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linuslover30 11th Jun 2009 2:21 PM

Sim Expressions & Emotions (v1)
Lets see those goofy "Sim 3" expressions/emotions here!!

danirawr_SC 11th Jun 2009 3:14 PM

Cooking veggie burgers with Epona...

Her expression in the last one makes me think "Eh, it's still good"

mrcheeks 11th Jun 2009 3:31 PM

My newest and now most favorite sim Ellen James.

She makes this face a lot. I think it's the whats for dinner face

TV is most fascinating

Hurray for shiny new sims 3 threads!

pearlisthegurl 11th Jun 2009 5:32 PM


Ingeborgsk 11th Jun 2009 5:53 PM

Haha xD

Fanaticsimmer 11th Jun 2009 7:59 PM

Hehe, this is Kelly with her little sister. Kelly is blank-faced while her sister throws a tantrum :]

ChickenDress 11th Jun 2009 8:03 PM

Laughy 12th Jun 2009 3:13 AM

HCAC 12th Jun 2009 3:22 AM

I think she was upset from a fire or maybe just tired. They live tired. I spend most of my time giving them sleep.

amvalvo 12th Jun 2009 6:20 AM

I think they really like their new place!

Impressing the ladies

I swear she makes the cutest faces!
PS. Anyone know if there is a way to make her shirt not all hideous like that? I have everything turned up and my graphics card shouldn't be a problem.

KyleTheArtist 12th Jun 2009 7:14 AM


'...'Xuse me!'

Wintermute 12th Jun 2009 9:36 AM

Self-Sim reacting to George Dean's marriage proposal:

Of course, she accepted.

easypeaze 12th Jun 2009 4:10 PM

Maggie Sloane

She didn't like the candle lights on the table

She thinks her other self talks to much

Fanaticsimmer 12th Jun 2009 5:07 PM

Some townie, giving my teen a lecture on love, XD
(I had to moveobjects her away so you could see his face. Yes, I just used moveobjects as a verb)

mrcheeks 12th Jun 2009 9:34 PM

From the look on his face in the last pic i would have moveobjects my teen daughter away too

Fanaticsimmer 12th Jun 2009 9:42 PM

mrcheeks: LOL! I just spit out my coke when I read that *giggles*

Ingeborgsk 12th Jun 2009 10:20 PM

Angry Aviendha :O

Sassytasia22 13th Jun 2009 2:38 AM

Freakin' Out

lazzybum 13th Jun 2009 8:26 AM


Guy: The.. chair.. is in my way *knocks bowl onto girls head*
Girl: WAA

Guy: Ewww

danirawr_SC 13th Jun 2009 11:42 AM

Gaming is srs stuff

Pajamas_chris 13th Jun 2009 5:30 PM

I don't think tired sims should be allowed to drink as much of the funny-coffe-alike drinks as my sim did.. She truely did start to slap herself in the head..

Then she started to feel a bit better:

Fernweather 13th Jun 2009 5:47 PM

The expensive self-flushing toilet flushes before Titania is done using it. She no like:

Gigi 13th Jun 2009 7:27 PM

Allison dislikes her pudding face:

SimEnthusiast 13th Jun 2009 8:50 PM

I think my sim is liking her husband A LOT !!

momicajack 13th Jun 2009 10:46 PM

Quote: Originally posted by SimEnthusiast
I think my sim is liking her husband A LOT !!

LOL! That is awesome! She has a lot to be happy about!

Zorgot 13th Jun 2009 11:32 PM

i like her husband too lol

happycowlover 14th Jun 2009 4:55 AM

Meredith makes the ugliest faces of any sim in my game.

I seriously LOL'ed when I saw this. This random sim named Anne Page popped up in Michael's house. She's not married to Michael's father Colby nor is she friends with them. So how did she get there?

Michael's not happy with ice cream being his dinner, thanks to his skilless dad.

Brother- and Sister-In-Laws. Sean could care less.

vanderwaldorf 14th Jun 2009 8:05 PM

Effie is certainly not amused.

