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wickedjr89 29th Nov 2014 4:04 AM

Jason Greenman (a plantsim now and still with Daisy) had a plantbaby of his own, Petunia Greenman.

Jason and Rose also had a normal human baby girl, Violet.

Rose also had yet another plantbaby, a boy, Forest

Jason is also alien pregnant right now.

Also Alexandra Teatherton and Robert Kim had an affair and had this baby girl, Erika Teatherton.

Cynic 1st Dec 2014 11:58 PM

The children from my Strangetown Neighborhood Storyline Challenge.

Left to right: Erika Beaker (daughter of Circe & Vidcund) and Greta Beaker (daughter of Circe & Loki), both as teenagers.

Left to right: Tycho Curious (Pascal's alien offspring), Janus Curious (Vidcund's alien offspring), Odetta Curious (daughter of Pascal & Erin Curious), and Kris Curious (daughter of Lazlo and Crystal Vu). The former are adults and the latter are teenagers.

Left to right: Kamal Goth and Kali Goth, twins of Ajay Loner and Bella Goth.

Left to right: Molly Grunt and Sam Grunt (children of Tank and my OC, Julia), and Parker Grunt (daughter of Ripp & Chloe Singles)

Left to right: Dean, Eve, and Matt Howell. (children of Nervous Subject & Annie Howell, an OC based off of Annie from the handheld Sims 2 game) Eve and Matt are actually only a little younger than their older brother, Dean, but I had no good pictures of them as adults.

Mattie Singles. (the adopted son of Kristen and Lola Singles.)

And last but certainly not least, the largest family thus far..
Left to right: Laurie, Marion, Kyle, and Nell Smith. (children of Johnny & Ophelia) Then, we have Marina Smith. (daughter of Jill & Buck)

Bigsimsfan12 4th Dec 2014 8:36 PM

My megahood is still in its first few rotations so all new descendants are still in the baby - child age range.

Morty and Stella Roth had daughter Kayla Roth
She's actually a child now, but whenever I went past this picture I couldn't remember whos child she was until now.
I'm hoping she'll grow into that jaw line a bit more when she's older

The Tinker's second child, Donald.
He's lovely, he brings so much joy into my game with how happy he is. I've never seen him cry, then again that could mainly be because he's never needed a new diaper yet thanks to conveniently placed potties.

Elena-Linda Martin-Goldstein
Quite a long name, but yeah. She's the daughter of Andrew Martin and Betty Goldstein. Andrew was the one who was pregnant, but I like to pretend Betty was just still able to have children. Her face looked a little differently than this at first, but I made a few changes to it (not much, just a slight click on the sliders here and there) and now she's adorable

Lastly, little Abacus Curious.
He's the son of Chloe Curious and Don Lothario. I love him, I think he's the cutest little guy ever! I just love everything about him. He has such beautiful big green eyes and such a cute little button for a nose. Eee! Don has one/two (maybe more if they have twins) other babies on the way that will hopefully be cuties too, but I think it was mostly Chloe's face that made Abacus so precious looking.

NateTheL0ser 7th Dec 2014 7:25 AM

Being the hopeless FrancesxBeau shipper I am, it was only a matter of time before I decided they should have a child using the fancy preg for all genders mod.

This cutie right here is Isabelle Worthington. She may look sweet but goodness gracious me she started out with only one nice point (now she's nearing five thanks to lots of encouragement).

Here she is as a flower girl for her dads' wedding. I feel as a child she resembled Frances a lot more but with her as a teen now she's starting to have a blend of her parents' features showing. Something small I also noticed during her dads' spring wedding is that she seems to have inherited Beau's terrible allergies, poor thing :c

She's also quite vain, as you can see, but I don't exactly blame her. She's growing up to be a lovely young woman; it's only a matter of time before Beau and Frances have to give the "boyfriend talk." That... likely won't go over well, most likely ending in chasing the guy away (and if it happens while Beau is still expecting, then... eek! hormones!)

wickedjr89 8th Dec 2014 2:19 AM

Sandra Roth (who is with Leo Hurt-a townie) had an affair with David Ottomas (who is engaged to Sierra Gothier-another townie) and they had a baby girl, Isabella Roth. Poor girl, cute baby but as a toddler those Ottomas genes are already showing through a bit.

Leo Hurt is the one holding her, she has yet to meet her dad David. I need to remedy that.

