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LuvSims2011 31st Dec 2011 4:26 PM

In your opinion, what makes TS2 more special than TS3?
Can you believe there actually wasn't a thread for this?

In my opinion, TS2 is more special than TS3 because of a lot of things - mainly that TS2 seems more fun than TS3. What's yours?

ModernGurl 1st Jan 2012 3:40 AM

Ditto plus the faces arn't so .... uhhh fat and the sims in the sims 3 just get so fat....... they went overboard trying to make the sims 3 the best installment of the series. But what happened is trhat they tried too hard and they baisically made them making that game a timewasted over-effort.

ShineShine 1st Jan 2012 4:34 AM

Express emotions
- TS3 got more childish in its outer appereance
[Yay. Really important for me. It's like being taken serious. Fitting my age, not screaming that it would be a game for small girls. I just could not believe when I saw the new build menu. A house. You can click on its door. On its window. On its tree. C'mon! While TS1 looked the most "serious" - TS2 was the more modern version of it. And TS3? Oh well... Trying something new and where we are then?]

- TS2 has such nice little sims' behaviours :lovestruc
[I do adore the greeting when a parent sim comes home, the hugs, the reading a story. It happend randomly, I didn't do anything at all and it just touched my heart. Sims 3 seems cold to me. Kind of, because...]

- TS3 has an open world
[and I couldn't see any fun in it. Well, I liked how beatiful - everything is beauty, especially the water - it looked to play guitar in the park... but oh well. Instead of reading the book at home I did it in front of the library. Well, I think it's my fault and I've never got the feeling for that great changement of the focus of TS. So I just ran away and played TS2]

- TS2 is just the well-known, beloved, cc-cluttered and personilized game

[and I did a lot. I have my sims, I have my way I'd like to make videos, I know the hacks, cheats and tricks and it's just so well-known, I'm just feeling home. Why giving up the world I created for something new? I know, I tried and I tried mostly because of the graphics - but as said, the faces were catastrophic. I got totally upset and desperate. My old characters weren't realizable in TS3.]

Of course Sims 3 is a good game... And I don't think they ruined it at all. They kind of had to do it differently and with a lot of changements. And still it's so close to the Sims 2, which just wasn't open to more expansionspacks anymore.
I think I expected to much. For example doing my own hairstyles by adjusting the lenght of a hair, the number of curls and their style, ...
Hm. I'm kind of stuck there. I don't know what I've expected apart from that. Maybe it's just because Sims 2 was already great and we didn't need a new Sims.

HylianWolf 3rd Jan 2012 2:50 AM

What makes TS2 more special than TS3? The CC. There is so much CC out there for TS2, you can literally make anyone or anything possible in your favorite 'hoods.

Yazoo 24th Jan 2012 9:35 AM

TS2 is just better hands down. No doubt about it. The game itself was presented way better than TS3. Honestly, I hate TS3, the game play is horrid. The only good thing that came from TS3 is the fact that you can go to neighborhood lots, and visit. I love the CC for TS2. And I love TS2 because how the interactions work, and the way the Sims look in TS2. TS3 just seems too, I guess ugh!

TS3 is boring as well.

Artimis 23rd Feb 2012 2:04 PM

What makes TS2 more special than TS3? For me mainly they're are adout three points

1. More cc which makes my sims look awesome and also allows me to do more on the game

2.The graphics of sims 3 are the level I would expect from the creators of sims 2 when they were working on that games graphics


BirdieDesigns 28th Feb 2012 3:59 PM

I prefer TS2 for much things, mainly for the mode that can I modify and customize my neighborhood. Another reason? The sims 2 it's finished, TS3 still work in progress (new expansions ect.).
This fact makes TS2 more "moddable" than TS3.

mishavictoria 21st Mar 2012 11:29 PM

the faces all look the same! maybe it's just me, but i can never make a beautiful, unique face in TS3 like i could in TS2. i also couldn't stand that i could play with multiple families very easily!

