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marka93 14th Apr 2018 7:40 PM

Newbie/Simovitch family
6 Attachment(s)
Here is the Bob Sr. and Mags Newbie right after aging up to elders.
Bob Newbie and Betty Simovitch.

Here is Vadim and Fatima Simovitch right after aging up to elders.
Danny Simovitch and Jeannie Darga, they will carry the Simovitch forward.
It funny that Danny and Jeannie both had tank-tops as teens and now growing up they both have orange colored tops.

ADD: They have finish collage and are now home.
I will send them on a date then have Bob propose to Betty and Danny will propose to Jeannie and the magic will happen.

While on there date ACR kicks in and they woohoo in the photo both and the chimes go off, Brandy in the oven. (Or a boy to carry the Newbie name forward).

marka93 15th Apr 2018 3:03 AM

Broke Family
1 Attachment(s)
With Bob and Betty Newbie pregnant with Brandy (or a boy to carry the Newbie name forward) its time to move in Flat and Flo Broke and get Skip in the oven.

marka93 15th Apr 2018 4:06 AM

Bachelor family
1 Attachment(s)
It is now time to introduce the Bachelor family, Simis and Jocasta will take the lead and will have Michael and Bella.

Well being that the Bachelor's are a secondary name in Pleasantview they will only have 9 gen's in this game by the time its done.
Michael will marry Dina and Bella will marry Mort.
All the adults and elders from Pleasantview when it first start but for a few like Cassy will all be adults when they will get married.
Michael in Pleasantview married Dina after he turned elder and they kissed while Dina was a teen and he was almost elder so this will change in this game and they will know each other while they are kids and will grow up together.
Once the 3rd gen all get born and married off to what they had in Pleasantview then I can start to mix and match them with each other to see what happens.
If rotations become to much of a chore for me some of the secondary names may be dropped but I will try to keep as many of them going as I can.

marka93 16th Apr 2018 2:53 AM

Matlapin family
1 Attachment(s)
Omar and Mariana Matlapin, Darleen's parents have move in and Darleen is now in the oven. (Darren Dreamer's wife.)
Now all families have moved in and the 3 gen is now in the oven.

Once the 1st gen die off I will be moving family groups to 4 bedroom houses instead of the 6 and 8 bedroom houses there now.
Once Darleen is born I will post her baby pic here.

marka93 16th Apr 2018 8:22 PM

Last of Gen two's
5 Attachment(s)
This is the last gen two's to go to collage.

We have Herb Oldie and Coral Ruggbyrne in the 1st pic.

We have Brian Ruggbyrne and Lakshmi Hurt who will bring the Ruggbyrne name forward for now.

Well Herb and Coral Oldie are fertile in my game that for sure. pic 3, see pic 5.
Brian and Lakshmi Ruggbyrne have the next gen in the oven. pic 4, see pic 5.

This makes all elders and adults besides Cassandra Goth in the oven from the original Pleasantview, Cassandra Goth will be in the 4th gen that includes Dustin Broke and his group of sims. I will not wait for Alexander Goth to be born but will instead have him about 3 days younger than Cassandra. (Unless they have twins that is.)

Once all the babies for the 3rd gen are born I will post all there baby pics in 1 post here.

marka93 18th Apr 2018 6:55 PM

14 Attachment(s)
This it just the first wave of the gen 3's and I will put the others in a new post.
Now the first of the 3rd gens are being born and the proud parents Gunther and Cornelia Goth would like to introduce you to Mortimer Goth.
(((I will post the first wave of baby pics of the 3rd gen in this post.)))

1st pic. Mortimer Goth.
2nd pic. Rodney Crumplebottom (Secondary name carrier.)
3rd pic. Michael Bachelor. (Secondary name carrier.)
4th pic. Bella Bachelor. (Goth)
5th pic. Daniel Pleasant.
6th pic. Jennifer Pleasant.
7th pic. Marvin Danders. (Secondary name carrier.)
8th pic. Mary Sue Oldie.
9th pic. Brian Oldie.
10th pic Bruce Ruggbyrne. (Secondary name carrier.)
11th pic. Dina Caliente.
12th pic. Nina Caliente.
13th pic. Neil Caliente, will bring the Caliente forward.
14th pic. Terry Al Mahmoud. (Secondary name carrier.)

