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Elena Swan 17th Apr 2010 4:08 PM

Me, me and... ME!!! Does my cat count?

How many dreams you have in one night?

HEAVEN-SENT 17th Apr 2010 4:22 PM


how many pieces of veg do you eat in a day?

NightlyEMP 17th Apr 2010 4:44 PM

1-3 servings.

How many times have you complained today?

Wartooth 17th Apr 2010 5:04 PM

None yet. But it's only 8 in the morning, and I woke up like two hours ago, so there wasn't much time.

How many times have you complimented someone today?

Zinthos 17th Apr 2010 5:02 PM

Once. Wait, twice. No, quite a few times. Thanks to DeviantART comments.

How many is too many?

HEAVEN-SENT 17th Apr 2010 5:13 PM

5 but depends what it is.

how many songs have you listened to today?

minus. 17th Apr 2010 5:16 PM

46. Yes, I counted it.

How many books have you read this month?

NightlyEMP 17th Apr 2010 7:40 PM


Via your Favorites list, how many favorite downloads do you have on MTS?

PharaohHound 17th Apr 2010 7:45 PM


How many comments does your most downloaded creation have?

KyleTheArtist 17th Apr 2010 7:55 PM

I don't know, i did not upload anything yet.

How many times do you go jogging/other exercises a week?

Wartooth 17th Apr 2010 8:25 PM

At least 4, but that's because the government makes us.

How many times have you facepalmed today?

supaclova 17th Apr 2010 9:08 PM


How many cans of soda have you had today? (I've had 3...I'm gonna be fat and dead by the age of 20 )

Zinthos 17th Apr 2010 9:10 PM

None. I haven't had any pop since last Friday.
Only my Grandma gives me pop.

How many times are you going to read this, looking for some sort of logical question?

supaclova 17th Apr 2010 9:11 PM

1. :D

How many links are in your signature?

Zinthos 17th Apr 2010 9:13 PM


How many trees can you see outside the window?

PharaohHound 17th Apr 2010 9:37 PM

Approximately 20.

How many bras do you own?

Elena Swan 17th Apr 2010 9:46 PM

7 :P

How many pens/pencils can you see in your room? (don't include pens/pencils in your drawers)

Wartooth 17th Apr 2010 9:54 PM

None... well, one, if the tablet pen counts, but it doesn't write on anything other than the graphics tablet, so maybe not?

How many times have you done something stupid because someone you trust told you to?

Elena Swan 17th Apr 2010 10:17 PM

Many times... trust me...

How many times can you listen to the same song without want to change it?

Wartooth 17th Apr 2010 10:17 PM

At least 86 times. I know because I've done it before and counted in iTunes.

How many times can you listen to the same album on repeat without changing it?

Ebonova 17th Apr 2010 10:22 PM

About 5 times. Then it just gets too annoying.

How many times have you sneezed in the past hour?

Wartooth 17th Apr 2010 10:39 PM


How many times have you screamed this week?

KyleTheArtist 17th Apr 2010 10:49 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Torako-Tiger-Girl
At least 4, but that's because the government makes us.


Once, at the pigeons that were in my way when I was jogging.

How many cookies did you eat this week?( or any other sweet pastry)

Wartooth 17th Apr 2010 10:51 PM

^ yes, seriously.

I have eaten two cookies and/or other sweet pastries this week, I believe.

How many dollars have you spent on junk food this week?

KyleTheArtist 17th Apr 2010 11:00 PM

^where do you live?
I haven't spent any, but my husband did and Id on't know how much xD

How many cups of coffee/tea you drunk this week?

NightlyEMP 17th Apr 2010 11:40 PM

I've had 1/2 a cup of coffee. Not much of a hot-beverages kind of a person.

How many people do you know named 'Ashley' (or variant spellings)? (I had 5 in my class!)

DigitalSympathies 18th Apr 2010 12:46 AM

Like . . . 2? It's not that popular here. The most popular name where I live is Grayson/Greyson for girls and Zach/Zack for boys. :P

How many school uniforms do you have according to season? (Like how many summer uniform variations, how many winter)

KyleTheArtist 18th Apr 2010 1:39 AM

None. The school i used to go to only had two variations.

How many disney movies have you seen?

Sims2Storywriter 18th Apr 2010 1:41 AM

like.. 7

How many cupcakes have you made?

supaclova 18th Apr 2010 1:37 AM

0. Cupcakes are ICK.

How many people use your computer?

NightlyEMP 18th Apr 2010 2:07 AM

My actual computer, just me, but that's in the shop right now. The family computer, 3 including myself for now.

How many loads of laundry have you done this week?

supaclova 18th Apr 2010 2:04 AM

0. I don't do laundry. ;P

How many hours have you been on the computer today?

KyleTheArtist 18th Apr 2010 2:19 AM

about 4. Going on my laptop right now to play simmies.

For how many hours can you play sims?

Sims2Storywriter 18th Apr 2010 2:34 AM

Most I've played is about 15.

How many times have you gone to Bath and Body works and sniffed the lotions?