Hladgunnr 30th Apr 2012 2:47 PM

I like both. But the sims 3 crashes ALL THE TIME! It also takes FOREVER to load. The Sims 2 takes two seconds to load and never crashes.

Mlle-Kohaku 13th May 2012 4:22 AM

Honestly, I've never tried TS3 simply because it all looks like. . .play-doh. Especially the sim faces, they creep me out.

SpookyOkyBatGirl 13th May 2012 4:58 AM

I love the social interactions. That is the only thing I miss from the Sims 2, but it's such a HUGE thing that it literally makes the Sims 3 really...meh...I love the Sims 3 clothing, the traits, the moodlets, the open world, the houses and just everything but the social interactions. That is what MADE the Sims 2.

I miss the children's endless play options. I miss the one-sided relationships when one person could be in love with somebody who hates them. I miss the toddlers being able to hug each other. I miss my sims performing shitloads of cute little romance options, like slow dance, goose, and just dear lord they were so cute! I miss the dances, where children stood on adult's toes, or how couples could slow dance or fast dance. I miss bathing my infants in the sink, the cute interactions while the babies in the sims 3 look so fucking ugly.

The social interactions made the Sims 2 what it was. The sims 3 social interactions are just pathetic. All you can really do is talk, flirt, kiss and slap. The other options are just fancier versions of one of the four. The social interaction is so awful in the Sims 3 that, even though I love every thing BUT the social interaction in the Sims 3, it's enough to make me wish I never got rid of the Sims 2 games. The sims 3 is SO damn focused on celebrities, fame and just is so ugh...The sims 2 was fun. I'm seriously considering buying them on Ebay, especially since it's probably cheap now. I can live with the semi-ugly clothing, the lack of traits, the long loading times and the no open world. I can't live without the social interactions that make the Sims worth playing.

No, I lied. I AM buying the Sims 2 on Ebay. Now.

FreezerBunny 16th May 2012 9:38 PM

Quote: Originally posted by ShineShine
- TS3 got more childish in its outer appereance
[Yay. Really important for me. It's like being taken serious. Fitting my age, not screaming that it would be a game for small girls. I just could not believe when I saw the new build menu. A house. You can click on its door. On its window. On its tree. C'mon! While TS1 looked the most "serious" - TS2 was the more modern version of it. And TS3? Oh well... Trying something new and where we are then?]

- TS2 has such nice little sims' behaviours :lovestruc
[I do adore the greeting when a parent sim comes home, the hugs, the reading a story. It happend randomly, I didn't do anything at all and it just touched my heart. Sims 3 seems cold to me. Kind of, because...]

- TS3 has an open world
[and I couldn't see any fun in it. Well, I liked how beatiful - everything is beauty, especially the water - it looked to play guitar in the park... but oh well. Instead of reading the book at home I did it in front of the library. Well, I think it's my fault and I've never got the feeling for that great changement of the focus of TS. So I just ran away and played TS2]

- TS2 is just the well-known, beloved, cc-cluttered and personilized game

[and I did a lot. I have my sims, I have my way I'd like to make videos, I know the hacks, cheats and tricks and it's just so well-known, I'm just feeling home. Why giving up the world I created for something new? I know, I tried and I tried mostly because of the graphics - but as said, the faces were catastrophic. I got totally upset and desperate. My old characters weren't realizable in TS3.]

Of course Sims 3 is a good game... And I don't think they ruined it at all. They kind of had to do it differently and with a lot of changements. And still it's so close to the Sims 2, which just wasn't open to more expansionspacks anymore.
I think I expected to much. For example doing my own hairstyles by adjusting the lenght of a hair, the number of curls and their style, ...
Hm. I'm kind of stuck there. I don't know what I've expected apart from that. Maybe it's just because Sims 2 was already great and we didn't need a new Sims.

All of this. Paticularily the family interaction. And the childishness of TS3.

