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♥Oriana♥ 20th Mar 2008 8:12 PM

Noelle smiled as everyone pestered Ethan with a million and one questions. She automatically decided she would bring it down on the drinking because she didn't want them to do that to her.

She laughed at what Claire was saying. "Oh, I know this one. He forgot her name, she was mad, told him her name, not to call and then stormed out. Right Ethan?"

Okay so she was being a b*tch, a major one, but that's what she's like with hangovers.

GeeWayrocks 20th Mar 2008 8:14 PM

"I'll come with you, Sam." Claire didn't feel comfotable in the R.V., there was an air of hate around the place. Grabbing her jacket and trainers, she quickly pulled them on and tied her hair in a ponytail.
"Is there any good shops around here?"

omarawad 20th Mar 2008 8:15 PM

"I'll come to. The stench of sweat and other body juices is getting to me," he said, giving Ethan a scathing look.

littlesunshine123xx 20th Mar 2008 8:19 PM

"Oh, I know this one. He forgot her name, she was mad, told him her name, not to call and then stormed out. Right Ethan?" Noelle asked Ethan and he nodded guilty.
"Did you hear than then, well she cant complain at least I offered to ring her. I wouldnt have like but she didnt no that" Ethan replied laughing.

Ethan looked at Sam, who still looked mad. What the hell was her problem.
'Breakfast is in the top left cupboard, Ethan' Sam said to him spitefully and then left the RV to go to the shop. When she was gone Ethan looked at everyone else feeling rather confused.
"Hey whats her problem. Someone got out the wrong side of bed this morning havent they" Ethan asked the others pointing at the door which Sam had just gone out of.

"I'll come to. The stench of pr*ck is getting to m e," Corey said shouting to Sam, giving Ethan a scathing look.

frowned. "What the hell have I done. Jesus cant a guy have a love life without getting insulted. F**k this Im off for a smoke." Ethan said angrily and stormed out the RV.

(be bk in 30mins watchng eastenders))

SwirlyHill 20th Mar 2008 8:21 PM

(( Smell of prick ))

'Yeah' She replied to Claire 'We're a bus ride from the Trafford Centre'
She clicked open the RV door and stepped out, giving Ethan a forlorn look before closing her eyes and stepping out completely.
'OK guys' She adressed the others 'We have to catch the 367 to Manchester then the 558 to the Trafford, the bus station is just over there'
She heard Ethan mention something to the others but zoned it out.

GeeWayrocks 20th Mar 2008 8:24 PM

{{OOC: Urgh. Hafta go. Back soon!}}

omarawad 20th Mar 2008 8:24 PM

((Dumb, I know. That word has been stuck in my mind all day! I'm changing it!))

"Cool," he said simply. "One sec, gotta top up my Oyster card" he said running over to the newsagents.

♥Oriana♥ 20th Mar 2008 8:31 PM

Noelle finally popped the aspirin into her mouth and took a long sip of water. It was just her and Ethan left inside. She didn't want to go out because she wanted to get over her hangover, not make it worse.

She rolled her eyes at Ethan. How could he not notice that Sam was totally crushing on him? It was that obvious to everyone but him. Classic love story, except the guy is a bit more of a jerk than he should be.

And then Ethan went outside to have a smoke, which was fine with her because she got some peace and quiet for a little bit. She went back into her room, shut the door and took off her sweater - leaving her in her bra and mini shorts. She pulled out her iPod and pushed play listening to whatever was on.

((EDIT: I forgot to add that she is totally approachable..))

SwirlyHill 20th Mar 2008 8:44 PM


Sam sat on the bus, a group of chavs were blasting some dance music sh*t out of the tinny speakers of their mobiles, not great for her hangover.
She let out a sigh of relief as the bus pulled up in the station.
'558' She mumbled, scanning the buses 'There! Go, go, go!'
They just managed to catch the bus, Sam actually having to jump through the closing doors.
'Ugh, I feel like we need to clean the RV' She mentioned, fiddling with her hair 'It stinks of cheap perfume from that slag, I daren't think what Ethan's room smells like'
She shuddered at the thought.
'We'll have to get one of those cleaners that washes up murder scenes'


stumbled out of bed and nipped outside to grab milk from the nearby co-op before spotting Ethan.
'Hey, mate, heard you got lucky last night, nice one'

littlesunshine123xx 20th Mar 2008 8:58 PM

Ethan leant against the RV. He watched as the smoke from his mouth exhaled and formed shapes in the air. He frowned, why did everyone have a problem with him. He was just a normal teenage boy, one night stands werent that rare. He made it clear that he wasnt one for relationships, hook ups where the only thing he could deal with.

