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Zinthos 8th May 2010 12:43 PM

Oh Good Lord. Bad picture is bad. I was entering it for a contest, hence the copy/paste.

PharaohHound 8th May 2010 1:33 PM

<a href="" title="Teddy by Pharaoh Hound, on Flickr"><img src="" width="160" height="240" alt="Teddy" /></a>

Embedding one of my photos in an awards thread on Flickr.

Zinthos 8th May 2010 1:40 PM

I was showing my rl friend funny pictures through FB chat. This one makes me lol so hard. :B

fthomas 8th May 2010 4:19 PM

^ a picture of Kate Winslet for the MTS Movie Thread in the teen club xD

DollyRot 8th May 2010 4:22 PM

fthomas 8th May 2010 5:13 PM


Zinthos 9th May 2010 10:03 AM

1) Esmeralda
- What can I say? Sexy, spunky and kickass. Plus, she's in the best movie.
2) Megara
- Sexy and spunky, minus the kickass. Hercules is an epic movie too.
3) Mulan
- Kickass, minus the spunky and diluting the sexy. Mulan is an epic film of epic proportions with an AMAZING message, so yeah, that really pushes her up the list too.
4) Pocahontas
- Sexy and kickass. But meh, she chose John Rolfe. So Mulan beats her.
5) Jane
- So witty and quintissentially British. Don't you just love her?
6) Ariel
- She's a freakin' mermaid, like she needs a reason.
7) Jasmine
- Just for her amazing lolk faces.
8) Kida
- She's sexy and kickass, and she has amazing silly faces. But she's underappreciated for a reason - Atlantis isn't that great a film and her animation was pretty poor compared to others.
9) Cinderella
- I ran out of ones that I liked. So Cindy snuck in.
10) Aurora
- Ditto as Cindy.

I was doing my top 10 Disney heroines for Fanpop. >.>
My internet is commiting suicide because of Gargoyles, so Fanpop keeps freezing, so I copy/pasted it.

fthomas 9th May 2010 3:12 PM

For the teen club google images game xD

Kailacat 9th May 2010 11:14 PM

There was a broken spell that cleansed the giant weasel from his tiny hamster-like zit, so he told his pet llama to kiss lesbian hippos. Of course, the llama loved kissing hippos but hated their bad jiggly bosoms so he cut their tails into Mohawks and sprayed tomato pie all over their mothers.

"Oh, not onto my prized tomato blanket pillow. You MAGGOTS! Look at the hell that you caused with dropping piles of hamsters onto sandwiches! I wanted to sleep on that! Now get me my old bunny pillow and my magic toenails."

Then the llama gave the grindy low his hands, speckled with shitted pie crumbs. His bossoms to a magically disabled the unicorn from Neptune something bad happened to unicorn that likes baked beans he eated a cookie! Then, the llama went into the tiny room and jumped out the window. He couldn't climb the back of the Limousine filled cruise ship so that grandma saved her then fled towards fruity fields of iguanas cars.

"Help I need cheese STAT!" exclaimed Mongoose-man as lightning expelled from his freakishly sexy yet grotesque lower-lip. Suddenly a loud zoopowie rang so fast his pants fell off.

Meanwhile, grandma screamed out, "What the hell!" Then a dragon skipped merrily along singing "Mary Had a Little Lamb" at her crooked uncle Herman, and then BAM! he died. Everyone composed a symphony of epic epicness that honored Billy Von Jager's huge gigantic ears and hairy nipples. "Super!!" exclaimed *puffs on pepper flavored rocks of steel* Billy. After several hours of constipation crust...Billy V ate lunch.

Later the llama flew back to LlamaCity to suck Micky's big, juicy, thick, delectable, hard, dripping, quivering, throbbing icypole, however he was having cramps after lunch. Suddenly dolloping cream tuna on dog, Betty, was mad with something that had to do with a female cat, huge Jelly Balls was what she really wanted, so she gave Herman her round, big bottle of savory sauce that stinks so much he threw her ovaries into overdrive, even though she felt very snoopy and constipated, she continued to give Herman hamsters that smelled "llama-like". Later, she bought sparkly potatoes that made the hairs on her hand kink. Then purple hair sprouted from her head that had tangled so that she had tripped and sprained Betty's iguana's leg.