Vileda 23rd May 2012 5:23 AM

Personally, I think that TS2 is better because I can actually play it on my computer -.-, it is more realistic, and it is more user friendly for me.
TS3 is good because you can play community lots without the load screen, but does not make up for the cutness and reality of the Sims2.
For now and until I get a better computer (if ever -.-), I will always love TS2 :D

Artimis 6th Jun 2012 12:30 PM

I have played all the main sims game (including sims medieval) and sims 2 is my thrim favorite for every reason given on this thread. Since I started writing witch queen I have seen the benefits from a screenshot taking and what is possidle with the game. I think it is easier to make sims stories with sims 2 as you can have more cc which makes it easier to create the time period of the story but it can be done on sims 3 and it seems harder to do but is not impossidle. The patchs on sims 3 make it harder to get and keep in the game.

In all sims 2 is better in the story telling and filming ways it is easier to do in sims 2 although the controls are the same for sims 3 but filiming in sims medieval is hard as it does not have a free camera movement by hitting tab unlike sims 2 and sims 3 making so that the filiming has to follow the sim for some angels but landscape filiming is better as it seems The locations are ok to use as filiming but backgrounds for films is a good use for this films. All in all if you want a medieval high detailed stuff and high detailed stuff in general sims 2 is the game for you.

WakahisaDManami 6th Jun 2012 4:16 PM

I like The Sims 3, but I prefer The Sims 2. There are good reasons for that.
As many people have said, not only here but in the simming community as large, the faces are ugly. I, myself, only ever use one face template, one eye type, one nose type, and one mouth type. I think the others are ugly, and if my sims want to get it on with a townie, I change the townie's look first, which is annoying, but better than ugly babies.
I also dislike how little children can do in The Sims 3 in terms of skilling. In The Sims 2, at least for me with University, I use the child stage to get a good ground for university. You know, the usual: loads of money. You can't do that in The Sims 3, and while there are many, many more skills, you can't do very much with them in a career. Most careers only have one or two skills that need to be worked on, while in The Sims 2 there can be four, sometimes five that need to be maxed (at least with custom careers).
Also, The Sims 3 is a little too much in the terms of customization. I don't like the fact that it's hard (almost impossible) to get a decent article of clothing without having a shitload of CC and changing all the patterns and colours yourself. In real life, I don't think about this stuff: I just wear whatever the bloody Hell I'm comfortable in (siriusly, I'm a seventeen year old girl and I just bought my first pair of heels on Saturday before the last. That was a completely spontaneous act on my half, I just thought they might be comfortable, and I'm tired of being called 'little'). I like some of the patterns, but I tire of having to change all four colours in a pattern just so it looks 'kai to me.

Hladgunnr 7th Jun 2012 6:17 PM

If you ask me, there's not enough CC that is cool or that the game can handle. I had like 50 CC stuff and it took 46 minutes to load to the neighborhood. There's only like one face that everyone has. Then the hair colors- once I had a black and blonde and they had a baby and the baby's hair was the UGLIEST color I've ever seen. Plus Sims 2 has good EPs while Sims 3 is currently addicted to Katy Perry.

pandakatie 8th Jun 2012 5:16 AM

I think TS2 is better because they interact so much better, the cats aren't scary, the clothing isn't gross, the people don't all look like they have a double chin, the children are lame, and this is just to start. Honestly, the only thing I like better from TS3 is that when you download pets you're able to get horses. ONLY THING I LIKE. I am glad, however, that they put out TS3 just because my sister gave me TS2 for only like $20 and she had all the expansion packs, and all but 2 stuff packs, because she had TS3. I do enjoy watching TS3 when my sister plays it, only because I like to weigh the pros and cons of the two games, and I always like TS2 better. OH! Another thing that sucks about TS3 is the expansion pack World Adventures. TS3's vactions are so hard! You don't relax on the vacation, you just do quests for wierdos. However, TS3's boolprop cheat has less options, but you can completly redo your sim if you are tired with it's name, skin color, age, outfit, or even gender.

