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PharaohHound 27th May 2010 1:54 PM

0, it's not even 9 am here, and my family and I aren't big on formalities (I believe I grunted at my brother... does that count? :P).

How many movies have seen in which penguins played a starring role?

HEAVEN-SENT 27th May 2010 3:24 PM


how many films have u seen this week?

DigitalSympathies 29th May 2010 4:31 AM

Does "Histories Of Our Nation - Past to Present" count? If so, then 1.

How many meds are you on?

lethifold 29th May 2010 4:32 AM

0, which is kind of nice.

How many electronic devices are in the room you're in?

PharaohHound 29th May 2010 2:48 PM

4, ish, depending on one's definition of "electronic".

How many people can you see outside the closest window right now?

lethifold 29th May 2010 2:52 PM

0, my blinds are closed and my street is relatively quiet in the night as well. No wild parties in this neighbourhood!

How many pairs of heels do you own?

Rabid 29th May 2010 3:43 PM


How many sim families have you been playing lately?

meggie272 30th May 2010 3:42 AM

None, actually. I haven't been playing for ages.

How many sites in your Favourites list?

lethifold 30th May 2010 3:55 AM


How many cushions are in the room you're in?

HEAVEN-SENT 31st May 2010 10:07 AM

how many people are in the room you are in?

lethifold 31st May 2010 10:10 AM

0. I'm in my bedroom with my door locked to keep everyone out, because I love people like that.

How many times have you cut your hair this year?

NightlyEMP 1st Jun 2010 2:11 AM

Just once.

How many threads do you respond to regularly?

DigitalSympathies 1st Jun 2010 7:43 AM

*counts* 26. Not kidding.

How many stories have you written in the past 2 years? (for me, 3)

Zinthos 1st Jun 2010 9:38 AM

TWO YEARS? I can't count that many. D:

How many birds can you see outside?

HEAVEN-SENT 1st Jun 2010 11:31 AM


how many thing are on the floor in the room you are in?

fthomas 1st Jun 2010 11:54 AM

Umm...too many to count xD
How many adverts came on in a programme you were watching last night?

PharaohHound 1st Jun 2010 1:58 PM

I dunno, lots.

How many days a week do you use shampoo on your hair?

el_flel 1st Jun 2010 4:43 PM

I wash my hair every other day so 3 or 4.

How many times last month did you dance around your room whilst singing into a hairbrush?

HEAVEN-SENT 1st Jun 2010 5:55 PM

o (i dont sing in a hairbrush,i sing and dance around my room without a hair brush about 6 times a day lol
how many people have you talked to today?

PharaohHound 1st Jun 2010 6:20 PM


How many years (months?) have you been on facebook?

HEAVEN-SENT 1st Jun 2010 6:36 PM

one year
how many nieces do you have?

fthomas 1st Jun 2010 7:10 PM

How many cousins do you have?

HEAVEN-SENT 1st Jun 2010 7:25 PM

over 56,i have only meet 56 of them

how many sisters do you have?

fthomas 1st Jun 2010 7:39 PM

woah. 56 is alot

I have 1 sister (:

HEAVEN-SENT 1st Jun 2010 7:44 PM

yeah i know lol
you never asked a question lol

fthomas 1st Jun 2010 7:51 PM

Oh damn! So sorry
Here it is...

How many times have you been on msn today?

NightlyEMP 6th Jun 2010 11:12 PM


How many letters are in your full name?

PharaohHound 6th Jun 2010 11:17 PM


How many friends have you had over in the past week?

Raindrops757 8th Jun 2010 12:03 AM


How many bones have you broken?

HEAVEN-SENT 8th Jun 2010 7:33 PM

how many hours have you been out today?

kustirider2 8th Jun 2010 7:49 PM

Can't really remember. 6-7 I think?

How many times have you checked your phone today?

NightlyEMP 8th Jun 2010 11:32 PM

I'm gonna guestimate and say.. 6? It's 5:30pm. I checked it when I got up, when I was getting ready, during my lunch break, when I got home, and just now.

How many foods have you eaten today that are considered junk/unhealthy?

HEAVEN-SENT 9th Jun 2010 3:20 PM

1 (it was my lunch it was a mircowaved chicken burger)
how many times have you checked your make-up today?

PharaohHound 9th Jun 2010 3:40 PM

0, not wearing any today.

How many books have you read this week?

DigitalSympathies 10th Jun 2010 12:36 AM

4, not counting the one I'm already reading.

How many times do you usually sneeze?

