![]() |
Yep. I'm a very fussy eater. The only meat I like is chicken.
If I go for a walk or run first thing after I get up I feel energized the rest of the day, but if I don't I feel sluggish. That still doesn't mean I like exercising first thing, though! |
Same here...I just prefer to get it done for the day (even though that's not always possible)
When I'm sick I just want everyone to leave me alone and not talk to me |
I'm the same way.
When I'm sick, I like to lay on the couch and watch movies all day. I can't sleep during the day no matter how sick or tired I am, so I have to occupy myself somehow. |
Same except change watch movies to play video games. (And I hate being babied when I'm sick...I'd rather just be alone.)
If I don't have school or work (like in the summer), I naturally start sleeping during the day and being awake at night. |
No, I can't mess up my sleeping patterns.
If I have a song stuck in my head, the only way I can get it out is by listening to it. Finding another song to put in my head won't work. |
Kind of. It depends on which song.
Whenever I'm really down about something, I comfort eat. |
No. O.O *is disgusted at thought of eating ATM*
I have to listen to a song for about...4 hours...to get sick of it...to get it out of mah head. |
When I chew food, I have to do it evenly so half of my jaw doesn't feel it chewed food more than the other half. |
In tennis, my backhand is better than my forehand, which is verrry unusual. I hate swinging forehand. |
i don't play tennis, and i don't really remember what u swing like :\.
i am a naturally good swimmer and enjoy swimming but i have a fear of the ocean. |
The prospect of being swept out to sea by a riptide scares the living hell out of me. My sister also told me something when I was little about sharks being attracted to women who are menstruating, and even though I know it's wildly untrue, something about it still scares me.
I learn best by reading. Skip the lectures and the demonstrations- just let me at the textbook. |
((i have an undying fear of sharks. it doesn't help that i still watch films like jaws. i have swam with sharks in dominican republic but i was about 9 then, and after reading about shark attacks on the internet, i grew a HATE for them, and thats the reason i also hate the ocean, i can go in till about waist height then i freak out.))
and not me, i rarely take in infomation through books, yes if i'm intrested in the actual topic then yea the infomation will stick. if it is concearning stuff im not keen on, its best for my knowledge and understandig if people talking about the topic, weird i know. i dont remember if iv'e said this one but stil... when getting ready to go out, i do my hair before make-up, most of friends say they do the oppisite. (lol at my crap spelling) |
mmm no, I don't really wear makeup. Eyeliner sometimes but that's pretty much it.
I love traveling! |
aint a quirk but nevermind; NYC is my favorite city in the whole wide world! |
Never been, but I'm more of a "wide-open spaces, countryside" kind of person anyway.
I tend to hide my own injuries and illness, I always hate when people start making a fuss! I once sprained my ankle in gymnastics practice but then got up, brushed myself off and finished the class on it. Not a smart move. |
I wouldn't say that I hide my physical ailments, but if it's possible to deal with it unassisted, I much prefer to remedy the problem on my own.
I hate classes in which the teachers encourage students to speak freely and without permission. I always, always raise my hand- I feel like I'm speaking horrendously out of turn if I don't. |
I'm the opposite. In class discussions the class moves slowly if people have to raise their hands before making a point.
I try on at least 2 outfits each morning before I decide on my final outfit. |
I try to plan what I'm going to wear the night before, but it most often is counterproductive. Do you ever have those days where everything that you put on just feels wrong? I go through a whirlwind of about five or six outfits most mornings because of this.
I love to read poetry and keep a binder of my favorites, but I won't come near writing it with a ten foot pole. |
I'm not a fan of poetry, but there are some beautiful ones I adore.
I can't walk by a bookstore without having to go in. |
I don't mind shirts that are relatively low-cut in the front, but I despise tops with a scooped back. I feel far too exposed that way- I like it to be right up on the base of my neck. |
My cuticles must always be pushed right back or I feel weird. |
Sort of. I don't feel weird, just un-groomed.
Raw onions give me a headache but grilled onions don't bother me. |
Hmm, haven't thought about that. I don't really eat much stuff with onions.
I always have music stuck in my head. I seriously mean 24/7. It doesn't bother me at all, it plays songs I like and I think of it as my "internal radio". |
not 24/7 but lots of the time, yes.
i cant concentrate if there's some noise in the background. |
nah, I've learnt to block it out unless it's really loud, then I yell "shut the hell up, you moron!!!" (or turn off whatever's making the noise)
If I can't do something, I have to keep on trying and trying to do it until I suceed, and if I don't suceed, I get really grumpy. |
me too
i cant think of anymore quirks :P |
neither can I, phff.
anyone else think of anything? |
I don't drink or eat at the same time... I save the drink and drink it after finish eatting :P
I don't go a day without a tune stuck in my head. |
Not really.