Artimis 9th Jun 2012 11:55 PM

Quote: Originally posted by pandakatie
the cats aren't scary

Why are cats supposed to be scary? I found the cats espically the kittens in sims 2 cute.

xSparrow 16th Jun 2012 8:02 PM

yay! A thread That is good for me!

I was just playing Sims 3 because My Mate wanted to see it! God i was so bored! I mean In Sims 2 it seems more i don't know... Cosy... Your Sims can stay at a lot and have a family...

Boolprop or Testingcheats: In Sims 3 the menu when you shift click a sim is two options... Two options! In TS2 you get menus upon menus! And spawning!

Custom Content (big one for me!) I Have lots of custom content and since there are no patches for TS2 anymore all the custom content is simple and you know where you are! Also there is lots more!

Can't Make your own Custom worlds In Game? What!: You Need A Program For TS3 to make worlds! In sims 2 you could get a terrain and make one from scratch! In game! Well that is annoying!

The Faces Yuk!: The faces in TS3 are ugly horrible and more cartoon like than sims 2!

HylianWolf 16th Jun 2012 10:29 PM

Quote: Originally posted by TotallySimsCrazy
yay! A thread That is good for me!

I was just playing Sims 3 because My Mate wanted to see it! God i was so bored! I mean In Sims 2 it seems more i don't know... Cosy... Your Sims can stay at a lot and have a family...

Boolprop or Testingcheats: In Sims 3 the menu when you shift click a sim is two options... Two options! In TS2 you get menus upon menus! And spawning!

Custom Content (big one for me!) I Have lots of custom content and since there are no patches for TS2 anymore all the custom content is simple and you know where you are! Also there is lots more!

Can't Make your own Custom worlds In Game? What!: You Need A Program For TS3 to make worlds! In sims 2 you could get a terrain and make one from scratch! In game! Well that is annoying!

The Faces Yuk!: The faces in TS3 are ugly horrible and more cartoon like than sims 2!

very good points TSC. when i had the Xbox 360 version of TS3, i could not get into it no matter how hard i was so frustrating at the lack of originality in the Sims faces. no matter what i did, the Sims always turned out so plasticy and barbie looking...and some even looked the same. i mean sure, the Sim models look better with somewhat realistic feet but that doesn't excuse the lack of facial differences.

ONE cool feature about TS3 was the way you could customize ANYTHING with any color you want, which gets rid of the need for object recolors like in TS2.

other than that, i despised TS3 when i sold it. complete disappointment. i'll gladly stick to my CC-cluttered downloads folder, my lovable KH, FF, Zelda, and anime characters living in my 'hood, and all the different kinds of mods the game has to offer (like Bloom's incredibly awesome Sexy Feet replacements, Numenor's CEP and other programs, the work and school dialogue mods for when you bring someone home, the mod that makes all beds recover energy the same [i hated having to sleep longer when i bought a cheap bed], the custom instrument hack, the Inteenimater mod that allows for deeper romances for teenagers, and the mod that prevents old Mortimer Goth from yelling at you when you look through the telescope). i'm sure there's a lot more mods out there that make the game so much more enjoyable that i haven't discovered yet, but you get the picture

Artimis 17th Jun 2012 12:15 AM

Sims 3 is awful although if an expasion pack comes along which catchs my eye I will buy it and give sims 3 another chance.

piggypeach 17th Jun 2012 3:14 AM

Coming from someone who started with Sims 3 and began to dislike it so switched to Sims 2, the CC is what sealed the deal. I have so many issues with the Sims 3 CC, in Sims 2, ENDLESS possibilities. Also, it's so adorable how when you're making a sim, if you change a part to a default part, it jiggles into place. That is the cutest thing ever. Hands down. I love it.

