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AndrewGloria 27th Mar 2016 10:38 PM

Glad to see your Sims back in business, Sims2Christain! By the way, I use an external USB DVD-RW drive for my Sims discs. They're not all that expensive.

yavannatw 28th Mar 2016 4:48 AM

My poor house has been established and is run by a plantsim clone of the headmaster of the boarding school. The children who populate the poor house come from large families who have disregarded the new rule of no more than three children. Those kids will grow up to populate a new poor area in the neighbourhood. A block of crummy apartments have been built just for them not far from the trailer park.
Otherwise, nothing exceptional is happening - surprisingly, no illicit affairs or scandals - a quiet period.

Mrmo 28th Mar 2016 7:29 PM

I don't use to post here but OK...

I was playing a girl in the Uni subhood whit the name of Bunny. She did look pretty hot but I made her wear bunny ears to go whit the name. Oh well, I made the sim to try out what happends if a sim fail while on uni. Bunny did quite well or average untill the third year or so but then I let her concentration sink to a minimum. This caused her to make a test year but as she did not have enough skills she was about to fail. So I said, OK let's do that. She did go to the final test but failed and did get kicked out of the uni. And that was fast! She just returned to the dorm as tha taxi showed up and I had to pause the game to collect her custom paintings from her room.

So she went to the hood. I did not know where to put her but after some thinking she ended up on a lot where I have a vampire woman living. They seemed to like each other so I did keep Bunny there. I really dont know why the game is written so that clothes that can be worn by both adults and young adults don't fallow the sim but it bugs me. I wanted her to wear the same clothes she had at the uni so she had to go out an rebay it. Bunny ended up in a store owed by one om my sims and this woman is one of the worst salesmen in the history of my hood. She do have the habit of never going back to the cash register. Instead she walks around the store doing nothing and the customers do get angry and leaves. So even yesterday. There were 6 customers throwing their bags on the floor and Bunny was one of them. The game, however, do not take notice of this so as soon as the bags had landed a message showed up on the screen: "Congrats, you just bouth your self some new clothes" (a little unsure what the english text really says). How unlogical! Oh well, nevermind, she did get some new clothing.

venusking 28th Mar 2016 10:00 PM

Newson: Jake & Jessica (children of Jack and Gabriella Newson Hanby). Jack was a criminal when he was alive and therefore the kids grew up scared of anyone in authority. After both their parents died, they didn't tell anyone and carried on as normal. Once they became teens, though, they got to know their cousins and eventually Georgia found out. Since then, she has been sending them money to cover the bills. She wanted them to come and live with her, but they didn't want to leave the home they grew up in. As they were teenagers, she agreed but she checks up on them from time to time.
As children, they had been friends with Tessa Ramirez. Tessa grew tired of her dad's constant cheating and her mom doing nothing about it. So, when she became a teen, she ran away from home. The only people she trusted to not turn her in was Jake and Jessica. They let her crash at their place. Eventually, she and Jake fell in love. Now, this poor girl is so fertile. The very first time they woohoo, she gets pregnant. They had a girl named Lisiella (a combination of their mother's names). After this they didn't woohoo for a long time. They decided to slow things down and concentrate on raising their child. This lasted until Lisiella became a toddler. So, the second time they woohoo'd, she also got pregnant. This time she had twins (Jude and Julianna). Things are now a bit cramped. Jake and Tessa have his parent's old room, Jessica and Lisiella share the room that she and Jake used to share, and the babies are in the hallway. Jessica will be leaving for college soon so that should help matters. In the meantime, Tessa started birth control. Jake may have a want to have 10 kids, but three is quite enough for her!

Peni Griffin 29th Mar 2016 1:16 AM

Shane Ottomas and Tarquin DeBateau have had a long complicated road, what with Third Mann seducing both of them and Shane and Jules O'Mackey being unable to quite get past their high school relationship, but the day was finally here - Tarquin graduated and moved into the downtown apartment Shane shares with his sister Davina, and even though they can't legally get married in the GS Uberhood, they were going to throw a party and commit to each other in front of their families and everything would be set. Never mind that Third now lives across the street and was in the hall playing poker with the landlord...

So, they had to wait till late to start the party, because of Davina working till 8, but shortly before she got home (with a promotion and a co-worker) Tarquin invited his mom and his more-or-less aunt Beth Rutherford over and then cooked a nice fish dinner while Shane threw the actual party, inviting some of his oldest friends (who happened not to be related to Third, as so many of his friends are) as well as all the Ottomai. When a reasonable percentage of them were inside the apartment they changed into matching formalwear and exchanged rings in front of the bar.

And then Third walked up and Squeezed Tarquin!

I free-ranged the rest of the party, which was a madhouse and such a battlefield nobody ever bothered to answer the door when the neighbors complained. Shane seemed inclined to give Tarquin a pass, but he and Davina both attacked Third - Davina twice! The party gathered round, most of them - to their credit - rooting for Ottomai instead of Third, but the pregnant Darlene Moonbeam calmly strolled past it all to raid the fridge, dinner being long gone. Shane cried a lot. Tarquin went to bed in the room that was supposed to be theirs, and Shane slept with his sister.

In the morning he got up and found his law enforcement job, though. And he and Tarquin haven't actually fought about the situation yet. Maybe this relationship can be saved?

If not, he can always run back to Jules, with whom he's still in love.

WildIrishBanshee 29th Mar 2016 12:59 PM

SilverMoon House - My computer decided to restart itself, but I'll try to remember what happened. Bambi went on a few dream dates with Chase Barber, resulting in love tags on her part finally and an engagement. I took her down to University Park for awhile,and one of her new acquaintances called her up as soon as she returned home, and they made friends over the phone after a few calls. Bambi went to finals and got an A+. There was an outing to Sim Central South, which is very dull, and most of the time spent was either sims fighting or Bambi getting into a shoving match with Senneth for no reason, so it ended up only being a So-So outing. Bambi threw a sports party for half the known world and it ended up being a good time....and I think that's all that happened so far. She went to her last final and graduated, growing up into a really *cough* snazzy *cough* outfit - suited for a Romance sim, not a Fortune one. Off to the main neighborhood she goes!

gazania 29th Mar 2016 3:09 PM

Juuust finishing the main custom vacation hood after two months and a LOT of learning. Let's see ... I've learned how to flatten beach lots, make better-working hotels, even if the rooms ARE still boxy for my tastes (but hey ... they work now!), lots of details about original Dutch Colonial, saltbox and early Georgian architecture, how to make two-step foundations, things you can try if your basements are underwater (though this generally still means sacrificing my basement, unfortunately ... I learned mostly decorative fixes), how to build a Bigfoot lot and that you don't NEED one for you to enjoy your custom hood (I have a lot set up according to Lili975's helpful tutorial, though in case I do want a secret lot there in the future ... I just haven't made it a secret lot yet), and other things that would, at best, elicit a yawn outside of a Sims game (and probably in this forum as well).

My Sims in the test hood have play-tested all my community lots, almost all of the residences (lots of suddenly-rich Sims!), and almost all of the rooms in the hotels (What the ... I thought I remembered to put ALL those Solidity doors facing the right way! ) They are going on vacation so often that I think they'll get too spoiled. And soon, my Sims in a main hood will be doing that! I wish I could go on vacation for two months!

Katya Stevens 29th Mar 2016 4:37 PM

I lied at the end of my last post -- I'd forgotten that Nick was of age to head to university. He managed to nab himself two skill scholarships (cooking, cleaning) before he left.


The only reason I remembered the above is because his cousin Aiden at the Marshalls (2) household was also old enough to head off to university. Between that and scheduled school/work times, it left just Meadow and her niece Dahlia in the house for a few hours, and meant Meadow was in charge of teaching Dahlia to walk.

Meadow's had the fear of having a baby pretty much since her late-life daughter Jenny was born. Lilian returned home pretty quickly after getting promoted to Underwater Demolitionist (Oceanography level 5). Dahlia grew up well, and despite Lilian wanting 10 children there's been no risky pregnancies yet. With Lilian being 45 (and becoming infertile at 50) there's little chance she'll achieve that want without adopting.

(I decided that a pregnancy want will not be prioritised if the sim is over their ideal number of kids. This doesn't completely take out risky pregnancies or sims autonomously trying for baby when over their ideal but it should keep baby numbers to a more reasonable level.)

Garth headed to university Sunday evening, and Heather moved out to her own little home in Danport. Sam and William both have 1 day left before they turn eighteen and they'll likely move into a place in Danport -- neither have academic aspirations (20 Loves and 50 1st Dates respectively) so there's no real necessity in them heading off to university. Garth is almost certainly the household heir.


The Lawrence household continues to be a nice, quiet, relaxed household to play. I am very much debaing on who Elena should pursue -- August Vanderpol who is boyfriend to Dawn Wegner (and with whom he has three bolts), or red-haired adult Joe Morton? Or to take a third option, Michael Lyndhurst (who, upon checking family trees, is August's half-brother)? Dawn, August, and Elena are all in the same age range (within a day or two) and have almost a week before they head to university.

I invited over both August and Joe on the Saturday, but neither got on with the other. So I had Elena say goodbye to August and work on her relationship with Joe. Working on their relationship naturally, with ACR involved, resulted in them woohooing on the living room sofa.

Elena invited August over on the Sunday, and managed to sneak in and woohoo on the bed when Elena's fathers were having dinner. Naturally, she got pregnant. She failed on her abortion roll, and her adoption roll.

Well. Looks like the next generation of the Lawrences is coming sooner than anticipated. While I had a sneak peak at August's wants/aspiration just to check if he was a primary Family sim -- he wasn't, but he did have a want to go steady with Elena. Even though he's already going steady with Dawn Wegner, the game let me ask her.

I did check the calculations to see the odds on Elena having multiples, but that wasn't necessary as either her fertility bonus had already kicked in, or she'd been given natural twins to begin with. (I don't know/can't remember -- does it kick in at conception and trimester transitions?) Now my debate is do I still go for a random number with the increased odds from being a primary Family sim, or do I just let it roll on natural twins?

Elena only got to ~8hrs pregnant (out of 21) by the end of the rotation, so I have a lot of time to think about it.


Loaded into the Marshalls (3) household to see that Rowan had the want to reach the top of the Journalism career. He's level 9, that should be easy, right? Not when it means he needs 1 Cooking, 4 Creativity, and 4 Charisma skill points to get there. Rachel wanted to earn a bit of money so got a job in Athletics.

Apparently there's a lot of potential crossover in teen romantic relations as Rachel Marshalls also has a couple of bolts for Michael Lyndhurst. She invited him over for a booty call -- thankfully she's too young to get pregnant so there won't be two pregnant teens living next door to each other.

James has a cute friendship with a game-generated child townie and I'm going to be growing her up when James becomes a teen at the end of the rotation. She does have some dominant genetics (brown hair, brown eyes) but with James having blond hair it's not too major an issue if they do get together.

James rolled Popularity/Pleasure when he became a teen on the Sunday, and Darla rolled Popularity. There's only one bolt of attraction between them, so I'm unsure if they have any kind of chance at a romantic relationship.

Farrah96 29th Mar 2016 4:59 PM

I'm currently setting up my very first real custom 'hood (real as in 'not plunking down a bunch of random Maxis-made community lots, a single residental lot, and call it a day'); Lockridge. It's a small community in the outskirts of Berwick County. Back in the 1930s the town flourished, inhabiting as many as 1200 sims, but over the years the population decreased until 1988 when the very last lot was abandoned (owned by Lorena Smith, also called Mama Smith; she was an eccentric old lady who was born in Lockridge at the beginning of the 20th century and refused to move out - if she was leaving, she was leaving in a coffin).

Now the Berwick County council (led by Buck Smith, a descendant of Mama Smith) has made an effort to bring back Lockridge to its ol' glory days. It's a tedious plan with many twists, turns, bulldozed old houses, and renovations, but the first two households have finally settled in. Packing your bags and moving to the middle of nowhere is a change of scenery unfit for most, but with the affordable housing and generous taxes for the brave souls who want to experience something new, they've had a handful of interested sims. Over the next few weeks, they're expecting 4 additional households to reach Lockridge.

Meanwhile, behold the first two households:

Roseblossom90 29th Mar 2016 7:26 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Katya Stevens
I don't know/can't remember -- does it kick in at conception and trimester transitions?.

I think natural twins is decided at conception and then the fertility bonus kicks in at the first 'pop'.

Jojoa777 29th Mar 2016 8:25 PM

Just when I thought I was going to be triplet/quad free for a little while, Stella Vonderstein gives birth to triplets. Since she was alien abducted, and she's an alien herself, the triplets are all 100% genetically alien- my first ever sims that were born in game that way! Her wife, Klara, tried to get abducted by the aliens too since Stella had a want for a relative to meet the aliens (visit with the in-laws, perhaps?) but the summoning didn't work, so I suppose she'll try again another time. They should have their hands full right now with the triplets anyway. And to think I thought the Strangetown population would be going down after all of those sudden deaths- now it's right back at the same place it was! Actually, it's higher even, because Dina and Buzz Grunt also had a baby daughter, March. Thankfully the plague hasn't taken any more lives. But between all of the alien/part-alien triplets that seem to be being born in Strangetown, it's definitely earning its reputation as the weird place. This is all good fodder for the cult I plan for Lazlo Curious to start if he ever reaches the Cult Leader level in the paranormal track. The idea would be that the members worship aliens and must always be trying to "meet the aliens" with mandatory telescope viewing time from 10 pm - 2 am. Members would also try to marry part-aliens if possible. If this cult ever gets off the ground, Stella's triplets will be looked at as stars. Full aliens born in Strangetown is almost unheard of!

BoilingOil 29th Mar 2016 9:42 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Roseblossom90
I think natural twins is decided at conception and then the fertility bonus kicks in at the first 'pop'.

I've had not many twins at all, natural or otherwise. But whenever they occurred, the pregnancy report from TJ's Sim Blender usually reported that 2 babies were expected right after conception. So I think you're right about that.

peridew 29th Mar 2016 10:20 PM

I have the sims 2 open on my other computer rn and this is happening


(yeah it's from my phone bc i'm actually playing the game rn)

gazania 30th Mar 2016 12:02 AM

I've seen pictures of Sims doubles (game-generated), but not usually so many of one Sim. You must really, really like that Sim so much you'd replicate her a dozen of more times! Either that, or your game is really glitching.

Well, you have ONE individual in that crowd, at least.

Bigsimsfan12 30th Mar 2016 12:43 AM

FIVE birthdays in the Riley household. The quads (Ivy, Rebecca, Barnabas & Linus) became toddlers. Barney looks like his teen brother Harry, and Linus looks like his child brother George - but all personalities are different. Harry and George both look alike too, so it's like a family of clones. Ivy looks identical to her father Timothy, and Rebecca looks just like her Mother Cassandra. Timothy also grew up today - into an Elder. Now that there's 4 toddlers in the house, it's probably a good idea he retires, afterall he has already reached the top of his career.

I tried to find a boyfriend for Maida Patel. She has turn ons for both black hair and brown hair, so I invited over Harry Riley, Gallagher Newson, Kujo Indie and Enzio Stacks. She kinda seemed interested in Harry Riley and Enzio Stacks - but after talking to Harry, she realized they have nothing in common. She got on well with Enzio, but they only had 1 bolt for each other, so I decided to keep looking. That's when I remembered Donald Tinker also has black hair - so I summoned him to the house. Maida and Donald got on very well straight away. I wasn't expecting it, Maida is a straight A student, and Donald is a bit of a goof ball. Maybe she might be what he needs to reopen his parents failed toy store? He'll provide all the crazy insane ideas, and she'll keep him grounded. They had a dream date together and even shared a first kiss.