Sam's cousin Max passed past Ethan. Ethan sighed thinking another lecture came his way. 'Hey, mate, heard you got lucky last night, nice one' Max said to him. Ethan was suprised, but he knew Max would understand his one night stand. It was just the normal for boys their age. Why then did Ethan feel so guilty, especially about Sam. He hated seeing her upset and angry.

"Ahhh mate I feel like a d*ck. I dont get why everyone is so shocked. So I had a one night stand big deal. I feel bad enough without them lecturing me. What about you anyway? what you get up to last night?" Ethan asked Max raising an eyebrow.

((OOC: I forgot to rp Ethan putting pants on so apparently he outside in a shirt and boxers rofl nice))

SwirlyHill 20th Mar 2008 9:04 PM

"Ahhh mate I feel like a d*ck. I dont get why everyone is so shocked. So I had a one night stand big deal. I feel bad enough without them lecturing me. What about you anyway? what you get up to last night?"

'Covering my ears' He replied, laughing 'And I hate to say it, but yeah, you're kind of a dick, not that I can talk'
He saw Ethan's face and explained.
'You have to admit, it's kinda hard on Sam'
Ethan just stared blankly at him, Max pinched the bridge of his nose.
'Bloody hell, you're no Sherlock, are you mate?'

littlesunshine123xx 20th Mar 2008 9:15 PM

'Covering my ears' He replied, laughing 'And I hate to say it, but yeah, you're kind of a dick, not that I can talk' He saw Ethan's face and explained.
'You have to admit, it's kinda hard on Sam'
Ethan just stared blankly at him, Max pinched the bridge of his nose.
'Bloody hell, you're no Sherlock, are you mate?'

Ethan shook his head. "Do you mean, she still likes still hooked up on me and stuff" Ethan asked rather confused and surprised.
"She was the one who ended it, said she couldnt deal with me. I dont get her, I dont get any female. They break up with you, but still wanna be with you. Explain that to me please" Ethan said annoyed and still totally puzzled.

SwirlyHill 20th Mar 2008 9:23 PM

"She was the one who ended it, said she couldnt deal with me"

'Of course she did' He replied, careful not to annoy him 'How would you feel if the person you lo-- liked took some random sl*t to bed every night?'
Max realised that Sam was most likely going to rip his head off, but he was sick of all the whining she did.
'Well' He said, patting him on the back and baring his teeth 'I'm gonna go watch porn'

(( Perv ))

omarawad 20th Mar 2008 9:26 PM

"Or just sh*itloads of ari freshener," he joked. He sat back, and flicked his iPod on. He loved being with his friends.

SwirlyHill 20th Mar 2008 9:39 PM

"Or just sh*itloads of ari freshener,"

'Goes without saying' Sam replied, beaming, it was good to get out of her rutt, everything had just seem kind of grey since she and Ethan had split up, but hey, she was living her life now...blooody hell, she literally is Dorcas Lane...she rejected the thought and leaned back in her seat.
It wasn't really worth it though as the bus ground to a halt outside the Trafford.

'Ah-hah' She began, leaping out of her seat 'There's a guy here that does the best popcorn EVER'
She stood on the escelator, picking the last of the cracking varnish from her nails.
'Haha, come on, lets go in Ann Summers for a laugh'

littlesunshine123xx 20th Mar 2008 9:45 PM

'Of course she did' Max replied, careful not to annoy him 'How would you feel if the person you lo-- liked took some random sl*t to bed every night?'
'Well' Max said, patting Ethan on the back and baring his teeth 'I'm gonna go watch porn'

"Just for the record I never slept with anyone else while I was with Sam. I would never...I could never do that to her." Ethan shouted after Max.
He couldnt believe thats why Sam had broken up with him. Did she truely think he had been cheating on her. It just wasnt true, he may have flirted with girls while with her, but that was all. He only wanted her, he just wish she would have known that at the time. Then prehaps they would not both be single and miserable now.

Heading back into the RV, Ethan flopped onto the sofa, pulling out his art pad and pencil from his bag he began to sketch. He didnt even no what he was drawing, just scribble, two hearts broken and a fire between them. It was nothing but nonsence, just complete scribble buts that how Ethan felt inside.


(OOC: I dont even no what Im on rofl))

SwirlyHill 20th Mar 2008 9:49 PM

(( Neither do I but it sounds goood :jig: ))

littlesunshine123xx 20th Mar 2008 10:07 PM

((OOC: Someone come and talk to Ethan hes a big upset and lonely ))

♥Oriana♥ 20th Mar 2008 10:16 PM

Noelle was bored of just listening to her iPod. She had only listened to five, but she was bored and the music was making her head hurt even more. She put back on her sweater, zipping it up half way and having it casually hanging off of her shoulders. She did it all the time and it was how she felt most comfortable. Besides, she would be in the RV for a few more weeks so why not start to get comfortable now.

