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Eldonyx 2nd Oct 2017 7:11 PM

Oh, I love doing the stats and family trees and all that stuff, too, don't get me wrong - If I didn't, I would have abandoned the idea a long time ago. It's just that sometimes, I just want to play the game, but I know that I can't until all the stats are up to date, because it would mess them up otherwise. And I don't know about you, but writing down every single sim's skills and aspiration points and reputation and everything else is something I find a bit tedious after a while, even if the results are worth it.
(Because I want the stats to be correct, I have to do it all in one go between rounds, at a point where everyone has lived exactly the same amount of time - if I were to do it for one household before I'm done playing with the others, it wouldn't work, because then those sims might show up as visitors on other lots and start gaining skill or aspiration points that I wouldn't have noted, and it wouldn't be fair for the first household compared to the last.)

I agree with you about fights, even if right now I'm still killing every loser. For my game, though, I'm imagining something a little more drastic, to keep the death ratio high: losers would lose 25 to 50 health points, while winners ('cause it's not because you win that you necessarily come away unscathed) would lose between 0 and 25 health points. Yes, that means the winner might die while the loser lives, because the death doesn't necessarily occur during the fight itself - a sim might die later of their wounds, even if they won.
I'm planning on adding doctors and midwives/healers/witches at some point in the future, so the presence of one at the fight could mitigate the effects, too.

TheFlyingRaccoon 4th Oct 2017 9:16 PM

Yes, it definitely does take some time to update all the stats. I do it in between rounds as well. I play all households, update all my information, crop the pictures for the round and write all the blog posts before I start playing the next round.

I really wanted to have the loser lose points depending on his health score and once I decided how I was going to do that, I was actually too lazy to work out a similar system for the winners. XD I want to use more parts of the Warwickshire in the future, so I do plan on adding healers and midwives at some point, too.

It's a lot of fun to play without killing every loser, because it means you can actually have sims that don't like each other. Before I only had acquaintances, friends or dead sims. XD And now, I've got my first enemies. :D

YukiShine 5th Oct 2017 5:02 PM

The health point system seems so lead to more options, certainly.
However, I'm sticking to the original plan. The losers die instantly in my game. I have so few fights between my sims that it does not really hurt my neighborhood. Quite the opposite, actually. I quite need some sims to die randomly, so to speak, in order to keep everything a little balanced. My women also have a 1/6 risk of death at childbirth. However, I do allow their family to plead with the Reaper, so it's not really 1/6... But deaths by losing a fight are certain. There is no way around that in my game. Also, next round there will be an execution that will also not be prevented in any way. Even though it really has not been planned by me and might mess up my story a bit, but oh well, it'd be boring if everything just went according to plan, right? :D

Btw, does anyone have their sims adopt pets? I had a teenage girl in late stone age with too much freetime who befriended a wild dog. Meanwhile, this dog's descendants are beloved pets in some of my families. One or two families are actively breeding and everyone else is happy to adopt a puppy or two. Cats are a lot rarer at this time and no one is breeding them. What a shame, as I like cats irl. But I guess it's historically acurate to domesticate dogs first?

Eldonyx 6th Oct 2017 2:19 AM

I do play with pets, but I introduce them gradually.
At first I only allow wolves (and skunks + penguins, of course) to visit the lot (I use the Visitor Controller). They're a bit more difficult to befriend since they're always hostile, so a sim managing to adopt one marks the first step of domestication. Afterwards, I allow big dogs (+ the above) to visit the lot. Once two adopted pets (wolves or big dogs) breed and the pups reach adulthood, then small dogs are allowed to visit the lot and be adopted (the family has learned enough about breeding to be able to create those breeds, which are further away from the wolf).

Cats are treated separately, and are allowed to visit the lot once the family has learned agriculture (someone gets a gold badge in gardening). Historically, the first "domesticated" cats (aka cats capable of domesticating humans ) likely came from those who hung around people's grain stores to hunt the rodents attracted there, so it made sense to me to link the two.

In my game, every adopted big dog/wolf adds chances for a hunting trip to be successful. The presence of cats lowers the amount of stored food that must be destroyed each season (because they hunt the rodents that would eat that food).
I haven't decided what advantage small dogs should bring, yet. What has the impact of those smaller breeds been on humanity? Something social, I would think... I know some small dogs are hunters, too, but I'd like to have something different. Any ideas?

nuidyaforever 6th Oct 2017 11:09 AM

Popping out of lurk mode to say that some small dogs were also used to hunt vermin... if you want it to be something different from both cats and large dogs, maybe a small dog allows spraying roaches, decreases the chance of illness, or increases the chance of a successful recovery? After all, if you have a dog trained to hunt rats, that's fewer rats that can pass disease to the humans.

abcbok 7th Oct 2017 10:34 AM

Love reading about your takes on the fighting system! It works different in my game as well. First of all, the loser only dies if I can "afford" it... Which means that, if the loser is a slave girl, which I lack right now in the game, I will let her live on. However, that will be strike 1 - if she gets to strike 3, she'll die anyway. Every strike is permanent throughout her life, so if she gets two strikes as a child and the third as an adult, she'll die then. If the loser dies from a fight, the winner will lose 1-20 health points as well, so technically both of them can die. Right now, if a plebeian girl loses a fight, she dies without question, but slaves are more likely to survive, as I have more plebeians than slaves at the moment and need to somehow turn it around.

Regarding pets I allowed for them to adopt wolves during the Stone and Iron ages, but now as Romans, no one has any pets. I'm planning for the next apartment lot I need to build to be a type of farm for breeding pets, so once I get my slave population going again, I'll finally introduce all the pets! Can't wait

girlsabc 7th Oct 2017 3:32 PM

Can someone explain the health system you guys are using? Mine rarely get into fights.

YukiShine 7th Oct 2017 7:23 PM

Oh, you use apartment lots? That sounds great. Do you use them for slaves, or other classes as well? And is there enough space for each household? Since slave families should have many children, there has to be enough room for cribs and beds...

I'm also a little low on slaves. That's why my current emperor does not encourage the regular random slave murders at the colloseum. I think I will only start this with the next emperor, or maybe even with the third one...

PinkySimsie 9th Oct 2017 12:40 PM

My problem is that I have too little Plebeians. Somehow most of them tend to marry "up" and I only have a few Plebeian households left. If it happens that I run out of them, I'm thinking about "demoting" the poorest Patricians to Plebeians, so my game would be more balanced.

Update on my game too: my oldest gen 6 sim is currently a child, so I still have a bit over a generation to go to get to the Dark Ages. Does anyone have any fun rules for the dark ages? I'm thinking about completely leaving out the Vikings. It just seems too exessive to kill a household when a viking walks by. And considering the plague I won't probably have too many sims anyway :D

abcbok 9th Oct 2017 9:39 PM

4 Attachment(s)
@girlsabc, personally I don't use the health system from the Warwickshire Challenge, I use a simplified one to make it easier for myself... I confess! When my sims are born, I roll 1-100. When they have their birthdays, I roll 1-40, where X<20 means they lose 20-X health points, and X>20 means they gain 20-X points. Except for when they become elders, then I just roll for losing points.

I also roll a loss of 1-20 for every childbirth, and a 1-20 roll for men as well every 5 years that I call a battle-roll, just to make things more fair. If they die from this roll, I pretend they died in battle

@YukiShine, thanks, I like it a lot myself! I use them for plebeians and slaves, of course the apartments are very different depending on who lives in it. For the slaves and poor plebeians there's not much space, especially not for the big families. But it's part of the charm to me! I'll include some pics for you

@iireke7, I agree with you on the Dark Ages rules. I never made it there myself (so close once), but I will modify them for sure. Especially the part about the Vikings as I'm Nordic and it's kind of nah... I'm sure lots of sims will die anyway. I've considered installing Realistic Sickness when I get to this point to simulate the plague, but that's about it. I'd love to hear what you have in mind so far and as you approach the new Era!

oboesapien 10th Oct 2017 1:51 AM

Quote: Originally posted by abcbok
@girlsabc, personally I don't use the health system from the Warwickshire Challenge, I use a simplified one to make it easier for myself... I confess! When my sims are born, I roll 1-100. When they have their birthdays, I roll 1-40, where X<20 means they lose 20-X health points, and X>20 means they gain 20-X points. Except for when they become elders, then I just roll for losing points.