The Cleveland household is just Tara (DeBateau) and her baby Dudley Cleveland. Justin, her husband, is currently stationed in Strangetown, but came back for Dudley's birthday. This was the first time they met and when Dudley became a toddler - I realized just how alike they are!....also just how strange Justin's teeny-tiny pointy nose is! Armand came over to meet his first Grandson, but he ended up leaving with a negative relationship! - so much for being a family sim. Dudley did reject every interaction Armand made (even though Dudley was the one constantly asking for his attention).

stitching 30th Mar 2016 8:56 AM

I added Widespot as a subhood to my current 'hood - a military base will eventually be built along the highway with base housing of various types on the short roads between the swimming hole and the Mann house. Before that happens, though, I want to play a season with each house.

First, I went into each Widespot house to learn about the residents, added batbox, and changed any LTWs that seemed really out of place. A few characters also got secondary aspirations that seemed to fit their bios - Candy Hart, Lana Mann, and Junior Mann all got pleasure, for example. Candy and Lana both want 50 dream dates now. From her bio, I think Candy's income will be entirely date gift based. I noticed Junior had a want to get engaged to Mary Land, so I locked that, then went to look at the Land household. Mary wanted to get engaged to Valentine Hart (who has a LTW to woohoo 20 sims), so after giving her parents non-career related LTWs (they both rolled graduate 3 kids from college on my first or second reroll with them) I went to play the Mann house.

Junior called Mary over for a date, and after the first couple of date actions, she rolled a want to get engaged to Junior. They woohooed in the hot tub, and then Junior proposed. It was a dream date, despite Mary throwing up twice during it. Lana and Rich were having a date of their own at the same time - Lana's new LTW is for 50 dream dates, but hers will be with her husband. After the dates ended, Mary went home, and I switched to playing the Land household. The homework on the desk was finished off before school, and then everyone but Mary left. She started tidying up, but almost right away went to rest. Her father got a poor chance card and was demoted - as he was being dropped off, Beulah also had a poor chance card and was demoted too; she got out of the car after him. Then the welcome wagon arrived (yes, both were demoted very early in the day), consisting of three of my 'hood founders - the farming couple and the fisherman. Mary dragged herself out of bed to make lunch and the Dixie and Scot came home. Dixie called to apply for scholarships, and then moved to university. Mary helped Scot and then Delta with homework, and then she went to bed. She's now got the pregnant waddle. River had brought home one of the sons of the farmers and began making friends with him. After the company left and everyone had gone to bed, I switched back to the Manns. Instead of having a wedding party, I had Junior invite Mary and her household over, and they got married at an arch in the yard. Lana didn't seem to care much for the new extended family and just kept mixing drinks, but Rich got along well with Mary's father. Mary started cleaning the house as soon as she moved in; I'm afraid she's going to be a drudge for her new family, too. For right now, though, she's happy with her marriage. When her son was born, she named him Barrett (which means strong) Mann.

Rich's LTW is to own five top businesses, and he's a criminal mastermind, so he bought a lot along the harbour in my other business district - it's essentially a warehouse that he's selling smuggled goods out of (cc beer, fireworks, fancy vases, bubble machines, odds and ends) and has a poker table on the second floor. His next business will be shady, too, but I'm not sure what it will be yet. Junior's LTW is to become the law, so he could come into conflict with his father over work and businesses. However, Junior only has vague interest in actually getting a job despite being a fortune sim, and just gets occasional wants to earn money which he satisfies on his own by giving financial counselling.

joandsarah77 30th Mar 2016 10:59 AM

Just had the first wedding of generation two between Paul Mitchel and Grace Hudson. After a bad first run, forgetting things like setting the ticket machine as free entry and people leaving, the second run ended up being a rock'n good time'.

SleepycatDSL 30th Mar 2016 3:33 PM

I banned that twin perk many years ago but if I recall correctly, the fertility bonus can kick at the first or second pop. Meaning if your sim doesn't get hit with twins at the first bump, they still have a chance at being hit by it.

arathea 30th Mar 2016 3:59 PM

Quote: Originally posted by SleepycatDSL
I banned that twin perk many years ago...

Did you tell your game?

WildIrishBanshee 30th Mar 2016 5:07 PM

Main House - I took Jules and Aaron on a vacation to Three Lakes (they've already been to the oriental one) Jules learned a new massage and the Chest Pound gesture. Aaron learned the deep tissue massage and the Slap Dance. Jules also learned the Slap Dance. They did all the Three Lakes stuff and then made friends with Bigfoot and got him to move in. So now we have Edgar Bigfoot added to the family! There are now 13 sims and 3 cats in this household. Aaron went to work late as soon as they got home, and Balin and Wendy also went to work. Balin came home with a promotion to Mad Scientist, marking his first LTW. His new one is to be a Prestigidator. Edgar got a job in Politics, he is now a State Assembly Person. Jules tried to cook some tacos and started a fire. He got them made on the second try. Wendy came home with a promotion to Horoscope Writer and Adam brought Caroline de Muse home with him. The two of them went on a sidewalk outing and hung out for a bit. Barnard threw a going away party since he wanted one and is going to college tonight.

Aaron worked on teaching Cade to walk, while Jules potty trained Cady. Barbra glued herself to the telescope in an attempt to be abducted. Edgar fixed the shower he broke. Andromeda and Amin got it on during the party. Banard's party ended up a Good Time, then he received a call from Reagan Lee, the butler. Amin and Edgar hung out for awhile since Edgar wanted to be friends with Amin. Adam's outing was Super. Edgar and Amin made friends. Still no sign of Eve's ghost - she's taking forever to spawn! I sent Barnard off to college, he grew up into a suit which doesn't suit him at all and got him moved into SilverMoon House, kicking out the placeholder. Aaron continued to teach Cade how to walk. They didn't quite finish before it was time to switch households.

joandsarah77 30th Mar 2016 11:34 PM

Quote: Originally posted by SleepycatDSL
I banned that twin perk many years ago but if I recall correctly, the fertility bonus can kick at the first or second pop. Meaning if your sim doesn't get hit with twins at the first bump, they still have a chance at being hit by it.

If you don't ever want twins you should get the Trips and quads mod V2. While it's name might suggest otherwise it comes with a 'choose the number of babies' option at every birth, so you can change twins to a single birth.

BoilingOil 30th Mar 2016 11:49 PM

@joandsarah77: I happen to know that Sleepy likes natural plurals... She was one of the first to download my "Unlimited Sims" mod, because it promised to allow multiples, even if the lot already contained more than the normal maximum number of sims. She didn't say she banned twins, just the twin PERK

joandsarah77 31st Mar 2016 12:00 AM

Okay I do like to mention T&Qu since it's one of my favourite mods and not everyone knows that V2 allows not only choice of birth number but asks who will get maternity/paternity leave.

egswanso 31st Mar 2016 1:51 AM

Week thirteen has begun, and among the first orders of business is the President's household; already the longest serving executive in country history, Gareth survives yet another week (he's aged about 90 sim days, the oldest person in my hood). Of course, being old has the draw-back of outliving most of the rest of his administration - as he has to replace both his Vice-President and Premier this week (both of whom died in office); this would be difficult enough if his party had not atrophied into a shell of its former self; but given the few loyal candidates and officials it could now muster, it posed an almost existential threat, one RDF party leader and Assemblywoman Mercy Adams was more than happy to exploit...

WildIrishBanshee 31st Mar 2016 2:20 AM

Smith - Theo admired Aaliyah, which she turned down...but it looks like they're starting to communicate again. Aaliyah went to work after that, so we'll have to see. Banyan and Stephanie successfully TFB again - hopefully this is the last one! Banyan took a nap afterwards. After his nap it was time for Banyan to go to work, and Stephanie started teaching Cailean how to walk. Celeste came home with a promotion to Understudy. She needs to learn how to roll over to get promoted again. Then it was birthday time! Theo went first, since Caden was sleeping. No party this time, since no one wanted one. Theo grew up into a dapper elder, and kept his red hair and Mohawk Aaliyah got an outing call right after Theo's birthday, so downtown she went, but first she relaxed on the bed next to Theo - so maybe there is hope. Adam and Brittney ended up part of the outing group. Cassandra Rickard, who threw the outing, got her first kiss from Adam and crush hearts went up. Then the two of them hit the photo booth. The outing ended up Rockin'.

After Aaliyah got home, it was time for Caden to grow up into a toddler. Caden grew up into a cute little redhead with his great grandmother's green eyes. I swear I'm doomed to redheads! Theo finished up teaching Cailean how to walk since Aaliyah got the bed first. Sara washed the dogs. Stephanie woke up early to pop into her third trimester, then potty trained Caden. Aaliyah and Theo relaxed on the bed together and chatted for a bit.

joandsarah77 31st Mar 2016 3:34 AM

Send some my way, if you saw my pictures above you will see I am being over run with brunets. There is a blond and a red grandparent so maybe I will get lucky and get just one grandchild who isn't brown.

smorbie1 31st Mar 2016 3:55 AM

With space limited on the space ship, TPTB encourage households to live together, often allowing one or more of them to have more children or pets, or by giving them tax breaks. That was how the large and boisterous Summer family came to live with Jane Stacks and her son, Henry. They lived together awhile, but never really meshed. So, the Summers' have moved on, leaving Jane and her son. Jane is expecting another baby with one-night stand, Jace Macarevitch and would be alone till the baby comes since Henry left for college. She has raised a child by herself and really wants this one to have someone close to his age to play with. So, she persuaded the Summer's to leave on of their babies with her (they just had quads). This is good for both, as it keeps the Summers' out of trouble and gives Jane another child without having to break the law.

SleepycatDSL 31st Mar 2016 4:51 AM

Quote: Originally posted by joandsarah77
Okay I do like to mention T&Qu since it's one of my favourite mods and not everyone knows that V2 allows not only choice of birth number but asks who will get maternity/paternity leave.

Thank you but yes, as BO mentioned, I love natural twins. My game laughs at me by giving me lots & lots of them (though I do change the pregnancies to singles sometimes now). I helped twojeffs beta-test Trips& Quads all those years ago. Good times!

Katya Stevens 31st Mar 2016 1:23 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Roseblossom90
I think natural twins is decided at conception and then the fertility bonus kicks in at the first 'pop'.

Quote: Originally posted by BoilingOil
I've had not many twins at all, natural or otherwise. But whenever they occurred, the pregnancy report from TJ's Sim Blender usually reported that 2 babies were expected right after conception. So I think you're right about that.

Quote: Originally posted by SleepycatDSL
I banned that twin perk many years ago but if I recall correctly, the fertility bonus can kick at the first or second pop. Meaning if your sim doesn't get hit with twins at the first bump, they still have a chance at being hit by it.

Yeah, after finding an old thread on MATY this pretty much corroborates it. I think I'm going to rescind on giving my sims the fertility bonus though -- I'd forgotten how intense it could be in giving sims twins.

joandsarah77 31st Mar 2016 2:12 PM

Hudson/Warner Family

I moved onto Grace's brother and his girlfriend. He is also just newly graduated and she was my run away teen challenge sim-turned to YA in the main hood, now adult. Not having much money they moved into the trailer park. Since he is in the law career I'm sure they won't stay there long. Kaitlyn owns a baby shop... or a market stall selling baby items. Bought off found beach treasures, she did okay for herself.
She would like to get engaged but Shane is happy just with going steady.

The next morning Kaitlyn is once again dreaming of her wedding, when thoughts turned to her mum...

peridew 31st Mar 2016 2:17 PM

Quote: Originally posted by gazania
I've seen pictures of Sims doubles (game-generated), but not usually so many of one Sim. You must really, really like that Sim so much you'd replicate her a dozen of more times! Either that, or your game is really glitching.

Well, you have ONE individual in that crowd, at least.

It's happened to me twice in the past week and both times have been on apartment lots. It makes my game lag like hell until they all go back into their apartment (the game seems to recognise them all as the one sim) but it's really funny to see them talk to each other and invade the whole lot. I guess it must be a mod doing it but I'm not too worried about it rn~

Kankritty 31st Mar 2016 3:57 PM

Is this normal?

Peni Griffin 31st Mar 2016 4:03 PM

In what context?

Bigsimsfan12 31st Mar 2016 5:16 PM

Emily Freshe gave birth to twin girls! Lakisha and Kióna. Turns out Tom (her husband) was the father, which is both a sigh of relief for her - but also a little disappointing for me. I've been trying to split Emily and Tom up for a while now, because Erik (Emily's bit on the side) has a want to marry Emily, and I'm pretty sure if Emily wasn't already married she'd have that same want. Emily doesn't seem very happy living with Tom, despite their reasonably high relationship - but now they have twin girls they're always cuddling and acting all sweet to each other. Maybe this is a sign that Emily should break things off with Erik. Which will be really heartbreaking for him and for his daughter, Ebony, who has treated Emily as a mother figure since her own mother died after giving birth to her.

music2ologist 31st Mar 2016 5:41 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Kankritty

Is this normal?

That child needs to learn anger management.

BoilingOil 31st Mar 2016 5:55 PM

Quote: Originally posted by music2ologist
That child needs to learn anger management.

Yeah, it's burning up with anger! :D

Duine 31st Mar 2016 5:56 PM

Spontaneous combustion, on a child? That's Maxis for ya. They have no freedom but burst into flames when overheated. ):

Gcgb53191 31st Mar 2016 6:06 PM

Are you in an apartment?

I used to have a glitch on an apartment lot where my sims would spontaneously combust. It would happen so much I eventually just gave in to it and let it kill the mother of the family.

WildIrishBanshee 31st Mar 2016 10:12 PM

Miles - Barto and Becka walked to school and I sent Abbie and Hunter on a vacation to Takemizu. Abbie learned to bow, and got 1,000 simoleans from the Lucky shrine. Abbie and Hunter both learned new massages. They learned how to perform Tai Chi and also learned the Dragon Legend. Abbie learned how to teleport from the Ninja. They also spent some time on the phone getting closer to family and friends. When they got home Hunter and the kids went off to A Whole New You. Bendele got a bronze register badge while they were there, and they got the business to rank one. When they got home, Barry went on another date, this time with the paper girl. They only have two bolts, however. Hunter took a sorely needed nap. Abbie headed off to work, still unable to find a position in Entertainment. Bandele now triple bolts Circe McGowan, so she'll be moving in to give her a chance at a good life. Bailie and Broshka got old. Bendele got an outing call and headed off to the Crypt O'Night club. The outing was Super. Barry's date was Good.

Barney headed off to college, and Bandele went on a date with Circe and got her first kiss. Circe moved in at the end of the date, and I adjusted her age so that she was the same age as Bandele. She moved in with 14,000 simoleans and a LTW to be a World Class Ballet Dancer. Naturally the date was a dream date. Oh yeah, and they also went steady during the date - even though both are romance sims, they went for it. And they fell in love right after the date. Barney grew up and moved into SilverMoon House.

joandsarah77 31st Mar 2016 11:18 PM

@Kankritty are you fully patched, because no that is not normal.

conversesneaker 1st Apr 2016 12:13 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Kankritty

Is this normal?

Are his parents ex-superheroes now retired to witness protection?

Kankritty 1st Apr 2016 11:32 AM

Quote: Originally posted by joandsarah77
@Kankritty are you fully patched, because no that is not normal.

