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PharaohHound 26th Apr 2010 8:09 PM

1394 on this computer.

How many groups are you a member of on Facebook?

Elena Swan 26th Apr 2010 8:40 PM

I don't have Facebook...

How many social groups do you own?

Ebonova 26th Apr 2010 8:42 PM

2. Movie Maniacs and Makeup Creators, both are fail.

How many social groups are you a member of?

KyleTheArtist 26th Apr 2010 8:39 PM


How many pets do you own?

Ebonova 26th Apr 2010 8:44 PM


How many kids do you want?

KyleTheArtist 26th Apr 2010 9:04 PM

I definitely want one. Maybe second down the line, but no more then 2. With my luck I will have twins, because my husband is a twin >_>

Same question.

Ebonova 26th Apr 2010 9:07 PM

3 or 4. But no more than that.

How many different programs do you have open right now?

KyleTheArtist 26th Apr 2010 9:10 PM

None, only Chrome.

How many cups of soda can you drink a day?

Ebonova 26th Apr 2010 9:11 PM

Probably a whole crapload.

How many cups of pop do you drink a day?

KyleTheArtist 26th Apr 2010 9:13 PM

Of what?

How many cups of Coffee do you drink a week?

Ebonova 26th Apr 2010 9:15 PM

Pop. Soda. Whatever.

Not too much. One every 2 days or so. I get my caffeine from pop.

How many hours is it until the next 11:11?

kustirider2 26th Apr 2010 11:12 PM

Haha! I just thought it was then, but no, It's in one hour exactly :P

How many holidays have you taken this year?

Ebonova 26th Apr 2010 11:10 PM

Only 1 so far.

How many pieces of pizza have you ever eaten in one sitting?

DollyRot 27th Apr 2010 1:11 AM

A whole pizza, then again the pizza's are alot smaller here than in the US.

How many hours of sleep do you usually get?

Ebonova 27th Apr 2010 1:28 AM

4 or 5. Sometimes 6.

How many chairs are in the room you're in?

Wartooth 27th Apr 2010 4:22 AM

5 if you count the ones folded up against the wall.

How many times have you screamed today?

KyleTheArtist 27th Apr 2010 4:28 AM

none, had no reason to.

how many self sims attempts did you have?

Wartooth 27th Apr 2010 4:45 AM

1. And it failed... badly. Oh, 2, technically.

How many times you have wanted to facepalm today?

KyleTheArtist 27th Apr 2010 5:16 AM

Maybe one... I can't think right now.

How many times did you look for your favorite character avatar and was disappointed not to find so many?

Ebonova 27th Apr 2010 5:11 AM

Too many to count.

How many pieces of jewelry are you wearing right now?

KyleTheArtist 27th Apr 2010 5:30 AM

4, that is watch counts. If not then 3.

How much coffee did you drink through out your life?

Ebonova 27th Apr 2010 5:38 AM

A lot.

How many drinks (alcohol) do you have a day?

lethifold 27th Apr 2010 8:02 AM

Depends. If I'm out at a party, 3 or 4, but on a normal day 0.

How many times a week do you eat pasta?

Ebonova 27th Apr 2010 4:52 PM

Usually twice.

How many clocks are there in the room you're in?

DollyRot 27th Apr 2010 4:58 PM

A hello kitty one and an alarm one.

How many magazines do you read regularly?

Ebonova 27th Apr 2010 4:57 PM

I don't subscibe to anything, if that's what you mean.

How many computers/laptops are there in your house?

NightlyEMP 27th Apr 2010 5:17 PM

3 (family computer, my brother's laptop, my computer)

How often do you resort to YouTube to find out how to do something?

HEAVEN-SENT 27th Apr 2010 7:08 PM


how many texts have you sent today?

fthomas 27th Apr 2010 7:43 PM

5 xD

How many texts have you recieved today (:

Ebonova 27th Apr 2010 9:14 PM


How many times have you gotten surgery?

Jaylo 27th Apr 2010 9:22 PM

how many times have you been to the ER?

Ebonova 27th Apr 2010 10:27 PM

3 times. Twice with really bad pneumonia and once when I randomly fainted and my mom flipped out.

How many times have you screamed today?

KyleTheArtist 27th Apr 2010 10:33 PM

Once and it was in pain this morning...

how many times did you sneeze today?

Ebonova 27th Apr 2010 10:34 PM

Too many to count. Stupid cold

How many times did you cough today?