Littleweirdo 17th Jun 2012 9:40 PM

Quote: Originally posted by piggypeach
Coming from someone who started with Sims 3 and began to dislike it so switched to Sims 2, the CC is what sealed the deal. I have so many issues with the Sims 3 CC, in Sims 2, ENDLESS possibilities. Also, it's so adorable how when you're making a sim, if you change a part to a default part, it jiggles into place. That is the cutest thing ever. Hands down. I love it.
I know right! Sims 3 is so plain and boring.

xSparrow 19th Jun 2012 6:24 PM

TS3 is a bit annoying with worlds! I mean if i didn't have sims 2 i would be out of creations to do! (as i am a terrain maker)

Gwonlyeog 25th Jun 2012 1:01 AM

If I were to take a piece of Play-Doh and throw it at a concrete floor as hard as I could, I would've just created a Sims 3 face. :B

Littleweirdo 25th Jun 2012 5:50 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Gwonlyeog
If I were to take a piece of Play-Doh and throw it at a concrete floor as hard as I could, I would've just created a Sims 3 face. :B

That's very true. Not only do the faces look alike (And somewhat ugly) but all that crap almost destroyed my computer and destroyed my friend's!

SomethingLacking757 25th Jun 2012 6:21 PM

The Sims 2 - Fun, Faster, More CC friendly, Better expansion packs, Always something entertaining to do, and beautiful sims
The Sims 3 - Slow, Weird Sims, CC hostile, Boring at times, and lame expansions (Aside from Super natural which is soon to come)

xSparrow 26th Jun 2012 4:55 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Gwonlyeog
If I were to take a piece of Play-Doh and throw it at a concrete floor as hard as I could, I would've just created a Sims 3 face. :B

Agreed... Agreed so much!

Littleweirdo 27th Jun 2012 1:37 PM

I like how in Sims 2 the faces jiggle into place like pudding. Sims 3 is a load of expensive crap.

SomethingLacking757 29th Jun 2012 12:36 PM

But you all have to admit that The Sims 3 has much more glitches than TS2. However when my game glitches i find it funny.

Mai2008 22nd Jul 2012 1:59 PM

I agree with everybody. What REALLY BUGS ME is that you can never go in the hospital, their work - you know? Thats what I was expecting and it is not that hard. I mean, you can't even shop with them. In the Sims 2, the mini mall was so cute. I still have Sims 3 with all expansions, but I don't really use it as I shout at the computer when they go in a shop

squaretable 5th Aug 2012 3:37 PM

I wish I could give up on sims 3 but I cant, my patents won't allow me to order sims 2 or 1 on Internet. So there. The other games were so funny Wierd and cute. It was just so much more realistic but yet fantastical, so yes that's my view on it.

genchigen17 8th Aug 2012 3:33 AM

Ts2 Vs. Ts3
I feel like TS2 was better because it had alot more realistic features such as, actuall getting in you car backing out of the drive way!! More realistic looking faces, giving your baby or toddler a bath.. etc.. its jus the little things that made it better!!! TS3 Just looks Slightly better and they hooked up with Origin to keep up with your games and that is it!!

Sweetlithium 23rd Sep 2012 4:54 PM

Quote: Originally posted by genchigen17
I feel like TS2 was better because it had alot more realistic features such as, actuall getting in you car backing out of the drive way!! More realistic looking faces, giving your baby or toddler a bath.. etc.. its jus the little things that made it better!!! TS3 Just looks Slightly better and they hooked up with Origin to keep up with your games and that is it!!

this pretty much.
plus the "mamamaa I'm going to corrupt your computer even though you only patched the game once" attitude of the game. The fact that there's hardly any user help, and that they NEVER clean the help section out on the forums. or pin topics that a lot of people have. there's no prunning! the storesets are over priced, and even with supernatural the game couldn't keep me hooked.
Sorry not interested in that over priced beta

plus the wasted space. For all the sims 2 expansions, SP packs, and a downloads folder at MAX (unless you've been collecting cc for years) it's only taking up seven or eight gb on your computer.

That's the basegame of sims 3 alone. so much space is wasted...