When there is need to more than 1 to fill out the list I will use cheese cake for twins like I have done with both the Pleasant's and Caliente's.

marka93 18th Apr 2018 9:04 PM

2 Attachment(s)
I will use this post for the first wave of 3rd gen toddler's pic.

1st pic. Mortimer Goth.
2nd pic. Rodney Crumplebottom (Secondary name carrier.)
3rd pic. Michael Bachelor. (Secondary name carrier.)
4th pic. Bella Bachelor. (Goth)
5th pic. Daniel Pleasant.
6th pic. Jennifer Pleasant.
7th pic. Marvin Danders. (Secondary name carrier.)
8th pic. Mary Sue Oldie.
9th pic. Brian Oldie.
10th pic Bruce Ruggbyrne. (Secondary name carrier.)
11th pic. Dina Caliente.
12th pic. Nina Caliente.
13th pic. Neil Caliente, will bring the Caliente forward.
14th pic. Terry Al Mahmoud. (Secondary name carrier.)

marka93 19th Apr 2018 7:03 PM

8 Attachment(s)
2nd wave of the 3rd gen baby pics.

1. Skip Broke.
2. Brandy Newbie.
3. Bob II Newbie, (Secondary name carrier.)
4. Donald Simovitch, (Secondary name carrier.)
5. John Burb.
6. Will Marsh, (Secondary name carrier.)
7. Don Lothario.
8. Paul Fiorello, (Secondary name carrier.)

I think this is the last of the 3rd gen's that needed to be born and if so I will take a break from Sims 2 for a few days.

Jawusa 21st Apr 2018 7:21 PM

When I did this challenge, I got an alien-skinned Nina

marka93 21st Apr 2018 7:38 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Jawusa
When I did this challenge, I got an alien-skinned Nina

This will be one of a few that I will reload until I get 2 girls with normal skintones like they are in Pleasantview.
The last time I tried it out I got 2 green skintones out or it. I lost that hood when my computer got broken and such.

Quietscheente 29th May 2018 11:01 PM

Yay, I've finished another rotation. Now let me just check my last post here to see where I've left off and - it's been HOW LONG since my last post??? Jeez! In my defense, I had to restart this rotation three times (the first - and worst - time was when I had actually almost completed the rotation. Drained my motivation for months.)

Anyway, no fancy pictures this time, because I'm kinda busy in RL these days and can't be bothered. Sorry. You can check my last post on the page before if you want to know what my Sims look like. Most of them haven't changed that much.

Also, a WARNING : Despite only being in my first completely born in-game generation everyone is already hooking up with their second cousins. Or at least their cousin's second cousins or something like that. My rule of thumb is: If the game does not consider them family they are good to go, even if they are technically related. If this is something that bothers you I strongly advise you to skip the rest of my post.

Broke: Brandi and Skip are two of the very few premade adults (now elders) who are still around. Though technically they don't count since Skip already died once before and Brandi was actually supposed to die this rotation and only continues to live because she wished for the power to cheat death from the genie. I'm curious to see when her luck will run out but with the way my rotation schedule works she's at least bound to see her first great-grandchild being born. Living with them are their fourth/youngest child, Anthony, and his girlfriend Catrina Caliente (daughter of Nina and Daniel Pleasant). I was kinda hoping at least one of them would roll the want to get engaged/married since they are supposed to carry the Broke name forward but no luck so far. Catrina has the romance aspiration and Anthony is pleasure so it's doubtful if they ever will...

Then there is the second Broke household. Mia "unborn baby" Broke is a knowledge Sim, criminal mastermind, evil witch, secret lover of Alexander Goth (well, not so secret anymore since his wife caught the two of them in bed together this rotation) and new mother of baby Sally Broke. Who might or might not be Alexander's child, no one knows and Mia doesn't tell. (I will tell though. Once we get to the Pleasants)

Burb: Lennart Burb (youngest child of John and Jennifer) graduated college and moved into his parents house again, together with his new fiancee Aurora Lothario (youngest daughter of Don and Cassandra Goth). Sadly both John and Jennifer died this rotation. Jennifer actually chose the moment everyone had gathered outside to watch Lennart's and Aurora's wedding to do so. John followed a few days later so Lennart and Aurora are living alone now. As fortune Sims they are both more focused on their careers than on having kids (although only Aurora actually has a job right now), so no babies, yet.

