

It drives me crazy when people turn on lights in the middle of the day when it's light in the house

Rabid 16th Aug 2009 6:19 PM

Me too. I like to keep the house lit solely by natural light for as long as possible, even in the winter when it's cloudly and snowy.

I hate it when people (namely my mom and my sister) try to talk to me through the bathroom door. I can't go if someone is trying to converse with me, so I have a strict rule about no talking to me when I'm in the bathroom .

Beata125 16th Aug 2009 6:21 PM

yeah my mum just simply comes in my room , turns the light on (all in 1 sec) and walks out. That drives my crazy!

When I have 2 or more things on my plate, I have to eat them evenly- there can't be more of this and less of that-the amount of everything has to be the same.

stygia2002 16th Aug 2009 6:35 PM

No, not usually, but sometimes

I can't stand it when I'm in the bathroom with the door closed and someone just walks in (our door doesn't have a doorknob and it's broken at the moment so I can't lock it)

Beata125 16th Aug 2009 6:52 PM

yeah, really annoying.

But there's something even worse though that I cant stand- My mum coming into the bathroom to use the toilet while I'm under the shower. I REALLY hate that. Especially when she flushes the toilet and my water goes all hot.

stygia2002 16th Aug 2009 8:55 PM

UGH...that happens to me all the time! I hate it!

I can't stand anything on my head like hats, no matter how cold it is!

Charley-x 18th Aug 2009 12:17 AM

nope, i like wearing hats/hoods XD.

I hate it when people where pumps with brightly coloured socks.

girlgeek19 18th Aug 2009 12:30 AM

Eh. People around here don't wear pumps, but if they did, I don't think it would bother me.

I HATE warm toilet seats. I would rather sit on it icy cold. Doubly gross if it's a public restroom.

Charley-x 18th Aug 2009 12:51 AM

don't really pay attention to the temp of a toilet seat o.O

when answering my phone, i hold it to my left ear.

girlgeek19 18th Aug 2009 1:28 AM

Nope. Almost always my right ear.

I compulsively crack my toes.

minus. 18th Aug 2009 1:37 AM


my shampoo has to match my conditioner.

girlgeek19 18th Aug 2009 1:40 AM

Me too. I can't stand shirts that don't at least go down to my belt loops.

NightmareCandle 18th Aug 2009 2:20 AM

Me too, kind of

I get the hiccups when I'm shocked, or when it's too quiet.

Beata125 18th Aug 2009 12:23 PM


I don't like ham, although I'm not vegetarian.

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