UC here, so I think so. Basically, a tree caught fire when he got in to the house, then he caught fire doing his homework.

Katya Stevens 1st Apr 2016 1:25 PM

Right up until the very end of the session, I would have said the Wegner (2) household had little of interest. Jason went to work, Veronica chatted to a lot of people to ensure they became her best friends (to fulfill her 20 best friends LTW), and they both woohooed a lot.

Just after 6PM on Sunday risky woohoo kicked in and Veronica got pregnant. She failed both her abortion and adoption rolls, and I adjusted the odds in trips&quads to account for the fact that both she and Jason are both twins.

I admit, I stayed a little over my rotation time/sped up the pregnancy to see the new baby. Just a singleton, a girl named Veronica with black hair, medium skin, and blue eyes.


I loaded into Emmanual Mann's household and did some searching for more woohoo partners for him. The entirety of his top five young adults/adults were playables, most known to him already, though Violet Marshalls was new to him. The two hit it off reasonably well, though Emmanual did have to leave for his night job. They resumed where they'd left off from the prior night, woohooing on the sofa.

If Emmanual's not careful he'll end up with another kid though. He already has two by two other sims and while another wouldn't be bad, he would likely end up with a bit of a reputation around Cresdale.

He did pretty much spend the rotation alternating between going to work and woohooing, with a small amount of skilling added in.


For once, neither Harmony nor Wanda had the want for a new baby (and me with a toddler available in the adoption pool). That might mean that they settle with their five kids.

Vincent grew up on the Friday, being an average motivation sim. He and Jude have a fairly similae facial structure with the only obvious difference being in their nose. They may have different mouth shapes but I think any difference in eye shape is coming from their different skins.

Ryder grew up on the Saturday, rolling Pleasure/Knowledge and the LTW to get to the top of the Entertainment career. With two teens around now the babysitter isn't really needed -- plus Wanda got demoted thanks to a chance card.

Jude grew up well on the Sunday, and there's only one day before his biological brother Vincent also becomes a child. Edward has two days before he becomes a teen, and even with Leia starting the rotation as a teen she's still got a full week before she thinks about heading off to university.

Of course, a toddler becoming a child was enough to trip Harmony and Wanda's wants for another baby. I headed over to the adoption house to age up Lucian appropriately -- it means that the Lyndhurst household gets two new children, the age-up of Jude and the adoption of Lucian.

There is a bit of a new oddity in the family tree with Lucian's adoption -- while Harmony is his adoptive mother, she is also his biological great-aunt thanks to Lucian's father being Harmony's nephew Scott. That makes his adoptive aunt also his biological grandmother.

With six kids in the household, I'm putting a firm limit on even the idea of any more kids.


Chelsey Lyndhurst's household glitched out a bit so I spent half the rotation trying to fix it and ended up having to move them out then back into the apartment.

Martin's relationship with William Marshalls is still going strong, though given that Michael has an LTW to woohoo with 20 sims, his relationship with Rachel Marshalls is a bit less certain.

TychoH 1st Apr 2016 7:32 PM

For the first time I was moved by a ghost.
I created a new 'hood and placed the first two Sims on a lot. Since I like to give them some background, I also created their parents and wrote a few sentences on how they spent their lives. Then I gave them a platinum mood (the result of their written down lives), killed them because of old age and send their graves to the graveyard. Then the ghost of one of the mothers looked at me - happily with her rich life.

Gcgb53191 1st Apr 2016 9:58 PM

I took a break from the game recently and decided to play again last night. Its amazing how quickly I forget my plans for my sims when I take a small haitus from the game. Oh well, I'm sure it'll come to me as a play some more.

Ryan Harris is now joined by two of his 'lovers' at college. I see some love triangle drama in the future for Sophia Milad and Georgina Wrightley. THey're both overacheiver sims so I just hope they get through college without any pregnancies! Although, I really only have to worry about Georgina because Sophia is practically barren

WildIrishBanshee 1st Apr 2016 10:18 PM

SilverMoon (Abe) - It's Sunday, so another family day, and the Hanson and SilverMoon (Barak) households were duly summoned. They also got a genie lamp, which Abe used first for money. I made Brittney and Abe hang out - both of them have a fear of falling out of love with the other, so I'm taking it as a sign that they want to improve their relationship again. Abe got his bronze Cosmetology badge, and Brittney got a silver Gardening badge planting strawberries. Abe potty trained Bel. Abe sat down to the bunny head with Bel while waiting for his turn with the bed.

venusking 2nd Apr 2016 2:09 AM

Grunt (Tank & Tracey). Tank and Tracey are both elders now and raising the last of their children (Dawn, Trip, and Skip) plus the child Tracey had during an affair with Johnny Smith (Q). Of course all that is water under the bridge and Q is now a teenager. At this age, he decided that he wanted to have a relationship with his real dad. So, Tracey invited Johnny over for that purpose and Q & Johnny got to know each other better. Well, I guess seeing Johnny after all this time brought up some old feelings in Tracey. While Tank was inside making dinner, Johnny & Tracey shared a kiss. I guess Tank must have suspected something because he ran out and started yelling at her. Everyone went in to eat and Tracey stayed outside to watch the clouds and think about what she could say to get out of this mess. Unfortunately for her, a satellite fell on her and killed her. Tank and Johnny were understandably moved to great emotion by this, only different emotions.
Tank's reaction

Johnny's reaction

Dawn, the oldest daughter, came out and tried to console Johnny while Q and the other children were yelling at Tank. For his part, Tank wasted no time. The very next day, he invited over Johnny's wife with the intention of telling her what happened. He was stopped from doing this by Dawn and Q arriving home from school and yelling at him. Johnny's wife went home without knowing and Tank is trying to repair his relationship with the kids by having a funeral and burying Tracey underneath her favorite tree. Hopefully, they will forgive him before moving off to college.

Farrah96 2nd Apr 2016 10:53 AM

I'm halfway through my first round of rotational play in my 'hood Lockridge.

Melanie Dawson - the college drop out - got a job in the political career. The Berwick County council is looking to establish a council in Lockridge as well at some point in the future, and they need staff with experience. For the time being though, she's interning in Darrington, a town situated a 20 minute drive west of Lockridge (Darrington is also where the Lockridge kids attend school). She's charismatic and hard-working; needless to say the office has taken a liking to her, and she's been promoted twice.

Her first day in Lockridge she met Brittany. The two of them hit it off immediately and they caught me off guard by initiating a relationship of the romantic variety and Melanie is deeply smitten by her new friend. I'll see what the future holds for them: I think it could be really good!

Meanwhile on the opposite side of the street, the Baltimores - Serinda and Orlando - settled in fast and got a bit of a reputation when they woohoo'd at the community center (if they roll the want to get a job they have to make their way to the community center; where you can find a job board, working stations, computers, and a library). Orlando's LTW is to reach the top of the Slacker career (way to waste your degree!); he's currently working as a record store clerk after a few chance cards with good outcomes. Serinda on the other hand rolled the want to join the dance career where she's worked her way up the ranks to become a Jazzercise Instructor.

It seemed that their wish to start a family got them a bit carried away. Turns out Serinda got pregnant from their little couch woohoo at the community center. Despite being a romance sim (and rolling wants to bone anything with a pulse, sigh), Serinda really looked forward to starting a family with her husband. A few days later their daugher Eleanore was born. Oh, and Simba - their cat - works as a seeing eye pet.

And the last household (5 in total, meaning I have 2 to go) I finished the first week with was the Sanford household. Lance and Gertrude are two elders who relocated to Lockridge upon the untimely death of their son, Josh, in a freak servo accident. The rural life fits them well, though - Lance is very interested in nature, and their little house comes with a pond to fish in. He spends most of his days outside, either hiking or collecting bugs. He briefly joined the intelligence career but he was fired on his first day! He's since joined his neighbor Melanie in Darrington where he's working as a door to door poller. He hasn't rolled the want to gain any charisma skill points (he's a knowledge sim but he only wants to learn cooking and cleaning; not that Gertrude is complaining ) so he's unlikely to earn a promotion unless he gets a lucky outcome of a chance card.

Gertrude is the social butterfly of the neighborhood. Within the first week she's already made 3 best friends! Her LTW is to make 20 best friends, but time's ticking so I doubt she'll have time to complete it.

BoilingOil 2nd Apr 2016 11:55 AM

Quote: Originally posted by BoilingOil
<...> Sleepy likes natural plurals... She was one of the first to download my "Unlimited Sims" mod, because it promised to allow multiples, even if the lot already contained more than the normal maximum number of sims. <...>

Yeah, he's so full of himself, he's started selectively quoting himself... BO must be stir crazy!

Anyway, thanks to whoever brought this natural twins stuff up: thanks to that, there has been a rush on my "Unlimited Sims" mod over the last few days. It's quite popular, with 32 downloads in under two days

terula8 2nd Apr 2016 3:29 PM

Things are complicated in Holling just at the moment.

Shaylene gave birth to her and Rio's first child, a handsome baby boy called Tayvion. Little Tay was born early (thanks to my own carelessness in not ensuring the correct pregnancy length was installed) and as a premie, he needs a lot of special care. Thankfully his grandmother adores him, as she picks up the majority of the parenting duties and endless cuddles as the little mite struggles to get bigger. His constant crying and fussing is difficult to deal with, especially for his auntie Mi'Shara who suddenly got pregnant for the younger Uno brother. While Damian found out about the pending fatherhood, Johnnie still has no idea his precious little brother has fathered a baby with one of those 'low class' girls from Fitzmore Park. Shaylene, despite the cares of motherhood - particularly the demanding job of mothering a premature baby, has been hitting the clubs... hard. She constantly rolled wants to go out and meet someone new after her son was born- possibly to deal with the stress of caring for him. She quickly met and kissed playboy (man?) Nery Turner at the club. They began to talk more and finally she invited him over. Despite being just friends they hooked up right away and the mystical chimes sounded over the bed. Shaylene had gotten pregnant again.

At the Uno house, life has taken a bit of a surprising turn. Johnnie fell madly in love with Mallisa's friend Cecile and insisted she become his girlfriend and move in. Cecile accepted and for a while things were okay... but roommate Rio, whom Johnnie's always disliked and Damian's always been good friends with, got a little too friendly with Johnnie's new girlfriend. And frankly, that's all it was - the two never flirted, and for once my Don Juan Rio wasn't even attracted, but domineering Johnnie hated the friendship between his girlfriend and his despised roommate. The two fought, and Rio kicked Johnnie's arse. Johnnie immediately called the police to have Rio kicked out of the house while the cowardly Damian barricaded himself in his room hating all the violence. Rio refused to go (knowing that he didn't have anywhere TO go) and retaliated later by moving in another 'friend' of his. Callista Fuchs is a firecracker, and she's really into Rio. After Rio and Johnnie's second fight - where Rio once again handed Johnnie his own backside, Johnnie picked a fight with Callista. Refusing to back down she screamed in his face, snatched up her man and called a taxi. Rio didn't even know his lady had her own place on the side, and that's where they're headed.

After all the anger, Johnnie sought comfort in the arms of his understanding girlfriend. Both woohooed worry free, sure that precautions were being taken (as they're not like those low class girls). Neither expected their precautions to fail, so Cecile's surprise pregnancy is going to be a hell of a surprise. I'm not sure if she'll have the baby or not- she's only 19, living with her boyfriend and still has no job, despite her dream of becoming a celebrity chef, or possibly a politician. That said, she and Mi'Shara have a single bolt of chemistry with one another and became fast friends during one of her visits to the Uno stronghold to show off her blooming belly.

Mallisa Green meanwhile, knowing that the answer to not getting pregnant is to simply take extra precautions, and probably (in the case of my sims anyway) not live with a boyfriend, is now looking for a new roommate after bestie Cecile left her in the lurch. She's the only one with a drama free life - for now...!

nikel23 2nd Apr 2016 4:29 PM

I'm playing an uber-megahood. When it's the Newson family turn, I realized that they're extremely hard to play! So many kids to look after! Toddlers and messes are all over the place! I can barely keep anyone happy without cheats! I moved them in an apartment to keep the expenses low, because, boy, is it impossible to let the teens work without taking care of the young ones. Good thing they're affluent!

On the contrary, I played the Greenman family. Since Jason's want was already locked when I first played him and it's to turn into a PlantSim, I immediately turned him into PlantSim with SimTransformer. Playing a family of PlantSims is so damn boring and too easy. No motive needs to be taken care of. Everyone just keeps learning skills. I can maximize all skills in a matter of days. Even with a cat to keep them busy isn't enough because it hardly makes any change. Finally Rose and Jason tried for baby and let's see if they have twins to keep them busy. What else to do in life if you can learn everything in a matter of days?

Peni Griffin 2nd Apr 2016 5:09 PM

Take 'em to community lots, Nikel. Invite people over. Give drama a chance!

Trent Traveller Hart is almost through his sophomore year of college and he's grown a little concerned about Davine Newson. Because he plans to bring down the Idealistic Conservatives by becoming a spy and sabotaging the System from within, and he remembers how much pain and heartache his "mom" Joan Mole's secretiveness caused, he's determined to remain unattached and not commit to anyone he'd just have to tell lies to, who could be used as a lever on him. Even though he's started thinking he and Tammy Ottomas are soulmates...Anyway, he was dating Tammy, Davine, and Ripley Grunt all at once to make his commitophobia clear and unambiguous. Tammy and Davine are best friends and are on their second fight-and-make-up over him - but the thing is, Davine deliberately makes passes at Trent when she knows Tammy can see her. And then the other night at Uncle Leon's frat party, he was dancing with Ripley and Davine stood around watching them, then calmly walked over and grabbed his ass! There's something so calculated about her behavior, Trent - who had thought Tammy was his only real commitment risk - is beginning to think that Davine is more serious than she says and is deliberately cutting out the competition.

He also threw a party and tried to get Ripley talking to her sister Bayonette, because he doesn't get that whole thing they've got going on and he's good friends with Bayonette and Ripley needs to feel that her family loves her. But it did not go well.

Meanwhile, the other girl he dated in high school, Hallie Capp, is living with her brother Randy and his fiancee Judy McDaniel, happily studying and waiting for Trent's little brother Geoff to get to campus. She hung out with Geoff a lot after Trent left for college, and though she triple-bolts Trent, and seemed very much in love in high school, she's made it easy for him to keep his hands off her since she came to school. Randy is technically graduated, but will have to move back into Capp Manor with his parents, little brothers, and Old Lady Capp, so he's not in any hurry to leave. Unlike Hermes, who graduated, threw a roof-raising party, and headed out to Riverblossom Hills to marry Robyn Summerdream, taking her name at another roof-raising party.

Orpheus Nigmos is in a bit of a bind. Joanie Smith has been very busy being a sorority girl and they haven't dated much, and frat brother Vincent is so attentive...but he and Joanie clicked so well on this last date...and he and Vincent can't legally get married or adopt children under the current oppressive government....and Joanie's in her last semester, while he's just turned Junior and needs to start thinking ahead...Leon Hart, oblivious to all this, is having a great time at the frat and throws a party almost every day. He's seeing Tia Bubbler exclusively (that one date with Ripley did not count at all - he rejected all her advances) but doesn't feel any urgency about making things official.

With her fiance Cole's high school girlfriend Galia Newson moved in at LFT, Erika Swain has a plan. She trusts Cole and Galia's perfectly nice, she's sure they can be best friends...but why make it easy for accidents to happen? She's not only befriending Galia herself, she's matchmaking, inviting her over and taking her on outings that include other eligible guys, such as Trent, and her and Cole's housemate Emil Lee. Galia and Emil autonomously flirt with each other, but Emil has no idea how to proceed, while Galia has her pride and isn't going to throw herself at anybody's head. Galia and Trent triple-bolt, but both seem to feel that it would be icky for her to date her old boyfriend's nephew.