Lana Burb (middle child of John and Jennifer) is still living Downtown with her 3 boyfriends, Loren, Orion and Tiave Teens. She has reached her LTW of becoming a professional party guest this rotation. Her daughter with Tiave, Frida, is now a teenager (and a romance Sim, just like her mom). I am actually convinced that Frida has some kind of learning disability because she was constantly struggling with her grades - she always did her homework but her grades would just not go up (I have a harder grades hack but no one was affected as badly by it as Frida. I actually had to quit without saving at one point or I would have lost all the children to the social worker). Lucas, son of Lana and Loren, is a child now and this rotation baby Maia was born (daughter of Lana and Orion).

Caliente: Dina died this rotation. Her twins Ruben and Gonzalo both befriended their aunt Nina and asked her to move in when they left for college so the house would stay in the family. After they graduated Ruben moved back in but Gonzalo only stopped by to take the dogs (Dina had adopted three puppies when she was still alive and of all Sims in the household Gonzalo had the best relationship with them) before he moved into a tiny house downtown. I doubt he'll stay there for long though since his girlfriend Rose Oldie already rolled the want to marry him. Ruben and Nina will probably continue to live together for a while. Ruben's girlfriend Camilla Goth is still a teenager at the time so it's not like he needs the space for his own family anytime soon. Meanwhile Nina is slowly turning into the crazy cat lady: I once got her a kitten when her daughter was still living with her and since then I've been greeted with the "a member of the family has bought a pet"-notification every time I load her household.

Dreamer: Dirk and his wife Lilith (Pleasant) both grew old. Dirk reached his LTW by becoming a hall of famer. He then wanted to quit his job which is utterly stupid because he could've just retired instead, still earning a pretty penny every day. Whatever, they all have too much money anyway. Their son Damien graduated college summa cum laude and moved into an appartment downtown. Their daughter Daria has just become a teenager.

Goth: Bella Goth died. Lucy (Burb) got a job in oceanographie. When she was coming home one day she caught her husband Alexander in bed with Mia Broke. She took it remarkably well (I think she must have learned anger management at some point?) and they were able to patch things up. Their eldest daughter, Camilla, helped by performing couple's counseling. She is dating Ruben Caliente. Her twin brother Hector was...there. I honestly can't remember anything he did this rotation. Alexander's alien child, Berenike, grew up to be a teenager and the younger twins, Themis and Thetis, are now children.

Lothario: Don Lothario died. Cassandra (Goth) managed to get some promotions thanks to chance cards and is now close to the top of the science career (Level 9). Amelia went to live with her girlfriend, Victoria Pleasant (youngest daughter of Mary-Sue and Daniel), after graduation, while her twin sister Aurelia moved back in with her parents and married her boyfriend Patrick (Pleasant, middle child of Angela and Dustin Broke) once he graduated, too. She is now pregnant with their first child. Their younger sister Aurora also attended college and is now married to Lennart Burb.

Langerak/Oldie: Those are actually two households now but have been the same for the longest time, so I'm going to write about them together one last time. To recap: Coral Oldie had Plant babies Benjamin and Rose. Benjamin grew up from toddler to adult and married Kaylynn Langerak. When Coral died they cured toddler Rose of Plantsimism and raised her. Benjamin became an elder last rotation while Rose graduated college. She then moved back in with her brother and his family. In the meantime Benjamin and Kaylynn had twins Parker and Mae (children now) and when they became toddlers their parents decided it was time for the families to go their own ways, So Benjamin, Kaylynn and the twins moved out from the Oldie household and for the first time since I've started this challenge I now have a Langerak household. Only took me 7 rotations...Rose is living alone for now but already has plans to marry her boyfriend, Gonzalo Caliente (son of Dina and Michael Bachelor).
In the Langerak household Kaylynn has become an elder and Benjamin has spawned a plant baby of his own, Dahlia.