Jaylo 10th Jun 2010 12:57 AM

2-14 times a day. Really loudly and obnoxiously.

how much random junk do you have on your workspace?

lethifold 10th Jun 2010 6:27 AM

0, I'm sitting at the breakfast bar, and I don't have a defined workspace.

How many posts do you have in this thread?

Liddylulu 10th Jun 2010 7:18 PM

now 1 xD

how many times have you messed about instead of doing revision

HEAVEN-SENT 11th Jun 2010 4:53 PM

0 (because i dont do revision)
how many cakes have youe eatten today?

PharaohHound 11th Jun 2010 9:00 PM

0, though I plan on finishing that slice of chocolate cheesecake I have waiting in the fridge this evening. :D

How many different artists have you listened to today?

kustirider2 11th Jun 2010 9:04 PM

Uh. Two. Dragonforce and Yiruma.

How many youtube vids have you watched today?

LoonehWannabe 11th Jun 2010 10:34 PM


HM hours did you play Sims 2 or 3 today?

lethifold 12th Jun 2010 2:00 AM

0, I woke up 20 minutes ago and have been bumming around on the interwebzorz since then.

How many times have you washed your hands today?

hillaryhwv 12th Jun 2010 2:06 AM

6 times so far.

How many video games do you have?

NightlyEMP 12th Jun 2010 4:38 AM

Sims 2, three expansion packs, and the Sims 3, so 5.

How many kids do you want?

lethifold 12th Jun 2010 4:44 AM

0 or 1. I'm not big on kidlets.

How many pets do you have?

LoonehWannabe 12th Jun 2010 7:11 AM


HM rainfalls did you experience this week?

PharaohHound 12th Jun 2010 5:47 PM

It rained on-and-off Sunday through Tuesday. Not sure exactly how many individual showers that was.

How many days where it gets above 25 Celsius (77 Fahrenheit) have you had this week?

Zela 12th Jun 2010 6:04 PM

Ummm... I don't know. It has been rainy this week.

How many years/months/days/hours did it take for you to realise writing LiKE ~THiS~ waz not CoOl, m8, wen u waz speeking + tipeing LikE dis

(Notice no '?'. I feels like my soul is dying. 0_o But I'm proving a point. I only did it ((on a forum)) once when we were all messing around. I think it is fine via text, quick but I hate it on forums and websites.)

fthomas 12th Jun 2010 6:15 PM

I thought it was cool for about a year, when I was in year six. Now, I think its just embarassingly awful.

How many Superdry clothing items do you have?

Zela 12th Jun 2010 6:28 PM

None, but 3 on my wish list. Though I will never probably buy them as I have gone onto my Soul Cal phase.

How many people have you argued with today?

Rabid 12th Jun 2010 7:32 PM

None... yet .

How many pieces of candy have you eaten today?

fthomas 12th Jun 2010 8:43 PM

I had one starburst this morning ~ yummmmy <3.
How many games will you watch of the World Cup?

PharaohHound 13th Jun 2010 5:19 PM

Odds are zero, I'm not really into soccer.

How many photos are you tagged in on facebook?

fthomas 13th Jun 2010 5:21 PM

0. I don't have Facebook.
How many photos are you tagged in on MSN?

lethifold 14th Jun 2010 2:29 AM can be tagged in photos on MSN? I'm going to say 0.

How many people are in your house at the moment?

Rabid 14th Jun 2010 2:37 AM

Four, including me.

How many houses can you see out your window?

lethifold 14th Jun 2010 2:47 AM

Only one. The sun is shining directly into my room at this moment, so it's blocking out my view of other houses.

How many pictures (posters, paintings, photographs, etc.) are on the walls in the room you're in?

Ranta 14th Jun 2010 3:21 AM

None. I'm in my bedroom, but the walls are virtually bare right now- still trying to figure out what to put up.

How many pillows are on your bed?

PharaohHound 14th Jun 2010 2:17 PM

Two, including my body pillow.

How many hours has it been since you got out of bed this morning?

lethifold 14th Jun 2010 2:20 PM

About 13, but I'm about to go back into bed.

How many times have you showered this week?

NightlyEMP 14th Jun 2010 3:35 PM

It's only Monday, so 2. I shower every day.

How many minutes/hours does it take you to get ready from the moment you get out of bed until you walk out the door?

fthomas 14th Jun 2010 4:44 PM

If I'm quick, 30 minutes, normally more like 45 though :]

How many avatar changes have you had since joining MTS?

Eat_ToAst 14th Jun 2010 6:53 PM

Around 20.
How many friends do you have on facebook?