College is such a confusing time for everyone!

terula8 2nd Apr 2016 7:15 PM

I absolutely LOVE all the drama in these stories! Peni Griffin, I follow your updates enthusiastically! I love the Strangetown sims :D

Gcgb53191 2nd Apr 2016 9:04 PM

Trent Traveller-Hart? May I ask who his parents are I'm curious because in my game Tina ended up marrying a Hart !

The Robinson's have been getting used to having a baby in their lives again. Ashley and David were surprised when they found out they were expecting. They had tried getting pregnant after their twins were born but it just never happened so I assumed that was it for them.

Little Kylie aged into a toddler on the last day of their session. Ashley is a Landgraab so all of the kids have strong Landgraab features as children, which is a shame because David is half Japanese so I had been hoping for some asian features. They all look like their mother, not a single ounce of Robinson in them!

One of the twins (I get their names confused) lost her virginity to Avgeni Harris, and I'm pretty sure it counted as statutory rape. Avgeni has been out of college for a couple of rotations now and she just aged into a teenager. Luckily, no pregnancy happened. Avgeni already has children from his ex fiance so he doesn't need any more.

Oh Avgeni, I know you're still having a hard time with your engagement being called off but please stick to people your own age or even just close your age would be nice.

Peni Griffin 2nd Apr 2016 9:31 PM

Gcgb, I attached Widespot RFD to a Genderswapped Uberhood and am doing the Uberhood Challenge, with Rhett Hart designated to make the circuit and have (and raise) a baby with one premade in each. The main hood for the GS Uberhood is Viper Canyon, where all the Family Bin sims live, and Trent is the son of River Traveller, the genderswapped version of Trent Traveller. Who, by the way, has her act significantly more together than any of the male iterations of Trent I've played. I'm about to embark on documenting Trent's second year in college, so if you want to see what he looks like (he's overwhelmingly a Hart, though) check the simblr linked in my sig during the upcoming week.

stitching 3rd Apr 2016 12:00 AM

In my Widespot subhood, Sandy Beech gave birth to her son from the affair Rhett Hart. Hamilton autonomously took a bit of care of him, but Virginia was the one that seemed the most interested in the baby, and then toddler. Thanks to ACR, Sandy and Hamilton are now expecting another baby. Their relationship was OK until Rhett let himself in and kissed Sandy just as Hamilton was coming into the room. Hamilton responded by becoming furious with Sandy and slapping her, and she then also became furious and fell out of love with him. Hamilton and Rhett had a couple of fights, and Sandy spent the evening avoiding both of them (though that may have been a side effect of dealing with the plummeting needs and vomiting of early pregnancy). Rocky is upset by the fighting, and Virginia suddenly rolled a want to sneak out, so I think it's bothering her, too.

Over at the Hart house, Candy gave birth to Arden and her father rolled fears of changing diapers. I didn't know romance sims were prone to that fear. Anyway, Valentine, Rhett, and Candy had numerous flirtations during the summer. Candy had a couple of dates with Rich Mann and one with Ashley Huffington. Valentine had a couple of dates with a townie and is trying to build relationships with several others in town. While he was on a date at a community lot, I noticed that either Virginia Beech or Woody Weiss had fallen in love with the other. Rhett had less success at actually having dates, but he focused on making friends with sims that came by. A few of those visitors have high chemistry with him so he's likely to try building romantic relationships with them in the future. That includes the current mayor, the ecologist, and a farmer - all three are currently happily married and are my town founders. Goldie spent the summer trying to improve her mood and taking care of her nephew. Summer school brought her marks up a bit, and she made friends with a couple of other teens in town.

At the Land house, both Beulah and Homer got promoted back to their starting job positions. A couple of days of rain (and help from the water terrain tool) flooded a corner of their lot; fortunately the house is on sturdy pilings, as the pond is partially under the corner of the master bedroom. I like ponds next to willow trees, and the kids in the house wanted to fish. The rains also over watered Homer's small new garden, which he hopes will eventually get him a high score with the garden club. Scot rolled a want to talk to someone just as Gabriella Newson walked by - they had a great conversation and built friendship very quickly. After one date and then an outing with the whole Newson clan, Scot fell in love and rolled a want to go steady with Gabriella. With Mary moved out, Scot seems to be taking over a lot of the autonomous cleaning, and Homer rolled wants to learn to make different foods - the house isn't a disaster, and they are unlikely to starve.

The Weiss house was fairly quiet. Woody has a crush on Virginia (she had fallen in love with him) and a want for a first kiss, so he called her for a date. By the end of the date, he was in love with her. Despite being a romance sim and having occasional wants to kiss three sims, he rolled lots of wants to interact with Virginia over the summer. He also painted autonomously a fair bit (when he wasn't playing in the bathtub). Penny gave birth to a girl, Bea, and alternated baby care with making friends and building logic skill. Woody helped take care of her, and slid down the bannister while carrying Bea. Skye got abducted twice (the first time he was just stargazing, the second he was summoning them as he had a wish to meet aliens). Penny responded to both abductions by rolling wants for Skye to be abducted again, Skye rolled a want for a relative to be abducted after his second (fourth) abduction, and the second abduction nearly brought Woody to aspiration failure - he currently fears having a relative abducted, having Skye abducted, and being abducted himself.

At my farming household, summer meant that the garden required a lot of work. The house started the season with 2 adults, 3 teens, and four children, with one teen expecting an alien baby. The garden is large enough that all of them spent most of each day caring for plants. Fiona (adult) had a want to become friends with Rhett Hart so spent time on the phone with him - she has three bolts with him, and an affair next rotation is probable. Gregory had succeeded in getting a wishing well in the spring, and his teen son was the first to use it to with for friends. Three teen townie girls became good friends quickly (the wish followed by a group game of kicky bag maxes friendships very fast). One of those girls reappeared a couple of days later when his younger brother wished for romance. Their sister gave birth to a girl, Minerva, and their mother immediately rolled a want for more grandchildren (and a fear of having a baby herself). Molly is a knowledge sim, as is Gregory, and Fiona has a knowledge secondary. When Minerva became a toddler, all of them wanted to teach all the toddler skills to her - they split the duties, and did reluctantly give Minerva time to sleep and play between learning skills. Two of the children aged to teen near the end of summer. One rolled a want for the scholarship from alien abduction right away and became a knowledge sim. The other became a pleasure sim, but then later rolled the want for that scholarship so he has knowledge as a secondary.

At the senior's residence, there were colds and one case of flu. The simbot caretaker was given a family secondary and started cooking soup. Eventually, everyone was healthy and the residence opened their home business for the rest of the summer - the common areas of the residence act as a community center. Joe Graham, over his wife Dora's death but very lonely, fell in love with fellow resident Saben. They had a morning date, wants to get engaged, and a whirlwind wedding in the early afternoon. Joe died of old age in a platinum mood about five hours later, leaving Saben devastated and stunned. It also upset fellow resident Matthew a fair bit, but that may have been because of lost business stars due to patrons seeing death - he and Joe weren't friends. The rest of the summer was quiet, with the Goodies having a couple of dates, and one resident trying to get a promotion. There was a lot of socializing, piano, and putting (Joe left an execu-putter on the lot). Matthew bought a couple of community lots for future development; one will be a cemetery.

WildIrishBanshee 3rd Apr 2016 3:13 PM

Hanson - It's a Saturday, so another family day. The SilverMoon (Barak) and Sutton were summoned. Anne played the piano and there was dancing around it - never knew that sims could dance to the piano! Andromeda taught Becky how to talk. Becky is due to grow up today. Andromeda and Anne headed off to work. Anne came home from work with a friend, Icarus Taylor. They went on an outing and hung out for awhile. Andromeda came home with Caius and went on an outing too. Anne brought Becky to the cake and she grew up into a child - pretty sure that she's my only gen B black haired kiddo, her brothers are both redheads. Maybe C will give me some better variety. Anne's outing was Super, as was Andromeda's. Andromeda used her outing boost to work on her gold fishing badge.

Farrah96 3rd Apr 2016 6:50 PM

The first rotation has been completed.

The Wilkinsons (consisting of single mom Alexandra, her daughter Taylor (a child), and their pet dalmatian Diamond) have been running pretty low on money since they moved into their house in Lockridge. Alexandra didn't roll a want for a job for a few days so they struggled financially until she got a job in law (in which she'll only be able to be promoted to legal biller; she doesn't have the necessary education to become a paralegal and beyond). A common theme this first rotation is a bunch of lucky chance cards, and she's currently working as a legal secretary.

It didn't take long for her to find love either! She met Leo Wilkie, an elder, in the first days of living in Lockridge and they had instant chemistry - unfortunately for poor Leo, he isn't the only man with a wandering eye for the red haired beauty. Talin Deppiesse is also smitten with her, and she's woohoo'd with both (luckily no pregnancy!). It's anyone's guess who she'll end up with but if it were up to Taylor, Alexandra would end up with Talin.

Taylor is quite popular and a hit with primarily the guys at school. She's outgoing and wants to be everyone's friends so it's no wonder their house is packed with kids after school. She's also very studious and she has already managed to raise her grades to A+.

Next door we have the Lavillenie family. Samuel and Portia moved to Lockridge with their three kids: twin children Trent and Bastian, and toddler Stacy. In addition, Samuel's mom Cynthia tagged along as well to help with the kids (and to have company; her husband of 30 years passed away a few years ago, and Samuel is her only child).

Samuel's LTW is to reach the top of the criminal career track, but he rolled a want to join the business career at first. With 6 mouths to feed, you can't really be picky so he ended up working as a mailroom technician until an opening in the criminal career opened up. Portia's a stay at home mom and a family aspiration sim, so I imagine there'll be more kids sometime in the future. Cynthia spends her days at home with her pottery station and out around town gossiping with unsuspecting neighbors.

Both Trent and Bastian have taken a liking to Taylor Wilkinson! She's been over a few times and they constantly try to upstage each other to get her attention. From what I can gather, she appears to be quite fond of Bastian, so it's likely he has his twin brother beat in this area. Once Stacy grew up, she also became friends with Taylor, and now the two households spend a lot of time together: Portia invited Alexandra over to get to know her better now that their kids were getting along so well.

Some pictures from this first rotation:

WildIrishBanshee 3rd Apr 2016 7:12 PM

SilverMoon (Barak) - Nerissa went to work and Barak studied Charisma for his next promotion. Janus and Collin made friends over the phone. Barak maxed Charisma and I witichified Janus. Nerissa came home with a promotion to Starter then went to work on her silver Flower Arranging badge. Barak headed off to work while Janus worked in the garden planting tomatoes. Then it was time for the triplets to grow up. Cael went first, and he grew up into a redheaded toddler with what looks like gray eyes and he wears glasses like his daddy. Caitlin was up next, and she grew up into a redheaded toddler, again with what looks like gray eyes. She also wears glasses. Janus went to work in the middle of the birthdays, so it was just Nerissa home with the tots. Caitlyn was the final one who needed to grow up, and guess what, another redhead! *sigh* She seems to have brown eyes though, so at least that's different and no glasses. At least they're all cute as a button! Barak came home from work without a promotion and headed directly to the sauna for some relaxation after a hard day at work. Then ACR kicked in and they got down in the bedroom, after which they both fell asleep. Janus came home from work with a promotion to Counterfeiter. Janus started the potty training of the triplets, then he got the creativity skill he needed.

Jojoa777 3rd Apr 2016 8:39 PM

Well, that's it. Leod McGreggor just died in Riverblossom Hills and that means the plague has officially moved beyond Strangetown. All sims in the megahood are advised to stay home if sick, not greet strangers, and say goodbye to any guests who start coughing. Cleo McGreggor is distraught and has no clue how she's going to maintain the home business Leod started and raise their toddler twins, Graeme and Grant. Said twins are scarred for life because Leod died right in front of them just after potty training Graeme. Once the twins are children they'll probably be helping Cleo a lot with the gardening.

I feel bad for my sims with all of these deaths, but this plague is also adding a lot of drama to the hood. Established families are suddenly going in whole different directions. I'm kind of curious and scared to see who will be the next victim.

Gcgb53191 3rd Apr 2016 11:03 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Jojoa777
I feel bad for my sims with all of these deaths, but this plague is also adding a lot of drama to the hood. Established families are suddenly going in whole different directions. I'm kind of curious and scared to see who will be the next victim.

I'm a bit jealous by your plague, I just get annoying colds.

Steffyn 4th Apr 2016 12:37 AM

Kynareth Valley has been rocked by a devastating fire. Herizon Taste's tree got hit by lightning during a storm and the fire that resulted is best described as legendary. It took the lone firefighter 20 minutes irl to battle the blaze and it left almost every square of outdoor space coated in ash and debris. Because Kynareth Valley an emergency relief fund for catastrophes such as this, she got a cool 10k for cleanup and remodeling and she intends on using every bit to improve her home. She also got a promotion so now she's working in a coffee house, and she's that much closer to marrying her current girlfriend whether she wants to or not.

Documenting the damage.

Kynareth, future mayor of Kynareth Valley.

Quest FIlter, who's Suspiciously Absent at night.
I also made the Kynareth of Kynareth Valley and she had a peaceful week of working, getting to know her townspeople, and having her current flame, Quest Filter, move in. ...She just doesn't know that that current flame is a driver for the a gang so shady people even suspected of being members are forcibly relocated and usually just get placed in the lawless town of Test Vale where they can no longer bother the good sims of neighboring Exhaustion Valley. Arrabbiata's boss was supposed to be caught and serving his life sentence in St. Jarna's already, but if their dark hands are mixed in with the daily operations of Kynareth Valley, someone is going to make boatload after boatload of cash while the town suffers. Maybe this is just a temporary gig until she can get her feet wet in journalism, but maybe she's already a hardened criminal. Only time will tell.

The next update is going to be from the Ebonhand household since the Volstehl house is the last one in the rotation [unless I add someone else before then, which is pretty unlikely]

Gcgb53191 4th Apr 2016 4:29 AM

Casey Harris recently got fired and decided to take a trip to Simwai'i. He had hoped that this experience would inspire him and use that towards making some new music. Instead of all that, he got his crush Sakura Robinson, pregnant. Its not too bad considering he's a family sim and he's head over heels over her. His crush on the other hand has been wishy-washy about going steady with Casey or James Reyes. I guess this pregnancy helped her decide!

With Casey's dad (Jamie) nearing the end of his life and Sakura not showing just yet, they had shotgun wedding. Good timing too because Sakura was living with her brother who recently got engaged and now has his son over on the weekends so there wasn't any more room for Sakura.

Right after the wedding ceremony Sakura's bump grew and Jamie Harris didn't die just yet. He definitely wont live long enough to meet the new baby though. I give him two days, if that.

I'm excited to see how the baby will look!

Katya Stevens 4th Apr 2016 2:32 PM

The Marshalls (4) household and their quadruplet kids were on the rotation schedule next. Fed up with everyone in the 'hood having the flu I downloaded Cyjon's New Genie Wishes and had Forest wish to cure the plague.

Forest also had a want to marry a rich sim, so I invited over all of his unattached love interests and checked how much money each of them had: Luz Poole, $; Joann Hayes, $; Barbara Townsend, $$$; Laverne Bush, $$; Shelly Cooper, $$.