After hearing a song once, I immediately memorize the lyrics. It's not a conscious effort- words just stick with me. I can remember the words to songs that I haven't listened to in years. |
Sort of, it depends whether like the song or not.
I am borderline insomniac, it takes me absolubtely ages to get to sleep each night. |
yup same.. but when I do sleep it takes an earthquake to wake me ><
I'm easy to wake up...but I only half wake up. And usually when that happens, I start yelling at my boyfriend, innocently laying next to me trying to sleep, for no good reason. I've apparently gotten really mad at him in my sleep.
![]() I don't actually sleep under a blanket...I "hug" it. |
Not me. Unless its like 75 degrees and muggy I have to have something covering me when I sleep.
I love the loamy smell of the deep forest. |
Absolutely. My neighborhood is carved into a forest, so I've grown up smelling the woods. To me, it smells like home.
Whenever I sit down in an informal setting, I always tuck my left leg beneath me. I wouldn't do it in public (how very unladylike), but otherwise, it's an autonomous movement; I don't even realize that I do it. |
I can't, my knees are too bad.
![]() I tend to play "air-piano" on tabletops, my legs, books, etc. It's almost entirely unconscious, and it gets a few strange looks when I forget myself and do it in public. |
XD I do that all the time
If I find the conversation I'm in boring, I just close my eyes and start meditating (of course, I only do it in a situation when there are more than four people involved, or else I would feel terribly rude). |
No, but I kind of drift off into space world.
I always with one foot up on the chair and my knee sticking up. If I'm typing, I rest my chin on my knee. |
I sit like that occasionally, but most of the time I have to sit cross-legged to be remotely comfortable.
I don't mind doing the dishes or hanging out the laundry because it gives me time to think, and if my brother offers to do either of those jobs I refuse to let him. |
Definitely not. Ty is free to do the dishes and laundry whenever...it's encouraged. :p
It bothers me if my drink doesn't have at least three ice cubes. (Or none at all.) |
I wait and wait and wait until my bedroom is a total mess and then I shove everything under the bed. Then I tidy it and it's back to normal in two weeks time. |
Nope, I never make an effort to tidy it. It's been like this for years.
I draw smiley faces on random objects. |
yep. go into my room and move a few things and you will see many smiley faces that I am trying to hide.
If something looks even slightly boring, I must customize it or I can't sleep at night. |
Meh, I customize stuff, but I don't lose sleep over it.
I get seriously annoyed when people on the internet mix up to words "lose" and "loose" (first one means to no longer have, the second means to not be tight) or "compliment" and "complement" (first one means to praise, the second one means to complete or harmonize). |
A bit
When I'm bored in class I draw all over my pencil case |
After an earthquake, I rock back and forth on my feet so I won't be standing still. All I could think of, cuz there was one just a few minutes ago. |
No, after an earthquake I remain close to a doorway in case there will be another one.
I have to clean my room once a week or else I think my room feels really weird. |
No. I'm pretty neat- not compulsively so, but my room doesn't get messy. The only cleaning I have to do is take a minute or two to put away all of the purses and shoes that I dump on the floor.
I actually like to wash dishes. The warm water feels so good. |
I'm with you on that one. Not only does the warm water feel good, but it gives me a chance to think without being disturbed.
I can't eat anything until about 9:30 in the morning or I feel sick. |
Maybe not feel sick, I just never feel hungry first thing in the morning.
I rarely cry watching movies or TV, but if there's something sad about an animal then I immediately dissolve into a weeping wreck. |
It's easier for me to cry about animals, but they're not exclusive- I get choked up at movies all too often, and it's something of a source of ridicule among my friends and family. No movies make me cry more than Atonement, The Fountain, and The Curious Case of Benjamin Button.
I can hardly watch mistreatment of animals in movies. It was all that I could do to get through Hidalgo, and I got teary watching the horses get trampled and shot in Lord of the Rings. |
Me too. You know those infomercials about animal abuse with Sarah McLaghlan? I have to change the channel because they're too sad.