I also roll a loss of 1-20 for every childbirth, and a 1-20 roll for men as well every 5 years that I call a battle-roll, just to make things more fair. If they die from this roll, I pretend they died in battle

@YukiShine, thanks, I like it a lot myself! I use them for plebeians and slaves, of course the apartments are very different depending on who lives in it. For the slaves and poor plebeians there's not much space, especially not for the big families. But it's part of the charm to me! I'll include some pics for you

@iireke7, I agree with you on the Dark Ages rules. I never made it there myself (so close once), but I will modify them for sure. Especially the part about the Vikings as I'm Nordic and it's kind of nah... I'm sure lots of sims will die anyway. I've considered installing Realistic Sickness when I get to this point to simulate the plague, but that's about it. I'd love to hear what you have in mind so far and as you approach the new Era!

I love the pictures! Could you post where you got the appliances, and how you made the wall? Roman era is still a long way off for me but now I'm looking forward to it more, your Roman settlement looks awesome.

YukiShine 10th Oct 2017 11:36 AM

@iireke7 I've always thought that the original marriage rules will lead to an imbalance. That's why I change the rules a bit for my game. A married couple always has to take on the class the husband belongs to, so only women change classes through marriage, but men mostly stay in their classes. I do have a few other ways for sims to change classes in exceptional cases, though. My patrician family heads form a senate where under certain conditions rich plebians could take part. Those plebian senators could become patricians, while patricians not participating in the senate for too long can be demoted to plebians. Also, one slave who is a bit of a special case anyway just now tries to become a plebian via storytelling. But it's not certain yet if he'll succeed. I also have a tax system going on where households unable to pay taxes can be demoted. I hope that with these extra rules I can shift my households towards plebians and slaves for the most part. I'll see.

@abcbok Thanks I have to implement apartments too, somehow. Really love them. I think they could make good starting homes for young slave couples with little money.

PinkySimsie 12th Oct 2017 3:39 PM

@abcbok Oh cool! I'm from Estonia, so we're quite close to each other I didn't know about the realistic sickness mod, but I'll definately look into that before moving to Dark Ages. I also think I'm going to dowload some additional "farming" items, such as the chickens that were posted here a while back.

@YukiShine That's a good idea! I'll probably end my Roman ages, then re-position some families if I need to to get my hood balanced and then I'll apply that rule too.

I would kinda like to add something Christianity based, because this was the time of the Crusades. I haven't figured it out complitely, but I'd like to have two monasteries (one for men and one for women). Other families would have to pay taxes to them. I could send my un-married people there if I see that I have, for example, way more women than men. The oldest one would be a head-nun or whatever they're called (sorry, not really familiar with that vocabulary). None of them could work, but thay could grow food and write books (mimicing copying of the Bible). I don't know if there's a fan-made item, that would allow only writing books instead of all the other "computer" activities too, but I would think there is, I'll have to look. Also, I would allow them to have telesopes, so they might get abducted and get pregnant (I have a mod that allows female alien pregnancy too). If a woman got pregnant, she could argue that it was the holy spirit and if her charisma skill is higher than the eldest's charisma skill, then the woman would be allowed to keep and raise the baby. If ot, then they would be shunned and start to live like Outcasts. Outcasts could only communicate with each other, make no other friends, have no jobs, basically cut out from everything. They can however marry each other to keep the alien genes. Of course you could have a visitor from the other monastery to knock your sim up, but the rules would be the same. And also for men, on rare occasions, like if their charisma is 9-10 points, they could also convince others that the baby is from the Holy Spirit. Although I don't know what I should do if the baby is from the opposite sex. Does anyone know if there's a mod that allows you to pick the baby's sex?
When first entering the Dark Ages, I would randomly choose 3 males and 3 females to live in a monastery and then add one of each every week (I play my game by the weeks). All teens (non-heirs), adults (who have at least one son) and elders would be entered to the pool and I'll probably use random number generator or smth like that to pick the ones who have to leave their homes and go the monastery. Unless I have single females who have turned into elders, then they go, because they can't start a family anymore. The new arrival would basically have to be a slave for the first week, clean up other's messes, cook and so on. And the eldest never has to do anything and can meditate all day (to mimic praying). If the eldest dies, the next eldest takes their place.

Oh my, I'm having way too much fun with this Do you guys have any ideas about this? I only know as much as I've learnt in school a while back about the Crusades, so it might not be very historically accurate. But so far I'm loving it :D

abcbok 13th Oct 2017 8:08 PM

@oboesapien - let's see! The pot is made by Sunni at medievalsims, and a lot other appliances I use are made by hriveresse, also here at medievalsims The walls is the Village Wall by Sunni as well! Thank you so much for your words

@YukiShine, now that I've started with apartments I'm so glad I did it, I love the community feeling between the little houses I'd love to see what you come up with if you give it a try!

@iireke7, I love it! Dark Ages is definitely the perfect age to introduce religion. And there's so much we can do with it, we'll have so much fun My fourth generation are becoming teenagers now... Once generation five becomes adults I'll get there. So close but so far, at least I'm having fun on the way And yes, we're pretty much neighbours!

oboesapien 14th Oct 2017 1:42 AM

Oh dear, Sun&Moon have been busy...I hadn't checked Plumb Bob Keep in a while. There are some really awesome updates in here that I'm totally working out how to incorporate into the Neanderthal phase.

abcbok 17th Oct 2017 9:58 PM

Oh yes, they are fantastic! Their work makes a huge difference in the feeling of my game

I just finished year 58 and have a family feud on my hands... The two most powerful men in the neighborhood got into a fight and the most powerful one died. So now his enemy takes his place...! I have a feeling his sons are not going to take this lightly, and the sons of the newfound ruler are unlikely to want to give their new position up. Woho, big time drama!

PinkySimsie 24th Oct 2017 2:04 PM

My gen 6 kids are now teens and my game is progressing really really slowly, because my girlfriend got Sims 4 over the weekend and now we're playing that :D
I will try to keep up though

Lisrouge 26th Oct 2017 12:52 AM

It's so nice to see everyone is still around. I decided to scrap my last ToT because I just felt like they were all strangers since my last notes were a bit hectic. Im catching up on the blogs and I love all the stories and scandals.

abc, How do you figure out the years?

girlsabc 26th Oct 2017 10:47 AM

My game crashed and i really dont want to start it all over again. (No i didnt back up the game) Im speeding through to try and catch up.

abcbok 26th Oct 2017 8:49 PM

Lisrouge! Welcome back, so glad to see you again :lovestruc Please keep us updated!

The years are actually sim days So now I just finished year 60, which is really sim day 60.

Lisrouge 28th Oct 2017 12:21 AM

abcbok,thanks, I subscribed to your blog. I really liked the apartment idea. It really does feel like there's a community there. And ah, you have a mod for shorter pregnancies, right?

girlsabc, IM sorry about your game.

girlsabc 30th Oct 2017 5:56 PM

I've made it to the roman era

cakeninja 30th Oct 2017 6:20 PM

Quote: Originally posted by iireke7
None of them could work, but thay could grow food and write books (mimicing copying of the Bible). I don't know if there's a fan-made item, that would allow only writing books instead of all the other "computer" activities too, but I would think there is, I'll have to look.

Somewhat late here, but if you've not already found a book-writing item, I recommend MogHughson's manuscript. There's also a ton of recolours for it available here.

abcbok 30th Oct 2017 9:34 PM

@Lisrouge, oh that's nice! I'm about to update it tonight. I have a mod for shorter teenage span, they are only teens for seven days before becoming adults Did you decide if you will restart yet?

I'm pretty excited right now because my fifth generation was just born! I had three babies of gen 5 this round, when they become adults, the Dark Ages begin! :D

oboesapien 31st Oct 2017 1:27 AM

Just as an aside, I haven't had much time to play lately (grad school) but I enjoy keeping up on this thread.

PinkySimsie 31st Oct 2017 7:31 AM

Quote: Originally posted by cakeninja
Somewhat late here, but if you've not already found a book-writing item, I recommend MogHughson's manuscript. There's also a ton of recolours for it available here.

