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AnnaIME 27th Mar 2010 6:29 PM

What language do you play The Sims in?
This is something I have often wondered: do people generally use the localized translations, or do they play their games in original English? Is spending money on localizations to small languages like Swedish really worth it?

I play all my games in English, but for my children (5 and 9) I chose to install in Swedish. All the content is there, but some of the humor is lost.

Muppet_5 31st Mar 2010 2:55 PM

Swedish for me too.

AnnaIME 31st Mar 2010 8:37 PM

Quote: Originally posted by DisneyPrinses
i'm American, but i'm learning Swedish & i sometimes play the game in Swedish. :D

That's so great! I always get a bit excited when I hear of people from other countries learning Swedish - since why would they? It's a tiny language! Why not learn something useful?

(Except I once asked a girl from the Czech Republic why she had spent years and years at the University of Prague, then at Mälardalens Högskola, first learning, then perfecting her Swedish. She gave me such a chewing out: our incredible literary heritage! Our cutting edge science community! The sheer beauty of our language! And of course, the absolute lack of authorized Czech-Swedish translators and the paygrade of such rare fish...)

What made you choose Swedish?

malfoya 27th May 2010 7:26 PM

I play it in Norwegian, but I mostly prefer to watch movies or play games with English subtitles (as long as they are not original Norwegian).
.. and if I'm really in the mood for it I work on my Italian by choosing that.

avatar2 8th Jun 2010 7:15 PM

i love to play it in English only as i do not know any other language

Elvie 18th Jun 2010 12:06 AM

I am studying Swedish and once I changed the language into Swedish but the letters å, ä, ö didn't display correctly, which was annoying, so I changed the language back to English.

tuhve 4th Jul 2010 4:52 PM


IrisNnug 5th Jul 2010 7:07 AM

I play sims in norwegian, because I'm to used to it to switch now.
But I read manga in english, books in english, watch asian dramas with english subtitles (since I don't understand what they say in japanese,chinese or korean xD) and tv shows like "castle" in english online without any sub in any language.

I end up seeing every movie which has a speaking-language-option at least once in both norwegian and english since my friends higly dislike watching animated movies in the orginal language, and I dislike watching a dubbed movie xD
The only dubs I can watch without hitting my head into the wall is all the disney clasics I grew up with and "tre nøtter og askepott"

Sorry, my english isn't the best!

SchiZohybrid 5th Jul 2010 7:21 AM

I think I've always played the Sims games in English, something feels not quite right in the Norwegian installations.
Quote: Originally posted by IrisNnug
The only dubs I can watch without hitting my head into the wall is all the disney clasics I grew up with and "tre nøtter og askepott"
Are we talking about the same movie? Because the Norwegian dub of this seriously freaks me out - all I hear is a man with severe Multiple Personality Disorder xD

IrisNnug 7th Jul 2010 10:57 PM

Quote: Originally posted by SchiZohybrid
Are we talking about the same movie? Because the Norwegian dub of this seriously freaks me out - all I hear is a man with severe Multiple Personality Disorder xD

Skriver dette i norsk siden ingen som ikke forstår norsk ikke har noe forhold til dubbinga uansett
Ja, det hørerst ganske sykt ut når det er EN person som dubber alle stemmene. Og der er ikke noe pluss at de "glemte" og fjerne de orginale stemmene. MEN: Hadde det blitt det samme om de nå skulle dubbe den på ny? Nope, juleaften er ikke det samme uten å irritere seg grønn over en latterlig dårlig dubbing Derfor liker jeg den!

malfoya 8th Jul 2010 1:17 AM

Quote: Originally posted by IrisNnug
The only dubs I can watch without hitting my head into the wall is all the disney clasics I grew up with and "tre nøtter og askepott"

I totally agree with you here! "Tre nøtter til Askepott" has to be watched in Norwegian with that male voice dubbing every single character. Hahaha.. and as well Disney Movies. But when it comes to most cartoons it really doesn't matter, cos the lip sync doesn't match any language. Cartoons are to be dubbed for whatever language you speak. I mean, when we are five we most likely don't speak English in Scandinavia.