Lucia940 26th Sep 2012 6:11 PM

I have every sims game and I will say that in my opinion, sims 2 has nothing to worry about!! I love sims 2. My sims are beautiful and the world I feel is open. In this, I mean to say, you can actually go inside and read books and interact and do alot more on sims 2 than in sims 3. It's like they slammed the door in the sims faces with sims 3. Such a strange game. I will remain an avid fan of sims 2. I like variety and I know my way around sims 2 now. I have been playing about a year. Love this game and it's truly original sims. No cookie cutter sims for me! lol

Lucia940 26th Sep 2012 6:15 PM

Quote: Originally posted by genchigen17
I feel like TS2 was better because it had alot more realistic features such as, actuall getting in you car backing out of the drive way!! More realistic looking faces, giving your baby or toddler a bath.. etc.. its jus the little things that made it better!!! TS3 Just looks Slightly better and they hooked up with Origin to keep up with your games and that is it!!

I don't think sims 3 looks better. I think they may have added a couple of bells and perhaps forgot the whistle? I do agree with you about the driving and the realistic way in which the animations are done in sims 2.

Lucia940 4th Oct 2012 4:51 PM

I found the sims to be very ugly in sims 3. I can't imagine my simmies being that ugly! I love my sims 2 and am sticking to it. I hope when they create sims 4, they put the best of all sims games into 1 and make it easier to load and make the playability awesome! I may then switch. Or probably play both. lol

nonikk63 8th Oct 2012 9:17 AM

Believe it or not, but I like the graphics much more in Sims 2 than in Sims 3. There is this mild, watercolour-y feel to it that is very easy on the eye. In my opinion the sims themselves also look much better in Sims 2. The Sims 3 simmies are looking a bit blurry and "plastic" and I just can't stand the way they walk and they talk. And stand.
I tried basegame when it came out, but never got to like it, I don't even have it installed anymore. I do get curious about all the new expansions that has come after that of course, but still - I'll stick with Sims 2 until I get tired of it. There are still so many things I haven't tried (too busy building to actually play) so I think it will take a long while yet before I get bored.

MaelAtNight 15th Nov 2012 8:23 PM

Whoa, I just joined this group and there hasn't been a post in months. Where's the Sims 2 love? :P

Anyway, for me I kind of flip flop between the games but mostly, I like TS2 better. TS3 has better graphics, I love the seamless map. The CAS enhancements are great but the Sims themselves aren't as good looking to me. And I also miss some of the old TS2 interactions. But mostly, the thing that bothers me the most is how difficult it is to switch families, the lack of neighborhood templates, and the glitchiness.

Maybe it's because I'm playing TS3 on a Mac and apparently (as far as I can tell), EA hates Macs, but my game glitches, freezes, and refuses to load all the time and it's not because of anything like CC. Sometimes it takes me hours just to even get to the main menu and start my game. I hope this is because they're still patching and updating it, otherwise I've spent a lot of money on a bunch of crap.

I really hate the fact that the CAW tool is only available for PC. I hardly ever play the default neighborhoods. I always create my own and make a surplus amount of Sims to populate it. That's what I loved so much about TS2. I play several different families, make hundreds, and like to create my own little neighborhoods and stories without the default characters. I don't know why they didn't consider that for TS3, I'm sure there are a lot of users with the same mindset as me. I feel as if they know we'll still buy the expanison packs and play and they can do whatever they like. But this is turning into a rant not so much against TS2 and TS3 as it is against EA.

All in all, even though TS3 has its good points and is of a higher graphic quality, I like TS2 a lot better.

Mikalhvi 20th Nov 2012 5:53 PM

Personally while Sims 3 has more bells and whistles the graphics and designs for the characters are teetering precariously on the massive drop section of the Uncanny Valley. For one, when I played 3, I had to get some default replacement eyes, as the default ones were sure, pretty enough and human enough, but they were vague, empty, hollow. It made designing Sims 3 sims creepy and unsettling.

Sims 2 has a cartoon-ier look and to be honest that suits me just fine. They're not supposed to be hyper-realistic in my opinion; that is what it looks like 3 is trying for, in my opinion.