Barbara does have some interest in Forest's younger brother (actual nephew) Andrew but checking on things Andrew has much higher chemistry with fellow playable Astrid Vanderpol and already has a child with her. The only other downside is that Forest only has one bolt of chemistry with Barbara, but seeing as he's wanting to marry for money over love...

(The one aggrivating thing to me is that this is the fourth red-haired sim that's married into the Marshalls family. Genetic diversity in that family seems to be "marry in all the redheads".)

So Forest got his flirt on, married Barbara...and she moves in with $1 to her name and I find out she's a hobby lot sim. She's also a Popularity sim, LTW to get to the top of the Journalism career, and an average motivation sim. I upped her age a little.

Barbara got hit by risky woohoo on the Saturday, but rolled for an abortion. With her age+fertility rate I'm not actually expecting many kids (if any at all) though I'm sure ACR will kick in at some point.

Barbara found a job in Journalism just in time for her to have zero work until after the weekend. Flora got a promotion to Birthday Party Mascot (Entertainment level 2), followed by a promotion to Mime on Sunday.

Sunday itself was a free for all invite the family over party. Despite there being 51 sims in the family it doesn't actually feel too bad.

Flora got pregnant via risky woohoo, failing her abortion roll but succeeding on her adoption roll. Like with Veronica Stultz I stayed a little over the normal end of the rotation to see the baby, and also get them moved across to the adoption household.

And, thankfully, it was just one baby. A boy named Hugh, with blond hair, light grey eyes, and a freckled skintone.


The Storm (2) household was more chaotic than I remembered, with four kids on the lot -- child Emily, twin-cousin toddlers Eric and Tanya, and baby Robin. My computer blue-screened when I originally tried to play the household so while most things turned out the same a few things differed.

One of the changes was that Leroy got $10k from a chance card. Clark still got a promotion up to Dance Video Star (Dance level 5) while Leroy got a promotion himself up to Executive Chef (Culinary level 8). Everyone seemed to do well with promotions and what-not as Cecilia got promoted near the end of the rotation to Magazine Editor (Journalism level 9).

Robin grew to a toddler on the Saturday, unfortunately looking a lot like his older brother Eric. Eye and skin colour aside, their facial structure is almost identical.

Cousins Tanya and Eric grew to children on the Sunday. I'm not quite sure yet on who I want to stay as the house heir.

Leroy had an unfulfilled want for a child the entire rotation, which means IVF time. The odds of a multiple birth are going to be astronomical seeing as Leeroy is a Family sim, Evonne is a twin, and they're having IVF. It's going to be 12% for a singleton, 64% for twins, 16% for triplets, and 8% for quads.


At the Vanderpol (2) household, money is very tight. Astrid has $6 to her name and a toddler to look after. She needs a job and money...but a nanny would cost way more than she'd earn in a day on an NPC career. So, she took out a small loan of $1k, took a job as a tour guide, bought a mirror to practise her Charisma, and hoped that she'd either get promoted quickly or she'd find a different, better-paying job.

She managed to get promoted up, but that left her without any work for the weekend, and no jobs for her popped up on Saturday. Michael grew up on the Saturday, doing quite well despite living in a studio apartment with his mum. Thankfully Astrid's been too busy between work/money and raising Michael to even think about inviting over Andrew for a quick woohoo.

She did have time on the Sunday to invite Andrew around for a woohoo session or two, and also get to know and interact with his son. Thankfully Astrid didn't get pregnant, and with Andrew due to finish his degree soon she'll be able to move out of the apartment and into something bigger.

stitching 4th Apr 2016 9:48 PM

At the Nova house, Castor is happily working in the science career. He worked on his cleaning skill a bit, earned another promotion, and is making friends with coworkers. He brought Skye Weiss home with him twice; they get along very well and are now best friends. Castor also managed to infect himself twice while making medicine with the biotech station. Each time he made medicine to speed his recovery and managed to avoid spreading the disease to his family. Jane is working in a custom kindergarten career, and has purchased the lot that will become the downtown's elementary school. Their twin girls spent the summer making new friends and playing with their little sister. Julianne has learned all her toddler skills and will have her birthday early in the fall. On the one day that both Jane and Castor were off work, the whole family went to one of the downtown parks. Note to self: edit the parks to have activities for toddlers.

The Gorey's summer was spent taking care of their new baby and trying to sew enough stock to make opening their shop worthwhile. Right now, Allegra's job in the art career is subsidizing their home business. Trevor has a fortune secondary, but he didn't roll any wants about money or business all summer - he did roll lots of wants to cuddle and play with baby Marilyn. Both of her parents dote on her, and both rolled wants to learn parenting as soon as she was born. I'm not sure if they are going to be great parents, or if they are going to indulge her too much and have her be spoiled. When she aged to toddler, both parents rolled wants to teach her all of the toddler skills - a start has been made, and now that fall has come around, she'll learn the rest quickly. She might be surprised and a bit put out by the new sibling that will be arriving mid fall, though.

Julien Cooke and Trisha Traveller hired Sandy Beech to be the chef in their restaurant, even though they run the restaurant without the employees for the most part (I just like having employees with assigned jobs for when I visit the lot while playing other households). A townie teen who will be made playable when her boyfriend goes to university was hired to be a server. The two of them spent a lot of time on the phone turning friends into best friends, and Trisha invited Tina over a couple of times. Unfortunately, Trisha and Tina are not getting along - Tina does not like Julien, and had a few arguements about him with her mother. Those arguments got worse when Trisha got pregnant, and when Julien and Trisha got married, Tina started insulting Julien directly. Trisha then argued a bit more with Tina; the two are no longer friends, though they still have best friend status.

David (Ottomas) and Peta Kratz were busy with low funds, twin infants, and a cat. Their work schedules were offset so that they didn't need a nanny for the first two days of the season, and then David got fired again, so they didn't need one all summer. The twins aged to toddler with their needs/schedules completely mixed up - one is tired while the other is hungry.... I'm not sure if that's making it easier or harder to care for them. One of them always needed something so the adults had a harder time getting the sleep they needed, but it also meant that the parents could focus on one child at a time. On the first day after being fired, David invited his family over for a visit, mostly so that he could start building a relationship with the three youngest children. It turned out that at least three of the Ottomas family was ill; they started coughing and sneezing a fair bit part way through the visit, and I think almost everyone was sick by the end of the day. Peta made two servings of comfort soup to help treat them all, and had to eat two bowls herself. I'm not sure if all the Ottomas family was cured or not, and a couple of other guests that walked by may have also picked up the cold. Oh well. David's relationship with Carly and George improved, and Samantha and Peter got to play with their grandkids. On the last day of summer, David finally managed to find another job in the music industry; money is still tight for them, and David really wants to get his music store built.

venusking 4th Apr 2016 11:42 PM

Grunt: Tank is going through some kind of mid-life crisis after his wife died while he was still furious at her for cheating. It almost seems like he is still trying to get back at her. He had a fling with his dad's second wife (to be fair, she is his age). And one day when Dawn stayed home from school (she was ill), she found this woman leaving her dad's room.

This was obviously the town, um, "escort".
It turns out that Dawn's illness was actually a pregnancy. Tank really freaked when he found out and was furious at her and the father (an alien hybrid boy from the trashy Andrews family). This was his good kid, very studious and serious (no playful points at all), and he expected better. Then Dawn turned it around on him and told him that she knew he was seeing "escorts" and that he made her sick. They were furious at each other all through the pregnancy. Finally, though, Tank relented and agreed to raise the child until she finished college. With her out of the house, the tension reduced considerably and they all had fun taking care of the child (a boy named Adam). Q will be the next to go to college and Tank has already decided to leave the house to his youngest, Skip, who is a family sim. This is because Q is really Johnny's son, he's still upset with Dawn, Tripp is a somewhat lazy popularity sim, and Chase and Thorne already have their own homes. He is already well into elderhood and I don't know how much longer he will be around. I'm just hoping he lasts until Dawn returns and takes her child so Adam isn't left with just teenage boys to raise him.

Ather 5th Apr 2016 6:18 AM

Still playing with the Hadi family, and... things have progressed since the last time I posted about them. First thing's first, the three of them (Aida, Tobias, and Cait) all have five children with each other. Two boys, three girls. Aida had Lief, then Cait had Gulsen, and then Aida had triplets... Aoife, Nadav, and Valkryie. They've all grown into children now, and they'll be kids for a while. I have Hat's lifespan mod, so Lief, the eldest, still has 24 days until his teenage birthday. Besides the kids, I'm starting to think that these three don't... really... work all that well together? I don't know how to describe it, but I'm thinking once the kids are in college and the parents are in their elderly years, I'll have them part ways and find their own spouses to finally settle down with. Cait and Aida won't be able to have more babies at that point, but I can always get a mod that enables alien pregnancies for both genders - that way Cait (who I'm fairly certain is very much a lesbian) can have her future spouse carry a baby for them. Aida could adopt, or maybe her spouse could also have an alien baby. And Tobias... well... He's a family Sim. He's getting babies, and lots of them. Like... Twenty kids. Idunno. Some absurd number of babies to help populate my 'hood!

On the business side of things, they've acquired both a grocery store and a car dealership. The grocery store is rank 4, and the dealership is rank 3. Cait has a gold badge in sales, so she's helping pull in the money. She goes off to dazzle some poor, unsuspecting townie, and Aida's already waiting at the cash register to ring them up. Tobias will occasionally restock whatever needs restocking. But, from their business perks, sales, and Tobias' novelwriting, they've reached ~$81k - which I'm proud of, because I generally haven't touched OFB, let alone tried to get a Sim to have so much money!

Anyways... Now I'm just trying to make them filthy rich. I need a million bucks to donate so the 'hood can get a university, and preferably I'd like to get that done before the kids are towards the end of their teen years. I think it can be done!

music2ologist 5th Apr 2016 8:09 AM

Something happened today that I've never seen before, in all the years I've been playing The Sims 2.

Loki was alien-pregnant, and stopped cooking to give birth. The usual video began, the plumbbob opened and a green baby spiralled down - but the video changed. Loki did not catch the baby in his arms and decide to love it. No, the video stopped, a notice came up saying this baby needed a name, and there was a ring-with-arrow sign indicating a boy, but the name 'Steven' was already written in. Loki dumped the baby on the kitchen floor, and turned to hit Circe round the face. Then I saw that Circe and Abhijeet Cho had run up to witness the birth, but must have had a better idea. Abhijeet was just turning away guiltily, and Circe was rocking from the blow. Since this would have been their first kiss, the 'First Kiss' video must have interrupted the birth video. The baby on the floor had the name 'Baby Girl'.

She really has had a bad start in life. She has no nose, and huge alien eyes. I wonder whether she will inherit Loki's eyebrows. I thought of leaving her as Baby Girl, a piece of sim refuse never to be noticed, but I relented. Since Pascal had already given birth to Venus, I named this greenie 'Serena'. Perhaps they will be friends.

[Edit] Perhaps I should explain why Abhijeet was in the house. Circe had detected that he had a gold badge for robotics, and she really, really wanted a robot. So she had taken the time to talk to Abhijeet and play chess with him until they were best friends, and then proposed he might move in. It was only then she discovered that he was a romance sim, and three lightning bolts of affection sprang up. She paid two thousand simoleons for a robot-crafting bench, and another three thousand simoleons for the materials for a servo. He set to work straight away. It so happened that he finished his servo just as Loki went into labour, so he and Circe were out of my control at that moment.

With little Serena still on the kitchen floor, Abhijeet went off to initialise his servo as male, Robby, a romance sim like himself. Leaving Robby to deal with the baby, Abhijeet and Circe retired to the bedroom, where Circe became pregnant. As Abhijeet's ambition is woohoo with twenty sims, he took himself off in search of new conquests. He is now lodging at the Smith house, where Jenny is longing to have a baby. She is within four days of becoming an elder, and no-one in the family has the aspiration points to buy elixir of life. Abhijeet is giving the matter some thought.

In the meantime the servo who was intended to replace Abhijeet in Circe's affections has turned out to be a dud at romance, but an enthusiastic gardener. Robby may yet prove to be a family treasure, and worth the money.

WildIrishBanshee 5th Apr 2016 8:35 PM

Sutton - Bailey and Jerry TFB unsuccessfully in bed, then tried again in the closet. This time it was successful. Bailey finally found a position in Dance as a Tap Dancer and Kelcey got a position as an Interpretive Dancer. Everyone had the day off of work, so they mostly free ranged and did whatever they wanted to do. Bailey popped into her second trimester, then her third.

Smith (Barid) - Estelle went to work, and Barid made a wish on the wishing well to work on his 20 Lovers LTW. Then he planted tomatoes to fill the fridge. Caius maxed Charisma just in time to go to work. Estelle came home with a promotion to Backup Dancer thanks to Collin pulling some strings for her, and she popped into her third trimester She went straight to bed afterwards. Estelle gave birth after her nap in the bathroom to a bouncing baby boy named Caleb. Caius came home from work with a promotion to Round Table Knight.. Immediately after dropping Caleb in his crib, Estelle got pregnant from risky woohoo. *headdesk*

Katya Stevens 5th Apr 2016 9:00 PM

One plus to having a lot of households and a long rotation is that I've forgotten just who Violet Marshalls' baby-daddy is. There's two men in the house (she only just got pregnant at the end of the last rotation) and it could be either one of them which will make it interesting when the baby pops out and I see what genetics they get.

Being pregnant isn't going to stop Violet from working on her wants, including one to woohoo with 10 sims. She's already woohooed with five sims (including her sister's now-husband, but we'll keep that on the sly). I invited over a sim called Cory Todd and the two chatted for a bit until Violet needed to get to bed.

Violet gave birth about 3PM on the Friday, and I needn't have worried about my reduced trips&quads odds meaning fewer general multiple births as she had triplets. All boys. Their father turned out to be Aubrey, a sim with black hair and green eyes.

Anyway, baby #1 Brent had black hair, reasonably dark skintone, green eyes. Baby #2 Graham had black hair, pale skin, light brown eyes. Baby #3 Jack had black hair, freckled medium skintone, green eyes.

I had Violet invite over Cory for a quick woohoo, no impregnation (this time). Most of Violet's time was taken over to caring for the triplets.

On Saturday the triplets grew up -- Brent is a high motivation sim. Graham is an average motivation sim and looks a little awkward with a high nose + low mouth. Jack is likewise average motivation sim. Taking care of three toddlers with one sim was a lot more exhausting than I'd remembered so Violet's time was pretty much spent looking after them, and then taking care of her own motives.


The Marshalls (6)/Nash household was next, with twins Clover and Eden sharing a house with their partners. Both want to marry off 6 kids, so there's going to be a lot of pregnancies and babies born between them.

...And no wonder why no one was actively trying for a baby as apparently I had turned off autonomous TFB at some point in the past. I turned it back on and got Eden and Robbie to re-try a woohoo (which, however, didn't result in a pregnancy).

Kyle (Clover's kid) grew into a child, and Abigail and Ewan (Eden's kids) into toddlers. Ewan was one personality point away from being a high motivation sim while Abigail managed to get the right personality spread to be one. Abigail turned out adorably cute so it looks like so far it'll be a fight between her and Roxanne (also Eden's kid) for house heir.

Clover managed to get pregnant Friday evening, and Eden Saturday morning. Both being twins there's a slightly higher chance of Clover having multiples herself, but Eden is also a family sim so bumps her odds way up.

Christian found a job in the Gamer career, and Robbie joined him (Christian having it as a wanted career, and Robbie as one of his ideals). There was also a Criminal job available which Clover snuck into.

