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EvilOverlord 18th Aug 2009 12:12 PM

your not the first person
I also bit Nintendo's hand

Beata125 18th Aug 2009 12:15 PM

lol *magically heals hand*

EvilOverlord 18th Aug 2009 12:18 PM

*eats the healed hand*

Sowie, I just like the blood

Beata125 18th Aug 2009 12:18 PM

*makes Al throw up and claims hand*

EvilOverlord 18th Aug 2009 12:21 PM

whats up with calling me Al
My names is ALICIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*drinks a blood slush puppie*

Beata125 18th Aug 2009 12:22 PM

Its just easier

EvilOverlord 18th Aug 2009 1:56 PM

Then I'm calling you Bea

Beata125 18th Aug 2009 1:57 PM

that's fine with me. You can even call me Bee. Its EVEN easier.

EvilOverlord 18th Aug 2009 1:58 PM

ok Bee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Please dont sting me
Seriously, im allergic

Beata125 18th Aug 2009 3:17 PM

(LOL!!!!) Be nice and I wont sting

TheGuySim 22nd Sep 2009 9:12 PM

yup gotta be my nose; it goes from here (ireland) to half way round the world!

Death Princess 22nd Sep 2009 10:30 PM

I love people with big noses.

TheGuySim 23rd Sep 2009 6:01 PM

lol but mine just goes diagonally, it doesn't curve up if you know what I mean.

Randir 1st Oct 2009 1:45 PM

So it's shaped a bit like a "D"?

Death Princess 1st Oct 2009 1:54 PM

I love big noses whatever shape they are. I really do.

Randir 1st Oct 2009 2:09 PM

As long as the nose fits to the face...

Death Princess 1st Oct 2009 2:16 PM


jvardon 11th Oct 2009 11:40 AM

i hate my big nose. i want it shrunk and my skin is waaaaaaaay to prone to scarring.

and i have this weird thing where i bite my fingernails if they're short.
but if i manage to let them grow long i wont bite them.

candiiee 11th Oct 2009 1:01 PM

My eyes change colour with my mood. It's freaky. They're amber when I'm tired, light green when I'm confused, dark green when I'm happy, black when I'm angry and grey-ish green when I'm sad.

Beata125 12th Oct 2009 7:45 PM


candiiee 13th Oct 2009 5:22 PM


racer123246 30th Nov 2009 9:11 PM

Kewl, wish mine were like that

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