NixNivis 9th Jul 2010 3:58 PM

I play it in Swedish. Some of the translations are horrible and that really bugs me, but I'm too used to it now to switch to English; I wouldn't know how to navigate. Otherwise, I always choose English when that's the original language of something, be it book, film, comic...

I'm not too keen on dubs, but thankfully, we only dub animated films (and films for really small children) here, and I can live with that.

Lollopisemis 10th Aug 2010 10:26 PM

Quote: Originally posted by malfoya
I play it in Norwegian, but I mostly prefer to watch movies or play games with English subtitles (as long as they are not original Norwegian).
.. and if I'm really in the mood for it I work on my Italian by choosing that.

Just had to say that I love your profile pic and name lol :DDDDD
I'm from Sweden, used to play with Swedish subtitles but since I downloaded a career that claimed English subtitles, I've been playing that instead.

malfoya 12th Aug 2010 12:11 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Lollopisemis
Just had to say that I love your profile pic and name lol :DDDDD

Thank you ^^ It has become my alias on forums over the years. I think I've called myself that for 5 years or so now :O

meriel 19th Aug 2010 10:40 PM

Since I started playing The Sims when was about 8 years old (and I didn't know a lot of English back then), I always play it in Swedish out of pure habit.

Speaking of The Sims(1), I just installed it on my little sister's computer and then played it a bit with her. Ah, nostalgia. Even my mom said she remembered the music playing in the background when she heard us playing it.

Prah 24th Oct 2010 1:43 PM

I play my game in Swedish because I'm from Sweden

mia050 25th Oct 2010 2:38 PM

I play dutch :P

vonknauss 4th Nov 2010 10:25 AM

I play the game in norwegian and english alltho I'm swedish. I have lived in Norway for some yrs now. I agree with that some of the humoristic aspects of the game gets lost in translation ..

sim on peeps!

OPG 27th Feb 2011 3:38 PM

I play in Finnish.

gelis 2nd May 2011 2:07 AM

I'm a finn but play my game in english. I have lots of reasons for that. The most important one is the learning part. I think sims has improved my english so much. What an great excuse for playing Actually, english makes things more interesting. For example I don't like watching movies which are dubbed into finnish or even with finnish subtitles. Everything must be in english. I just go so mad if I realize that I have bought a DVD without english subtitles..

Yeah, I agree. I think the game just isn't just that funny if it is not in english. Although, I think that finnish translation can be quite good. I played sims 2 for a while in finnish and I found it pretty good.

Brylen 15th May 2011 11:57 AM

I play my game in finnish It would be too difficult for me to play in english :'D

Gurra09 15th May 2011 12:03 PM

Well I am from Sweden but the Swedish translation is one of the worst game translations I have ever seen. Liksom, särskrivningarna på kaffemaskinen, och alla andra översättningsfel... So I play the game in English.

Lemniscat 10th Aug 2011 4:11 PM

Danish :P

ttiziana 20th Sep 2011 3:00 PM


Freakish Academy 15th Oct 2011 1:02 PM

Swedish. I don't know why I installed it in Swedish, I usually prefer to have everything in English, and now I'm just too lazy to re-install everything. Or is there any other way to change the language?

fruitsymphony 2nd Dec 2011 10:39 PM

I play in English because I am an anglophile.

I tried to play in Swedish but I did not like it, and did not like when the Sims had Swedish names. (I like anglosaxon and Irish names, and fantasy names which sound *vaguely* anglosaxon.)
Also I sometimes work as a translator and I did not like the Swedish translation, and it made me try to think up better translations, for some of the names and menu options, and it was really difficult. And distracting... when I just wanted to have fun and play.

Faewillow 7th Jan 2012 10:41 AM

I play TS2 in english, but for my TS3 I use finnish, mainly because I play it with my little bro as well, and he wouldn't understand even a bit of what they (the sims, that is) said if it'd be in english (he's 4).