Pleasant: There are 4 different Pleasant households right now.

Pleasant I: The main household, consisting of Raphael Pleasant (middle child of Mary-Sue and Daniel), his husband Beau Broke, their daughter Gillian Broke (baby), Victoria Pleasant (youngest daughter of Daniel and Mary-Sue) and her girlfriend Amelia Lothario. Amelia and Raphael were actually dating as teenagers but now they are just BFFs and very happy with their respective partners. Oh, and Victoria is pregnant btw.
It is now time for me to answer the question: Where do all those babies come from? Specifically the the babies of the same sex couples as well as the child of Mia Broke I've mentioned earlier.
The child Victoria is pregnant with is actually Amelia's. I have a hack that allows same sex pregnancy if one of the partners has been abducted by aliens before - which Amelia was. The thought behind that is that the aliens altered the Sim's biology, enabling males to carry children (hence the alien pregnancies) and females to impregnate other females (or males that have been abducted).
It's more complicated with Raphael and Beau since neither one were abducted. I have decided that I will not allow adoptions in this challenge because that would feel too much like cheating to me - what's the point in trying to keep all the familiy names alive if you can just adopt a kid to keep the line going if it's in danger of dying out? So instead I made Beau's sister Mia pregnant with Raphael's baby via Sim blender (which now that I think of it is even cheatier...whatever, it made sense storywise) and declared her to be a surrogate for them. So technically Gillian is Raphael's daughter but Beau's niece, though I edited the family ties to make both of them her parents. What they don't know though is that Mia gave birth to twins and decided to keep one of the babies for herself.

Pleasant II: Angela Pleasant, Dustin (Broke) and their youngest son Paul. Angela und Dustin grew old this round. Dustin was promoted to chief of staff, completing his LTW. After many, many years together and 3 children Angela und Dustin finally got married, making Dustin Broke Dustin Pleasant. Paul is now a teenager and dreams of being chief of staff, just like his dad.

Pleasant III: Gregory Pleasant (youngest son of Mary-Sue and Daniel, twin brother of Victoria). Moved into an appartment downtown. He was mostly focussed on his career but managed to build a realtionship with Swan Teens while she was in college. He wants to get engaged to her now while she's less enthusiastic (romance Sim).

Pleasant IV: Priscilla Pleasant (eldest daughter of Angela and Dustin). After her graduation she bought a small house downtown. She dreams of becoming a city planner one day but for now works as a handywoman (custom NPC career) until she can find a job opening. She had a fling with Lennart Burb (youngest child of John and Jennifer) but then he went and married someone else. I thought that would be the end of it, but no, he autonomously came to visit her in her new house (entered the lot and rang the door bell. I didn't invite him over). I had her greet him and ACR decided that it would be a great idea for them to woohoo on the couch. It also decided that now would be the perfect time for her birth control to fail...yup, she's pregnant, and the father just married someone else.

And that's it for this round. If Catrina Caliente stops randomly turning into a teen the next update might even be up sooner. Who knows?

Emerald1234 30th May 2018 9:58 AM

@Quietscheente wow that's...complicated got a family tree for it anywhere?

Quietscheente 30th May 2018 6:01 PM

@Emerald1234: Yeah, it's a mess...
I'm actually keeping track of the family trees with at least 3 different programs, still trying to find one that displays all the information exactly how I want it...
Anyway, you can find a family tree here, though it's still kind of a WIP - lots of missing pictures but at least all the Sims are in it...I think. (it isn't displaying all of them at once though - you have to click on Sims with dotted lines leading from/to them to see more)

grammapat 30th May 2018 7:38 PM

I've tried to do the "beginning of.." idea a couple of times - just don't have the patience. But like reading what you are doing.

halloweenie 1st Jun 2018 3:22 AM

Decided to play this challenge a while ago. Some of the children of the original Pleasantviews are becoming teens. I started this challenge in my already-played-somehwat neighborhood, so ages aren't all where they're "supposed" to be, but I'm having fun anyway. Here are my pairings:


Dina hooked up with Adult Beau Broke, which resulted in boy/girl twins Oliver and Penelope Caliente. They're early teens right now, are both blonde, and by far are the most attractive of the kids in town. Dina decided to pursue a career in law and is a legal secretary. Penelope and Oliver will carry Caliente. I'm not planning on getting Dina pregnant again. Not sure what to do about Nina. She doesn't live with Dina anymore, and is not getting played in rotation. I'm thinking I'll have to fix that.


