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Vampire_aninyosaloh 5th Jul 2009 1:20 AM

!!!yzarc era uoy ,ekuL

GuardStud08 5th Jul 2009 1:24 AM

Luke, I am seriously getting tired of you bull jive!!!

kopple36 5th Jul 2009 1:29 AM

Luke, your hat's on fire... (Again )

ZimZ 5th Jul 2009 1:52 AM

Luke, stop bugging me, just go away!

Xunixeon 5th Jul 2009 2:13 AM

Luke, you ate my reploid p0rn!

NintendoLover13 5th Jul 2009 2:41 AM

Luke, I am you conscience....KILL YOURSELF!!! XD

whitewaterwood 5th Jul 2009 2:44 AM

I'm an idiot. For a moment I actually thought, "Wait...who is Luke?" Star Wars geek FAIL.

GuardStud08 5th Jul 2009 2:44 AM

Luke, your way to beautiful girl...

AnimalMad 5th Jul 2009 2:44 AM

Luke, you need to lose weight

NintendoLover13 5th Jul 2009 2:45 AM

Quote: Originally posted by whitewaterwood
I'm an idiot. For a moment I actually thought, "Wait...who is Luke?" Star Wars geek FAIL.

Haha I used to be a Star Wars MANIAC! I still like it but I'm not obsessed.

GuardStud08 5th Jul 2009 2:45 AM

Luke, that reminds me of a man I knew back in St. Olaf........ (golden girls moment)

NintendoLover13 5th Jul 2009 3:04 AM

Luke, what the heck are you doing to that poor little girl!!!???

AnimalMad 5th Jul 2009 3:36 AM

Luke, can i create a thread here?

tree4me 5th Jul 2009 3:51 AM

Luke, tell AnimalMad yes. :: actually, I don't know. .

AnimalMad 5th Jul 2009 3:52 AM

Luke, tell Tree:

ZimZ 5th Jul 2009 4:01 AM

Luke, Lyke Oh my gawd lets do something yaaahhh!

NintendoLover13 5th Jul 2009 4:15 AM

Luke, why is making Links outfit so hard!!!??? *Chucks cpu at Luke's head*
*Lukes head gets chopped off*
*I feel better now*

tree4me 5th Jul 2009 4:31 AM

Luke, what is Beetlejuice?

ZimZ 5th Jul 2009 4:48 AM

Luke, I'm sorry to tell you this *is preparing to do a baby voice* But, *baby voice time!* I stole your blue pen! La di daa di daa

GuardStud08 5th Jul 2009 4:52 AM

Luke, I am not talking to you until you get out of rehab...luke..luke.. luke, listen to me, no I wont eat eggs... LUKE!!!!

Rapsheba555 5th Jul 2009 4:57 AM

Luke, talk like Yoda, I can!

GuardStud08 5th Jul 2009 5:10 AM

Luke, you know your right. We have been calling you stupid, even though you say some intelligent stuff. Come over here and try this. *Luke tries and screams**I re-read recipe) Bring to near boil; perfect.

tree4me 5th Jul 2009 5:42 AM

Luke, I hate you! YOU BASTARD!

NintendoLover13 5th Jul 2009 5:46 AM

Luke, I am sorry to say (NOT!) but, I agree with Liz! ^-^

ZimZ 5th Jul 2009 6:01 AM

Luke is a lesbian

GuardStud08 5th Jul 2009 6:49 AM

Luke, their in Kijuju

NintendoLover13 5th Jul 2009 7:09 AM

Luke, I need help with my Link sim! O_o

Rikachu 5th Jul 2009 7:14 AM

Luke, I am not your father, nor will I ever be, so stop crying. *steps on Luke's hands and makes him fall*

tree4me 5th Jul 2009 7:22 AM

Luke, piss off.

NintendoLover13 5th Jul 2009 7:24 AM

Luke, you fail at life

tree4me 5th Jul 2009 7:25 AM

Luke, I disagree with 13. You just fail. At everything.

GuardStud08 5th Jul 2009 7:26 AM

Luke, why is everyone lovin' this thread?