DigitalSympathies 15th Jun 2010 5:14 AM

36. T.T

How many movie editors do you use?

Ranta 15th Jun 2010 3:00 PM

None- there was one I used to use for school projects, although I can't remember the name of it.

How many musical instruments do you play?

PharaohHound 15th Jun 2010 3:04 PM

Three, piano, violin and baritone ukelele.

How many different music teachers have you had?

Rabid 15th Jun 2010 3:33 PM

Three piano teachers.

How many hours until you go to bed?

Jaylo 15th Jun 2010 5:18 PM


How many hours have you been up?

NightlyEMP 15th Jun 2010 5:37 PM

1. It's 11:30am. I slept in big-time today.

How many cups of coffee do you typically have per week? (I've been on a big iced coffee kick lately)

HEAVEN-SENT 15th Jun 2010 5:45 PM

0 (i dont drink hot drinks)

how many times have u watched glee?

Eat_ToAst 15th Jun 2010 7:03 PM

Every episode..I'm not sure how many that is.

How many times have you taken a picture of yourself in the past month?

HEAVEN-SENT 15th Jun 2010 7:13 PM

5 i think lol
how many times have you played the sims 2 this week?

fthomas 15th Jun 2010 8:47 PM

How many times have you booted up bodyshop this week?

candiiee 15th Jun 2010 8:54 PM

1, if you count yesterday but it crashed so...

How many times have you been on MTS today?

HEAVEN-SENT 15th Jun 2010 9:07 PM

how many times have u looked our your window today?

PharaohHound 15th Jun 2010 9:23 PM

Innumerable, my desk where I spend a fair amount of time is right in front of my window.

How many tricks does your pet(s) know?

Rabid 15th Jun 2010 11:06 PM

Three. Sit, shake, and lie down .

How many times do you usually eat out per week?

Ranta 15th Jun 2010 11:14 PM

None, unfortunately.

How many gaming consoles do you own?

PharaohHound 16th Jun 2010 4:47 PM

Just 1, a PS3.

How many cameras do you own?

NightlyEMP 17th Jun 2010 1:30 AM

Three. A cheap digital that I haven't used since 2006 (I don't remember what brand it is), a Fujifilm S700 and a Canon Rebel XSi.

How many times did you wake up last night?

Jaylo 17th Jun 2010 2:22 AM


how many times have you accidentally wet yourself (in your life)?

DigitalSympathies 17th Jun 2010 5:47 AM


How many songs are your favourites?

spotlight-shure 17th Jun 2010 6:01 AM

A lot, but I do have a number 1.

How many times have you watched your favorite movie?

PharaohHound 17th Jun 2010 1:58 PM

I kinda lost count, probably over 12.

How many songs by the Beatles do you have on your mp3 player?

Burk12 18th Jun 2010 12:53 AM


How Many Times have you kissed a guy?

PharaohHound 18th Jun 2010 1:27 AM

Zero, not really my thing.

How many YouTube videos have you watched today?

DigitalSympathies 18th Jun 2010 6:41 AM

87, checked my history

How many national anthems do you know in full off by heart? (4. No, 5. Both American ones, O Canada, God Save The Queen and recently "Arise Australia Far".)

lethifold 18th Jun 2010 8:44 AM

1. Australia's. Also, it's Advance Australia Fair.

How many songs have you listened to today?

HEAVEN-SENT 18th Jun 2010 11:47 AM

how many photos have you taken today?

fthomas 18th Jun 2010 7:16 PM

How many texts have you sent today?

Rabid 18th Jun 2010 10:44 PM


How many places have you been today?

Dreamydre 18th Jun 2010 11:15 PM


How many unhealthy foods or beverages have you had today?

PharaohHound 18th Jun 2010 11:49 PM

Uh, probably three.

How many days this week have you worn shorts?

Ranta 19th Jun 2010 12:28 AM

None- it's been cold, rainy, and mosquito-infested here all week. -_-

How many times have you eaten pizza in the past month?

Raindrops757 19th Jun 2010 12:40 AM

Erm...Twice I think? Maybe three times.

How many hours did you sleep last night?

Rabid 19th Jun 2010 12:56 AM


How many cell phones have you had?

lethifold 19th Jun 2010 2:15 AM


How many different MP3 players/iPods have you had?

DollyRot 19th Jun 2010 2:58 AM

2, and before that a cd walkman. It was blue and radical and if it still worked I would still use it :3

How many books have you brought recently?

Ranta 19th Jun 2010 3:47 AM

None- but that'll hopefully change now that exams are over.

How many times have you travelled outside of your country?

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