Fernweather 14th Jun 2009 8:53 PM

Titania is stoked to be getting older:

Or is she?

That guy in the green jacket is looking pretty bummed too.

emmaline 14th Jun 2009 11:39 PM

Bridgette Caspian is Clumsy, and whenever she tries to open the dresser drawers this happens...

NightmareCandle 15th Jun 2009 11:04 AM

SimEnthusiast: duuuuuuuuude if that was my hubby, id make that face too!!
Fernweather: OHHH its a self-flushing?? I thought my sound was messed up! =D, nice!
Indeborgsk & Sassytasia22: gotta love the way things are posted....Id freak out too if I saw that face!!

I think im done =[ i have lots of pics but im too lazy to put em on lol! =]

ChickenDress 15th Jun 2009 4:17 PM

I have tons of these in my game...but here are my favorites...
Why me?


simtastic2 16th Jun 2009 12:43 AM

Rose makes the wierdest faces! Here are some of them!
In this one she is excited about telling her Dad that its her birthday.

Here she is talking to her self

Talking to herself again:

Playing with Wibbles the teddy (doesnt she look so happy?)

SimGirlTasia232 16th Jun 2009 2:19 AM

^^^she looks as if she's going to be evil...not that its a bad thing

She hates flirting

Myrakle 16th Jun 2009 6:03 AM

Freaky Eyes

mishibob 16th Jun 2009 7:14 AM

My sim scaring someone. (click for bigger picture)

NightmareCandle 16th Jun 2009 9:27 AM

My child brushing her teethsies!
Muahahahahahaaa toldja id get some pics on!! Whether it was on this thread or another, idk...

But, anyhoo, this is my ch...*watches chicken cross road*...*jumps*..oh, hi, sorry! But this is my child, Amanda Shelby Remeski, brushing her teeth haha. I love her expression in the mirror!! PRIIIIIIIIICELESS!!

I dunno why its so big though...<.< >.>

Ooh, also, this is her dad, Paul. I paused it right when he fell off, muahahahaha! *evil grin* AHHHHHHHH! *runs away screaming*

I scare even myself, amazing!

Snowpelt 16th Jun 2009 5:35 PM

My sim complimented this guy on his gigantic house, I think he has the trait of a snob xD

simtastic2 17th Jun 2009 2:20 AM

I thought this was sweet. After both his parents died, Evan went over to his wifey and cried on her shoulder.

It's alright
And then Rose tried to cheer up Lily

Fernweather 18th Jun 2009 4:16 PM

Auberon is not amused:

And getting older has only made him less amused:

I seem to be an incompetent SimGod and all my creations are unhappy.

Myrakle 22nd Jun 2009 4:14 AM

Anwar Briar - He doesn't like the fact that his wife throws footballs better

Blast the Stereo 22nd Jun 2009 6:42 AM

Something I've noticed about TS3 is the attention to detail, especially in the interactions. In the "make out on couch" interaction, right after the guy pushes the girl back a bit, she pulls away and gives this dreamy stare before pushing back into him... which I found intriguingly detailed and realistic. So I thought I'd share.

Myrakle: Wow, someone's not impressed. XD
Fernweather: Hahaha, great expressions
simtastic2: awwww. :[ <3

emmaline 22nd Jun 2009 7:06 AM

Erin Caspian grew up today! She is finally a young adult, and I chose the trait "Green Thumb" for her since she loved being outside and currently wanted to read a book about gardening.

Here are a few shnapshots documenting the fiesta!

{Teddy and Felix are doing the exact same thing, and Billy is just being his own little inappropriate self.}

{Young adult hood is upon us, Wahoo! No more strenuous homework to endure!}

{Apparently Teddy is really happy for Erin and Billy finds something about her new appearance amusing. Should I be worried? hehe}

Wintermute 23rd Jun 2009 3:25 AM

  1. Roxie Cooper in labor with her third child, with her first child Mara doing the panic dance nearby.
  2. Aaron Love's reaction after his wife Jennifer announced her pregnancy. He wanted a son, and she wanted a daughter , so I let the game decide.

