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HEAVEN-SENT 24th Dec 2012 12:48 AM

Nope it was #1

1.I hate chocolate
2.I hate hot drinks
3.I am listening to music

Sterling_Archer 24th Dec 2012 1:09 AM

Yes it is 1

You answer is 1

1. I like watching TV
2. I exercise regularly
3. I am wearing orange pants

SweetCat4444 24th Dec 2012 2:29 AM

@heavensent, Yes, although I did rip the wrapping paper
#3, if you do have orange pants, that's awesome

1. I'm baking some chocolate chip cookies right now
2. Now there is flour all over the floor
3. I shouldn't have been wearing this black shirt

squaretable 24th Dec 2012 10:55 AM

No SweetCat, as far as I know 2, or at least always.
1) I have an iPhone
2) I have Sattelite TV
3) I have two brothers

HEAVEN-SENT 24th Dec 2012 6:55 PM

@ dani - yes


1.I have already opened 4 of my xmas presents
2.3 of my nieces have chickenpox
3.I have 2 older sisters

Deadly Spoon 24th Dec 2012 9:50 PM

Actually no.3


1. I just got generations!!!
2. And WA!!
3. And supernatural!!!

X-mas is awesome!!
its not even X-mas day!!

squaretable 24th Dec 2012 10:18 PM

No, 1, iPhones are to bloody overpriced for me to buy one!
1) I am the oldest child
2) I got a 7A in my History Assesment (or a C at year 11 GCSE)
3) I have played sims all day today!

HEAVEN-SENT 24th Dec 2012 10:24 PM

@spoon - yes

1.I am watching call the midwife
2.i am watch six little mcghees
3.i have not written out all mt xmas cards

squaretable 24th Dec 2012 10:28 PM

Call the midwife isn't on yet! It's EastEnders! So 1!
And no, 3! Although I have been on the computer all day playing "CivCity Rome"

Deadly Spoon 24th Dec 2012 10:35 PM

nope no. 3

1.there is candy in my hair
2.I havn't installed any of my new EPs yet
3. nine is my favorite

SweetCat4444 24th Dec 2012 10:48 PM

@squaretable, Yes, although my black shirt turned white with all of the flour.
#1, I hope you don't have candy in your hair....

1. It's snowing!!!!!!!!!!!!
2. I'm about to go eat one of my cookies, I made too many. Want one?
3. I finished all of my Christmas cards today.

squaretable 24th Dec 2012 10:57 PM


1) just watched a little Cracker on Sky.
2) also watching outnumbered!
3) just watched the Merlin finale on BBC 1

Deadly Spoon 24th Dec 2012 11:17 PM

yep number 1


1. Maria is my middle name
2. I don't know how to post pictures on this website
3. ........ I cant think of anything else

squaretable 24th Dec 2012 11:37 PM

1) I'm supposed to be asleep
2) Im on my BlackBerry
2) It's xMas Eve still

SweetCat4444 24th Dec 2012 11:58 PM

@squaretable, No, it was #3.

1. I have 2 hours until Christmas!!
2. I haven't ate anything all day
3. Where I'm at the snow covered the drive way and road

squaretable 25th Dec 2012 12:09 AM

1) still awake!
2) Im clueless to why the wifi is on..
3) I lovee your avatar :lovestruc:

SweetCat4444 25th Dec 2012 12:23 AM

#2? If #3 is true, than thanks, yours is cute :lovestruc

1. I want to visit London
2. I've already been to Paris
3. I'm really colddd right now

Deadly Spoon 25th Dec 2012 5:56 PM

@ square nope #1


1. Christmas day!!
2. all I got was clothes
3. I'm wearing my new hat

HEAVEN-SENT 26th Dec 2012 4:13 PM

@squaretable - wrong it was 2,cos i was Watching Call The Midwife on my laptop


1.I got a new camera for xmas
2.I love the movie Rent
3.I have never seen the musical Wicked

SweetCat4444 27th Dec 2012 8:45 AM

@deadlyspoon, No, it was #2.

1. I'm playing a game I got for Christmas right now
2. I got hit by a snowball yesterday
3. I threw it back at him

HEAVEN-SENT 27th Dec 2012 12:01 PM

wrong it was #1


1.I want a kitten
2.I want to go see penguins sisters dog does not like me

squaretable 27th Dec 2012 11:05 PM

@sweetcat.... Ooops all 3 were true...
1) Im using my new Laptop
2) My mum offered to buy me a tablet but I said no
3) Im NOT looking for a relationship

SweetCat4444 28th Dec 2012 2:42 AM

@heavensent, No, it was #3, I couldn't throw it back because my hands were full with other people's presents.


1. I got new boots for Christmas that are soo fluffy
2. I'm going to listen to the CD I got for Christmas
3. I fell on the ice outside yesterday

RoboArtist 28th Dec 2012 9:55 AM


1- i am awesome
2- i like pie
3- im a virgin

Sterling_Archer 2nd Jan 2013 4:31 AM

Quote: Originally posted by RoboArtist

1- i am awesome
2- i like pie
3- im a virgin


1. I just got back from holidays
2. I lost my wallet on an airplane
3. I have a PS3

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