Bigsimsfan12 11th Dec 2014 11:14 PM

David Dreamer
Brandi Broke & Darren Dreamer's first child together

Gloria Loner
Alexandra (Teatherton/O'Mackey(?)) and Ajay Loner's daughter

Riley Gieke
Erin (Beaker/Singles) and Chester Gieke
Eeee isn't she adorable?

wickedjr89 15th Dec 2014 5:53 PM

Erika Teatherton-child of Alexandra Teatherton (O'Mackey) & Robert Kim.

Nat 619 16th Dec 2014 5:16 PM

I love this thread! I'm coming back later once I get access to my other computer, which has my Pleasantview sims. For now, a couple from Strangetown:

I was hoping Nervous Subject's alien son, Louis, would look like him. I was not disappointed:

And another of him with Pascal's son, Picasso:

(can you tell who I have together? haha)

Duine 17th Dec 2014 2:44 AM

Johnny Smith, his wife Venus with son and daughter. She looks just like her mom. When she became a teen, they had twins girls who looked just like their mom too. There were suble differences so I could tell them apart. An older picture from before my poor Vista's internet connector died, followed by De-frag that wouldn't stop.

Nat 619 26th Dec 2014 4:46 PM

Here's Don Lothario's many children:

His daughter with Cassandra, Wanda. Currently at university and she's a family Sim. Her parents' short-lived marriage may have contributed to that...

His son with Dina, Enzo. He really looks just like him. Enzo's surname is actually Goth because Dina married Mortimer before he was born. So he ended up with Mortimer as more of a father figure. Currently at uni.

Don's first daughter with Nina, Zara. Of course, they all get his black hair but other than that I can see the influence of both parents. Also at uni. She's dating Brandi's third son, named Boston in my game.

And their second daughter, Kitty. Very similar and I thought I'd glitched, but looking closer I think their noses are different. I get more of a Nina vibe from Kitty anyway.

And finally Mia, because I can't resist the abduction telescope... which my sims use autonomously. It's their own fault. But I have waaaay too many aliens in Pleasantview now, which has left Mia with... 14 half siblings!! That's a lot of memories...

lfria 30th Dec 2014 10:37 PM

Nadine Smith, daughter of PT9 and Jenny Smith:

Edit: Didn't have the right name for her

lfria 16th Jan 2015 12:53 AM

@Nat619 You inspired me to find my Lothario descendents and share them here since I have a lot too

I hope its ok I have a double post. No one else has replied in awhile so I'm hoping I'm good.

Donny Langerak: Don's son with Kaylynn.

Don had twins with Nina. Their names are Olivia and Oscar.

Last but not least, Dayna. Don's daughter with Dina.

Bigsimsfan12 16th Jan 2015 1:44 AM

@Ifria @Nat619
Loving your Don decedents.
He's just had a baby in my game with Sharon Wirth and I can't wait until she grows up. He has another child too - Abacus Curious (With Chloe Singles) shown above, but in my opinion he looks a lot more like Chloe than Don. Hopefully Angelina Wirth grows up to look more like her Daddy. In previous games I've had him have children with Cassandra, Nina and Kaylynn but I never stick to the neighbourhood long enough for them to grow up.

lfria 16th Jan 2015 5:32 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Bigsimsfan12
@Ifria @Nat619
Loving your Don decedents.
He's just had a baby in my game with Sharon Wirth and I can't wait until she grows up. He has another child too - Abacus Curious (With Chloe Singles) shown above, but in my opinion he looks a lot more like Chloe than Don. Hopefully Angelina Wirth grows up to look more like her Daddy. In previous games I've had him have children with Cassandra, Nina and Kaylynn but I never stick to the neighbourhood long enough for them to grow up.

Aww Abacus looks adorable I'm excited to do a megahood because of the ability to do match ups like that. I'm just waiting on my current neighborhoods to die from corruption. I've had these same hoods since before I knew I shouldn't delete from the family bin. I'm surprised they've lasted this long to be honest.

Nat 619 18th Jan 2015 7:26 PM

Lovely sims, Ifria!

Quote: Originally posted by Bigsimsfan12
@Ifria @Nat619
Loving your Don decedents.
He's just had a baby in my game with Sharon Wirth and I can't wait until she grows up. He has another child too - Abacus Curious (With Chloe Singles) shown above, but in my opinion he looks a lot more like Chloe than Don. Hopefully Angelina Wirth grows up to look more like her Daddy. In previous games I've had him have children with Cassandra, Nina and Kaylynn but I never stick to the neighbourhood long enough for them to grow up.