Thank you! No I hadn't, it's perfect!

PinkySimsie 3rd Nov 2017 11:20 AM

I feel like something is wrong with my Emperor families or I'm just having really really bad luck. Most of them just keep getting girls! Emperors can stop having kids when they have at least 2 boys and most of my Emperor families have 7-8 kids because of that. Also, I have way more women in the game than men. Right now I have 182 sims in 27 households and it's taking forever :D

abcbok 4th Nov 2017 3:10 PM

@iireke7, wow! That's impressive. I have 77 sims in 16 households so far. I think it's a good idea to get a bigger population before the Dark Ages, keeping the increased death rate in mind. I'm not sure if I'll really be able to kill them off as mercilessly as I pretend I will, though

Generation 5 are toddlers now, otherwise it's been a pretty calm round. I've been having some issues with Romance sims lately and the situation just resulted in a death, hopefully it will be the only one but these people truly hate each other so who knows :P

Flickstar 7th Nov 2017 2:34 PM

Quote: Originally posted by iireke7
I feel like something is wrong with my Emperor families or I'm just having really really bad luck. Most of them just keep getting girls! Emperors can stop having kids when they have at least 2 boys and most of my Emperor families have 7-8 kids because of that. Also, I have way more women in the game than men. Right now I have 182 sims in 27 households and it's taking forever :D

Is it possible that the gender disparity is actually a case of first born syndrome? Are you randomising the sim generator before you start to play?
Because if not it might just be that your emperor's first born was a girl, and so everytime you restart the game and play that family you get the same girl.

If it's not first born syndrome, the RNG just really doesn't want you to have any male sims :P

PinkySimsie 8th Nov 2017 7:46 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Flickstar
Is it possible that the gender disparity is actually a case of first born syndrome? Are you randomising the sim generator before you start to play?
Because if not it might just be that your emperor's first born was a girl, and so everytime you restart the game and play that family you get the same girl.

If it's not first born syndrome, the RNG just really doesn't want you to have any male sims :P

I don't even know what that means Do you happen to know how to do it, because it seems I'm still a noob, lol.

Emerald1234 9th Nov 2017 8:09 PM

ok i started with 5 families and used behind the name to give them different backgrounds and names,the most amount of kids one family have is 20 after one week...

PinkySimsie 9th Nov 2017 11:32 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Emerald1234
ok i started with 5 families and used behind the name to give them different backgrounds and names,the most amount of kids one family have is 20 after one week...

How did you manage that :O ? Do you have a fast pregnancy mod or someting?

Flickstar 10th Nov 2017 11:01 AM

Quote: Originally posted by iireke7
I don't even know what that means Do you happen to know how to do it, because it seems I'm still a noob, lol.

There are two ways to do it. First is you can go into Create-A-Sim and press the random button a few times (a different number each time, otherwise you get the same problem)
Or you can get the batbox here,72.0.html (its an object you put on lots) and it has an option that says "RANDOMISE SIM GENERATOR"

To make sure you dont get first born syndrome you have to do one of these every time you launch the game.
It happens because the random number generator for creating sims is flawed, and it gives you the same values every time you restart the game. By doing one of these it gives you a new random number to start with

Example: If a couple has a baby and the RNG is on number 1 you get a baby generated by that number, then the next baby you have during that play session is number 2, so it is generated by number 2, then if another couple has a baby that baby is generated from number 3, and so on until you quit the game
The next time you play the generator resets, you're back to number 1, so if you play the same family, and the same couple has a baby, that baby is again generated from number 1. These children are identical in both looks and personality.
By using the batbox, or making random sims in CAS you move them number along. Say you press random 4 times in CAS, now you're on number 5, so the baby the couple has is generated from number 5, making it a different baby from number 1 (this is why if you do the CAS you have to do it a different number of times every time, because if you did it 4 times every time, you'd get a baby from number 5 every time).

Sorry for going on a bit I hope this makes sense to you though, and it solves your problem! If you're still confused theres a lot of other posts about first born syndrome around.

Emerald1234 10th Nov 2017 8:08 PM

yes i have a one day pregnancy mod and a no social worker mod so the kids basically fended for themselves

PinkySimsie 12th Nov 2017 10:20 AM

@Flickstar thank you! I tried it and got a boy. No idea if it worked or was just a coincidence, but I'm gonna keep doing it just in case :D

@Emerald1234 That's insane! I also ave the "no social worker" and "triplets and quads" mods, but 1 day pregnancy would make it too crazy for me!

My first gen 6 sims just turned into adults. Can't wait for them to get babies. I currently have 203 sims in 35 households. I will probably have about 15 houses more when I reach the Dark Ages considering how many teens I have at the moment. I'm so looking forward to that already. I started downloading middle ages houses and clothings and all that

PinkySimsie 13th Nov 2017 11:20 AM

Wow, I just had the weirdest glitch. A sim picked up her baby from the crib and the baby just dissappeared. The baby is gone, also he's not in the sidebar anymore, but is still present in the family tree. I didn't save after the baby was born, so it seems he's gone for good. Anyone else had that happen?

Edited to add: Something is definately going on! In another slave family the woman has given birth to two sets of twins and now quads :O OMG!

abcbok 14th Nov 2017 7:31 PM

@iireke7, oh wow, that sounds concerning! I am not sure how to get the baby back, hopefully there is a way :/

I have some sad news about my own neighborhood... I'm not sure how, but my game decided to reset itself. After troubleshooting it seems like somehow there must be a duplicate of my Sims 2 folder in My Documents, but I can't find the original files anywhere, just empty neighborhoods and downloads folders.

Basically, this means Lucus Augusti is gone. As well as all my downloads. Sigh...

I have downloaded the basics again, and decided to start over. I'm on day two now. My sims looks really different, as I went with another default skin and eye set this time. I'm having fun though

I'm documenting and plan to introduce you to my new sims later on. I'll miss Lucus Augusti a lot, but let's just make the best of it.

PinkySimsie 15th Nov 2017 8:02 AM

@abcbok Oh no! That's so sad I'd be super pissed! But I'm glad you're trying to be positive about this. If I ever had to start again, I'd do so many things differently. But at the same time I don't want to lose my progress :D
Keep us posted on your new families though, I love hearing about everyones families and adventures

Update on the missing baby: I kept playing and didn't really feel too sad because I have a ton of kids anyway. I had two mre kids after that, then decided to save and go to the neighbourhood and reload the lot and the baby was there, by the mailbox Now it's funny, because he's still a baby, but his youger siblings are already toddlers.

abcbok 18th Nov 2017 11:10 PM

@iireke7, that's good news about the baby! Hopefully he'll be alright

I have played the first five days now and updated the blog about it I'm doing things a bit differently, so far I'm having a lot of fun! I'm going for technology discoveries, different for each family to get them more unique and maybe get some culture in there. Still playing one day turns so a lot of things happening the first round only, let's see what state my sims manage to get through the Stone Age in

abcbok 8th Dec 2017 10:49 AM

OK guys, sorry for double posting but it's been 3 weeks so I think it's time

How is it going, are you finding time to play now during holiday season? For me it's definitely trickier than usual!

Wanted to let you know that I moved my blog for the ones who are curious. I'm much happier with it now, I feel I can finally make the photos the main part If you want, you'll find it here .

Hope you're all having happy holidays!

Flickstar 8th Dec 2017 11:21 AM

I've been playing for quite a while now (I started my current play through in March 2015) but I've finally made a blog for my test of time here
I have been taking pictures since the start so it will be starting from then. I'm currently on round 6 so hopefully I should remember most of the stuff that happened :')

PinkySimsie 9th Dec 2017 8:36 AM

I always have this tab open and refresh every day waiting for posts! But I haven't really had the time to play, so I haven't posted anything. This time of the year is chaotic. Hopefully I will have some time to play. Some of my gen 6 sims have grown to adults, but no gen 7 babies yet.

Zexxa 10th Dec 2017 1:25 AM

I just started this again. So much CC! I'm almost done with my first rotation. I will be doing a bit of a different method, with it being matriarchal and no racial stuff. Just via money.