JeNNacide 23rd Jun 2009 5:52 PM

I think the 'my eyelashes are stuck in my face and this is shocking to me' pose is great. So i thought I'd share it. Twice :P

This is Charlotte (who I've only spammed about a thousand times)

And Mabel. (Who's only been spammed 999 times)

lilsweetiecori 23rd Jun 2009 7:46 PM

Quote: Originally posted by happycowlover
I seriously LOL'ed when I saw this. This random sim named Anne Page popped up in Michael's house. She's not married to Michael's father Colby nor is she friends with them. So how did she get there?

That made me lol too!!!

Hes so evil

elly001 23rd Jun 2009 7:55 PM

I never get bored of Sarah, my sim, making this face. I think it's either her over-emotional or childish trait showing through?

Amairani 23rd Jun 2009 11:33 PM

gosh, Sims in TS3 have very very creepy eyes..

Wintermute 1st Jul 2009 3:49 AM

1 - 3: Jennifer Love watching the cooking channel.
4. Elizabeth Simovitch was playing guitar for tips at the Bistro when she witnessed a woman flirting with a man who isn't her husband. Upset, she put down her instrument and pulled this "displeased" face.

MondayMorning 1st Jul 2009 5:28 AM

Quote: Originally posted by greenismeen
Yeah, the family is full of crazy.

It's like she's rubbing his head for good luck! LOL

Here are a few of mine.

This is Rocco, my Jose Aarons' son, and I think I detect a bit of fang in the mouth area!

Here's his mom (WHO IS NOT EVIL!), Roxanne, looking evil.

And Jose:

"The baby's coming out of....WHERE!?"

"OMG! I can't watch this! I'm outta here!"

emmaline 2nd Jul 2009 4:15 PM

Wintermute I love all of them.

The "Woah, did you really just ask me that??" face

The "My phone is vibrating in a really uncomfortable spot..." face

Aree 3rd Jul 2009 1:16 AM

Christian Vandersim, ambitiously evil genius, makes the best expressions ever in my game.

"That's right, childrens! I will steal all your candies with no remorse! Bwahaha!!!"

"...OK, I guess you have no clue WTF I'm talking about, huh?"

"P-Please make my dad not be on fire because I love him very much, thanks?"

...OK, since his dad is probably going to die in that fire and stay dead (have two different versions of the fire's outcome saved, haven't decided which to continue) that one makes me really sad, but he's so precious when he forgets to be evil.

MondayMorning 4th Jul 2009 3:48 AM

Quote: Originally posted by tamty10
Aree- He's SO cute in the last pic! Can I hug him? PLEASE!? LOL

I dunno, tamty, he may bite.

Pajamas_chris 6th Jul 2009 8:13 PM

Here is how my simmie looked when her boyfriend proposed (she did say yes)

jenia99 6th Jul 2009 8:24 PM

From my Legacy.

(Images click to bigger/clearer versions.)

Aree 6th Jul 2009 8:55 PM

tamty: hehe, you can, but he might mastermind a plot to destroy you as you do it.

Pajamas_chris: I love her expression!

I'm currently playing a second version of that family over in Riverview. James is Christian's father, a teen in the second game right now (Genius, Loser, Coward, Hot-headed).

James while tutoring future girlfriend MaryKay. No clue why he pulled this look, but it's so cute!

"Evil is BAD, mom!"
"It is?!"

(Little hypocrite rolled his LTW right after that...)

"So Dad, how was work at the police station today? I was thinking I'm gonna try to become the Emperor of Evil!"


MondayMorning 6th Jul 2009 10:20 PM

jenia99-I love the gal with the key lime pie. She looks so unimpressed!

Here's Lucy, Jose Aaron's second child with his wifey, Roxanne.

"Gee, I dunno, Mommy!"

Get it out, girl!

Mr Pepper Pot 11th Jul 2009 12:51 AM

Such brilliant expressions in this thread!

'I've got to say, I don't think much of the decor.'