Afterwards, the weird purple alien prepared five pies with ducks that sparkled when prodded with forks. But there was a problem: The pies turned blue, causing the alien to cut open the massive pores which allowed maggots to gnaw on my bones that broke. This caused too much vomit from the nostrils by destroying his pineapples. Finally, choking fabulously on bones, which made firecrackers simultaneously explode, the old hag that pissed rainbows.

Later, Betty stumbled upon an orange body of a dolphin. "Oh! The horror!" she screamed! "My mother is pregnant from your Mother! This wasn't how she died! You Bastards! Just jump off blasted lands!" Llamas then felt up Betty's boobies that made her squeal like a mouse and pig having their tonsils ripped out. "You will PAY!", she barked. That night when the creeper danced the modern tango with Michael Flatley, Betty got

Oops. The 1 Word Story.

Zinthos 9th May 2010 11:39 PM

Hmmm. Something someone posted on Fanpop, I think. Something about a portrait of somebody, meaning someone was probably related to someone else.

DigitalSympathies 10th May 2010 12:53 AM


DollyRot 10th May 2010 1:19 AM

you're everywhere to me

Phoeberg 10th May 2010 10:29 AM

'Hot Guys Reading Books' blog...

(It was one of my friend's facebook status. She called it "porn for English students", so naturally I googled it.)

KyleTheArtist 10th May 2010 10:45 AM


lethifold 10th May 2010 1:06 PM

I wanna ask you - do you ever sit and wonder, it's so strange that we could be together for so long, and never know, never care what goes on in the other one's head? Things I've felt but I've never said. You said things that I never said. So I'll say something that I should have said long ago: You don't know me! You d...on't know me at all... You don't know me! You don't know me at all...

Paige-Kitty-Grace 10th May 2010 10:56 PM

Quote: Originally posted by kustirider2
I'm pretty sure Uncyclopedia is a joke website. That isn't correct

I know it is. I was showing her cuz it was funny. I love Uncylcopedia. It's great if you need a couple laughs. =3
I meant the "thought it was something else" as in I thought the clipboard thing was something else. >.<

Dreamydre 10th May 2010 11:06 PM

It couldn't pay its rent so it got evicted from Earth!

(My comment on my friend's status about what happened to "Atlantis") .

PharaohHound 10th May 2010 11:27 PM

he as you are he as you are me and we are all together.

My current facebook status (including Emily [my last name] is [...]). Yes, I could type that, but I get confused somewhere around the second "you".

NintendoLover13 11th May 2010 1:47 AM

"*reads from a poster* Report unusual behavior. Barricade your homes. Avoid all contact with infected individuals. Wait for official instructions. *laughs and tosses poster* Wait my ass!"
haha i forgot i copied that XD Ohh I love Coach! Ellis is much more adorable though! I love him in a different way. :lovestruc

cupcake12winx 11th May 2010 12:20 PM

Collect key from O’leary Napper

Err. Tell me if you know what that means. XD

lethifold 11th May 2010 12:43 PM

'In the deepest hour of the night, confess to yourself that you would die if you were forbidden to write. And look deep into your heart where it spreads its roots, the answer, and ask yourself, must I write?'

It's said by the philosopher Rainer Maria Rilke and is one of Lady Gaga's tattoos.

DollyRot 11th May 2010 1:26 PM

NightlyEMP 11th May 2010 5:03 PM

^^^ Hahahaha!

Dreamydre 11th May 2010 11:48 PM

ahhaah we are whats good(; da whole school bout to find out♥
bbabaahahahahahahha love you!

DollyRot 12th May 2010 1:47 AM

"mini claveras"

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