Oh but the Dark Ages is still going to have a lot of death. XD

Lisrouge 10th Dec 2017 11:56 PM

I got a new laptop and it has Windows 10. It's giving me directx9 or something error. I've tried everything suggested everywhere and the only thing that worked was windowed mode. I hate windowed mode. I hope I didn't uninstall from the other computer yet. I had thought of doing it, but been so busy that I don't know if I actually did it. After I figure this out, I will definitely start a new version.

Zexxa 13th Dec 2017 5:43 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Lisrouge
I got a new laptop and it has Windows 10. It's giving me directx9 or something error. I've tried everything suggested everywhere and the only thing that worked was windowed mode. I hate windowed mode. I hope I didn't uninstall from the other computer yet. I had thought of doing it, but been so busy that I don't know if I actually did it. After I figure this out, I will definitely start a new version.

What error is it giving you? I'm running Windows 10 and my only issue was the graphics card, and having to do some tweaks.

As an aside, I just finished first round of Gen 1, and I have one sim couple that has miscarried twice in one week. Makes me kind of sad for them. I also had another turn into a werewolf(didn't realize the wolf he had been playing with was LotP) so I had to kill him. This is a depressing playthrough, but so good. :P

Lisrouge 14th Dec 2017 3:54 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Zexxa
What error is it giving you? I'm running Windows 10 and my only issue was the graphics card, and having to do some tweaks.

As an aside, I just finished first round of Gen 1, and I have one sim couple that has miscarried twice in one week. Makes me kind of sad for them. I also had another turn into a werewolf(didn't realize the wolf he had been playing with was LotP) so I had to kill him. This is a depressing playthrough, but so good. :P

THis is the message " Failed to find any DirectX 9.0c compatible graphics adapters in this system!Please make sure you have a direct X9.0c compatible graphics adapter and have installed the latest drivers provided by the manufacturer. The application will now terminate."

You killed the werewolf sim? :O

PinkySimsie 18th Dec 2017 11:16 AM

I've been slowly playing again. Nothing remarkable has happened, but I currently have 23 unmarried adult females and only 4 unmarried males. Looks like the guys can really pick and choose which girls they want :D

oboesapien 18th Dec 2017 2:26 PM

Quote: Originally posted by iireke7
I always have this tab open and refresh every day waiting for posts! But I haven't really had the time to play, so I haven't posted anything. This time of the year is chaotic. Hopefully I will have some time to play. Some of my gen 6 sims have grown to adults, but no gen 7 babies yet.

Same here!

I may have a new game post soon, though, I have been working on a rules overhaul and custom content library with my SO for a (yes, another, I've lost count) new game. The base concept is instead of Neanderthal (how much time can one spend fishing, really? perhaps I've just played Neanderthal too many times), the first era will be the Age of Myth, and I've been trying to pull together a working economy and rule set that limits how many ex machina things I have to do as the player to keep things moving, as well as add variety. I'm working on cultures and festivals right now (for the starting set, I expect it to evolve over time), as well as who the tribal "gods" are and how they'll interact.

Still haven't decided if I'm going to go to the trouble to get a "clean" neighborhood. I suppose I should bite the bullet because I really don't like all the random moderns wandering around but it seems like a hassle.

EDIT: I did try to get rid of all the annoying moderns walking around. Now to start the game and see if it worked...and if the game is actually playable with this much CC, as I have outdone myself this time...

oboesapien 21st Dec 2017 4:14 PM

So I was *not* successful in getting a clean 'hood. Boo. Not sure what went wrong.

On the plus side, I'm done amassing CC (mostly), creating my first batch of lots, and my first five families. It's gorgeous and totally worth all the effort. I just have to ignore the passers-by.

The backstory for my Age of Myth is that an earthquake opened a new valley to exploration by creating a pass in a steep mountain range. Five families from different tribes have entered the valley to try to make new homes. The twist is that they only have what they could bring with them (within reason), so they're living out of tents and such at the beginning. They each got 3k to buy their starting goods (tent, food, seeds, etc.) They also represent different modes of living - one hunter-gatherer (who did not spend most of their 3k), two different pastoral (one cows/milk and one sheep/wool), and two agricultural (farming and orchard - the latter got an exception to "what you can bring with you" because there's no way to plant fruit trees in-game atm). Still working on culture. I'm thinking each tribe will contribute one god to the valley's eventual pantheon. Need to come up with holidays. Also still working on random event tables, I'm upgrading my old random event table to three tables - one for the gods (the patron god(s) of that season will take an action), one for neighborhood (what will that season be like - drought, etc.), and one for each household (no fish, fertility, aspiration change, etc.) Another twist is that this valley is at the foothills of Olympus, near the otherworld - and thus the sims will start to encounter supernatural creatures and events, as well as the direct intervention of the gods, that they have never experienced before.

On a side note: It's funny, the maxis blur has never bugged me before (in...over a decade, yikes), but since this time I've focused so much on improving the game's graphics and "realism", it suddenly does. The cartoony-ness has become out of place. Haven't fixed it yet, don't know if I want to go down that rabbit hole. I know there is *plenty* of more ah, realistic content out there.

Sorry for the long post...I'm back! At least until spring semester starts.

Happy simming,

PinkySimsie 23rd Dec 2017 10:22 AM

I didn't even bother with making a clean neighbourhood. I just blantly ignore all the townies :D
I also used my "wild card" yesterday. In the Roman era you're allowed to add a new sim, so I took advantage of that and added a male sim to be able to get one more female married. The new is sim is very mysterious and extreamly wealthy. He has bright red hair and eyes. They already got twins, a boy and a girl. Can't wait for them to age up to see if either got some traits from daddy.
I currently have 243 playable sims in 41 households, so it takes a while to complete a round now :D

Lisrouge 1st Jan 2018 6:24 PM

So...@abcbok, I got Civ V and now I understand the tree you use. XD The game is also addicting. lol

PinkySimsie 9th Jan 2018 9:10 PM

Finished another round! First gen 7 babies were born, both on the same day but different families
And 28 unmarried adult women. I think I'll have to build a retirement home soon when they turn into elders without getting married :D

taliahneth 13th Jan 2018 11:12 AM

@iireke7 - Gen7?! Are you serious?! That's crazy! And did I just see something about 240 something sims? You definitely crazy. Somebody give this simmer an award , chop chop! Congratulations. Mega awesome (enviously wondering what Gen7 looks like...)

@oboesapien - I've just read your backstory and now everyone wave bye bye to my simmies who I just tossed out the window - restart baby, here I come again! (she's kidding, she just restarted.....) I'm totally not kidding (she's totally kidding).

Oh yeah btw, HI , me again, back again... nobody here knows me do they? I mean, just call me Newbie #2.

I'm always around, I'm a total lurker - who said they check in here ten times a day? was that you iireke7? High five!

I seriously restarted, and for the first time in my history of playing the sims I had a miscarriage before a single baby was born I don't even know... (it was totally her fault she is a tyrannical god-hand to her sims)

I'm not even gonna say it. Peace out all.

taliah~ (is back, peaches)

PinkySimsie 15th Jan 2018 2:34 PM

@taliahneth - Yup! Right now it's up to 280 sims. But I'm pretty sure that when the Dark Ages hit, the number will go down really fast, because my sims get sick a lot.
How did you get a miscarriage? Do you have a mod or something? That would be interesting to use.

I'm getting a new PC soon, so I 'might' get Sims 4 and I don't know how actively I will be doing the ToT challenge, but I'm not going to uninstall Sims 2. I reallt love this challenge and I'm deteremined to finish it one day :D

taliahneth 16th Jan 2018 1:08 AM

@iireke7 - I do! I have ACR & Inteenimater and I've had them so long I don't even remember what it was like to play without them... ? Oh my goodness. Congrats on the new PC. Sims 4 is amazing (yet somehow I still keep coming back to sims2?)

I just finished Round 1 YAY! I have 5 girls and 2 very lucky boys.... It's been a while since I've played a traditional Neanderthal Era (now we know why she changed it up so much) anyhoo~ Tots next round booyeah lets do this~


LuckyFreckle 18th Jan 2018 4:30 PM

This challenge looks interesting!