Mary-Sue broke up with her lying, cheating husband, moved out and started partying hard with the first man she laid eyes on- a mailman named Cory Aioto. With just six days to becoming an elder, Mary-Sue found out she was pregnant, and with just 4 days to Elderdom, she had a son. I named him Arthur. I'll have to move in dad at some point to ensure he doesn't get taken away by the social worker if Mary-Sue dies.


I played the hell out of the Goths before this, so they're a bit ahead in the time line, but whatever. Alexander Goth married Angela Pleasant and they have a child they named Sebastian, who is super cute. They also have a baby named Guinevere. No plans to make more Goth kids.


Lilith Pleasant married Darren Dreamer because my Dirk Dreamer got deleted from the bin, or abducted never to return, or something. It's weird, but it worked out since I played Lilith to adulthood before starting the challenge and hardly played Darren so the age difference isn't what it could be. Lilith and Darren just had twin babies, two girls I named Sky and Stormy. Sky is light-skinned and Stormy is mid-level dark. It'll be interesting to see what their genetics look like later. I think they're going to be super fun to play.


I kind of hate the Oldies, and I've never actually played them before this. I had them adopt this ugly little girl that I renamed Glenna. She becomes a teen in five days, and I'm hoping her parents will make it that long. I don't plan on the Oldies adopting more kids, although it could be fun to have Glenna raising her younger siblings when they inevitably die, so I might change my mind.
Herb got a job as a security guard, and they live in a tiny little house. They're honestly so poor it's sad.


Daniel and Kaylynn are living together in his house. They have Isla, who will be a child in a day, Jack, who's a baby, and Kaylynn is pregnant with their third. Nothing much to say about the kids yet. Kaylynn is a great parent. She may be the best I've ever seen at autonomously caring for the kids. Maybe it's a good thing because Daniel is an elder now, so she'll almost certainly become a single mom at some point.


Another boring household I never really played. I had the Burbs have a second child, Clark, and Lucy is a teenager now. Not sure at all what I'm going to do with them, but they need to be spiced up.


Don and Cassandra have three kids. Grayson is their teen boy, Emilia is a child, and Ayanna, the last for this family, is a toddler. Their family is really cute and Don is actually a surprisingly okay dad. He brings home good money too from the medical field.


Oh god, where to start? Brandi married a townie who happened to be at the top of the Criminal career, so they are no longer 'broke,' funnily enough. Dustin and Beau are adults, and her last child (the one she starts off pregnant with) from her widow is a teen in 3 days. She also had kids with her new man. She has Mercedies, who is a child, and she's pregnant again. Beau is off in another lot, being a romance sim, woohooing with half the town. Dustin still lives with Brandi and helps out with the kids because this family is so crazy.

marka93 1st Jun 2018 5:46 PM

Quote: Originally posted by grammapat
I've tried to do the "beginning of.." idea a couple of times - just don't have the patience. But like reading what you are doing.

One of the reasons why I did the "The Beginning Hoods Separated Family Series" so you only have 1 family group to play and not the complete hood with all families.
I to don't have the patience for all families and like doing just 1 family group at a time.
The best thing is you can mix and match any family with any family you want like the Broke's and the Grunt's and so on.

thisfatfunnylife 11th Jun 2018 3:01 AM

I am playing the Pleasantview neighborhood right now and this would be excellent to use as motivation! I don't keep track of points usually but I love the trying to keep all those original family neighborhood names in the game!

Quietscheente 30th Aug 2018 7:18 PM

Another rotation finished. All remaining premade adults died this rotation. The premade teens and children are all elders now. Beau Broke, who started as a toddler, will become an elder at the start of the next rotation.
Pictures of the households as well as short discriptions under the spoilers. A complete family tree containing all alive, deceased and yet-to-be-born Sims can be found here.