Blaise Parker 11th Jul 2009 3:22 AM

*rolls on the floor laughing at the toddler on the potty*

Night Racer 11th Jul 2009 5:07 AM

Pepper: LOL thats awsome
Arre: lol nice.
this is a great page in this threead!

MondayMorning 11th Jul 2009 6:32 AM

Thanks everyone! The best part is, she was actually grunting when she made that face. Ah... Potty chair: $50. Toilet paper: $15. Baby makes a poo face: Priceless.

happycowlover 11th Jul 2009 6:53 AM


Mortimer hates his uniform.

"Where my money at girl?"

MondayMorning 11th Jul 2009 7:32 AM

OMG! Happycowlover, that last pic is just frightening! Remind me to lock my doors at night, yeesh!

happycowlover 11th Jul 2009 8:31 AM

LOL MondayMorning I agree. My sim in the background was arriving at the park when I caught Jay (this sim) making this scary expression. Obviosuly, his Good Sense of Humor went out the window.

(BTW, I love your username! It reminds me of a rainy morning where I'm drinking coffee and eating breakfast before going to school.)

HCAC 11th Jul 2009 3:00 PM

Apparently this 'babysitter' has no idea what to do with a crying child!

Mr Pepper Pot 14th Jul 2009 2:07 AM

"Go to work? I hate you!"

The baby's a-comin'!

He is not amused.

servalish 17th Jul 2009 6:13 AM

Mr Pepper Pot - I love the last one! XDD He looks so intense.

amvalvo 23rd Jul 2009 6:32 AM


MoonWarrior Autumn 24th Jul 2009 3:18 AM

amvalvo - Reminds me of what my sister did on Splash Mountain once.
happycowlover - The second picture is priceless.
Aree - Your pictures and captions are hilarious!
jenia99 - That second pic cracks me up. Apparently, she doesn't want the pie.

Fanaticsimmer 25th Jul 2009 5:18 AM

amvalo: Bahaha, that's great! (PS: Jealous of your graphics)

Georgina Marie:

camglam 25th Jul 2009 1:45 PM

i seriously love this thread

NicMcD 26th Jul 2009 11:23 PM

It looks as if Baxter is trying to flip that grilled cheese directly into his mouth. Or perhaps catch it mid air like my terrier does. The man loves his cheese.

blackstallion681 27th Jul 2009 12:40 AM

I love this thread! Great pictures, everyone :D

Fanaticsimmer 27th Jul 2009 3:00 AM

Lol, NickMd! That man loves his grilled cheese!

My legacy founder, Olive looking surprised

ColourMeTaylor 28th Jul 2009 4:50 AM

My self-sim... Er, I mean simself going in for the kill. Lulz.

I love that face she makes.

Gigi 29th Jul 2009 6:31 PM

The "Errr... is she about to kiss me?" Face:

That pic makes me lol, NicMcD!

siesieim1 29th Jul 2009 7:04 PM

Speaking of cheese,once my Mom was making Grilled Cheese.She says "Want me to cut it in half?" I say sure.She goes in my room,gives it to me,and I say "Hey Mom,Were you the one who cut the cheese?" She says "Yes.I was in the kitchen.Remeber?" Ahhhh priceless Mommy xD

nox920 30th Jul 2009 1:51 AM

Unhappy baby

LethalLaurie 30th Jul 2009 2:35 AM

Oh God, that poor baby! D:

TheHappySimmer 30th Jul 2009 4:54 AM

One of my Evil sims laughing maniacally.

ema2dem 4th Aug 2009 1:06 AM

wow, this thread is so funny...loooool.....

Mayeko 4th Aug 2009 2:25 AM

Hehe, this picture thread is amusing!

ColourMeTaylor: OM NOM NOM! (Pizza!)
NicMcD: ..OM NOM NOM! It looks like he's quite happy for that grilled cheese XD.

So... I didn't control Fayt at all and was playing with my other sims when I came across him doing this in public!

What surprised me is what he was making the face at! As for you girl in the background, why is it that you're hungry, but you're looking up at the night sky in wonder!?

