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GoldenSimmer 12th Jun 2009 11:10 PM

Sims 3: Favorite build features?
What are your favorite building features in TS3. Is it the seamless neighborhood, for some great picture taking or is it the pattern chooser in which you can make your whole lot match. (Window and door wise)

Also, what annoys you the most? The black of placing the lots where you want? Or the lack of build objects?

QBUILDERZ 15th Jun 2009 6:39 PM

Annoys me - the fact that there are so many step backs from the tools in the sims 2, and that the level tool locks onto the floor you used it last on.

Like the most - The prettiness of the overall game :p

sarah*rose 19th Jun 2009 11:09 AM

I would like to know what people don't like about it compared with The Sims 2. Specifically from the builder's perspective. It might help me decide whether I want to waste money on it one day.

Naeniver 19th Jun 2009 5:52 PM

From a builders perspective, I'd say the difficulty increased tenfold. Now there is a whole new level in regards to building or buying stuff. You can color-customize everything (or just shy of everything), which is cool, but a little unrealistic when you have a whole house to work on. Doing one or two pieces might be fine, but imagine a whole house full of stuff; it is a little stressful to go through every piece in the house to make sure it matches everything else. I just skip the color-customization and just whatever color they give me. I don't give a darn if it matches. If I ever uploaded anything, I would put in the effort, but just to play it, I won't. And because it could potentially be such a hassle to do all the customization, I dunno if I will upload any Sims3 stuff.

I do like being able to customize the clothing, however, and I do spend the time with that.

I don't like how your cursor acts funny when placing objects. Rather than putting your cursor over a specific square and having the object be placed there, your cursor has to be over the object (so if you are placing a ceiling light, your cursor won't be over the square that the light is over). That probably sounds complicated and confusing, but it is a bit of a pain ingame. Makes placing objects a little trick to get the hang of.

lewjen 23rd Jul 2009 2:20 PM

I lurve the terrain paints... can't stop using them!!! Infact there's one house I'm working on that (since I started counting) has 5 diferent terrain paints... and that's only at the front I dunno how my machine is capable of handling that...

Kiara24 23rd Jul 2009 4:14 PM

I love terrain paints too!In Sims3 are very good terrain paints!

Syanoko 23rd Jul 2009 4:21 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Naeniver
From a builders perspective, I'd say the difficulty increased tenfold. Now there is a whole new level in regards to building or buying stuff. You can color-customize everything (or just shy of everything), which is cool, but a little unrealistic when you have a whole house to work on. Doing one or two pieces might be fine, but imagine a whole house full of stuff; it is a little stressful to go through every piece in the house to make sure it matches everything else. I just skip the color-customization and just whatever color they give me. I don't give a darn if it matches. If I ever uploaded anything, I would put in the effort, but just to play it, I won't. And because it could potentially be such a hassle to do all the customization, I dunno if I will upload any Sims3 stuff.

I do like being able to customize the clothing, however, and I do spend the time with that.

I don't like how your cursor acts funny when placing objects. Rather than putting your cursor over a specific square and having the object be placed there, your cursor has to be over the object (so if you are placing a ceiling light, your cursor won't be over the square that the light is over). That probably sounds complicated and confusing, but it is a bit of a pain ingame. Makes placing objects a little trick to get the hang of.

Yeah, that took me forever. I'm kind of a perfectionist, so I made myself customize it ALL.
>.< The building is harder, but the end results look far better.

lewjen 23rd Jul 2009 5:06 PM

Yeah, the end results are far better than what they are in ts2.

NightmareCandle 23rd Jul 2009 5:19 PM

I love being able to customize it *squeal* I have this awesome house, but the roof won't show no matter how high I go, and my graphics card is as high as it goes... Then again, my apparent card wasn't made for gaming..
Maybe I missed something in the Options...
I think if I make anything, it'll be TS3...

NightmareCandle 23rd Jul 2009 5:34 PM

I'll always prefer TS2 till EA gets off their asses and makes more cheats for TS3...

NightmareCandle 23rd Jul 2009 5:36 PM

Nah, But I mean like the testingcheatsenabled true
I know most of them...I think.
I just wish that you can make sims selectable and unselectable instead of adding them to the family and making em unremovable..

NightmareCandle 23rd Jul 2009 5:40 PM

I also wish that the relationships were not so mutual...Yes, it helps for the most part, but *sigh* I miss sims getting left at altars!!

NightmareCandle 23rd Jul 2009 5:43 PM

Eh. I just cheat em up.

NightmareCandle 23rd Jul 2009 5:47 PM

I can't live without cheats...

I just wish you didn't have to do hundreds of romantic interactions..

NightmareCandle 23rd Jul 2009 5:49 PM


It's so annoying, all these interactions...

NightmareCandle 23rd Jul 2009 5:51 PM

Yep. <.<

NightmareCandle 23rd Jul 2009 5:54 PM

I wish Maxis had something to do with it, *sigh*, TS3 would be muuuch better.

Yes, it is! *screams*

NightmareCandle 23rd Jul 2009 5:56 PM

I be excited if I feel like being excited and I make long sentence when I want to make long sentence, I also make LOLCat...

...LOLFrog...When I feel like making LOLFrog.


NightmareCandle 26th Jul 2009 6:27 AM


NightmareCandle 26th Jul 2009 12:43 PM

NightmareCandle 26th Jul 2009 12:59 PM

NightmareCandle 27th Jul 2009 11:42 AM

I was like wtf?

NightmareCandle 27th Jul 2009 12:15 PM

My rins hurt, shut up Lew.

NightmareCandle 27th Jul 2009 12:26 PM

How sads.
I has a angry.
A tiny one, but is still an angry.

Angry is ebil cat downstairs.