Thank you I agree that Abacus is adorable - Don seems to mix well with aliens, doesn't he? Other sims not so much. Speaking of aliens, there's a couple in the next family I'm showing - Dina's kids! She's had a busy life but now she's settled down with Julien Cooke. I already posted Enzo, so let's see his sisters:

This is Helena Goth, Dina's daughter with Mortimer.

And this is Dotty Cooke, Dina's daughter with Julien. She's being held by Io Cooke, his other daughter.

This is Jupiter Cooke, Julien's son. And because everything in my game must be ridiculously complicated, he's in a relationship with Enzo. Yes, they're stepbrothers, but they met as teenagers, and them being together actually predates their parents being together. They're very happy.

Bigsimsfan12 11th Feb 2015 8:02 PM

I've already uploaded some pics today to the babies/toddlers thread, so I'll post them here:

Cyan Joque - She's sooo super adorable :lovestruc

Nathan Langrak (Kaylynn and Daniel Pleasant's son) just witnessed his Mummy trying for another baby with 'Uncle' Don Lothario

Todd (blonde) and Tedd (brown) Traveller become children. Not surprisingly, they grew up badly, and straight away their parents and older sister went on holiday without them.

lfria 18th Feb 2015 12:24 AM

Alexander Goth with his daughter Felicia.

Here he is with his wife Gwen. They met in college. Unfortunately for Alexander, Gwen knew exactly who he was and only married him for his money. Not satisfied with money alone, she's taken to having a current number of 4 lovers.

grammapat 18th Feb 2015 12:50 AM

Bigsim: the knit hat on that toddler is wonderfully detailed, and I love those ragidy clothes --know where you got them?

lfria 19th Feb 2015 11:18 PM

It was Raz Tinker's birthday today! He didn't have a birthday party since his dad would've missed it due to work. So it was just Wanda and him.

After giving him a new hairstyle:

Bigsimsfan12 20th Feb 2015 12:36 AM

Quote: Originally posted by grammapat
Bigsim: the knit hat on that toddler is wonderfully detailed, and I love those ragidy clothes --know where you got them?

Oops sorry for the late reply!
The knit hat is from Nouk, found here:
The ragidy clothing are a store item (I think?) as part of a halloween pack. Sadly I can't provide you with a link to it because I think it's against the rules, being that they're store items.

@Ifria I love that little hat on Raz, where did you get it from?

lfria 20th Feb 2015 2:33 AM

@Bigsimsfan12 I can't for the life of me find the site I used! I found the specific download site that I got them from, but not the nice site that shows pictures >.< Here it is:!1315&ithint=file,rar&authkey=!AIMZL66zwXBIzLE The second folder is the toddler hat (also for children) with tons of recolors.

This site has pictures, but its not what I downloaded. I have the pixelswirl ones.

Bigsimsfan12 20th Feb 2015 3:06 AM

Quote: Originally posted by lfria
@Bigsimsfan12 I can't for the life of me find the site I used! I found the specific download site that I got them from, but not the nice site that shows pictures >.< Here it is:!1315&ithint=file,rar&authkey=!AIMZL66zwXBIzLE The second folder is the toddler hat (also for children) with tons of recolors.

This site has pictures, but its not what I downloaded. I have the pixelswirl ones.

Thank you! I've seen those hats about every once in a while and I've been meaning to find out where they're from. I love them :lovestruc

Bigsimsfan12 15th Mar 2015 6:14 PM

Martha Goth
Dina Calinte and Mortimer Goth's daughter

Parsley Cooke
Kristen Loste and Julien Cooke's second child

Curious Subject
Pascal and Nervous' daughter

Lili975 15th Mar 2015 6:40 PM

Great topic! Thank you everyone for sharing your little wonders

eveysmom 16th Mar 2015 9:06 AM

This is one of my favorite Sims, Nia Caliente. She's the daughter of Don Goth and Nina Caliente.

Her husband is Braden Broke, the "unborn baby" of Skip and Brandi Broke.

And these are their three oldest children, Angel (who is a teen about ready to leave for college)


and Chloe (who just aged up from toddler)

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