Luke, tell everyone to go look at my Nintendork Background
Luke, YOUR FACE!!!!
Do any of you ever wander what would have happened if Luke had never figured out Leiga (the heck do you spell that?) was his sister? *sudders* On second though, I don't want to think about it. |
Luke, don't win against a wookie at chess.
*Shudders at the thought* Han Solo is WAYYYYY more AWESOME! |
Luke,why do you have such a stupid name???
Luke, your name sucks.
Luke Liz is right,change your name!
luke, i am going away for a week, not darth vader but unlaced, seems like a crappy first luke-i'm-your-thingy but it's an awesome way to say it.
Luke, how deep is your love? :P
Luke, have you got a new name? Is it Steven?
Steven, I still don't like your name. |
Stiven, you're stupid.
Steven, change your name to something cool. ::
Steven,change your name back to Luke. I can kill you easier with that name.
Luke, Nas Ne Dagoniat
(Russian for Not Gonna Get Us by t.A.T.u) |
Luke, use the force and kill hm/miley cyrus! Oh wait, I'd like the pleasure of doing it myself.
Luke, burn in hell. *evil laugh*
Luke, Ri reminded me of a song by The Used
Luke, did you miss me?
Luke, you changed your name back? ::
Luke, luke, luke, luke ,luke, Luke!
Luke, lets go get drunk.
Luke, um, hi.
Luke, not this shizz again. P!ss off.
Luke, how can you stand 18 pages of witty remarks?
Luke, you can't, can you?
Luke, don't break down on me! (Save that for tree4me!) He he he!
Luke, excuse me while I break down before you can.
Luke, I'm off to dinner!
Luke, tell Kopple I said bai!
Luke, Peas and Carrots
Luke, Carrots and Peas.
Luke, Parrots and Ceas.
| salad! :: I know it's probably spelt wrong, but I don't care.
Luke, I don't care. :: |
Luke, *Sigh*
Luke, is Kopple alright?
Luke, I heard Kopple is just tired.
Luke, tell Kopple that he needs sleep, even though it's only 8 at night.
Luke, Tell that tree over there that I want to sleep but I want dessert first!
Luke, tell Kopple that he's deluisional, and is talking to an oak tree, not me.
Luke, tell Liz her idea is good
Luke, This was exactly was the therapist was talking about!
Luke, don't joke about therapists, because they really do help out.
Luke, I know, but 10 bucks an hour, no way!
Luke, I have a short atten- CHOCOLATE MILK!?
Luke, tell Lew, I did
Luke, me tired. *yawn*
Luke, Goodnight.
Luke, Thanks for saying night night.
Luke, I think you have many stalkers
Luke, Lew made me laugh-hard.
Luke, .............. what was i saying before? oh yeah, i have a short attenti- LUKE, LOOK, IT'S A CHICKEN!
Luke, touch my body, throw me on the floor, hustle me around, play with me some more.
Luke, what's for breakfast?
Luke, Papa don't preach
Why is this thread still on topic?
Luke, why isn't this thread still on topic?
Mary, Where have your lambs gone?
"My Name is Luke!" Oh. PINEAPPLE??? |
Luke, this is my 1,000th post!!
Luke, Congratulations to the person above me!
Luke, welcome to The Girls Room!!! Please leave pants at door
Luke, don't leave your pants in the potplant!
Luke, I can haz ham cookies?
Luke, You just ate ma ham cookies!
Luke, I'm going to KICK. YOUR. ASS.
Luke, you suck!
Luke, you have no idea how lucky I am. ::
Lukey poo!
Luke, you strong, sexy man you!!!
Luke, why so serious?
Luke, Thank You so much for-to playin' my game!! (SM64 Ending)
Luke, you can't handle the truth!
Luke, I'm going to bed, good day...I said good day!! |
Luke, pass the salt
Luke, I'm surrounded by your embrace ;P
(Night All) |
Luke, cya.
Luke, consider that a lucky escape.
Luke, are you wearing...lipstick?
Luke, where's my horse?
Luke, why are we back ontopic?
Luke, tell Ri because we are EPIC like that.
Luke,I am your boyfriend.
Luke, you are a disgrace to the entire human race.
Luke, I am gay, Palpatine's your father.
Luke, your mom was a slut
Luke, your dad was a bi. |
Luke, do you want coffee? Oh right... the final fight...
*beheads Luke* |
Luke, tell Lew that I happen to think Anakin is an awesome character!
Luke, I am a friend, right?
Luke, to open a door, stand in front of it and press A. Make sure to watch your Action Button!!
Luke, the door says push- not pull.
Luke, you just has a Jessica Simpson moment, that is a EPIC FAIL!!!
Luke, I have EPIC FAILS all the time!
Luke, _______________________ <------ This is a blank space. Insert anything in here :D
Luke, whats wit da new haircoot????8????
Luke, it's not cool to wear your clothes like that.
Luke, I'm sick of you!
Luke, I have mental problems
Luke, YOU have mental problems.
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