PinkySimsie 19th Jan 2018 3:47 PM

@LuckyFreckle Yees! Start it! Mwuahaha It actually is a lot of fun. Be prepared to spend a lot of time on it though
Feel free to modify the rules how you see fit. I think most of us here have made some changes to suit each person's playing style. There are no points, so nobody can win, so it doesn't really matter if you change a few things here and there

LuckyFreckle 25th Jan 2018 5:09 PM

Quote: Originally posted by iireke7
@LuckyFreckle Yees! Start it! Mwuahaha It actually is a lot of fun. Be prepared to spend a lot of time on it though
Feel free to modify the rules how you see fit. I think most of us here have made some changes to suit each person's playing style. There are no points, so nobody can win, so it doesn't really matter if you change a few things here and there

I am currently doing the decades challenge right now, but I'll be looking into this one next! I love historical type challenges!

YukiShine 2nd Feb 2018 9:40 PM

I had to take another break, just when I'd recovered my old ToT hood. But well, sometimes real life happens, what can you do...
So I haven't made much progress since I last wrote here. Still Roman, ruled by Gen 2, Gen 3 slowly taking over, Gen 4 watching carefully. I love this challenge and my hood. There is so much going on! (Btw I'm playing with InTeen, ACR and some small adaptions here and there. For example, I have a tax system and women can die at childbirth. Also, since the historical Roman Empire was very much about expansion and globalization, my sims can occasionally marry townies and some teens can go to university, if it fits the story.)

My first Roman Emperor is actually pretty weak as a ruler. He does have money though, which he uses for the town development. Also, the influential Gen 2 sims tend to like him. However, if any of the patricians really wanted to overthrow him, I doubt he could keep his place. Luckily, the patricians seem to be quite happy with their places in life.
But now Gen 3 is preparing to take over. The Emperor's firstborn son has been prepared for leadership his whole life. He is extremely well educated, he has built connections to the important families and now he is about to marry an equally - if not more so - ambitious girl. I'm so looking forward to those two. I wonder if they will take the crown soon, or wait until they actually inherit it.

There has been a scandal in one of the patrician households, when the senator discovered his wife's affair with one of the slaves. The slave has been executed afterwards.

The plebians are struggling to keep their shops and families alive. They seem to be hit the hardest by the tax system. I suppose the next emperor might want to adjust that somehow.

One of my absolute favorite households does not actually fit in any of the categories anymore, though. Right now, it's made of a slave(?) who no one dares to treat like one anymore, so he might as well officially be considered a plebian. Half the town is in love with him, but somehow he managed to avoid any scandals or fights. His one true love and companion is a plebian wizard. A pretty good one, too. So, honestly, with one of them being everyone's darling and with the other one a wizard, who could ever force them into the system? No one really wants to get on their bad side. At this point of time, they are raising two kids, one of them an illegitimate descendant of a patrician family, the other an alien offspring. And that's more or less just the top of the iceberg, of course.
Seriously, so. much. story. I'm having fun. :D

Oh, and btw, it seems my graphic card cant handle the game. Can you believe it? It's 2018! It's just TS2! Goodness...

YukiShine 2nd Feb 2018 10:37 PM

Also, I'll be changing the duration of the eras. The generations have increasing age differences within, inter-generational marriages will increase, too. So soon it's going to be a nightmare to keep track of each sim's generation number.

For the Roman age, I want to see at least three different emperors. The next transition can only take place if everyone born in stone age has died. I suppose that will more or less be the same duration as in the official challenge rules, but it makes things easier for me.

Frogsnack 8th Feb 2018 2:35 AM

I love that some of you have reached Gen 7 That's amazing!! I've been a cheater and have been playing a different challenge for a while, I'd love to do both at the same time but the age limits are severely different and I hate switching back and forth! I wonder if there are any good mods to preserve the age settings between saves?

ToriOlivia 22nd Feb 2018 2:03 AM

Hi everyone! I took a break from my challenge to focus on work and personal life, but I've decided to start play again and I also want to try the challenge in Sims 3 just for fun.

@Frogsnack Since you're the only one I know who has tried this challenge in Sims 3 I was wondering if you could give me some suggestions and tips on how to set up Nraas' Story Progression mod/using the caste system to help maintain other sims while I'm not playing their lot? Also how did you deal with rotations? If anyone else has some ideas, free feel to let me know I'd really appreciate it! I plan on posting more Let's Plays of my current ToT in Sims 2 I just need to fix my recording setup and get a proper microphone. I was so pumped to reach the Roman Era then once I finally got there I stopped playing LOL!

Frogsnack 23rd Feb 2018 8:13 AM

Quote: Originally posted by ToriOlivia
Hi everyone! I took a break from my challenge to focus on work and personal life, but I've decided to start play again and I also want to try the challenge in Sims 3 just for fun.

@Frogsnack Since you're the only one I know who has tried this challenge in Sims 3 I was wondering if you could give me some suggestions and tips on how to set up Nraas' Story Progression mod/using the caste system to help maintain other sims while I'm not playing their lot? Also how did you deal with rotations?

Thanks for tagging me so I could pop over here! I may be able to share my story progression settings, as I recall it's an actual saved file and if you move it to your game you should be able to use the 'import' option under Nraas>Story Progression> General. As I recall I have 3-4 versions because I adjusted it slowly over time, but there are well over 100 things I changed so i don't recall them all. Most notably I set the castes up and made the wealthier sims cheat more and not be able to marry certain castes and possibly have arranged marriages, each caste has certain lifetime rewards (slaves all have fertility treatment and emperors are all above reproach etc). Slaves can't own rental property etc. One of the more recent updates I made allowed teen marriage so I had more sims to choose from too. NRAAS has a FAQ on setting up the neighborhood for TS2 style aging (I think it was also a caste thing, where the active family caste ages and the inactive family does not, it was actually kind of simple). Assigning castes was more difficult, I think I manually clicked on each house and assigned it that way, but sims are set to be born into their father's caste and I have to manually remove the household caste from a slave sim as they'll show up as both slave and plebeian, for example. But castes are a lot of fun and I'm looking forward to one day getting to the Viking era and making them all loners, or mean spirited or something :P

Rotations happen every Sunday between 6-9 am, I finish up what that family was doing and move on to the next one. One of the hardest things to keep track of for me is the slaves that are moved to work in their master's lots, sometimes family ties fall off so you want to keep an eye on that. I also eventually used register to remove immigration which helped control new NPCs showing up, now it draws only from town population, and pets is still nuked but I allow some sims to have them and strays aren't allowed because of the lag. Also (and this is a big one) be careful about the world you choose to play in. Starlight Shores and Isla Paradiso for example are known to be glitchy as hell and won't last far into gen 2. I recommend playing an early launch neighborhood like Riverview or Twinbrook or a smaller one like Sunlit tides. and there's an option to nuke Imaginary Friends but I haven't set that yet- they can also glitch a town).

ToriOlivia 24th Feb 2018 12:30 AM

@Frogsnack Thanks so much for replying so quickly! If you don't mind uploading, I love to check out your SP settings in game. So far I've picked my world-Cottonwood Hills which is an empty version of Sunset Valley. I plan on adding community lots appropriate for the different eras as I move through generations. I've created my five families and played almost a sim week with one family as of now. I decided to go with TS2 aging which was easy to set up. My Neanderthals will have a fairly short life span because honestly I'd like to get through the first era as fast as possible, I have it set to 75 sim days. Weekly rotation seemed like the easiest to keep track of so I'll stick to that as well.
I've disabled break ups and marriages, for now I'm just allowing boyfriend/girlfriends and will introduce marriage in the Roman Era. My sims can still cheat though
I've allowed non active sims to get pregnant but I'm not sure if I'll keep it just yet. There's already been 3 births in my non active families and 1 birth in my active household and can you believe they all had BOYS?! LOL! I really like the idea of having specific lifetime rewards for the different castes. The whole Nraas caste system is still a bit confusing to me but I'm trying to figure it out because I know how helpful it will be as time progresses and more sims are added to the mix.

MasterRed 11th Mar 2018 8:47 PM

I started this challenge today. Here are all my villiagers.