Noelle walked out into the kitchen to get another water bottle and saw Ethan sketching. He didn't seem to happy. She walked over and sat beside him. "I'm sorry about being a bit of a b*tch to you. I just get very snippy when I have hangovers. I don't hate you or anything." She stopped herself from continuing before she annoyed him.

littlesunshine123xx 20th Mar 2008 10:26 PM

Ethan continued to sketch nonsense. He was distracted when Noelle walked into the kitchen and grabbed some water from the fridge. She looked over at Ethan and he stirred back. Unsure weither to smile, he wondered if she took hated him.

She came and joined him on the sofa and Ethan budged up to let her on. "I'm sorry about being a bit of a b*tch to you. I just get very snippy when I have hangovers. I don't hate you or anything." She said to him and Ethan looked at her.
"Ahh dont worry you werent. I deserve it anyway. Im glad there is one person that doesnt hate me anyway. Thanks for talking to me. Its means a lot" Ethan replied to her and put his sketchbook down.

"Listen how about I make it up to you and the rest of the gang tonight. I will buy us all pizza and drinks. We can spend the night in together, I think we all need time to sort out our differences. Well more like the group and mine differences. I kinda feel guilty for last night, just wanna make it up." He suggested and shrugged not knowing if it was a good idea or not.

GeeWayrocks 20th Mar 2008 10:34 PM

"Ann Summers? No thanks, I used to call the place Sl*t Summer's shop for Wh*res. If I have to fine, but don't expect me to try anything on."

FurryPanda 20th Mar 2008 10:34 PM

Casey hadn't had much to drink the night before, but even so he slept in very late. As in, past noon. When he woke up he dressed in ridiculously comfortable sweat pants and a faded Tshirt, and stumbled out of his room to look for some food. He hadn't had any dinner to speak of and he was ravenous.

When he walked into the kitchen it was fairly deserted, only Ethan and some girl he didn't know were there. He found himself staring a bit, she was dressed in little more than a sweater and really short shorts. He managed to tear his eyes away and then walked over to the cooler in the RV. Junk food. Lots and lots of junk food. He happened to notice that the RV had a nice stove, but apparently no eggs. Casey was seriously contemplating going outside to a grocery store placed incongruosly close to the night club to pick some up.

He was paying no attention to what the other two were doing as he straightened from the cooler and said cheerfully, "I'm making eggs, anyone else want some?"

((OOC: Wheee! RV with a stove!))

♥Oriana♥ 20th Mar 2008 10:37 PM

Noelle smiled. Pizza was the best possible hangover food for her. Too bad she had none now, but that wasn't important.. not now anyways. "Pizza sounds great. But seriously, they are so mad over nothing. I mean okay yeah you slept with someone and couldn't remember her name the next morning but it wasn't like that brunette was one of their friends." She sighed, she was probably only taking Ethan's side because she had done the same before, but he didn't need to know that.

"I think everyone.. well almost everyone over reacted." Hopefully he picked up on that little hint. Noelle didn't even know Sam all that well but it was so obvious.

She pulled up her sweater back onto her shoulders because it was just about off of her. Yeah, she wanted to be comfortable in the RV.. but being in only a bra with nothing at all to cover it was a little much, especially in front of Ethan. She smiled shyly.

Then Noelle saw some other guy in the kitchen. She had never seen him before but he offered them breakfast. She shook her head. "I'm fine, but thanks anyways."

SwirlyHill 20th Mar 2008 10:38 PM

Sam returned home feeling alot bouncier, she had also bought Ethan a sex doll from Ann Summers as a joke, she had got an odd look from the cashier, but assured her it was for a laugh.
She had got a few normal presents for the other the stay-at-homes.
She bounded into the RV, a grin on her face.
'The sales were on' She announced, dropping a load of bags 'Noelle, Chanel pefume, Max, some weights, and Ethan...'
She rummaged in the bag and pulled out the infaltable doll.

'Now if you ever get the urge, you don't have to drag random tarts back!'
Ethan looked slightly surprised, she ruffled his hair, which she realised was becoming a bit of a habit.
'I'm joking!' She laughed, flicking on the TV 'Ok...I'm going to ignore the channel it's on...'
'Oh, my bad' Max replied, beginning to blush.
Sam rolled her eyes and switched over to the movie channels.
'Nice' She commented 'Saw II is on at ten, scary movie night'

GeeWayrocks 20th Mar 2008 10:41 PM

Claire came in after Sam, smiling. She'd had some fun. Hearing what she was saying, her smile got bigger.
"Seen any of those films? They're not actually scary, it's all about the gore. I say watch it. Pity it wasn't Saw 3, that's the best one."

{{OOC: It really is. Heh. Should a 14 year old really have watched all the Saw films and is planning to see the fifth one with her mates? If the answer is no, I'm wierd. Yay!}}

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