Zinthos 27th Apr 2010 10:44 PM

None. :P

How many TV shows did you watch today?

PharaohHound 27th Apr 2010 11:03 PM

2 1/2.

How many hours of sleep do you get a night? (on average)

Ebonova 27th Apr 2010 11:36 PM


How many tests/quizzes/exams do you usually have in a week of school?

Rabid 27th Apr 2010 11:39 PM

About eight; usually at least one for every class.

How many of the tests and quizzes you have each week do you do well on?

Ebonova 28th Apr 2010 12:00 AM

All of them XD

How many evil teachers do you have?

Jaylo 28th Apr 2010 12:07 AM

I got pretty lucky this year and only have 1

how many easy teachers do you have?

Wartooth 28th Apr 2010 1:25 AM

Like, one or two. One. Never mind, two.

how many times you're going to look at my avatar and wonder what fah-doo means?

Ebonova 28th Apr 2010 2:14 AM


How many emails do you have?

Wartooth 28th Apr 2010 2:23 AM

8 unread. I don't know about read, I just don't want to be bothered to see them

How many times have you looked at the word "wibble" today?

KyleTheArtist 28th Apr 2010 3:23 AM

Way to effin many

How many exams did you take through out your life?

Wartooth 28th Apr 2010 6:32 AM

I don't know, too many, but in the past year I've taken like 6... 8... 12. Yeah, 12 about.

How many times have you looked at my avatar and wondered what fahdoo means?

KyleTheArtist 28th Apr 2010 6:38 AM

Probably some silliness that Metalocalypse is. But I glared at you avatar quiet few times.

How many times have you visited my picture thread?

Wartooth 28th Apr 2010 6:40 AM

I don't think a lot

how may times you hve had a dead keybard?

KyleTheArtist 28th Apr 2010 6:45 AM

well you should >:3

Once...You might just have to clean it.

How many sims were you not able to age up and let go?

lethifold 28th Apr 2010 8:20 AM

0, I like the natural, realistic idea of the game.

How many times have you hugged people today?

KyleTheArtist 28th Apr 2010 8:26 AM

I constantly hug my husband, I stopped counting.

How many times did you of a movie Ana, think of one...R+J?( Crap, i glanced at my avatar XD)

HEAVEN-SENT 28th Apr 2010 2:30 PM


how many pets do u have?

PharaohHound 28th Apr 2010 2:57 PM

Eight at the moment.

How many cats have you owned in your life?

Ebonova 28th Apr 2010 9:10 PM


How many fish have you owned in your life?

Zinthos 28th Apr 2010 9:18 PM

None. Fish are boring.

How many Windows Movie Maker projects are in your My Videos folder? :B

Rabid 28th Apr 2010 9:21 PM

None. I don't even know how to use Windows Movie Maker.

How many books are within an arm's reach of you?

Ebonova 28th Apr 2010 9:24 PM


How many food/drink items are within an arm's reach of you?

Zinthos 29th Apr 2010 12:00 AM

Apart from the chuddy in my mouth, nothing. Except for those out-of-date sweets and the American mints my Grandma got me ages ago, which are probably also out-of-date. Stupid American tin does not have a best before date. What do you Americans do, guess when you food has gone bad?!

How many lights are there in the room you are in?

Luvmeandyou 28th Apr 2010 11:58 PM

How many pillows in the room you are in?

KyleTheArtist 29th Apr 2010 12:10 AM


How many blankets are int he room you're in?

DigitalSympathies 29th Apr 2010 12:19 AM


How many TV shows do you follow?

Luvmeandyou 29th Apr 2010 12:36 AM

5 main ones, but I may follow others some times.

How many pairs of shoes do you own?

PharaohHound 29th Apr 2010 1:35 AM

Less than ten (yes, I fail at being a girl :P)

How many animals have you dissected?

Wartooth 29th Apr 2010 2:20 AM

Like, 2... if you mean full animals, not just, y'know, parts of animals. Parts of animals brings it up to 5 or 6. I know, creepy!

^ that's not failing at being a girl! I've done worse.

How many liquids are there in the room now?

Ebonova 29th Apr 2010 3:49 AM

Over 11. I stopped counting then.

How many dresses do you own?

KyleTheArtist 29th Apr 2010 3:53 AM

3. One it too short thought so I wear it as a shirt. I bought it in my size too! D8

how many skinny jeans do you own?

Wartooth 29th Apr 2010 6:33 AM

3 pairs.

How many times have you wondered why they call them "pairs of jeans"?