Eldonyx 12th Mar 2018 7:50 PM

Welcome to the challenge, MasterRed!

Out of curiosity, I count only nine sims on that picture; is it because one is camera-shy, or are you spicing things up by having one less, so the others are forced to compete more at the risk of finding themselves the one left over? And do you plan on playing according to the original rules, or are you modifying things?

Lisrouge 14th Mar 2018 10:46 PM


MasterRed 15th Mar 2018 9:38 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Eldonyx
Welcome to the challenge, MasterRed!

Out of curiosity, I count only nine sims on that picture; is it because one is camera-shy, or are you spicing things up by having one less, so the others are forced to compete more at the risk of finding themselves the one left over? And do you plan on playing according to the original rules, or are you modifying things?

One of thems just camera shy, she's hiding behind her husband. I've modified to rules so none of them are married and they're non-monogamous and some different furniture (seriously my poor sims would be miserable without a shower.)

I actually first started this challenge on my old computer but it died after one round so I decided to spice things up a bit. No updates yet (haven't been able to play all week)

Delilah22 17th Mar 2018 1:47 AM

I'm popping in again to say I love this challenge! I've just done a bit of a census on my Sims and I would like to share it, because there have been a lot of deaths lol. I'm going to be making family trees for them but I'm only going to add a Sim to the tree once they age to adult. Otherwise the trees will be too big! Plus, I'm considering adult stage as having "made it" and it is an accomplishment. Not many live to be that old. Sad... Anyways

I started with 15 randomized adult Sims, 9 females and 6 males.
Of those 15 adults, only 10 had children that lived to be adults, 6 females and 4 males.
There were 30 Sims born to generation 2, but only 12 of them survived until adulthood, 8 females and 4 males.

My gene pool is looking a little thin but everyone has at least one Sim they can breed with. Gen 3 is starting to be born but the oldest is only a child so I have to keep playing to see if they survive!

I've also been working on a tech tree for the society; and I restarted the tree with Gen 2 when I restarted the neighbourhood because I had made significant changes since Gen 1. And I'm still changing it as I go along. I've completed writing the Neanderthal/Prehistoric part (the 1st Age, I'm calling it) and have done a bit of work on the 2nd Age (Romans). But they are still living in tents and are just about to start building houses so it will be awhile before I get there! Nevertheless, I'm having so much fun with these Sims. I've been slowly playing them for a few years and am now returning after a few month's break, and I'm very excited to get back into it.

I've also enjoyed reading this thread and everyone's stories! I'm currently reading it through again for probably the 4th time

Edit: I made the neighbourhood family tree! You can see it on my Simblr. Click here!

Astha123 30th Mar 2018 1:01 PM

I finally continued this challenge with my first generation and their kids and to immerse myself again, I read this thread. I can’t believe it’s still going!

Eldonyx 7th Apr 2018 12:58 AM

6 Attachment(s)
A little update on my game:
If you remember, I accidentally deleted my ToTC hood last summer, thus losing about two rounds (seasons) and a half of progress. That put me back at Round 5 1/2, where my Gen02 children were still teens, while I had been at the end of Round 7, where I had several Gen02 adults and even 2 Gen03 due to turn adult in the following round. It was a big setback, but not as big as I feared it would be, because I did have a backup stashed in the depths of an old computer.

It also turned into an interesting opportunity to observe two parallel timelines unfold (the in-game story being that the feys botched a magical ritual meant to transport them into a different world and broke time instead).
Having recently finished playing Round 6 for the second time in a year and having gotten my first Gen02 adults again, I am getting closer to when the timeline split - and yet farther, as things are not unfolding the same way they did before. Sims are dead who would have lived, and others live where they would have died - or not been born at all. And yet others' fates remain completely unchanged... It's all really fascinating to watch.

When I get to the end of Round 7, I will be posting comparison pics between the two timelines, but in the meantime, see the current genealogy trees below, as well as a few notes:

-Akora A and Quevrar P were a couple the first time around too, and believe it or not, they're the only Gen02 couple the two timelines have in common (Leskah K and Auna A were together for a short time in the first timeline too, but Auna died before anything important could happen).

-Funny fact: Valven U, the zombie (my sims won't know a zombie is dangerous until a first attack has happened, and this zombie is rather tame), is in couple with Alya A in this timeline, and if everything goes well, they will have a child next round. The first time around, though? He actually killed her. Didn't even eat her brains or anything - he just hated her enough to attack her the normal way.

-Quilrar P seems to be a brawler, and appears to have something against the U family: first he fought with U heir Urlven twice (and killed him the second time), and then he attacked new heir Valven U twice (causing his zombification the second time - it was a hidden trait of his, so when he died from his injuries, it didn't stick). He was the one to cause Valven's zombification the first time around too, and if I recall correctly, he was also the one to kill him definitively, even though Valven hadn't even tried to eat anyone's brains. The only other person Quilrar ever attacked was Faerffyn F, the first time around (in the new timeline, she drowned in a flood). She wasn't in couple with Valven then (he died much sooner), but still, it's a big coincidence...

-... And then there's the fact that, according to the points system on the excel sheet I keep the character info on, Quilrar got named heir of the P clan despite having two perfectly capable older brothers who even already have a family of their own, or one on the way. Clan leader Phyxrar liked the show of strength, I guess? Although there's also the little fact that, out of all surviving human P children, Quilrar is the only one who isn't Zeszyne's, but Jhuljss'... Phyxrar favoring an occasional lover's child over his legitimate ones looks like he's trying to get a message across to Zeszyne... who probably doesn't like the whole situation very much either way!

-Uhlsven, the U founder, died from his second multiple alien birth during Round 6; his widow Jhuljss promptly seized power. And with the eldest son already dead and the really funky (and increasingly smelly) stuff going on with the second, it seemed reasonable to name the third, Veszven, as heir. That status seems very fragile, however, because 1) his aspiration is Grilled Cheese, which in my game translates to crazy; and 2) his older sister, Ulvirva, considers him an enemy - and she's an evil witch who didn't hesitate to curse Phyxrar the last time she caught him with her mother. Honestly, I will be surprised if he's still heir (or even around) by the end of Round 6...

-Lltkah, the K founder, decided to pass on the torch as clan leader to his eldest son Leskah, who turned adult this round and now has two sons of his own (his daughter having been carried away in a flood and taken in by the feys).

-The Fs got quads they didn't have the first time around. It took me completely by surprise - they'd been relatively unscathed by multiple births so far.

Aand that's it for now, I think. Now I can only hope it won't take me another five months to play Round 7...

Kosti 9th Apr 2018 11:10 PM

Quote: Originally posted by YukiShine
So soon it's going to be a nightmare to keep track of each sim's generation number.

Because of this very reason I started to use genealogical softwar, My Family Tree is in my opinion the best for it. Easy to use, it track and count generations for you (you just have to enable the option to show generation numbers) and have a bunch of nice additional options like family time line or relation calculator (handy when looking for someone to marry in the same social class) and it's free.

Delilah22 11th Apr 2018 4:51 PM

@Eldonyx, I love your family trees! They look awesome

I haven't been playing my TOT lately, I've been distracted by my uberhood and the simplicity of modern-day Sims haha

Eldonyx 11th Apr 2018 7:48 PM

@Delilah22 Thanks!
I didn't specify it above because I've written about it before, but in case you didn't see those posts, I use XMind (the free download is plenty sufficient). Everything you see in those pictures was done directly in that program - the only thing I had to do outside of it is cut the A's tree pic in half because it was too big to be uploaded here.
The best part is that they're very easy to make and update, compared to everything else I've tried, and it's easier to keep everything straight and neat too. There are limitations, of course, but I would like to think my workarounds don't reduce the readability of it too much...

As for keeping track of generation numbers, well... looking at the tree kind of makes it easy, since in my game sims use the generation number following that of their parent of the clan they belong to (the father's usually), but elsewhere in my notes, such as when I save the sims' portraits, I always write their generation number before their name while naming the pic. Their generation number also appears pretty much everywhere they're mentioned in the files I use to keep track of them, so I end up remembering the info pretty fast.