Sims are my escape from reality, not my placebo for it...

squaretable 21st Nov 2012 8:43 AM

I miss being able to create a COMPLETELY new fresh clean neighbourhood like that *click* And being able to make up the most random storyline ever. Now it takes a very long time IN A SEPARATE PROGRAMME! Although it is good not needing SimCity 4 to make it from scratch, the templates EA or the community gave were more than enough for me. I once created this whole neighbourhood using ingame templates Glamoursville (guess which SP came up just beforehand) which was HEAVILY influenced by Pets. :') memories... But what has TS3 given me? A headache! Oh and CAW keeps breaking!!!!

kpkeila 3rd Jan 2013 1:31 AM

Because sims 2 faces dont look like clay figures.

Mr. Newbie 16th Jan 2013 2:50 AM

Why I prefer The Sims 2 to The Sims 3
The Sims 3's face templates look like a paper plate colored to look like skin all mashed up and then you put clay on, and ta-dah! A Sims 3 face! Seriously. It is way too uncanny-valley and realistic for my tastes. I liked that The Sims & The Sims 2 weren't completely ultra-realistic. They had cartoony-animation, they reacted to their surroundings, I was entertained by their actions, and I felt like I was controlling a virtual human. THESE SIMS? They'd be better off in a horror movie about mannequins. I was not entertained by them, I felt like I was controlling a log, and they don't feel cartoonish at all. The Sims shouldn't be about hyper-reality. It shouldn't be totally realistic. I LIKED seeing my Sim kid hug their parent when they got home. It was charming. And the Sims looked decent. Again, The Sims 3's Sims look like they weren't even made to be in Sims. They look like they were made to be in some Second Life clone. I was surprised when I looked at the TS3 developer video and didn't see the developers cringing about the Sims. It takes me quite a while to make a Sim where I can maybe squint extremely hard and THINK that this is a Sim. It's sad, honestly.

Also, The Sims 2/1 had better neighborhoods. Pleasantview was a nice return to Neighborhood 1-8 from TS1. Strangetown was so quirky and unique it's my favorite town in the game. Veronaville was a decent idea of creating your own little Romeo & Juliet. The Sims had personality, character, and I liked controlling them and playing with life. Sunset Valley? I'd never thought I'd see anything bad come out of neighborhood 1. While I did like going back to the Goths and Bachelors, maybe even the Landgrabbs, EVEN MRS. AGNES CRUMPLEBOTTOM! But everyone else in TS3's family selection is wooden, boring, and, heck, A GAME FROM THE YEAR 2000 HAD BETTER NEIGHBORHOODS! And that neighborhood had.. 10 lots? I'm really ashamed that EA could actually suck out all of the charm The Sims gave me. Also, it's a Indy Jones pursuit to actually build your own neighborhoods in TS3. You have to download a buggy-beta tool (CAW) to get anywhere, and even then, it was complicated as the entire world history! On the other hand, all you needed to build a city in TS2 was to get SimCity 4, make a small little world terrain, put it in TS2, and a few clicks later and bam. It feels like EA is making a step backwards for Simkind in technology with all this struggle! While you do get new neighborhoods from expansions, those expansions are so system-clogging it's not even worth a try. And the characters are also as bland as crackers with extra salt.

I'd type more, but I really am tired. I need a pint of root beer.

durchdienacht 21st Jun 2013 7:17 PM

the number one complain i have about the sims 3 - like what almost everyone has mentioned - is the graphics and the way the sims look. it's just...egh. even sims who are supposed to resemble celebrities or actual people do NOT look like them most of the time.

for sims 2, however, you can definitely tell who the sim is supposed to be and they all look unique.

TheLongestRose 27th Jun 2013 8:19 AM

All the little details and the gameplay in general make TS2 the best. Oh, and I hate that CAW tool. I gave up on using it within 15 minutes.