And the rain of multiples continued as Clover had twins, two girls. Amber, with brown hair, dark skin, and the same blue eyes as her brothers; and Marie with the same blond hair/dark skin/blue eyes genetic combo.

I hedged my bets with Eden's pregnancy and added two more cribs to the newly-created upstairs. I should have been a little more careful and put three in, because Eden had triplet boys.

Baby #1 Bryan, with blond hair, light freckled skin, and alien eyes; baby #2 Dylan with brown hair, medium skintone, alien eyes; boy #3 Nate with blond hair, medium skintone, and blue eyes.

Both Clover and Eden rolled the wants for 10 kids which I locked, though I doubt either will get there let alone both. The birth of all the kids means I will have five toddlers at once, though Roxanne is due to become a teenager the same day twins Abigail and Ewan become children, and all five of the babies become toddlers so...(yes that does mean eight birthdays on the same day)

Robbie got a couple of promotions, ending up as a Flag Capturer (Gaming level 5) by the end of the week. Christian also got promoted to Platform Jumper (Gaming level 6) but switched over to a job in Journalism (his LTW career) that popped up.


Played Heather Marshalls in her new home for the one day of the rotation. She had a want for a job in Law Enforcement but the hours were better for Culinary (aka she'd actually go to work on the Sunday). She called Trevor over for a quick woohoo before work, and ended up getting a quick promotion to Drive Through Clerk (level 2). She managed to arrange it so that she got back after her promotion before the carpool for the next shift and ended up pulling a double promotion. That left her at the top of the teen career and hopefully will age into a half-decent job level in the adult career.

Jojoa777 5th Apr 2016 10:53 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Gcgb53191
I'm a bit jealous by your plague, I just get annoying colds.

I honestly half love and half hate the plague. I guess I'm nice enough to not want to kill my own sims, but mean enough that I'm interested to see the results when a lot of my sims do so happen to die.

I'm not sure why they're all dying though. As far as I can tell they seem to have the cold, not the flu. Though I do have some mods in that might change things (not realistic sickness though). My best guess is that some of these sims must have on/off had the cold for lots of rotations, and all of those days have added up. Because typically sims are cured before I stop playing them at the end of their day of the rotation. But then they catch it again while visiting other sims or something. It does seem pretty random to me though.

Lord St.Croix 5th Apr 2016 11:41 PM

Currently I'm in Bitville and I'm just starting out. I played Bitville back in my Sims Stories days, so I'm glad I can pay it again in TS2. So, anyway, since all of the sims in Bitville are single I'm starting by pairing everybody off. Vincent Moore and Naomi Hunt have already gotten married and she's pregnant with twins. There's also their servo maid, Gerda. Originally, I hadn't planned on hooking her up with anyone; servos are usually single in my game. However, right after Vincent went to work, nothing was really going on in the house, but then the gyspy matchmaker showed up. Obviously, Naomi would have no interest in her services since she's already engaged, but since Gerda is single and a family sim, I thought "Why not?" and sent her to talk to her. She ended up on a blind date with a dormie named Myron and they hit it off. Not sure where I'll go with it, but it's an option.

Anyway, Maxmillion Oglethorpe and Sasha Aires also got married and she's pregnant. Her profile seems to paint her as a gold digger, and Maxmillion has a fair amount of money, so I thought they'd be a good match. Of course, my headcanon is that he's retired, which means she'll have to work just to keep the fortune up.

I haven't gotten to anyone else, but I already have the pairings in mind.

Gcgb53191 6th Apr 2016 5:36 AM

I decided to continue playing the Harris household until Sakura gave birth. I was almost two days in and she hadn't given birth yet so I figured I might as well just play them for the whole three days.

Jamie Harris has passed away and his wife Emma, went into aspiration failure as soon as he turned into an urn. The psychiatrist came and everything. After he left Emma spent some time talking to a volleyball and also started panhandling outside the home. I've never seen a sim fall into such a deep depression like she has, they usually straighten up right after the doctor leaves.

Sakura gave birth to a baby girl named Kara. I was hoping it'd be a boy and they could name him Jamie. Wait, isn't Jamie the feminine version of James? Oh man, has Jamie had a girl's name this entire time? Eh, oh well. Kara has Sakura's light skin tone and black hair and has Casey's alien eyes.

Jamie Harris died April 4th, 2016 at his home in Bluewater Village enjoying the company of his loved ones. He leaves behind his wife Emma; his two children Hannah and Casey; his brother Ian, and four (now five) grandchildren. He was also very close to his stepchildren Emette and Sarah.

Born and raised in Bluewater Village, Jamie's family has an interesting history. His mother Nora, was the bastard child of Malcolm Landgraab V and Melina (Jones) Harris. Even though they are technically descendants of the Landgraabs, they are not allowed in the Landgraab family plot at the cemetery, they know better than to try claim the Landgraab name.

Jamie attended Sim State University and graduated with a bachelor's degree in business. During his time at SSU he got reacquainted with Emma Davis, who was also majoring in business. He and Emma had known each other since they were children but they did not get along during their younger years. I can't remember the reason but at one point they were even enemies and got into a several fights at school. Jamie and Emma took things really slow once they started dating. Emma had children at home and didn't want to rush anything. After graduation Jamie and Emma were getting serious and once Jamie got to to know her children he proposed and Emma and the kids moved in with him. Not too long after the wedding they had Hannah and Casey and the rest is history!

Services will be held this weekend at Hope Cemetery near the Robinson family area near the east entrance.

TychoH 6th Apr 2016 11:13 AM

I'm surprised how easily Maud gets pregnant. She's in her 40s, the second half, and the last three times she tried for a baby with her husband, she immediately got pregnant. Now child number 17 is growing inside of her. I've never had so much children from one couple.

Sometimes it's hard, when there are three toddlers to take care of, but most of the time it is fun. And I love that a family can grow so big. The oldest 6 are adults, there are a couple of teens and children, and now two toddlers and two babies (their first twins). Maud and her husband even got 2 grandchildren. I promised myself that the child they would have before their first grandchild was born would be the last, but 10 years have passed since then. After that I promised myself the 15th child would be the last, but then I thought about the cheesecake and minutes after 15, 16 was born, and I couldn't say no when Maud and her husband (Didier) wanted to have another child...

Didier wanted to learn about parenting when they already had 16. After that, he said that he finally could understand baby language. But Maud never learned about parenting, so now I'm wondering how they could survive so many children.

PenelopeT 6th Apr 2016 7:28 PM

Hal and Patty, my one and only elderly couple (they both just turned 80) at the moment who seemed to be doing just fine and were still quite affectionate with one another, split up during their last rotation. They had never had children - so I had them adopt a child just before they turned 70 (he aged up to a teen during their rotation as well). They were both enjoying parenthood and still working full-time - then one day mid-week the husband came home with a townie colleague. The two of them got out of the carpool vehicle and immediately started flirting and throwing all sorts of ACR related interactions at one another. I was pretty stunned, as he had been totally faithful to his wife all this time.

I sent the townie (Christy Stratton) home, before his wife and child could see anything. However, in the end it made no difference as he kept rolling wants to do anything and everything with, Christy. So, I let him fulfill all of his wants and a few fears related to her. He eventually got caught cheating by his wife (she did not immediately break up with him), who despite the negative relationship kept rolling wants to be best friends again and other loving interactions. His son witnessed the infidelity as their relationship was in the negative too.

The final straw was when the townie kept stopping by his home and calling for him...not to mention that he had all but forgotten about his family and started rolling only skill and Christy based wants. So, taking it as his decision had been made, I had his wife break up with him (she still had him in the negative anyhow despite the positive wants she kept rolling). He moved out, but unfortunately with §3,000 of the §3,900 they had in household funds...since I have No 20K Handouts installed. That sucked!

Hal and Christy, got an apartment together and I made him send Patty a portion of Christy's §19,000 she came with. It did not seem like a stretch that he would take from one woman (a young one at that) and give to another.

So now, Patty and their son Martin are doing the best they can to move on from the situation. Though, they both still seem a bit depressed about and Martin keeps walking by his dad's new apartment.

Note: Screenshots have now been added.

WildIrishBanshee 6th Apr 2016 11:05 PM

Barber - First order of business was to get Chase over, and the next order of business was to change Bambi's clothes. Bambi and Chase had a sidewalk wedding and Chase grew up and moved in with $2,000. I rolled for secondaries and Bambi got family and Chase got popularity. I set them to totally faithful on ACR to minimize some of the wtfery. They dug for treasure waiting for the newspaper and me to finish placing furniture. Bambi got a job as an Investigatory Journalist and headed off to work. Before she left she initialized Bethany, the family servo, who wants to be a Prestigidator, same as Chase. Fortunately there were Entertainment slots open. Bethany as a Round Table Knight and Chase as a Mime. Bethany came home with a promotion to Juggler, and Chase had the day off. Bethany had the skills needed for promotion, so she headed back out to work. Bambi brought a friend home from work, so they had a sidewalk outing. Bethany came home again with a promotion to Master of Ceremonies. Bambi's outing was only So-So as the friend didn't want to sit still long enough to chat. Bethany's secondary is Knowledge. Chase and Bambi successfully TFB before bed.

music2ologist 7th Apr 2016 8:13 AM

Huge changes since yesterday. In a thread here I complained that LTW for natural scientist and artist were missing from the simblender, and BO suggested I download some extra mods. Well, the new simblender refers to sim interests, which I never consulted before. I used to just look at whatever was in a sim's want slots to determine careers. Now I've started looking at interests, for the first time in all these years of playing! I found that Pascal Curious has 10/10 interest in the supernatural, so I switched him out of his science job to head for a new ambition: cult leader. His brother Vidcund has 10/10 interest in the environment, so he has quit science too, and is following the natural scientist trail. I've started inspecting the interests of all the Strangetown sims. Since these interests can fluctuate with time, play has become very much more complicated.

stitching 7th Apr 2016 12:06 PM

At the Trent-McCarthy house, Tina spent the summer helping Herbert Bigfoot with his flower shop and baby sitting her three half siblings while the adults worked. I was hoping she'd make enough arrangements to get a silver badge, but she's still only got bronze. She also got bronze badges in sales and restocking, though - the shop was getting too busy for her to work on flower arranging. Herbert split his time between working on his shop and his day job (agriculture career) - I think he's now brought home 4 stoves, 2 children's toy ovens, 2 barbecues, and a couple of decor plants. Trent's alien son Zekiel is a complete slob (0 neat) - nobody in the house is neat, but the level of mess that he was making seemed to really bother Tina. If she was left alone for a moment, she'd start cleaning and that was despite her normal music and dance obsession. Trisha dropped by a couple of times, and she argued a few times with both Tina and Trent. Her relationship with Trent's new wife, Daisy, had been a bit negative, but they autonomously chatted a few times and are now close to making friends. Daisy and Trent's first child together, River, rolled wants for charisma skill points as soon as he was taught the nursery rhyme (he's 10 outgoing), so he spent a lot of time with that silly rabbit toy. He's almost a child. Their second child, Oceana (Daisy brought her love of nature into her children's names), aged to toddler right at the end of summer. Daisy immediately wanted to teach her a nursery rhyme, and Trent rolled a want to potty train her and a fear of having more babies. Tina is getting desperate to move out and go to university, as the small house is feeling crowded and she has no privacy and spends a lot of time taking care of her father and siblings.. She did manage to have a dream date with the boy who lives in the cabin closest to them (one corner of my 'hood has a forest with some small lots with cabins), and seems quite infatuated with him, but I'm not sure how the relationship will last as he's a romance sim.

At the Newsons, both Gabriella and Gallagher have fallen in love. Gallagher's steady girlfriend is the daughter of the town doctors; she's been abducted five times, has three alien children, and has been turned into a witch. Gallagher likes the sparkles and spells, but I don't know if she's told him about the toddlers and infant, but then, it's a small town and she lives only a few lots away. He'd probably like the idea of children - I gave him a family aspiration and a romance secondary. Even with the romance secondary, he's the one that rolled a want to go steady first, but when it was filled it was a red memory - that bugged me, so I changed his secondary to knowledge, and I want to edit the memory in SimPE to make it green (if I get around to it). Gabriella's boyfriend is Scot Land; they have a lot of common interests and both like science and tinkering. Georgia was thrilled to finally get the cast off her arm - she spent her last days of childhood playing piano and soccer. She and Garrett aged to teen - Georgia is fortune/popularity and wants to be head of SCIA, and Garrett is knowledge/family and wants to be a doctor, but he also keeps wanting to work on the restorable car, so he may end up running a garage with Gallagher or Gabriella instead. Ginger's daughter, Lauren, kept rolling wants to call her mom (who is still at university) and to make friends with more people. She spent half the summer on the phone and the other half having water balloon fights with any children that walked by the house.

At the Ottomas house, Samantha aged to elder, and the twins became teens (pleasure/romance and knowledge/romance). There are still two sisters who are children, and because of that and the looming university bills Samantha and Peter aren't ready to retire. Sharla left for university mid summer, and that started her parents thinking about estate planning - who will get the house when they die? Sharla wants to live in the city, and David has already built his own house, so it will probably go to Tommy when he finishes university - he likes the rural setting. His youngest sister is likely to still be living at home when he graduates, but he's got a good relationship with her.

At the poultry farm, the Meyers spent the first half of the summer running their home business and the last half filling other wants and skilling. They have four children; the second eldest has just become a teen. She rolled a want for the young entrepreneurs scholarship, so is working in the medical track for now. The father, Christopher, had a want to get a pet, so they adopted a large dog. They then adopted a stray and will be breeding them (to put up for adoption as the adoption pool is short on puppies). The oldest teen, Tuck, went on a couple of dates with a townie - she gave them a hot tub, which while nice was the last thing the family needed this summer. It was a hot summer for them; the last two days kept seeing near heatstroke every time they went out (autonomous fetch and catch, mostly), and I was having enough trouble cooling them off even inside that I double checked the walls, ceilings, and roof to be sure the house was sealed properly. Those were fine, so I think it was just sim stupidity - don't take hot showers when already overheated, and don't head for the exercise machine when you are almost ready to burst into flame. Nobody caught fire, but Christopher collapsed twice, and Tara, Tuck, and Chris finished the summer with flushed faces. At the end of the summer, Tara bought a small community lot that will be a market selling both their own poultry and imported foodstuff (game groceries).

venusking 7th Apr 2016 9:53 PM

Grunt - Helium Grunt (Ripp's last child): Helium has had a pretty tough life. Ripp was abducted and got pregnant with Helium the very last day he was fertile. So he was an elder by the time Helium was a toddler. Both Ripp and Ophelia Nigmos Grunt (his wife) didn't have a lot of energy for Helium. Therefore, he became very close with Lane (his half-brother) who was a teen at the time. All the rest of Ripp's children had already moved out. When Helium was a child, his father died. Then Lane left to go to college leaving Helium alone with his elderly step-mom. He was lonely a lot because Ophelia worked evenings. Being a knowledge sim, he spent his time learning to play chess, painting, and watching the food network. Ophelia felt bad about not spending more time with him and got him a puppy for his 13th birthday to keep him company. As a teen, he came home from school at 1pm and had more time to spend with Ophelia. They became close. Then she died when he was 14. There wasn't much money left in the bank after putting all the kids through college and Helium's job certainly couldn't cover the bills. He started looking for a roommate.