When I play a game (that isn't open-ended like the Sims), I have to do two playthroughs: one without a walkthrough to experience the storyline and then one with a walkthrough so I can find all the secrets/achievements. |
I don't really play any games apart from The Sims (hee hee!) But I remember when Mum played Myst and I watched her we had to go through and try all the endings (with a cheat sheet). Some of them were scary :O
I don't really play any games apart from The Sims (hee hee!) But I remember when Mum played Myst and I watched her we had to go through and try all the endings (with a cheat sheet). Some of them were scary :O
When I'm reading a book I imagine it playing out in my head as a movie. When there's a development that can't be achieved through dialogue or visual effects (such as a character realising something, or the author describing something that can't be seen, or whatever) I get frustrated trying to figure out how to incorpoorate it into the movie. It really annoys me. |
I don't read that way, although it seems like an interesting approach. I tend to narrate my everyday life in my head, however, and I get frustrated when I can't find the right words to describe something.
I have to have something to read in the bathroom, whether it's a novel or the back of a tampon box. |
ME TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I read back of boxes/packets too, when I have gone through all the mags in the loo.
When I use the stairs, it HAS TO be the right leg first that goes up/down the stair first. |
I don't have a preference.
If I take a bubble bath, I have to have a book to read. Just sitting in the tub bores me to death. |
Me too, usually a magazine though because I'm quite prone to dropping things in the bath and soaking them... xD
I don't like quiet music on in the background. It either has to be loud or not on at all. |
Never really thought about it. So I guess it doesn't bug me.
![]() I hate baths because it weirds me out that everything from feet, to butts, to soap scum, to who knows what else has been in that tub. |
I have a thing about boys' long hair. They.must.be.short. |
Both of my feet have to take the same amount of steps on a surface or I feel weird. Even with shoes. 0_o |
Uh, no, don't think so.
I find geometry okay and actually kinda enjoyable, but even simple arithmetic like multiplication confuses me completely. |
Yes, I'm exactly the same.
I always have to fiddle with something. If I'm sitting there, my hands have to busy somehow. |
I try my best to listen in class, but 10 secs later I realise I dont know what the teacher has said and its hard to understand the rest when I havent been listening for those 10 secs. |
No- I'm not easily distracted in class. I care very much about school and am a very attentive student.
When I'm taking notes, I have to sit with my legs crossed. Leaning over the notebook in any other position is uncomfortable to me. |
Yes, but I sit with my legs crossed 99.9% of the time anyway.
I have to have a bowl of cereal for breakfast or I don't feel right. |
I actually rarely eat cereal at all.
I have to say goodnight to each of my pets before I can even think about going to bed. |
i dont have pets
If one of my legs/arms/wrists is stretched, the other has to be too or I dont feel right. |
Yeah, actually.
I will share my food with my cats, but not my dog. |
Don't own cats, and I give my dogs my apple cores. She loves em XD
I always read the end of books first. I cant help it. |
When I listen to my ipod I must ALWAYS walk to the beat. |
I walk with a very fast pace- not on purpose, but simply naturally. Nothing irritates me more than getting stuck behind slow people who are so obtuse that they don't realize to move out of the way. |
I can listen to the same song again and again and again and not get tired of it. |
Yeah, but there's a point, after I've played it about five times, where I start to get sick of it and seek variety.
I can only have stuff in the front right pocket of my pants. For example, if I'm going out and need my phone, I will only ever put it in my right pocket because it feels weird in my left one. |
I don't like to put things in my pockets. That's what a purse is for
![]() When told to use phrases on study guides, I write in sentences, anyway. I think in sentences, not in phrases, and therefore I much prefer descriptive sentences to fragmented phrases. |
I'm comfortable answering questions in phrases, but I do like to be consistent. If I answer number one in a complete sentence, then I'm going to answer the rest of them that way, too, darn it!
![]() I hate writing by hand. When I'm required to turn in a rough draft of a paper, I make a handwritten copy after I've composed, revised, and proofread the entire thing on the computer. |
I wouldn't say that I hate writing by hand, but whenever possible (and often when teachers don't ask for it), I turn in typed work. It's far more efficient, and for some inane reason, whatever I write ends up being far more comprehensive when written on a word processor than by hand.
I prefer to do math homework on graph paper even when we're not graphing. It helps keep the equations lined up and in order. |
I don't like doing math homework in general
![]() I don't like eating lunch at 'lunchtime'. I always eat my lunch later on in the day, like at three or four o'clock. |
No, I like to eat early at about 11:00 or 11:30, at the latest. In the summer, I get up at 8:30-ish and don't get hungry until the aforementioned times.