Also, a quick update on my game I'm super happy about: I've started playing Round 7, and Alakagh got a Gold badge in Sewing, meaning he has now discovered the use of clothes (Soon there will be no more fig leaves. Yay!). Now I'm crossing my fingers for him to survive long enough (he's an elder now) to actually make clothes for his family, and teach them how to do it themselves too... Basically, it takes one round to share a discovery with one other sim, so I need him to survive until at least the end of Round 8/beginning of Round 9 if he is to teach anyone anything (and hopefully the chosen student won't die during the round either...)

LiliLiliLili 23rd Apr 2018 5:21 PM

Hi. I wonder if I could continue playing this by putting the saved neighborhood files into the game. I installed fewer EPs, because I realized withput them the graphics are lot better. My old games (all neighborhoods) had some bugs, like when sim tried to read a book they resetted themselves. :O

Or should I start a fresh clean save?

Eldonyx 24th Apr 2018 9:54 PM

@LiliLiliLili With fewer EPs, I don't think your old save will work at all. You can try, though, because it's been well over 10 years since the one time I tried something of the sort, so I might not be remembering correctly.

However, if you already had bugs, it might be better to start again with clean, empty templates, the whole thing - it's a pain to set up, but considering how long a ToT hood needs to be able to run, it's worth it.
If you want to keep your progress, you can try cloning your sims in SimPE and recreate everything in the new hood. Also a long process, but depending on how advanced in the challenge you are and how attached you are to your sims, it might be a good solution.

LiliLiliLili 25th Apr 2018 5:01 PM

I just thought about the last method today!

But it is indeed too time consuming and I'm not really a pro... I'll need to keep track of them more, so I can't remake them 100%... I mean the family tree, I haven't a way in simpe to check family trees, just households.

I think I might make a new... Because well I have different CC and such... I can make it better this time and different

LiliLiliLili 23rd May 2018 5:22 PM

17 Attachment(s)
I actually remade my sims 2 founders in sims 3. Or at least, based on them, because I changed the clothing style and don't really modified their facial structure. :/ I might come up with some color scheme for every household to distinguish them. I think it is much easier to create clothing in sims 3 and I can even copy them with mastercontroller to different outfit categories. Much easier.
I hope I can manage it with the story progression mod.

Frogsnack 25th May 2018 5:06 PM

4 Attachment(s)
Quote: Originally posted by ToriOlivia
@Frogsnack Thanks so much for replying so quickly! If you don't mind uploading, I love to check out your SP settings in game. So far I've picked my world-Cottonwood Hills which is an empty version of Sunset Valley. I plan on adding community lots appropriate for the different eras as I move through generations. I've created my five families and played almost a sim week with one family as of now. I decided to go with TS2 aging which was easy to set up. My Neanderthals will have a fairly short life span because honestly I'd like to get through the first era as fast as possible, I have it set to 75 sim days. Weekly rotation seemed like the easiest to keep track of so I'll stick to that as well.
I've disabled break ups and marriages, for now I'm just allowing boyfriend/girlfriends and will introduce marriage in the Roman Era. My sims can still cheat though
I've allowed non active sims to get pregnant but I'm not sure if I'll keep it just yet. There's already been 3 births in my non active families and 1 birth in my active household and can you believe they all had BOYS?! LOL! I really like the idea of having specific lifetime rewards for the different castes. The whole Nraas caste system is still a bit confusing to me but I'm trying to figure it out because I know how helpful it will be as time progresses and more sims are added to the mix.

Hey-- sorry! I've not been simming a whole lot lately as I became a Realtor recently and there are essentially no days off when starting this kind of business. I do want to make a video about how the caste system is set up, but I had some issues when filming it, I'll tag you somewhere when I finally get that together.

But I did get some time to play this week and I found my TOT settings (there are three columns down, it's from a spreadsheet);

Settings Overview for TOT!

Also my rule variants;

Also random update as I'm playing now, Shravan Edificae (I renamed him as his son is the current head, Brennan Edifice)
Shravan's wife is Ambrosia, they have five kids in the house; Livius, Iolius, Savan, Maral and Sargis. Sravan collects gems and cuts them to sell to the wealthy at the consignment shop (but if I had any idea of how I could make him work for a higher family without moving him out of his house I would). He also owns three items that could get him sent to the games; two gems over 1k and a bookshelf, but he's taking risks as he has something like 36 kids and grandkids and he's lived a pretty good life.

(also as naming people is my favorite part of this challenge, the newest babies in this tribal family are called Dilshad and Bahadur <3)+

@LiliLiliLili I lvoe your set up for the houses it's so cute! Small lots too, that should be fun soon

LiliLiliLili 27th May 2018 8:18 PM

17 Attachment(s)

But I just had a big spring cleaning session in my personal harddrive, I made decisions and stuff, so now I will not play sims 3 for some time, at least that setup as I deleted lots of things taking up several GBs. These are the times when you realize you also have duplicate pictures and childhood computer drawings consisting of scribble lines saved....... It is because I plan to put everything to DVDs in case every hard drive becomes damaged. And they said we don't have enough of them to put all of my GBs on it and I would not need most contents in the future. I also deleted Sims content. Before deleting most of my Sims backups and CCs too, I managed to get into the Sims 2 hoods! I was suprised the house remodels I did and new houses! I was at gen 2, however I cheated a bit with aging up them early. There are some babies (gen3) too. The game ran very slow due to graphics problem, but now I've uninstalled it. With just few EP it runs smoothly, though, so maybe I could play with those in a clean save in the future. So I got into the newly installed very slow game with every old save and tons of CC just to look around and take lots of pictures for future reference... But I also sorted them out and deleted most of them, so it is not much. Now, on topic, I show you the TOT hood's documentations.

The first pic is about the gen 2 couples and if they already had kids, them.
The next pictures are old house layouts, then after each of them the new ones I probably made around september 2016. (10 pictures) Poor Visking household's house is still the same. I don't know why I didn't remodel it, maybe I waited for something? Most of the updates were accomplished because some founders died and I got a lot of inheritance.
Then the next are the new houses. I figured I would actually have just 10 houses, because if I were to play longer then the remaining to-be married people would live in some founder houses.
The last picture is about the non-old age death sims. I ressurected them with insimenator just for the pictures.

Eldonyx 1st Jun 2018 3:42 PM

Hey people!
Just so you know, I've finally gotten around to creating a site for my ToTC. The link is in my signature.
Updates should be on Fridays, at least until the end of June.

LiliLiliLili 15th Jun 2018 1:34 PM

You have built a nice lot!

Skypoo412 29th Jun 2018 4:36 AM

I found this challenge a couple of years ago, but was too scared to try it out. I've been looking for some new things to try on the sims 2, and I can't wait to start this challenge

hedgekat 30th Jun 2018 12:09 AM

Saw this challenge a few days ago and decided I wanted to try it. I love history, especially the ancient variety. So I have started with the old Stone Age. Changed a few things. No farming, since that didn't start till later. Only foraging, hunting and fishing allowed. And I started with 16 sims, a group of four for each skin tone, though I have used mostly custom skins, all of which are geneticized. I put each group of four on a lot and let them decide who would partner whom. I have played all four groups two days each so far and so far they have not left their lots to hunt or fish but have managed to forage enough fruit and herbs to keep from starving. almost all of the couples are already pregnant and the first one has delivered. They each have a small cave to sleep in and shelter from the sun. they have a waterfall shower and a bush toilet, plus a midden for refuse. I use the simstone rock refrigerator and a campfire grill for cooking. No other appliances. Hay beds, pallets on the floor for babies, rocks and tree stumps for other furniture. It's been a blast building the lots but I hope it does not get boring. Skill building will be very difficult without books and the various hobbie items. And a couple of them are already dipping into the red on the aspiration meter, both fortune sims. No wants except make money and buy stuff. I do use a number of hacks, including ACR and Inge's teleporter bush. I am using the teleporter to get rid of the npcs as soon as they deliver their product. Have no townies or social groupies thanks to empty templates. I expect this to be very interesting and entertaining.