HAPT-IC 7th Jan 2012 5:57 PM

I do play it in Finnish now, but I have tried to play it in English. Both worked pretty well, altough I prefer playing it in Finnish

allisas 15th Feb 2012 7:50 PM

My game is English but I used to play in Swedish. The changed when it started to bother me that I couldn't discuss pre-mades or understand discussions about them throughout the community. I had to look them up all the time. I actually find the Swedish translation quite funny despite its faults.

Quote: Originally posted by Freakish Academy
Swedish. I don't know why I installed it in Swedish, I usually prefer to have everything in English, and now I'm just too lazy to re-install everything. Or is there any other way to change the language?

You can change the language of the game without re-installing. Just follow the instructions in this thread: Here

Happy simming! :D

Mrmo 8th Mar 2012 1:27 PM

I play the swedish version becurse I am from Sweden. The translation is very bad sometimes but I do not find it to disturbing.

swedsim 12th Mar 2012 8:56 PM

I play in English and have done that since Sims 1. The reasons are
3: I lived in the US for 10 years. The Swedish translation is horrible and
everything has silly names. It's very difficult to ask for help or follow
tutorials if you don't know the names of things.

I run most of my programs in English, including my browser. Again, easier to find
help and tutorials in English.

squaretable 18th Jun 2012 6:23 PM

Im from the (boring) home of English and apart from having to learn French & Spanish, I have never learnt another language . Is it true that Non-English sims games that often Sims Names change from every game? I would love to learn a scandinavian language (if given the Choice). does that language change work with TS3 and Windows 7? If so then Scandinavian Simming, Here i Come!

Frearya 26th Aug 2012 9:26 AM

In Finnish. I once played TS2 in English, but it didn't really feel right, as I have always played Sims in Finnish (and I started playing.. hum.. I think I was 7 or 8 back then). I play TS3 in Finnish too, even though it would imo be better off in English.. But I am indeed too lazy to change the language and blah.

Helenehauris1234 11th Dec 2012 4:02 PM

Danish :lovestruc

LimeSims3 10th Mar 2013 1:51 PM

Finland-Swedish as I am...
I'm Finland-Swedish (living in Finland, speaking perfect Swedish AND Finnish, originating from Swedes centuries ago...).

When I was younger, I used to play in Finnish, because the humourous translations felt closer to my heart in Finnish because of living in Finland. I changed my language to Swedish when I started blogging about the game (I know own iSims Sweden, I prefer Swedish since I'm better in that), because it was easier to write directly outgoing from the game in Swedish without having to think of translations first.

I have tried to play in English using AnyGameStarter, but I didn't understand what all the interactions did, so I stopped immediately.

Olen suomenruotsalainen!
Jag är finlandssvensk!

LimeSims3 10th Mar 2013 1:57 PM

Quote: Originally posted by squaretable
Is it true that Non-English sims games that often Sims Names change from every game?

In Finnish, all of the Sims' names are translated - but in Swedish the usually remain their first name or whole name.

Due to different translators, a sim named "Sim Ex" in TS2 could be called "Sim Example" in TS3, which is irritating. Often humorous translationg of names to TS2 are replaced with the English originals fir TS3.

If that made any sense...

Only 28th Apr 2013 7:05 PM

I play my game in Finnish, (but I love to play The Sims Medieval sometimes, because there isn't Finnish to choose there so I play it in English.)

letrax 13th Jun 2013 2:56 PM

I play the game in Swedish. I'm so intent on doing that that the first thing I tend to do when I install a mod, slider or some other custom content containing language strings, is to open the file in S3PE and fill in any missing translations (unless there are just too many strings to do it in one go) to try to make sure that the mod's new actions don't stick out from the rest with English phrases in the game.

I haven't got around to actually supplying Swedish translations for any mods yet, but am only doing it for my own enjoyment, but that may change in the future.

flygplats 2nd Jan 2014 7:24 PM

I play in swedish because I have done that since I started playing the Sims when I was eleven.
I have thought about playing in english the last years or so, but I'm so used to all the swedish words in the game so it would be difficult for me to learn everything from the beginning. I do NOT like change (;

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