In terms of my morning routine, I have to do my make-up before my hair. When done in the opposite order, my hair looks horrific to me because the rest of me is unfinished. |
No. I don't wear makeup on a regular basis, and I pretty much have to do my hair two hours in advance of anything so it can dry naturally (yes, there are downsides to having curly hair. One is that your hair looks like crap if you blowdry it.).
I'm generally an extremely messy person. My clothes are all over the floor, and my closet overfloweth with miscellaneous junk. However, my bookshelves are immaculately organized by subject, with the subjects organized so they "flow" with one another (e.g. I wouldn't put mythology next to my dog books, I'd put it next to my classic literature.) |
I am so totally that way with my books as well. I just feel all is right with the world when my books are organized.
![]() I always keep a mental note in my head when the people in my life say they are interested in something or would like to have something. So when birthdays or Christmas shopping roles around I almost always get them what they want. ![]() |
Usually, yes.
I go mental if I don't make my texts as short as possible. Eg. I have to write: How r u? Not: How are you? |
Nope, mine are.....usually as long as possible xD
I'm almost constantly whistling.. ![]() |
I used to do that.
My handwriting keeps changing every 5 seconds as I write. Really annoying. |
No. I have consistently tall, narrow handwriting.
Even kids' movies can make me cry. Up (the Carl and Ellie montage), Mulan (when all of China bows down to her), and Horton Hears a Who ("a person's a person, no matter how small" and when Jojo finally speaks) come to mind. |
It really depends for me. I bawled non-stop during that scene in Up, but not during Mulan. Haven't seen Horton Hears a Who. On the other hand, really weird stuff can get me crying (e.g. in Music of the Heart I didn't cry at all when they were talking about that kid that died, but I had tears of joy during the scene where Isaac Stern talks about Tchaikovsky and Stravinsky and all those greats at Carnegie Hall).
When I'm bored I tend to write random words on pieces of paper, and sometimes snippits of poetry or TV dialogue. |
Yes, I do that all the time. I've got them pinned up in my room as well to capture my boredom
![]() During the holidays when all of my friends are out socializing, I instead prefer just relaxing at home on the PC or with a movie and a cup of tea. My friends hate it because they can hardly ever organise a day-thing which I will actually attend. |
I definitely prefer being on my own to going out with friends. Even if I end up having fun, dealing with a stressful social situation does not help me relax.
I generally don't like texting, and I only do it when there's a reason to. I don't understand the people who always have cell phone in hand and have to text someone 24/7, even if they have nothing to talk about. |
same ^^
I wait for my coffee/tea to get almost cold before I drink it |
![]() I am generally pretty disorganized but can be really weird and OCD neat-freak about some random things. |
disorganized all the way here... (except the brushing teeth obsession )
I stopped smoking not to long ago and I miss it lol |
Never have smoked, don't plan on it. 0_o
I can't just sit and power through my homework. I have to do it in bits and peices or I get bored really fast. |
Exactement, if I have a lot of homework I also split it up by doing a bit of maths, then a bit of English or whatever.
I get kind of obsessed with a book or movie or song sometimes and read/watch/listen to it over and over again. Then I get bored, and forget about it. |
I do that as well. Its unfortunate because it ruins the book/movie/song for me. Sometimes forever
![]() Dogs make me so happy that whenever I see one they instantly make me smile or if I come across someone walking their dog I have to stop and greet them, ask the dog's name and give the dog a scratch behind the ear if it will let me ![]() |
I don't always talk to strangers about their dogs, but if appropriate, I stop to pet them, ask the dog's name, and share a bit of information about my own dog. I agree, though- they always make me smile.
I can only spend five or six hours with my friends at a time, at most. They start to annoy me if we spend more time together than that. I love them dearly, but I prize my "me" time and need more of it than most people I know. I like sleepovers, but I always end up thinking "how long until this is over?" about halfway through the night. The minute I get home, I lock myself in the study for a good hour to recoup ![]() |
I laugh a lot, and sometimes it's so much I cry buckets in the process (that happened 2 me 2day at maths lol it was so funny) |
Yeah, sometimes.
I like chocolate, which leads to me overeating. |
Nope, Im actually quite skinny.
In the mornings I am blind for about 10 seconds, which leads me in to bumping into the wall ![]() |
I'm blind for ten seconds, yes, but I usually just fall out of bed
![]() I sleepwalk sometimes, but only if I've eaten too much cheese. |
![]() ![]() Nope, not as far as I know. I hate ALL insects, I am scared even of flies and ants. ![]() |
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