KyleTheArtist 29th Apr 2010 6:41 AM

once, now that you mention it and only because you did xD

How many cats have you owned through out your life time?

Luvmeandyou 29th Apr 2010 6:43 AM

Btw nice new pic of John Leguizamo (:

How many new people have you met today?(Not online)

KyleTheArtist 29th Apr 2010 7:04 AM

(he is lucky he makes good Tybalt xD Okey...he makes Lulzy Sid to xD)
No, but I met my husband high school friend yesterday.

How many pets do wish you owned?

PharaohHound 29th Apr 2010 11:17 PM

Five buzillion. What? That's a real number, right?

How many years have you been in school?

KyleTheArtist 29th Apr 2010 11:52 PM

Oh boy...I don't want to think

What's the number of the new movies that you really want to see?

HEAVEN-SENT 30th Apr 2010 12:07 PM


how many times had you read romeo and juliet?

lethifold 30th Apr 2010 12:25 PM

Many, many times.

How many songs have you listened to today?

DollyRot 30th Apr 2010 12:41 PM

No idea..

How many scarves do you own? (me = countless)

HEAVEN-SENT 30th Apr 2010 12:37 PM


how many people have you got on msn?

PharaohHound 30th Apr 2010 1:30 PM

0 (don't have MSN).

How many aunts do you have?

HEAVEN-SENT 30th Apr 2010 2:55 PM

5 or 6

how many bestfriends do u have?

Wartooth 1st May 2010 1:42 AM

3 or 4

How many toilets you have in the building you're in now?

NightlyEMP 1st May 2010 2:16 AM


How many items are on your computer desktop (your actual computer, not the top of your desk)?

Zinthos 1st May 2010 9:04 AM

10. I used to have loads, but I cleaned it out so that the shortcuts wouldn't cover up the purty pictures.

How many computer games are on your desk?

minus. 1st May 2010 10:58 AM

None, they are actually scattered around the room.

How many versions/covers of "All Along The Watchtower" do you have?

HEAVEN-SENT 1st May 2010 11:40 AM


how many pair of jeans do you own?

Dreamydre 1st May 2010 5:40 PM

Their is no way I can possibly count that, but its a lot!! Maybe around 30something?

How many licks does it take you to get to the tootsie roll in a tootsie roll pop?

Zinthos 1st May 2010 6:11 PM

I don't know what that is. :S

How many hot dogs do you eat in one meal? I'm eating 4. Roflrofl.

PharaohHound 1st May 2010 6:17 PM

Ick, I hate hot dogs. 0.

How many kinds of plants have you grown?

HEAVEN-SENT 1st May 2010 6:19 PM


how many shoes do you own?

Zinthos 1st May 2010 8:30 PM

Erm. 5 pairs?

How many times did you laugh during tonight's Doctor Who? :3

PharaohHound 1st May 2010 9:10 PM

Well, we here in Canada are a few weeks behind the UK in episodes, and given the time difference our episode tonight (Victory of the Daleks) hasn't aired yet. Uh, none, I suppose.

How many times this week have you played Sims?

Geah 2nd May 2010 4:39 AM

0 .. about to change that though :D

How many songs do you have in your main music player?

Zinthos 2nd May 2010 4:43 AM

My phone... Erm, 23, I think.

How many private messages are in your MTS inbox?

Wartooth 2nd May 2010 5:52 AM

8. If i don't need it, i delete it.

How many songs there are on your mp3 player of choice?

HEAVEN-SENT 2nd May 2010 10:47 AM


how many books have u read this month?

Zinthos 2nd May 2010 11:07 AM

...This is only the second day. O_O
I'm currently reading two books: Adrian Mole and HoND.

How many CDs do you own?

HEAVEN-SENT 2nd May 2010 11:14 AM

over 100

how long have you been on the computer today?

lethifold 2nd May 2010 12:57 PM

10 or 15 minutes.

How many glasses of water have you drunk today?

HEAVEN-SENT 2nd May 2010 12:59 PM


how many hours did you sleep last night?

NightlyEMP 2nd May 2010 1:56 PM

I slept on and off for about 6 hours.

How many times a week do you usually have cereal for breakfast?

PharaohHound 2nd May 2010 2:01 PM


How many erasers (not pencils with erasers) can you reach from where you're sitting?

fthomas 2nd May 2010 4:40 PM


How many films have you watched in the past week?

Wartooth 3rd May 2010 4:46 AM


How many times you've gone into public transit the past week?

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