Girls Stories 29th Jun 2013 10:01 AM

TS2 is more (Personaly) for storytelling, movie-making and TS3 is more for challenges.

Artimis 29th Jun 2013 11:39 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Girls Stories
TS2 is more (Personaly) for storytelling, movie-making and TS3 is more for challenges.

I second that, with cc needed for all of the above and trying to find them for TS3 is impossible to do not mention that the game glitches and crashes while you do it.

Sweetlithium 28th Jul 2013 12:17 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Artimis
I second that, with cc needed for all of the above and trying to find them for TS3 is impossible to do not mention that the game glitches and crashes while you do it.

brb uninstalling sims 3 for good so I can go back to my sims 2 game.

I have so many of the expansions on origin...sims 3 that is, my little brother adores that game but he's not old enough for a origin account so he uses mine. Honestly the only origin game I like playing is sim city four.

and that's just because you can use it to make terrian for sims 2. That game is one of my faverite games ever, and it's almost been out a decade!

CulMiku 28th Jul 2013 5:35 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Sweetlithium
brb uninstalling sims 3 for good so I can go back to my sims 2 game.

I have so many of the expansions on origin...sims 3 that is, my little brother adores that game but he's not old enough for a origin account so he uses mine. Honestly the only origin game I like playing is sim city four.

and that's just because you can use it to make terrian for sims 2. That game is one of my favorite games ever, and it's almost been out a decade!

I had bought the Sims 2 used because Sims 3 crashed my computer. Well I learned how to fix it eventually. Anyway, I like the sims 2 mainly for the interactions, and the 90's feel it had to it [Yes I am aware that it was made in 2000]. Anyway, I don't have a preference between the two though I do find myself playing the Sims 2 more.

[I am so sorry. I didn't know that I needed to join. Feel free to delete this if I have violated a rule.]

Sweetlithium 30th Jul 2013 10:41 PM

Quote: Originally posted by CulMiku
I had bought the Sims 2 used because Sims 3 crashed my computer. Well I learned how to fix it eventually. Anyway, I like the sims 2 mainly for the interactions, and the 90's feel it had to it [Yes I am aware that it was made in 2000]. Anyway, I don't have a preference between the two though I do find myself playing the Sims 2 more.

[I am so sorry. I didn't know that I needed to join. Feel free to delete this if I have violated a rule.]

I haven't figured out how to join social groups on MTS ,
I just like it here because there's no ban for stupid reasons like on GOS

thesammy58 4th Aug 2013 7:02 PM

Well for me, I really can't stand all the "Sims Store" stuff they're trying to shove down my throat. I was okay with there being a shopping bag button in the corner, but now that I could accidentally go to a random website with the click of a button... It just annoys me. I don't want to spend 10 bucks on a virtual couch.

Also, all the Facebook and social media connectivity everywhere gets on my nerves! Just let me play the game, EA! My friends don't need to hear that my Sims tried for a baby.

And at school, a lot of people know about TS3 and play it. But with TS2, it's like my own special game since everyone else moved onto TS3.

Oh, did I mention that I love how easy it is to edit my Sims 2 neighborhood? It's really fun being able to decorate and get creative!

AmandieLove 19th Aug 2013 8:00 PM

I like TS2 because:
1. You can customize your neighborhood more easily.
2. What you see is what you get in Create-a-Sim. You don't end up making a sculpted beauty in CAS that looks like a freak in game like in the Sims 3.
3. Because TS2 is a retired game, more of the good content out there is free than it would be in TS3.
4. Genetics! You should not be able to inherit your mother's pink highlights!
5. Babies with feet. Also, the babies don't have a social need so I can have my sims do other things and not have to cuddle the baby every hour or so.
6. Aspirations/Wants/Fears. This makes it more of a challenge to keep your sims happy, and gives them more character.
7. More detailed graphics; less pudding.

The list goes on but I have to get off the computer now. I could write a book about TS2>>>>TS3.

JadeThePlumbob 1st Dec 2015 1:01 PM

There's simply more things to do.

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