Note: Credit for Mario goes to Brendoge, who is here at MTS. Thanks for the awesome Mario and Luigi :D.

AliBuggy 4th Aug 2009 4:10 AM

Exercising in fun! :D

Not amused.


I-I just did it... <:D

I just did it. CB

Twisting makes me agnry. >:C

Helloooo tharrr...

carlydunham 4th Aug 2009 9:34 AM

i love this sim he seems so innocent

DivoPly 15th Aug 2009 4:33 PM

Lil Kim (Sexy Face)

Do u think it looks like her?

Eeekamouse 16th Aug 2009 11:31 PM

This is my crazy girl, Sharona, with her brother Furio (he was created by TummyZa. They had just discovered the mineshaft with the spooky eyes. These two have the funniest expressions when they're together.

Sharona stealing the spotlight from Furio at a party.

Dorie Hart at the same party, passive-aggressively expressing her feelings about the inconvenience of being there.

Furio: "OMG! Don't you ever knock!?"

hotlilchick_6988 17th Aug 2009 8:21 PM

LoL, I love your last picture Eeekamouse!

"WHY is this candle here?" Obviously she has something against candles ;p

KeiraLou 17th Aug 2009 8:26 PM

Eeekamouse - I love love love the last picture!! Sooo funny!
DivoPly - Nope. You posted this in another thread - *spam* !
Mayeko - Mario!! Excellent!

Captain THPS4 21st Aug 2009 2:43 AM


Now that's what I call attractive! Just kidding.

easypeaze 22nd Sep 2009 4:01 PM

This is Vee giving Jared the look every wife gives her husband at sometime or another(lol)

Here she is telling Jared she is pregnant(she got him back)hahaha!

Caitrinoah 22nd Sep 2009 5:04 PM

Good thread, makes me laugh!
Here is a random Sim I made, I really love his funny faces.

"Hey you, wanna come over to my house? Rawr!"

"No? Okayyy...errr, then...uhm, I gotta go."

"Girl, you know...I prefer being alone in the bathroom, get off now!"

My favourite picture of him. Absolutely adorable how Sims are sometimes looking straight at you.

Tumnu5 26th Sep 2009 11:24 AM

Quote: Originally posted by NicMcD
It looks as if Baxter is trying to flip that grilled cheese directly into his mouth. Or perhaps catch it mid air like my terrier does. The man loves his cheese.

OMG, this nearly killed me. That is definitely the most amazing thing I've seen in a while, lol!

"Why yes, I am made of awesome."

Arisuka 26th Sep 2009 10:50 PM

This, is what I'd like to call AN EXXXXXXPRESSION

vicarious70 27th Sep 2009 2:07 AM

Arisuka: Good googly goo, lol. What caused him to look like that?!!

Arisuka 27th Sep 2009 11:42 AM

Quote: Originally posted by vicarious70
Arisuka: Good googly goo, lol. What caused him to look like that?!!

He is my Dracula, and so probably it was just pure EVILNESS. He does that all the time

Frenchie 28th Sep 2009 5:14 PM

The many faces of Thalia: today,

Passed out (after listening to Calliope sharing trivia):

Scared (fire!):

Yes, she appears to always sport her legendary smile...

kristelparv 3rd Oct 2009 6:53 PM

Captain THPS4 22nd Nov 2009 7:09 AM

Monica waiting for her waffles:


He got angry at a fly.

Allisson 22nd Nov 2009 7:22 AM

monica's hair = lovee, i'd do the same face when waiting for waffles.

unlikely 23rd Nov 2009 2:49 PM

Hahaha I love it, it looks like he's cursing the toilet.

My sim Margarita was recently at the gym, and saw Herman Baker pee himself in front of Leilani Wan, who happens to be evil, as well as the ex-girlfriend of Margarita's mother. Leilani was so overjoyed at witnessing the public urination that she had a bit of a fit...

She also seems to think that Herman is pregnant, and is preparing to eat his unborn child?? Or maybe she's trying to make him carry her demon-spawn? I don't even know.

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