hedgekat 7th Jul 2018 8:05 PM

Have completed 4 days of play and all 8 women have given birth with a resulting 11 infants. One set of twins and one set of triplets. The twins are doing okay but the triplets are hungry most of the time. I am using BO's nursing hack but it only allows the mother to feed the infants. No wet nursing allowed. Of course in real life multiple infants would probably not have survived. Four of the infants have transitioned to toddler and their mothers are already expecting again, two of them by a different man. No marriage yet. And no expressed jealousy. I have my time progression set at 2 days = 1 year. So infants become toddlers after two days, child in 8 more days, teen in 14 days and adult in 14 days. Pregnancy lasts only 36 hours.

hedgekat 12th Jul 2018 10:32 PM

Have nearly completed Day 7, with 5 pregnancies completed in the second round of births, with three to go. Six babies so far, with 11 toddlers, most of them still crawling. Have discovered that toddlers can forage for their own food to a certain extent. Plumbbob Keep has a lot of mods suitable to the Stoneage Era. Seasonal fruit trees, vegetables, berry bushes, herbs, etc. Hunting and trapping are also available. The toddlers are able to pick up and eat fruit that has fallen from the fruit trees. I am endeavoring to play without any bottles and so far succeeding. I do use the Simstone high chair in order to feed the little ones too, but with more and more toddlers arriving the parents are having to spend more and more time caring for them. Ah, yes, the little ones can bathe themselves too. PBK has an item called Bathing Instincts which was designed for dogs but toddlers can use it too. If you're not familiar with PBK, here's the addy; . This takes you to Sun & Moon's Star Factory, the section where all these goodies reside. Made by Sunni and Fractured Moonlight. You will also find items that will spawn creatures for pets to hunt and eat so your sims don't have to feed them. And wild bee hives. And all sorts of crafting stations for your sims to learn through the ages.

Lisrouge 15th Jul 2018 6:57 AM

Do you have pictures of your challenge hedgekat?

hedgekat 20th Jul 2018 11:48 PM

8 Attachment(s)
@Lisrouge Yes, a few. Any particular types you would like to see? Let's see if I can figure out how to post them.

Lisrouge 26th Jul 2018 7:58 PM

Thanks! I love seeing how other challenges go. It gives me both motivation and inspiration. I really like your take, it feels like actual clans.

hedgekat 30th Jul 2018 6:14 AM

8 Attachment(s)
@lisrouge - Glad you enjoyed them. I am currently on Sunday, day 14. The birth rate has slowed down. Two reasons. The parents must spend so much time feeding and cleaning the children they have that they don't have much time for woohoo and I have adjusted the multiple birth mod to more normal ratios. Since all the children restore their energy bars much faster than the parents, the adults are pretty much working on shifts, in order to keep up with them. Staying up till exhausted and getting up again before fully rested. An clan has 2 kids, 4 toddlers and 2 brand new babies-twins. the first multiple birth for this clan. Bar Clan has 3 kids, 5 toddlers and 1 infant. Yof Clan has 4 kids, 4 toddlers and I baby expected on Monday. Dur Clan has 2 kids, 6 toddlers and 2 infants. And most of the toddlers are getting their toddler skills learned before they transition. A lot harder without smart milk. And the adults are having to learn only by doing. I allowed each clan to have one person study from the bookcase for 1 cooking skill. They have eaten a lot of burnt hotdogs. A couple of them have worked up to 2 skill levels. I will let the children use the bookcase to start near where their parents leave off, since in real life they would learn from their parents as they grow up. Here are some daily life pics.

Lisrouge 30th Jul 2018 2:34 PM

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Ooh, I like your bookcase idea for getting the kids to learn. My babies learn to talk or walk if they are lucky. 😂 Between running around pregnant, low aspiration worries, the darned heatwave , they should be glad they are still alive and have food. I forgot I have those mushrooms and trees in my game.

Edit: I had forgotten how needy plantsims can be.

hedgekat 3rd Aug 2018 2:20 AM

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I think my favorite part of TS2 is the genetics. I love watching how looks are transmitted from one generation to the next. There are often surprises. Here are the first set of kids to transition to child, each set with their respective parents. I've noticed that some of my recent skin acquisitions that look wonderful on the adults put makeup on children too, and even toddlers and babies. For now I am trying to take it off with plainer makeup, though normally my sims don't get makeup till at least teenage

Lisrouge 3rd Aug 2018 3:44 PM

1 Attachment(s)
hedgekat, I love the genetics part of it too. <3

And I thought, here it is. The end... But I had to put in a mod that gives you the option to choose to shower with hot or cold water. The sims would get "stuck" in the shower, so I used move objects to take the sim out and delete the shower. And that's when it happened. I took out the mod and then deleted the shower to see if it happened again, but it didn't. Phew! Although, if the game is going to implode on me, now is the best time since I'm still on G2.

hedgekat 28th Aug 2018 3:04 AM

5 Attachment(s)
Have begun day 20. the Tribe has grown from 16 to 60 in these 10 years. Every day there has been at least one birth, starting on day 2. The most born on a single day has been 6, on day 3. That included the only set of triplets. There have been 5 sets of twins. Three of the caves have become so crowded that two of the adults in each are now sleeping in a leather tent outside. But Winter is coming. I've played through four seasons of summer and now the Ice Age is approaching. Currently have one more day left in Fall. I plan on Winter lasting 10 days before having a brief spring and summer and fall. Those three seasons will be crammed into 10 days. Probably 3-4-3. Hope the clans have enough food stored. Anyone know how much a fridge will hold? Each clan has near 3000 or more fruits and veggies in storage along with fish and game. I'm really looking forward to when they can get out of the caves and move into the Neolithic age. Anyone else still playing? How far along are you?

I've noticed that every evening, no matter which family I am playing, a few adult members of the other clans will show up to visit. They have not been greeted, as far as I have ever seen, although the children are often outside, playing tag or something and could possibly greet someone. I'm usually busy inside the cave, making sure the adults feed and clean the toddlers. They'll give them bottles autonomously but cave dwellers didn't have bottles so I insist on mush. I'll be glad when the oldest kids become teen so they can help tend the little ones.

LiliLiliLili 16th Oct 2018 12:21 PM

How is it going, guys? Did someone advance into the Roman or Medieval age?

LauriMizutani 18th Oct 2018 1:14 AM

A few years ago, I did actually make it to the Roman period. But soon after that I made the decision to play each age as a different hood. I've lost almost all those hoods between crashing hard drives, and new hard drives, and system restores etc. So I've decided to try again. :D

LiliLiliLili 18th Oct 2018 8:33 PM

I still have pictures of my first, original one. Since then I tried to redo it in either game, but then I scrapped it. I don't know if I'll ever play it again, but I have the memory of my sweet sims from the stone age... And formed semi-OC-s out of 6 people... The weird thing is, that in that version the siblings are not even related, just two, and the other two are married. xD

LauriMizutani 19th Oct 2018 3:41 AM

Building for my Neanderthals now. I allow myself one extra table, because the phone is a table phone. :D

TheFlyingRaccoon 27th Oct 2018 7:51 PM

Hello everyone!

Yes, I'm still alive. If there is even anyone left in this thread who knows who I am? XD I hadn't played my test of time hood since around March. Just because this year was very busy so far. Also, my boyfriends computer broke and so he's been using mine, while I was a lot on my laptop (where I can't play the game). So that's that. But I'm back playing and finished round 13 yesterday evening.

Quote: Originally posted by LiliLiliLili
How is it going, guys? Did someone advance into the Roman or Medieval age?

Well, technically I have reached the roman age, if you count the founders as generation 1. As most people do, I think? But since I'm not really playing according to the orginal rules, my sims have quite a time to go before they reach anything remotely resembling advanced civilisation. :P

I don't know how interesting this is for most people that are still active in this thread, because a lot of you seem to be still in the early stages, but I spent some time yesterday evening trying to figure out how to make finding possible matches for your sims easiest when you're quite a few generations along. I think I'm going to put this behind a spoiler, since I don't think I can explain without listing examples.

Oh, and @Frogsnack - I saw that you uploaded a couple videos recently-ish, but haven't gotten around to watching them yet. ^^"

LiliLiliLili 30th Oct 2018 6:22 PM

Oh I don't play, but a force leads me here, so I am wondering what is up with other challengers. :3 Soo I can't tell any story about my experiences.

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