Broke II


Burb II



Dreamer II






Pleasant II

Pleasant III

Pleasant IV

Bonus: Teens

Satrina 31st Aug 2018 3:09 AM

Wow impressed on all the updates and staying power you have Quietscheente. Quite the read through. I never kept up with mine past the second generation. I'm so bad. haha. Although I know many can relate with me.

LösserFöffel 23rd Oct 2018 4:00 PM

Okay, I'm playing this challenge for a few months now and here is what I got so far:

At first, Cassandra was left at the altar by Don and was heartbroken for two days. Mortimer got engaged and soon after married to Dina and they had a son named Jonathan. Later on Cassandra realised that her true love was actually her long-term best friend Darren Dreamer, after he finally confessed his feelings to her. They married and have a daughter named Theresa. Alexander had a relationship as a teen with Lucy Burb and is now at college. Mortimer is dead now and Dina got accidentally pregnant by Don (thanks to Risky Woohoo ) and they have a son named Juan

Nina got pregnant by Don and had a daughter named Adriana. Nina got a job in the slacker career track and is struggling with money. She also woohoos with Benjamin Long and Daniel Pleasant on the side.

He's a player and like I said he has illegitimate children with Dina and Nina. He also got Kaylynn Langerak pregnant, even though she's married. He also sleeps with a bunch of other women. I don't know if he ever gonna gets married or if I fail the challenge. We'll see.

Brandi gave birth to baby boy named Bob (after her dad) and he's now a teenager. Dustin continued his career as a criminal, has gone to college and just got married to his high school sweetheart Angela Pleasant. They live in the Pleasant house and he took her last name. Beau learned how to walk and how to use the potty and is now a teen. He is in a relationship with Edith Oldie, but it's not official yet. Brandi got married to Remington Harris and they have a son named René.

Daniel had an affair with Kaylynn Langerak and Mary-Sue caught them. Mary-Sue got fired from her job and divorced Daniel right away. Mary-Sue started a career in the business career track, but she's only on level 5. She's 63 days old now and seems like she kicks the bucket soon. I guess she didn't had a good life so far and she starts to regret many of her decisions in life, because she constantly rolls wants for Daniel, but I don't know if there will happen something. Angela graduated with honors from college and is married to Dustin. She started a career as a politician. Lillith ran away from home 4(!) times before going off to college. She dropped out off college after her Junior Year. She moved in with her grandma and is now pregnant by Dirk and it seems like that Dirk will propose to her soon.
Daniel got married to Kaylynn and he has two children with her, a son named Christopher and a daughter named Diana. Kaylynn is pregnant with Don's baby. Daniel is the first one, who completed his lifetime want in the neighborhood as a (now retired) Hall Of Famer.

Like I said, Darren got married to Cassandra and they have a daughter. Darren started a career in medical, but I doubt that he will make it to the top. Dirk just came back from college and is looking for a job in business.

John and Jennifer had set of twins, a boy and a girl. John is a police officer and Jennifer is a business woman. The twins are now children and Lucy is soon gonna join Alexander in college.

Herb and Coral adopted a girl named Edith. Coral had a part time job in the Culinary and Herb in Business. Herb had an affair with Nina Caliente, but Coral never found out. They are both deceased now. Tragically, the very first day Lillith came from college to care for her heartbroken and widowed grandma and her teenage aunt, Coral died. Edith is probably gonna live alone after Lillith marries Dirk, but she'll manage with her heritage, her loving boyfriend and her supportive niece (I know it seems weird, since Lillith is older than her, but it's okay)

Quietscheente 11th Nov 2018 12:14 PM

I honestly feel like crying right now. Opened the Broke household today and guess what - Catrina Caliente has reverted to a teenager. Again. This is like, what, the third time?
My latest backup is from when I last posted here. There were 8 babies born in the meantime. Eight! And Catrina was pregnant with twins right now.
I've actually tried fixing the problem this time instead of reverting to the backup but it's no use - for every problem I fix a new problem seems to appear. Fixed her age - she wasn't pregnant anymore. Fixed the pregancy - suddenly her face was flashing blue (WTF???). She doesn't have a job anymore, most of her skill points have vanished and her LTA bar and points resetted...