Anubis360 5th Jul 2009 7:30 AM

Luke... ugh... you need a better antiperspirant

NintendoLover13 5th Jul 2009 7:33 AM

Luke, you reek, like a thousand dead corpses. Nico was right!

tree4me 5th Jul 2009 7:37 AM

Luke, I agree with the above statement.

GuardStud08 5th Jul 2009 7:42 AM

Luke, we're sorry, the number you have reached has been disconnected. Please hang up and try again.

NintendoLover13 5th Jul 2009 7:54 AM

Luke, will you ask all the Nintendorks to look at my Link sim? Here:
Thank you.

ZimZ 5th Jul 2009 8:52 AM

Luke, you're so annoying how can Princess Leia like you *slices with lightsaber* Die Luke! DIEEEE!

GuardStud08 5th Jul 2009 8:55 AM

Luke, STFU you worthless little scrum of dirt on the backseat of my car after a rough, drunken night

NintendoLover13 5th Jul 2009 8:57 AM

Luke, I hope you died when Fergus sliced you up. You don't seem to die very well.

ZimZ 5th Jul 2009 8:58 AM

Luke, yeah I hope I killed you, Ima change my lightsaber colour to rainbow XD

NintendoLover13 5th Jul 2009 9:00 AM

Luke, these will be the last nice words you'll hear- I LUV FERGUS'S LIGHTSABER!!!! *-*
I wish I could poke it XD

tree4me 5th Jul 2009 9:55 AM

Luke, can I touch Luke's lightsaber?

Rapsheba555 5th Jul 2009 9:59 AM




tree4me 5th Jul 2009 10:01 AM

Luke! What!? Where am I? ::

Rapsheba555 5th Jul 2009 10:34 AM

Luke, I forgot where I parked the car.

tree4me 5th Jul 2009 10:53 AM

Luke, tell Raps to stop rubbing in that he has a car. ::

Rapsheba555 5th Jul 2009 11:22 AM

Luke, tell tree it's really not that great and the roof leaks when i park it on a flat area.

tree4me 5th Jul 2009 11:23 AM

Luke, tell Raps that at least he -has- a car. ::

Rapsheba555 5th Jul 2009 11:37 AM

Luke, tell tree "na na na na na NA!"

ZimZ 5th Jul 2009 12:36 PM

Luke.. is a tree

tree4me 5th Jul 2009 12:54 PM

Luke, tell Raps (and everyone else, for that matter.) that I HATE being called Tree.

Death Princess 5th Jul 2009 1:13 PM

Luke,tell Liz that I love her and I call her Liz.

tree4me 5th Jul 2009 1:17 PM

Luke, tell Angela that I love her too, and I appreciate that she calls me Liz. ::

ZimZ 5th Jul 2009 1:43 PM

Luke, tell tree that she likes being called Liz instead of her real name, tree. only joking Liz

tree4me 5th Jul 2009 1:59 PM

Luke, tell ZimZ that Tree is a silly name. ::

SaydeSim 5th Jul 2009 4:54 PM

Luke, I have a fish in my pocket.

(this is true)

AnimalMad 5th Jul 2009 4:55 PM

Luke, i am scared of Sayde (also true)

SaydeSim 5th Jul 2009 4:58 PM

Luke, I'm feared and hated by everyone, no one likes me, not even my girlfriend.


AnimalMad 5th Jul 2009 5:02 PM

Luke, give Sayde a present

SaydeSim 5th Jul 2009 5:06 PM

Luke! I love it! I needed a new pair of converses.

*snuggles my 7 pairs, and then suggles new 8th pair luke gave me*

GuardStud08 5th Jul 2009 11:39 PM

Luke, you are NOT the winner. ............

NintendoLover13 5th Jul 2009 11:42 PM

Luke, you dress like a girl

GuardStud08 5th Jul 2009 11:43 PM

Luke, you are a noob, SUKE SUKE L)

NintendoLover13 5th Jul 2009 11:45 PM

Luke, don't worry I'm a noob too. XD

Rikachu 5th Jul 2009 11:45 PM

Luke, I... am......... *dies*

GuardStud08 5th Jul 2009 11:47 PM

Luke, Use the only works between the hours of 6 am and 7 pm, HURRY!!!