At the same time, JayLin (the Gavigan's ex-nanny) was ready to give birth to Isaiah Gavigan's illegitimate child. She had been staying in the boarding house but they didn't allow children. She posted an ad on the computer and Helium read it and invited her over. Well, she was rather shocked to see such a young teen all alone. She debated about telling social services and getting him placed in a foster home or some relative's home (he certainly has enough relatives in Strangetown). In the end, though, she agreed to be his roommate and vowed to take care of him until he went away to college. She had a baby girl shortly afterward and named her after her mother Isamu. Helium babysits while she works and they are getting along great. Since she pays most of the bills, he has agreed to let her stay in the house for free while he is in college. It has worked out for everyone so far.

JayLin and Helium

Gcgb53191 8th Apr 2016 1:03 AM

Another one bites the dust, looks like there will be two funeral services this weekend at Hope Cemetery. Lilly Morgan passed away Tuesday night around 8PM.

She leaves behind her husband Dakota, her son Kody and three grandchildren Sean, Avery and Kaleah (whom she has a memory of meeting isn't showing up in her relationship panel)

Lilly went to Sim State University to follow in her mother's footsteps in becoming a lawyer. She graduated summa cum laude and continued her studies at the Landgraab College of Law. Lilly continued to be an overachiever in her life and even surpassed her mother as a lawyer by getting to the top of the Law career. Unfortunately the one area she was not successful in was expanding her family. Lilly and Dakota got lucky with Kody but had trouble conceiving again afterwards. And on the rare occasion they succeeded Lilly would miscarry.

Its kind of ironic that Lilly Morgan and Jamie Harris are being buried this week. Lilly lost her virginity to Jamie when they were teenagers. Lilly and Jamie's wife, Emma were best friends when they were teenagers until Emma and Dakota had a one night stand, got her pregnant and didn't really get involved until the kids were older. During all that Lilly and Dakota started dating so there went their friendship. Small world! I mean..neighborhood :D

Nalia 8th Apr 2016 1:31 AM

1 Attachment(s)
One of my Sims lives alone with his elder dog, Balin, an ex-stray. He leaves for work and just a few minutes before coming back home Balin dies...
Thinking a pet dying alone broke my heart.

terula8 8th Apr 2016 1:52 AM

Things are heating up in Holling.

Shaylene Lewis is just two months away from giving birth to her second child and the first born to a townie in this hood. The father-to-be is Nery Turner, and as it turns out he's become friends and neighbours with Rio King, who fathered Shaylene's older child Tayvion. Shaylene and Rio's relationship is open ended as they're both romance sims, so when Rio fell in love with another townie, Shelby Barrett - Shaylene's good friend - at his son's first birthday party, no one got upset. It was all about little Tay after all, who - after a false start or two rose to the occasion and became a toddler on his second cake. He's got a cute little pig nose that I just can't get over. Shaylene's needs needed to be watched carefully during the party as she's literally about to pop into her final trimester.

Her sister Mi'Shara gave birth to her daughter Daimond Miya a few days before. Daimond is a spring baby, while her cousin is an autumn and there's some clear differences between the two. Little Daimond didn't cry at all and was a very quiet, content baby despite the fact that her mother left her on the kitchen floor for a day and a half after she was born so that she could woohoo her father. She then fell asleep along with the rest of the household. During her cousin's birthday party, Daimond was left on the bedroom floor this time, and made no fuss until the stink fumes drover her to it, but it looks like her mother is finally starting to get the hang of the whole parenting thing.

Johnnie's girlfriend Cecile is confirmed pregnant, and the two had a rather nasty fight at the cinema after he caught her flirting with a female cashier. Although they love each other, they aren't reconciling at all and Cecile is furious with Johnnie. To make matters worse, Johnnie wasn't happen to discover his pending fatherhood and spent all night gardening and refusing to come to bed. With no one else to turn to, Cecile looks to her friends Damian and Mallisa in her time of need.

joandsarah77 8th Apr 2016 4:48 AM

I was playing the school rotation and since there is only 1 school aged child right now I decided the primary school could take teens for the moment as well.

Ness09 8th Apr 2016 11:54 AM

I was playing Regan and Cornwall Capp. They kept trying to have a child, but Regan had miscarried three times already. Of course she got pregnant again and miscarried again. This always happens in the first trimester. I took the hint and set her to be infertile.

Originally I wasn't going to let them adopt, because the Uberhood is way too populated anyway and doesn't need more sims, but the next house was Heather Huffington's who's very pregnant with her second child. Heather is not much of a mother. She got pregnant by Joshua Ruben right before graduating and took care of her daugther Ariefay well enough while she was a baby. After that she was more interested in woohooing and becoming a professional party guest, so she let the nanny do most of the work.

Of course all that woohooing let to her being pregnant again. During her pregnancy Joshua came over a lot to get to know his daughter and help take care of her. Seeing how well they got along, Heather had an idea. Why not let Joshua raise the kid? He's engaged to Patricia Wan and so far they have no children of their own, so he agrees and right before Ariefay ages to child, she moves in with them. Heather then gives birth to a son by Ashley Pitts, who she has no desire to keep. Knowing that her neighbours have trouble conceiving, she invites Regan over, who immediately starts fussing over the baby. So it's decided that Regan and Cornwall are adopting him.
The Capps get the baby they always wanted, Ariefay gets to grow up in a loving environment and Joshua gets to raise his daughter, and Heather can lead a life full of woohoo and parties. Everyone is happy.

WildIrishBanshee 9th Apr 2016 2:14 AM

SilverMoon House - I got Barnard and Barney settled in, and Barney studied for his gold toy making badge while Barnard stargazed to work on the logic point he wanted. Barnard went on an outing with Fern Banks in an attempt to find a spouse - she was his highest YA female match, but he's bi, so there are plenty more options. Barney received a call from Banyan and they made friends. Looking through Barnard's relationship panel I noticed that he had three bolts with Kimberly Shelby - might be a winner, though she's another redhead, but he's into them. Barnard's outing ended due to class, but it ended at Super. After class Barney went on an outing with Sienna Ashley, his highest YA match - only one bolt, so he can do better. Barnard called up Kimberly to make friends. Barney called his friends during a break in the outing, and Barnard called Edgar to make friends after making friends with Kimberly. I then had Barney call Rin Almassy, a two bolt match he has.

Barney's outing was Rockin, and he used some of his bonus to study cooking for college. He also decided to declare Literature as his major. The next morning Barney went on an outing with Denise Alexander, his highest adult match - also only two bolts. She has black hair vs Rin's blonde - but neither of them are redheads, so that helps. I like Rin's looks better though - but we'll see what he thinks, or what I decide to do by senior year. Barney's outing was interrupted by class, but still made it to Super. Bartholomew gave Barnard a call the next morning to chat. Then Barnard threw a party and got his first kiss from Kimberly and naturally headed for the photo booth immediately after. Barney got his gold toy making badge and then it was time for finals. They both received A+'s.

Barney filled up his meter by making friends with his professors. Barnard maxed Music and Dance. Barto called Barney for a chat and made friends. Then it was finals time, and both boys came back with A+'s.

WildIrishBanshee 9th Apr 2016 9:58 PM

Main House - Adam went to work, Aaron finished teaching Cade how to walk and then he too went to work. Edgar also went to work. Bartholomew walked to school and then it was time for Wendy and Amin to go to work. Barbra worked on potty training Cadee. Wendy came home with a promotion to Sports Columnist. Edgar came home with a promotion to Congressperson and a friend who gave him a new product to test. Oh yeah, and he came home with a chair, which was promptly sold. I also realized that Bigfoot apparently can't ask people on outings (at least nonfriends, haven't tried friends yet) which I'm not sure is normal or not. Either way he and his work friend hung out by the mailbox and I realized Edgar didn't have a secondary yet - he rolled for Grilled Cheese. Adam also came home with a work friend, so they went on an outing and hung out on the sidewalk. While viewing the koi pond, Edgar figured out that his hobby was Nature. Wendy maxed Creativity then started on Cleaning before bed. Adam's outing was Rockin. Wendy worked on potty training Cadee.

Gcgb53191 10th Apr 2016 8:15 PM

Malcolm VIII is officially done with his 'training' at Landgraab Electronics. His father, Malcolm VII, gave him the deeds to the store and to the Landgraab family beach home. Malcolm VII and Erica both finally retired from their jobs and are enjoying their retirement by spending time with their triplets. Erica even bought a work bench to start a new hobby.

Malcolm VIII is feeling the pressure to get married with his father nearing death. There are a few eligible bachelorettes but I'm just not sure if they're a good fit for him. There is a townie who's also a fortune sim like him with the same LTW but I don't know yet....I try to avoid marrying townies unless they really hit it off so we'll see.

Anthony is constantly rolling wants to get married or to have a baby. Unfortunately for him, the girl he loves is just barely starting college so it's gonna be a while until that happens. Until then he'll just focus on work and saving money for the future.

Julia has been so busy with school work and working that she hasn't socialized much. She has two days off soon so she'll be taking a break soon. She's rolled a few wants to get laid so maybe she'll go on a few dates. :D

PenelopeT 10th Apr 2016 10:20 PM

Edward and Carly Sommers, household was the last one I played. It was a fun and productive rotation as Edward's new prepared foods bakery reached Rank 4 and Carly received two promotions in the dance career. Edward, also has a career as a handyman (the bakery is only open on his non-work days) and he too received a promotion. Carly, also increased her skills (I don't really focus on sims skilling unless they roll a want - if not it's up to them to autonomously choose a skill item) enough to join two other sims in the neighborhood who are in a band that plays once a week at an upscale restaurant and bar in the neighboring town (sub-hood). There is another open spot in the band, so we'll see if Edward shows some interest.

The only disappointment was their want of having a baby - they ACR woohoo'ed all sim week without any success. I finally took a look at Carly's pregnancy odds and realized they had decreased quite a bit from the previous rotation (down to 15%). She is 47 yrs old now, and since I don't see things improving, I had them adopt a child. The ideal family size is set to 2 for both of them, so if Carly does not have a miraculous pregnancy their next rotation, I may have them adopt again...if they both roll a baby want.

Also, their home is getting a little cramped with two pets (Barney the dog and Sarah the cat) and now a child, so if they can get the huge business loan (25k plus) paid off before elder-hood (the business perks cash will no doubt make it doable), I may remodel the home. That is, if they have enough left over after saving for retirement and part of Amy's college tuition.

Random screenshots from this family's rotation underneath the tab...

Ness09 10th Apr 2016 11:06 PM

I really like playing sims, who just graduated college and get their lives started in the main hood. Since Tom Freshe lost both his previous girlfriends to Chaz Whippler (He, Emily Lee and Ellen Frost live in a polyamorous relationship) he moved in with his best friend Marla Biggs and her fiance Martin Ruben. Not much happened since all of them had the flue and I didn't want it to spread. Of course Marla got pregnant almost immedieately, which was a mild inconvenience because Tom is living in the only other room of the house and they don't have the money to expand. Eventually they all got better, Marla and Martin got married without a party right after their daughter Nelly was born and still no luck for Tom when it comes to girls. He liked Marissa Bennett, but she ended up kissing Dustin Broke at one of Tom's parties (I don't approve, Dustin is about to get married to Melody Tinker). At the end of the rotation, they took out another loan to expand the house since Marla is pregnant again... and it's twins. She's definitely going on birth control after they are born.

I also played Dirk Dreamer and Lilith Pleasant. They were one of the few existing teenage couples that actually had decent chemistry and even stayed together while attending different colleges. Dirk is a bit of a ladies man though and he hooked up with Allegra Gorey and Jules O'Mackey. Now that he and Lilith lived together, their chemistry had dropped to one bolt and they didn't seem into each other much at all. So I invited over Johnny Smith and Brittany Upsnott, who they have two bolts with. ACR did the rest. Dirk and Lilith broke up, but are still friends. She moved out and I will play her with Johnny Smith next round. Dirk got a job in Architecture and dated Brittany for a while until she spun up the want to get engaged. She moved in at the end of the rotation and they'll get married next round.
Something funny I just remembered now, Brittany used to live with Mary-Sue. After the Oldies died and Lilith went to college, I didn't want Mary-Sue to live on her own so she got Brittany as a room mate.

stitching 10th Apr 2016 11:53 PM

Heather Huffington had a busy week. In her personal life, she rolled a want to woohoo five service sims; I took that to mean that she wanted to seduce her landlord, so she invited him over while her husband, Ashley, was at work. After woohooing with him, she moved on to the pizza delivery man she met at the weekend apartment gathering. She's only friends with him so far, but she rolled that want to seduce service sims again while he was over so she'll probably have a date with him next season. As well as those, she had a couple of dates with Ashley, visiting clubs downtown. Professionally, she got fired again from her job as a projectionist, but found another job as a projectionist (slacker career) when the next newspaper was delivered. She had one shift and was promoted at the end of the shift; the new shift hours meant that she could walk to work right then. Her needs were still fairly high, so she did, and she came home with another promotion. I guess her new employer thinks more of her than the last one did. Ashley seemed mostly interested in building sports enthusiasm and getting the charisma skill he needed for his next promotion, so he went to practice his golf at the sports hobby lot. He also wants to make more friends, so he spent a fair bit of time on the phone and playing kicky bag. He got promoted to level nine of the athletics career. Heather and Ashley's apartment is next to Brittany Upsnott's; I forgot she was pregnant, but Brittany reminded me by barging into the Huffington apartment a few times to throw up. Good thing that all three of them are such good friends, and Heather could use the cleaning skill gains.

I then played with my mining family - a challenge where they are having a baby every season, teaching all skills, and parents have to help with homework if children don't have wants to do the work. When I opened the lot, teen Darryl was getting close to a breakdown due to low aspiration and was sick. Fortunately he had a want for a new family member, and his mother was just hours from giving birth so I sent him to relax. Jane had a boy, saving Darryl from hitting rock bottom and clearing his fear of running away. The family is now up to twelve children. The summer was rough - I use a mod for summer vacations, so there was no homework, but in some ways that made it harder as everyone was always home and needs got off schedule. They also broke all the plumbing at one point - fortunately the just-aged-to-teen Natalie likes to tinker and wanted to improve her mechanical abilities. When she wasn't repairing sinks, toilets, and showers, she gravitated to the easel. Everyone else in the family seemed to want to play catch or use the telescope. All of the teens took turns mining ore, but the shop stayed closed all summer due to a flu outbreak on their lot. At one point, 5 out of the 8 people who could catch the flu had it. When not sick, parents Jane and Flannan filled their wants to teach toddler skills - potty training in particular is essential with this crowd. I've started having problems with neat siblings cleaning up baby bottles before the toddlers manage to drink from them - no sooner would a bottle be dropped due to routing failure to the toddler than a child would be trying to throw the bottle out. Actually, this house is kind of fun with the mix of neat and messy sims. Flannan has 9 neat points, and Jane has 2 - their children mostly have either 9 or 2 as well, with one having 7 and one with 1. One of the teens became furious with a toddler for making a mess while playing in the toilet (poor Cody was a victim of bottle theft and had low hygiene), and I suspect similar conflicts over shower puddles are the cause of low relationships between a couple of the other siblings. Even with lots of extra bottles, two potties to empty, and many plates of food, this house is normally very neat due to all the autonomous cleaning. Darryl had a dramatic improvement in his mood when he met Lisa Ottomas. She had just become a teen and they have a bit of attraction to each other. They became friends and had a date; both have crushes on the other. I wonder how Darryl will feel about her when he learns that aliens scrambled her personality - well, he never knew the old Lisa, but the new one has 0 neat points to Darryl's 9 and the rest of her personality is fairly different from his, too. The summer ended with several family members rolling wants for either creativity or cooking skill points, or for wants to learn life skills. Jane got pregnant again, so baby 13 will be born in the early fall.