NightlyEMP 18th Apr 2010 3:39 AM

Zero. I love their lotions & body sprays (Cherry Blossom & Black Raspberry Vanilla - mm!) but I've never actually been there before.

How many times have you replied to this thread in the last 24 hours?

DigitalSympathies 18th Apr 2010 4:19 AM

Erm, this time and another?

Are you annoyed with someone at the moment?

NightlyEMP 18th Apr 2010 4:31 AM

*cough* I'll rephrase it *cough* "How many people are you annoyed with right now?"


How many times have you said your own name today?

Wartooth 18th Apr 2010 4:53 AM

None. I've only talked to three people, y'see. *feels isolated and agoraphobic*

How many chocolates have you eaten today?

Zinthos 18th Apr 2010 9:07 AM

Well, I just got up, but yesterday I ate one chocolate bar.

How many times are you going to watch my avatar before you start actually reading my question?

HEAVEN-SENT 18th Apr 2010 1:00 PM

0 because i already stopped reading it yesterday lol

how many birthday partys have u had?

PharaohHound 18th Apr 2010 3:41 PM

Probably ten-ish. I dunno, parties aren't my thing.

How many days a week do you sleep in past 11 am?

HEAVEN-SENT 18th Apr 2010 3:43 PM

0 . i always wake up between 7am and 9am

how many hours in a day do u go to school?

Zinthos 18th Apr 2010 4:10 PM

8.45 - 3.20.

How many hours is that? (Says the girl who got 150/159 in her module :P)

NightlyEMP 18th Apr 2010 4:41 PM

6 hours and 35 minutes.

How many groups are you a member of in the MTS forum?

HEAVEN-SENT 18th Apr 2010 6:08 PM

5 i think

how many pairs of shoes do you own?

Wartooth 18th Apr 2010 6:40 PM

At least 10. But we kind of need them around here.

How many times have you kicked or punched someone today? (ja i'm in violent mood)

HEAVEN-SENT 18th Apr 2010 6:42 PM


how many sayings do you have?

KyleTheArtist 18th Apr 2010 8:21 PM

too many.

How much CC do you have( file wise)

jewaukeela 18th Apr 2010 8:45 PM

None now, since I just got a new game. But for TS2, literally thousands of pieces.

NightlyEMP 18th Apr 2010 9:13 PM

The person above me didn't ask a question, so I'll answer Kyle's:

Up until a few nights ago, I had hundreds for TS2 and maybe 100 for TS3.

How many sports do you watch?

jewaukeela 18th Apr 2010 9:17 PM

(sorry about that)


How many TV shows do you watch?

PharaohHound 18th Apr 2010 9:44 PM

Regularly? Bones, Doctor Who and House. I also try to catch What Not to Wear, This Hour Has 22 Minutes and Doc Zone.

How many different genres do you have on your iPod?

KyleTheArtist 18th Apr 2010 9:51 PM

Oh jeez, so many... of top of my head I can think of 3: Rock, Alternative and Techno.

How many pens do you have?

PharaohHound 18th Apr 2010 10:09 PM

Over a hundred, mostly various art pens.

How many different species of animals have you had as pets?

KyleTheArtist 18th Apr 2010 10:13 PM

let's see: cats, dog, lizard, birds, hamster...5?

How many cell phones did you have throughout your life time?

Wartooth 18th Apr 2010 10:28 PM

One, technically.

How many dollars have you spent on completely survival-unneccessary food today?

KyleTheArtist 18th Apr 2010 10:30 PM

none. I spent dollar something yesterday for husband lunch food( using his employee discount that's why it was so cheap)

How many times did you try to recreate you favorite character as a sim?

Wartooth 18th Apr 2010 11:39 PM

It's like you knew it was going to be me... at least 3 times... looking for the perfect hair and then that #()%&)(#ing moustache, which I can't find...

How many times have you fed a pet or a person today?

KyleTheArtist 18th Apr 2010 11:40 PM

once. I give them full bowl of food each day. They devour it by morning.

How many sit ups can you do in one go?

Rabid 19th Apr 2010 12:02 AM

About 100, give or take a few. Depends how motivated I am .

How many minutes does it take you to run a mile?

Daisie 19th Apr 2010 2:25 AM

Somewhere around eight and a half. I'm not exactly in shape. :P

How many hours each week do you read for pleasure?

NightlyEMP 19th Apr 2010 3:55 AM

Less than an hour a week. If I have a good book and free time though, I've read 3 books in one day before, non-stop (Dave Pelzer trilogy.. sad story but addicting to read)

How many pets have you had in your lifetime?

DigitalSympathies 19th Apr 2010 5:19 AM

Um . . . like, 12?

How many posts have you made today?

KyleTheArtist 19th Apr 2010 5:47 AM

Oh jee, good question xD hum...maybe 50ish?...

How many letters are in your name?( surname included.)

NightlyEMP 19th Apr 2010 5:56 AM

16 (Emily Marie _6__).

How many status updates have you posted today (Facebook, MySpace, whatever)?

Wartooth 19th Apr 2010 6:07 AM

One. Or two. Nevermind, one.

How many vowels are there in your name (given and surname?)