NintendoLover13 5th Jul 2009 11:49 PM

Luke, clean up the mess you made by showing your face to Ri ^-^

GuardStud08 5th Jul 2009 11:53 PM

Luke, If Pi = 3.14, and the square root of 89 is 34500 what is the square root of pi divided by the square root of miley cyrus times pie?? You have 10 seconds to answer.

Rikachu 5th Jul 2009 11:53 PM

Huh? o_O

NintendoLover13 5th Jul 2009 11:56 PM

Luke, I'll answer for you! What is 21!

GuardStud08 5th Jul 2009 11:57 PM

Luke, *licks ear*

AnimalMad 6th Jul 2009 1:04 AM

Luke, this message will self destruct in 10...9...8.7...6..5...4...3...2..1 *BOOM*
*wipes out world*

NintendoLover13 6th Jul 2009 1:19 AM

*yay!* ^-^

GuardStud08 6th Jul 2009 5:56 AM

Luke, slice that butter......with the force

(off of Family guy: Blue Harvest)

Luke, there is only one thing to do in a situation like this *Luke: Like what?* Like getin the hell outta here. XD XD

NintendoLover13 6th Jul 2009 6:03 AM

Luke, you point the gun that way, and then you shoot.

GuardStud08 6th Jul 2009 6:04 AM

Luke, you stop that right meow? You hear me? Right Meow

Luke, lick me like a lollipop

NintendoLover13 6th Jul 2009 6:09 AM

Luke, you make me want to kill sweet, cute, innocent pandas!

GuardStud08 6th Jul 2009 6:12 AM


Rikachu 6th Jul 2009 6:12 AM

Luke....... I hate you. *dies*

GuardStud08 6th Jul 2009 6:14 AM

*whispers* Luke, I'm not wearing any panties

Rikachu 6th Jul 2009 6:17 AM

Psst! Luke! Call Liz Tree!

NintendoLover13 6th Jul 2009 6:50 AM

Luke, call Liz tree! (so Luke will die- that's the ONLY reason Liz) ^-^

Rikachu 6th Jul 2009 6:53 AM

Quote: Originally posted by NintendoLover13
Luke, clean up the mess you made by showing your face to Ri ^-^

Seriously? WTF o_O

GuardStud08 6th Jul 2009 7:06 AM

Luke, wanna buy a chocolate bar?

Rikachu 6th Jul 2009 7:07 AM

Luke, I WILL EAT YOU! *evil laugh*

GuardStud08 6th Jul 2009 7:17 AM

Luke, I am here to take your first born child

NintendoLover13 6th Jul 2009 7:18 AM

Luke, I hope Ri eats you. Then again, I don't want Ri poisoned to death.

tree4me 6th Jul 2009 9:34 AM

Luke, you know have control of the board.

SaydeSim 6th Jul 2009 2:21 PM

Quote: Originally posted by GuardStud08
Luke, *licks ear*

*shudders* You know, that tickles really badly.

Luke, my hair smells like fish. *goes to shower*

tree4me 6th Jul 2009 2:22 PM

Luke, I couldn't get on here for ages! How've you been? ::

SaydeSim 6th Jul 2009 2:23 PM

Luke, I hate haveing my ear licked, unless Alex is licking it.

tree4me 6th Jul 2009 2:24 PM

Luke, is Alex Sayde's girlfriend? I have a friend named Alex. She's nice. ::

SaydeSim 6th Jul 2009 2:26 PM

Luke, I'm in love with my girlfriend Alex.

I misses her.

tree4me 6th Jul 2009 2:28 PM

Aww. Luke, tell Sayde it's time to cheer up, and let me give him a pat on the back and a tissue.

SaydeSim 6th Jul 2009 2:29 PM

Luke, I'm not crying so I don't need no tissue! Luke, I told you I'm not gay.

tree4me 6th Jul 2009 2:37 PM

Luke, tell Sayde that he's not gay.

Death Princess 6th Jul 2009 3:33 PM


AnimalMad 6th Jul 2009 3:52 PM

*slaps Luke* Luke, i hate you

tree4me 6th Jul 2009 4:22 PM

Luke, I think we all hate you. (I still secretly love you. :: )

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