Alan Coulthurst has gotten a job in the paranormal career and has started his Cult of Grilled Cheese. He visited a couple of community lots to meet with people and talk about grilled cheese. A few of his friends were willing to listen politely, and a couple of those even seemed enthusiastic about grilled cheese. He invited two of those sims over to his house - I think they are downtownies, but they are ones that kept annoying me when I played other lots. He asked both to move in. Wolf Paris turned out to be at the top of the business career - he is a knowledge sim that now has a grilled cheese secondary. Tana Zarra is in the elder business career track - she was at level 3, but she got demoted twice during the week. She doesn't mind, though - she had an encounter with the ReNuYusenso-orb and is now a grilled cheese sim. She spent her down time painting pictures of grilled cheese to decorate the Hall of Grilled Cheese. Alan then invited his new crush to move in - she wants to get engaged, but he's not interested in marriage. She took a grilled cheese secondary to please him, but she's more interested in family and friends than sandwiches. Wolf also asked his girlfriend to move in - they both had wants to get engaged to each other when they moved in, so they are now engaged. I'm not sure how Alan will take it - the cult hasn't sorted out guidelines about relationships and marriage yet, and Alan has a history with Wolf's fiancee. However, I'm leaning towards supporting marriage and banning affairs for cult members. The Hall of Grilled Cheese has a kitchen at one end with a dining area, and an area to worship and praise grilled cheese at the other end. Beside the hall are three living/working rooms for the cult - one is a room for studying cooking (by book or by tv), one is a recreation room, and one is a reception/office space. Above those rooms are a few small bedrooms and a bathroom. The colours throughout the lot are yellows, oranges, and browns, and where possible the shapes/patterns are squares or arches (suggesting sandwich shapes). Once the decorating is improved a bit, the cult will open the lot as a ticket business so the community can learn about the wonders of cheese.

Duine 11th Apr 2016 11:51 PM

A teen couple, who's parents are sharing a house, moved to college. Between the two, with a bunch of scholarships, they were less than 2k short of renting a large house which other sims would move into after them. I sent them to a tiny, empty lot just to add a bit to their funds. The dad showed up with his son for the cut scene and, at the same time, the music hobby leader shows up to add a plaque to the teen's inventory. After it's over, I'm waiting for the taxi to show up with the girl teen in it. No taxi, no teen, nothing. After waiting awhile I checked the batbox, simanipulator and sim blender for an option to retrieve a missing sim. Couldn't find anything and finally tried nuke in world and the girl appeared, sitting on nothing in the middle of the road. I sent the male to give her a hug but the options weren't all showing. Finally I looked at her age bar and she was still a teen. I moved them out, hoping that would fix the problem, then moved them into the new place where she got her cut scene with the dad. Next time I need an empty lot, I'll choose one a little bigger. (:

WildIrishBanshee 12th Apr 2016 12:25 AM

Smith - Aaliyah went to work. Stephanie gave birth to Calvin, the third child needed and headed off to work. Banyan headed off to work. Stephanie came home from work and headed straight to bed for a nap. Aaliyah came home from work with a friend and had a sidewalk outing. Banyan came home with a promotion to Headliner. Stephanie and Aaliyah hung out until they made friends.

Miles - It was a Saturday, so family time commenced, with the SilverMoon (Abe) and Hanson families invited over. Bendele had a want to be friends with Becka, so they hung out for a bit. Becka had a want to be friends with Barrett, so they hung out a bit. Abbie and Circe went to work. Circe came home with a promotion to Backup Dancer. Bandele got an outing call and went to the Crypt O'Night club. I had her chat up and then hang out with Adam on the outing because she barely knew him and they made friends. The outing was Super. Bandele got a job as a Drive Thru Clerk and knocked up Circe (by use of Simblender, none of my teens get pregnant like EVER so I was testing.) The dogs got washed and Circe popped into her second trimester.

joandsarah77 12th Apr 2016 12:55 AM

A ton load of picture behind the cut

I have just been playing 2-3 days around at each house trying to get things set up for the coming generation.

ani_ 12th Apr 2016 7:09 AM

Lots and lots of make-overs. Currently I've done almost everybody, except a few who's skin I need to change in SIMPE. Now I'm going through each house, decorating and playing for a day, just to get things set. I'm restarting an Uberhood and I don't even know how many households there are in total, but I'm currently working on number 3.

Gcgb53191 13th Apr 2016 1:15 AM

They're dropping like flies!! Maxwell Williams is the newest permanent resident at Hope Cemetery. But before departing he spent his last two days doing the things he loves like hiking and spending time with his newest grandson Brett. Of course his wife is taking it the hardest but she'll be 'moving in' in a rotation or two.

Hannah's other three children are at their fathers' homes this rotation. Camille and Seth at Avgeni's and Noah at Joshua's. Its a little odd going from a full house with children running around to just a little baby that doesn't do much. Nothing too much happened aside from Maxwell's death and Brett aging up. I had played them an extra day last time so I only had two days this rotation. Plus with custody schedules I can't go over because it'll mess up with the aging.

Jake almost got his store, Williams Appliances, to level six but was two stars away. I only let him go into the shop for one day so he could spend time with his father before passing away.

Baby Brett has brown hair and brown eyes and looks like his mom so far. I gave him his father's hair so he could have some resemblance to him.


Maxwell leaves behind his wife Marilyn, his two sons Adam and Jake, five grandchildren and 3 'step-grandchildren.' Fun fact, Marilyn was the very first best friend that he made, outside of family anyway. :lovestruc While she wasn't his first kiss, she was his first and last love.

Maxwell was really close with his cousin, Cameron, growing up. They lived in the same house until Maxwell's parents divorced. His mom Zoe, got full custody just to spit his father Andrew, so he went to live with her full time. He attended Sim State University and in the middle of his freshmen year, he and Marilyn found out they were expecting! Marilyn moved back home and finished her degree via online once they found out they were expecting twins. Maxwell stayed behind so he could get his degree in order to support his new family.

He's had a pretty good life not gonna lie. No drama or cheating scandals, steady job, no debt, good children, and a loving marriage.

RIP Maxwell

stitching 13th Apr 2016 5:10 AM

Brittany and Bror Upsnott (Mr Big) now have twin girls. In need of more space, they have moved from their apartment to one on the floor above. Neither is particularly interested in kids, so when the girls aged to toddler they saw teaching toddler skills as only something that should be done to make their own lives easier - they hate diapers so are potty training. I think they'll be hiring someone else to take care of the toddlers and teach skills, and the girls will either attend private school or be sent to a boarding school once they are children. Both girls are likely to be troublemakers, with only 1 nice point each. Beatrice has average motivation and intelligence and is 10 outgoing, while Brigitte is an underachieving genius with 10 playful points.

Kevin and Tiffany's kids went to the library with Kevin a few times over the summer. Kevin is the town librarian and owns the library - it's an old house near city hall that's been remodeled into a library. At home, the family rolled lots of wants to interact with their dog, and to gain skill points - everyone in the family wants at least one point in something. Tiffany got promoted a couple of times in the summer so is now to level 4 of the journalism career. She got pregnant right at the end of the summer, so will be on mat leave soon. As well as getting the skill wants, John had a few wants to torment someone; despite being his normal victim, his sister Rebecca is now his best friend. The family is fairly placid and laid back, but John will shake them up when he eventually becomes a rebellious teen.

Edited to add: I just played my new military barracks lot. The lot has one barracks building with 8 small rooms, a men's and a women's bathroom, and a couple of common areas - one for study and one for recreation; a mess with a dorm cook; and a small two story building with a gym upstairs and a workshop/tinkering area on the main floor. Those buildings are along the left side and back of the lot, while the center has a parade square/drill ground. Once one is earned, an obstacle course will be put on the right side of the lot. The residents include an ex-dormie and his wife (she was already in the military, and he's the only one not in the game's military career - he's a mechanic and I'm pretending he works for the base construction & engineering section); the Picasos; the Larsons; and Chester Gieke. Everyone on the lot has to participate in daily training activities - an hour or two of drill (smustle on the parade square), workouts with the jump rope or the stereo, and inspections. The inspections consist of me checking the lot at 0900 h - any puddles, unmade beds, or items that are cleanable by the neatest playable able to access them results in everyone having to do extra workouts until they refuse to do more or it's time for lights out. The lot is also a home business, with any profits going to build other base lots - I'm mostly ignoring the customers, though. I think the business is the only thing keeping Jay Larson out of aspiration failure, but his sister seems to like being in the military. Chester is miserable - he seems to hate all the activity and keeps rolling wants to gain logic skill points (he has access to a chess table and telescope). Jessica Picaso just wants to make friends - after she rolled a want for two new friends and a want for three best friends I gave her a popularity secondary. Once sims have been on the lot for two seasons, they can quit the military and move out, stay in the military on the lot, or stay in the military but move to better housing - the type will depend on family size. I've got a two duplexes on a nearby lot that are set up as apartments for married couples, and some tiny lots with starter houses for sims who are single, been promoted at least once, and don't want to stay in barracks. Base community lots will include a range, an all-ranks mess, a sports and recreation facility, a field training area, and possibly a headquarters, an ops building, and a research facility, but those might end up being 'hood decor.

Duine 13th Apr 2016 1:06 PM

Quote: Originally posted by joandsarah77
Although this was not her fault. The apartment lady is a right bi@ch. She pokes and annoys everybody. Brenda was just standing there minding her own business. I am sure that won't end well.

It's possible the landlady had a no pets allowed clause in the lease. (:

Gcgb53191 13th Apr 2016 6:03 PM

I played the adoption house and was so glad the quads only had one day left as toddlers. One adult sim VS four toddlers is just not possible. I'm sure the caretaker, Melissa, is absolutely ecstatic that they're no longer toddlers. No more long chaotic days just trying to take care of their basic needs. Hell she could barely take care of herself. She had to hire a butler to help with the cleaning and just having a meal ready to eat.

Now that they're children its nice to see who they look like as far as their biological family goes. Eric looks just like his biological father. He has his alien skin tone, his blonde hair and his sunken cheekbones. They may as well be twins!

The rest of the children; Brianna, Mark and Justin have strong Reyes features as well. The only thing thats Landgraab-like is the darker skin tone with blonde hair look.
(Their bio dad is a Reyes and their mother is a Landgraab) Their new last name is Ercan.

Unfortunately the odds of them getting adopted are pretty much nonexistent since they're all siblings and too they're old to split them up now.

But I did have an idea while playing them. Once my cult starts up and gets going, (which feels like it'll be a million years from now) they'll probably try to adopt whatever children are in the adoption house so they can have more people in their cult.

music2ologist 13th Apr 2016 9:36 PM

Abhijeet Cho had been invited to move into the Beaker household, because he had a gold badge for robotics, and Circe wanted her own robot. Well, Abhijeet paid for his board and lodging by creating for her a male robot called Robbie. When it became apparent that Circe was pregnant with Abhijeet's child, that romance sim beat a hasty retreat, and moved on to the Smith house.

There was plenty of room there, since Johnny had gone to college, and Abhijeet took over his room. He set about creating another robot, this time for himself. He thought the Smith house would remain under-populated, but he was wrong. Ajay Loner had heard of Jenny's distress at being unable to conceive a third child, because she was too close to elderhood. So, in a magnificent gesture, Ajay presented Jenny with a whole vial of Elixir of Life. She barely waited to thank him before gulping down the entire contents, and then fluttering her eyelashes at PT#9. Soon Abhijeet was dismayed to hear those baby chimes. It would soon be time for him to move on again.

Thinking of this problem while log rolling in the sports field, he noticed the arrival of a black witch, who immediately ruined the environment with a thunderstorm and cockroaches. Running over to introduce himself, Abhijeet felt rocked by passion. Three lightning bolts! He barely had breath to say hallo. They hung out together, and soon he was asking to be taught the ways of darkness. He stood up as she swung her wand; time froze, and lightning coursed through him. He was a wizard! A whole new direction lay before him.

Back at the Smiths' house, he finished his robot and initialised her as Servilia. Then he took up the newspaper to find his own place, and took Servilia with him. He could just about afford a small grey castle on the edge of Strangetown, but Servilia would have to earn some money. Abhijeet had never had a job, and didn't intend to start now. While Servilia searched the computer for a slacker job, he took himself off to the Castle of Eternal Darkness, to fondle his dark lady, and learn enough dark magic to construct a Claws of Darkness Throne. Then back home, with a burning wish to cast a spell, he set about brewing the necessary reagents, since he could not afford to buy them.

Servilia returned from her first day's work, and set about sowing tomato plants, with a view to supplementing the family income that way. Then she took up her paintbrush, and hoped to sell a good painting. There were no chores for her to do, since Abhijeet was studying cooking while sitting in his magic throne, not eating or using the bathroom or the bed. Then she discovered her real role in life: Abhijeet stopped her painting, and ran through his woo routine. She trembled with three lightning bolts of passion for her maker, and longed to experience woohoo, with him, with anyone, with the whole neighborhood! She needed instruction. Abhijeet obliged with a thorough grounding in the art of woohoo.

deadhead_kay 14th Apr 2016 2:50 AM

Currently playing one of the Fortichiari households. And stressing over who will inherit the land >.< See, Hilfert had a son, Miquel, that was going to inherit, but at 17 he died, surprisingly he actually got a girl pregnant before his death, and she bore a son. But his son has been slated to die as an infant anyway, so my plans of having Hilfert raise his grandson to be heir is ruined, unless I ignore the dice. Hilfert has two daughters(and another babe on the way), but he also has Tristan, another man's bastard that Hilfert believes is his. So even if this babe is a boy, Hilfert still believes Tristan is his own and would think the right thing would be to pass down his lands to him. Unless his wife, Lecia somehow decides to intercede, which doesn't seem likely. She loves Hilfert wholeheartedly, only really had the desire to cheat (even as a popularity/romance) after the death of her daughter, but she does show favoritism towards her bastard over her other children, he's not even the youngest or I would attribute it to that. So, yeah, definitely at a cross roads..

Also I have to deal with the baby of a woman who also rolled a death this round. His mother was a maid to Lawrence Compton at first, and he got her pregnant with twins and promised her he would marry her before the babies were born so they were legitimate. And truly he was going to as he is a good guy(and really just kept rolling the want too). But then his late wife's sister's husband died (wow that's a mouthful), leaving his sister-in-law to raise three sons alone. Lawrence, having 2 daughters (and an alien son) in need of a 'proper' mother figure, decided to marry Elvina, his (ex?) sister-in-law. Lawrence did provide his maid, Lily, with a little hut to shelter his children, so it wouldn't be too out there for him to take in his bastard son. But I believe Lily is also pregnant by another man currently, what else do you expect from a single mother trying to raise her infant son? So I could just kill her off while she's still pregnant and send her son to live with his father, even though that house is already crowded with children. Or I can keep her alive until she gives birth and figure something else out? If she's pregnant with Gobert Fortichiari's child, though he is old, it does seem likely he would also take in his bastard, but he's also realllyyyy old and may die before it is Lily's turn to be played. I could possibly create a woman to care for the children in poverty, possibly also being a sex worker as I was really excited to play that out with Lily but didn't get a chance too...

This has been more of a questions/rant post rather than just an information thingy but my god my hood is confusing me. Gotta love that I can play this hood all night as my prof. canceled class for tomorrow :P

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