I seriously consider killing Catrina off once I've got a baby out of her. This is just not worth it.

marka93 24th Jan 2019 3:20 PM

After finding out I had a bad power surge device and turning in well over 12k of damages to the company and getting a 12k check I am now back into gaming.

I lost so much time in this hood that I am slowly moving forwards with a backup copy I just found on what I though was a dead HD but was able to transfer it to CD and now will test it out to make sure its not corrupted or anything.

Its all the way back to just having 3 teens just aged up with 3 households with child age and the rest as toddlers.
So to that I will not post any new pics until all of the 2nd gen age up to adults and then will start again with pics.
I will now only do the main Pleasantview sims names and not the secondary like I was trying to do before.

It will take a while to get back into the swing of things so off to play some Sims 2.

Satrina 14th Mar 2019 2:02 AM

Okay I'm starting over this challenge. For those that continued on, Bravo! I find it hard to do legacy challenges and love to reboot.

Brandi Broke marries Darren Dreamer (he showed up as a visitor and showed attraction). Darren proposes on his lot but I decide not to move in Beau and Dustin because I moved out Darren, Brandi and Dirk to have all the Dreamers wealth move over to Brandi's house. With the money she made a bigger house and every child has a bedroom now and the living space is bigger. Darren will be a successful painter and Brandi will be a housewife. They are looking ahead to pay for university for both Dustin & Dirk. It has caused bit of friction with the teens not happy for this dramatic change. {Brandi took on the last name Dreamer}

Daniel split up with his wife MarySue and moved out into a bachelor pad. MarySue was forced to sell the family home to pay out Daniel his rightful 50%. She bought Darren Dreamers house, renovated it to have three bedrooms on the second floor. The girls are not too happy about it. Things are tense with their Dad. MarySue is just holding on to hope that Daniel will come back. Sadly, he won't. He enjoys the romance life too much. Of course, Kaylynn was super happy that he finally did leave his wife. She asked when they were to get married but Daniel logically explained that he couldn't move that fast. Kaylynn wouldn't want Angela & Lilith to be thinking that she was the reason for the split. No, the wise thing would be to wait it out. Kaylynn agreed dreaming of the day while Daniel has no intention of ever settling down again, but he will string Kaylynn along with the hope like a carrot on a stick.

That's all I have so far.

Satrina 14th Mar 2019 2:06 AM

Sorry to hear about the power surge you had. That sucks. Gah, having to redo it! How's it going?

Quote: Originally posted by marka93
After finding out I had a bad power surge device and turning in well over 12k of damages to the company and getting a 12k check I am now back into gaming.

I lost so much time in this hood that I am slowly moving forwards with a backup copy I just found on what I though was a dead HD but was able to transfer it to CD and now will test it out to make sure its not corrupted or anything.

Its all the way back to just having 3 teens just aged up with 3 households with child age and the rest as toddlers.
So to that I will not post any new pics until all of the 2nd gen age up to adults and then will start again with pics.
I will now only do the main Pleasantview sims names and not the secondary like I was trying to do before.

It will take a while to get back into the swing of things so off to play some Sims 2.

Satrina 14th Mar 2019 2:08 AM

I would totally kill her off! That is so frustrating!

Quote: Originally posted by Quietscheente
I honestly feel like crying right now. Opened the Broke household today and guess what - Catrina Caliente has reverted to a teenager. Again. This is like, what, the third time?
My latest backup is from when I last posted here. There were 8 babies born in the meantime. Eight! And Catrina was pregnant with twins right now.
I've actually tried fixing the problem this time instead of reverting to the backup but it's no use - for every problem I fix a new problem seems to appear. Fixed her age - she wasn't pregnant anymore. Fixed the pregancy - suddenly her face was flashing blue (WTF???). She doesn't have a job anymore, most of her skill points have vanished and her LTA bar and points resetted...

I seriously consider killing Catrina off once I've got a baby out of her. This is just not worth it.

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