NightmareCandle 27th Jul 2009 12:39 PM

I hear too much of that shit to care about ACDC and Queen and shit like that.
No offence.

NightmareCandle 27th Jul 2009 12:48 PM

I prefer Three Days Grace and Linkin park.
Reaallll Rockkkkkkkkkkkkk

NightmareCandle 27th Jul 2009 12:55 PM

*hi five*

NightmareCandle 27th Jul 2009 1:02 PM

Look em up on

Better yet go there cuz that's lyk the best bands in world!

NightmareCandle 27th Jul 2009 1:16 PM

I'm listening to the garage door opening and closing and my father stomping around.

NightmareCandle 27th Jul 2009 1:18 PM

As am I.

NightmareCandle 27th Jul 2009 1:21 PM

Da bomb.

NightmareCandle 27th Jul 2009 1:32 PM

Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck. *croaky snob chick voice*

NightmareCandle 27th Jul 2009 1:39 PM

*Loves three days grace*

Where ees Mister Lew?

NightmareCandle 27th Jul 2009 1:47 PM

*ees sad*

NightmareCandle 27th Jul 2009 1:54 PM

I'm getting off
Will be on in bout 2 hours.

NightmareCandle 27th Jul 2009 6:14 PM

*arrives ina puff of smoke*
I've always wanted to see Portugal and England - They both look gorgeous.
I also want to see a beach...Here or otherwise.

Tashiketh 1st Aug 2009 3:50 AM

cassslas1996, Kiara and lewjen. QUIT THE CHATTY STUFF.

Seriously, I see this all over the place and it's off topic for the thread and generally detracts from any actual discussion going on.

Get a damn chat room or use MSN or something. It's getting annoying.

NightmareCandle 1st Aug 2009 4:09 AM

Okay, I get it! Fine, Fine Fine! I'll post strictly to topic from now on!
I'm sorry.

Kiara24 2nd Aug 2009 1:51 PM

I apologize to all members of this group for post messages off topic was not my intention to offend anyone, I try to delete all these messages and I hope you will forgive me because I love this group and was never my intention disrespect this group.

403880 2nd Dec 2009 9:44 PM

LIKE: I like how you can custamize everything, i also like the basment tool and i like how you can put things at different angles
DISLIKE: I dislike that you have a 5 story limet on your houses and that you cant place lots where ever you want

Guardgian 7th Dec 2009 1:46 PM

I really love TS3... It has gorgeous graphics, beautiful views. The interactions are sometimes so funny. I also love the way we can customize our sims. I enjoy the fishing, gardening and making collection.

True, the game is different than TS2. But it provides many new ways to have fun with it.

True, it is not so easy to build special lots with is as some of the building tools and cheats are not in the game yet.

I would say you can spend some money for your fun and buy the game... I just can't stop playing right now. What a blast !

bluetexasbonnie 9th May 2010 4:09 PM

In sims2, I was a builder, and every creative thing I did was ultimately with the idea of building with it. So far, in sims3, I HATE building. I suspect part of my hate is, I was so experienced at sims2 building and hence find the differences to be very frustrating.

I do like the 'pull' tool for walls. I like the ability to color doors & windows different on each side. But I hate the process of coloring things to match -- so clutzy & tedious. In practice, it probably takes a little less time than recoloring in sims2. However, the process is boring and the end result less satisfying. Intellectually, I think the universal recolor concept is inspired and awesome. From a 'doing it/using it' point of view, I prefer SimPE.

The roof colors are harsh & contrasty. Most don't look very good on buildings. It is nice to have more roof shape options and I love the potential of roof decorations ... though I still haven't found a situation where I was able to use them in satisfyingly creative way.

I like the 1/2 tile furniture arranging possibility & the diagonal placement. That is awesome and nearly compensates for the things I hate. I dislike how windows that fully fill a wall when straight are still the same size in the diagonal version -- leaving big chunks of wall in between. Really limits the open vista & glass house looks.

Should you buy sims 3? If you have 2 and are still happy playing & creating, then no, stick with 2. If you are unhappy, then 3 is worth a try.

I was getting bored with 2 (after how long? 7 years?), and haven't been able to self-generate any enthusiasm for going back to it. After just a year, I am bored with Sims3 and starting to question how much longer I will be a simmer.

Guardgian 21st May 2010 8:33 AM

As regard the building tools, I wish EA could add the stage tool wich was in TS2. I really miss it. I did so many tricky effects with it in houses I've built in TS2. I did not find out yet in TS3 the way to make half floors wich was also so useful to me in TS2 (but I am still trying LOL).

I would also love to have the possibility to get more roof colors or to be able to recolor them.

I agree with the above comments regarding matching all the rooms and objects together... It also takes me ages to recolor and match everything, but well I love it !

PiperK1980 4th Jun 2010 7:53 AM

I really like being able to choose my patterns and recolor them in-game. I'm trying to think of something I don't like and I can't really think of anything. I get bugs and crap, but hey! It's EA. What's new? I'm just waiting for them to have pets. I'll be happy, err...I mean, happier then.

*Edit* I found something that I hate. I hate the crappy lot placement and sizes. If I want to edit a lot size I have to take it into CAW and that' It sucks really.

godspeed 27th Oct 2012 12:35 PM

Quote: Originally posted by PiperK1980
I really like being able to choose my patterns and recolor them in-game. I'm trying to think of something I don't like and I can't really think of anything. I get bugs and crap, but hey! It's EA. What's new? I'm just waiting for them to have pets. I'll be happy, err...I mean, happier then.

*Edit* I found something that I hate. I hate the crappy lot placement and sizes. If I want to edit a lot size I have to take it into CAW and that' It sucks really.

Yup I agree with you..

anshka 27th Oct 2012 3:40 PM

help me out with making night clubs

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