Ebonova 19th Apr 2010 6:51 AM

Aleksandra Maria _____. 9

How many a's do you have in your name (all your names)

KyleTheArtist 19th Apr 2010 8:50 AM

Anastasia, thus 4. And methinks two in my maiden name.

How many s' do you have in your name?(all)

DollyRot 19th Apr 2010 10:46 AM


How many game consoles do you have?

PharaohHound 19th Apr 2010 2:08 PM


How many Sims expansion packs (all three games!) do you own?

DollyRot 19th Apr 2010 3:13 PM

All of them.

How many relatives do you trust with your life?

Wartooth 19th Apr 2010 4:10 PM

Uh... 1, 2, 3, 4, I think that's all.

How many consonants do you have in your whole name?

NightlyEMP 19th Apr 2010 4:44 PM

Emily Marie _____. 9.

How many times have you thought "I wish my parents gave me a more original name?"

HEAVEN-SENT 19th Apr 2010 7:06 PM

how many middle names do you have?

PharaohHound 19th Apr 2010 7:08 PM


How many weddings have you been to?

HEAVEN-SENT 19th Apr 2010 7:31 PM


how many friends do u have on facebook?

KyleTheArtist 19th Apr 2010 8:54 PM


how many Disney songs you like?

Rabid 19th Apr 2010 9:29 PM

Almost all of them.

How many times have you gotten sick this year?

KyleTheArtist 19th Apr 2010 10:09 PM

So far twice. Older SIL poisoned me with her chicken nuggets( she can't cook to safe her life. I don't know if she purposely poisoned me though..I know she hates my guts, I wouldn't doubt.) and I stayed in bed for whole day puking my brains out. Then the second that is over, I got cold. Two weeks in bed and sh*t load of tea. Eff U En Excuse the rant.

How many times a day do you shower?

NightlyEMP 19th Apr 2010 10:19 PM

Once. Occasionally I'll skip a day (example: I showered last night so I could skip it today and have a great hair day).

How many songs are you ashamed to liking?

KyleTheArtist 19th Apr 2010 11:56 PM

2. Hotel by Pitbull and Sexy Chick by akon( I only like the instrumentals though, because words are annoying.)

How many remixes do you like?

Ebonova 20th Apr 2010 1:17 AM

1. Lady GaGa's Bad Romance one. I usually don't like remixes.

How many artists do you like but are ashamed to admit?

xhyleh 20th Apr 2010 1:28 AM

2. I love Super Junior and Home Made Kazoku - they're all Asian groups (Korean and Japanese).

How many times have you been fired from work?

Ebonova 20th Apr 2010 1:36 AM

None. Never had a job yet.

How many times have you been yelled at today?

xhyleh 20th Apr 2010 1:48 AM

0. I've passed that stage, and I'm the one doing most of the yelling now.

How many times per month d'you go out to drink?

DollyRot 20th Apr 2010 2:25 AM

Consindering I only just turned legal, Once. I prefer to stay home.

How many different avatars have you had?

Sims2Storywriter 20th Apr 2010 2:27 AM


How many flowers do you have in your garden/s?

supaclova 20th Apr 2010 2:33 AM

None right now. The snow just melted about a week ago...

How many concerts/shows have you ever been in?

xhyleh 20th Apr 2010 3:24 AM

0. I don't get the point of jostled in a crowd of people just to see one person/group.

How many ICONsf have you been to?

Wartooth 20th Apr 2010 4:47 AM

None... what is that?

How many times have you changed your avatar in the last week?

NightlyEMP 20th Apr 2010 5:12 AM

0. I've only changed my avatar maybe 5 times in the (nearly) 3 years I've been here.

How many blue items are within reach right now?

Wartooth 20th Apr 2010 5:13 AM

12... that was a cool question.

How many glass things are within your reach right now?

NightlyEMP 20th Apr 2010 5:30 AM

2. My eye-glasses and the lightbulb on my desk lamp.

How many TV shows do you enjoy that were made before you were born?

PharaohHound 20th Apr 2010 7:45 PM

Well, Doctor Who started before I was born. xD That would be one.

How many flash drives do you own?

Zinthos 20th Apr 2010 7:57 PM

None. xD

How many favourites do you have on YouTube?

NightlyEMP 20th Apr 2010 9:37 PM


Aside from the computer & mouse, how many electronics are within reach right now?

fthomas 20th Apr 2010 10:17 PM


How many role models do you have?

NightlyEMP 20th Apr 2010 10:38 PM

Um.. zero. Love my family to death, but I'm the type of person that wants to acheive a lot more and be more successful than they became, rather than bouncing around to different jobs and different spouses.

How many times have you checked the weather forecast this week?

Wartooth 21st Apr 2010 1:30 AM

None... I'm not the kind of person who care about the weather, as long as it's not the metalocalypse (lol if you get the joke) or Armageddon then we're fine.

How many books are in the room with you (or if you're outside: how many books can you see around you?)

Rabid 21st Apr 2010 2:44 AM

Hundreds. I'm in the study, which is where all textbooks, reference books, and scholarly materials that have ever been used by my family and myself are kept.

How many rings are you wearing?

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