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NightmareCandle 2nd Aug 2009 10:57 PM


I usually let my black nail polish chip. I usually only wear black nail polish. ^.^

minus. 2nd Aug 2009 11:02 PM

no nail polish for me.

I always clip my hair with the same clip, though I have like 100 of them.

Liekomgz 2nd Aug 2009 11:04 PM

Hmm, I don't really put clips in my hair. I don't know if I ever put clips in my hair.

I always seem to pick at my fingers. it seems like I stop doing it for awhile then I start doing it again after a whole year or even months.

FrauleinSlim 2nd Aug 2009 11:48 PM

Not really...

I have a compulsion for making lists. I have to make lists for everything, or I'll not remember. (this includes writing in my hand things I must remember)

lethifold 2nd Aug 2009 11:55 PM

I hate making lists. I generally just go with what needs to be done, purely by what I remember.

I'm a compulsive fiddler. I'm always playing with something or tapping or finding something to do with my hands.

Raindrops757 3rd Aug 2009 12:00 AM

Kind of, I do it when I'm nervous about something.

I can never leave the door of my wardrobe open if I'm going to bed or going out of my room. I don't really know why...

FrauleinSlim 3rd Aug 2009 12:05 AM

Me too! All doors have to be closed in my room, otherwise I can't fall asleep.

I used to bite my nails when I was a kid (I'm not sure this is the right expression, but you got the idea)

PharaohHound 3rd Aug 2009 12:43 AM

Eeew, never!

I have an everything on my iPod from jazz to rock to electronic to indie to opera. I'll listen to almost anything that's musically interesting.

Charley-x 3rd Aug 2009 1:14 AM

nope. mines mostly R&B, hip-hop, pop, rap with a smidge some blues/country.

i never leave the house without my ipod.

Dreamydre 3rd Aug 2009 1:16 AM

Sometimes but not often.

I think Football is a dangerous sport.

Charley-x 3rd Aug 2009 1:19 AM

nope. far more worse. like boxing and fighting.....or racing, you can topple over yano!

i like clicking my back..

Dreamydre 3rd Aug 2009 1:21 AM

Clicking your back? What the eff? You mean clicking your browsers backspace button or like cracking your back?

Charley-x 3rd Aug 2009 1:23 AM

Cracking my back... but in england we say clicking :P

Dreamydre 3rd Aug 2009 1:25 AM

ahhh, I see. Yeah I do that sometimes.

I think Ferret Fox's are cute.

Charley-x 3rd Aug 2009 1:26 AM

uhm. i duno what they are, and atm i'm to lazy to google search.

i drink coca-cola out of the big bottles, when my mum says to use a glass.

FrauleinSlim 3rd Aug 2009 1:41 AM

Me too! But not out of the big ones, just the small ones.

I always forget to turn off the lights when I leave the room/house, even though I know the world is running out of water

Charley-x 3rd Aug 2009 1:43 AM

i hate being alone for a long amout of time..

minus. 3rd Aug 2009 1:47 AM

I sort of like being alone.

when I put up new posters on my wall, the new ones can't cover the faces of the people in the old ones, if you get what I mean.

Charley-x 3rd Aug 2009 1:52 AM

dont have posters..
i hate going out without a necklace.

Raindrops757 3rd Aug 2009 2:12 AM

Nope, I don't usually wear jewellery.

I always count things out in fives - like it has to be five seconds before I open the microwave when something's ready or if I have to scratch my neck, I'll do it five times. I think it's one of my weirder quirks.

Rabid 3rd Aug 2009 3:13 AM


I can crack just about every part of my body, save my back. Fingers, toes, knees, neck, jaw, ankles, and shoulder.

zauberlinda12 3rd Aug 2009 3:31 AM

I have a habit of cracking the left side of my jaw.

I cannot stand it when people say orientated instead of oriented.

Dreamydre 3rd Aug 2009 5:25 AM


I'm a very hot-headed person, so I'm easy to irritate and sometimes I hate it! But I can't help it.

Rabid 3rd Aug 2009 6:52 AM

I'm the exact opposite. My family jokes that, while most children inherit the temper of one of their parents, I didn't even get a temper gene. It's very, very hard to provoke me. I'm a very calm, rational person, and I always act with my head, never my heart. It's not always a good thing.

I like to get as much natural light into a room as possible for as long as possible. I won't turn the lamps on until it's dark enough that they become absolutely necessary.

zauberlinda12 3rd Aug 2009 7:21 AM

I've been like that since I was a kid. It used to depress me when my mom would turn the lamps on in the living room in the morning before school if it was the least little bit dark out.

It irritates me to see people type with their index fingers only

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