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existerande 13th Jun 2017 9:01 PM

Ullerby - suburbia developed from university
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Finished another rotation of my hood Ullerby (translates to of "Wool Village" but not quite) and thought it might be a good idea to introduce my hood to this group

I have played Ullerby on and off since 2014 (I think) with a long break after a tragic affair between two of the families. At least I thought it was tragic then and was really upset, now I think it was an interesting development instead. It seems as time does heal all wounds.

Ullerby started out as a combined legacy and university challenge, I have lost the rules to the university challenge but the main concept was that a founder sim would create a greek house that would continue until 20 sims had passed trough. Perhaps more or perhaps less. All of them should have a picture in the house before graduating and no cheats. Forgot the rest. And legacy you all know and love (?).

So my starter sim was Ophelia Girardet and she have also been the founder and first real inhabitant of Ullerby. The greek house she founded was Annya X and it is still flourishing with Ophelia's daughter Johanna that are going to pledge next rotation.

My teens go to university when they have four days left to adult and they stay for eight days in the main hood. I play strict rotations, starting with one semester in university (Ulleriversitetet) and one day in the hood. In the hood it is also a certain order I play all the families, with the start at the Girardets and ending with the Svan family, a total of 13 households in the hood, after next rotation I think it will be 14 as the two youngest Gratton's are graduating.

existerande 13th Jun 2017 9:21 PM

Oh, found the old posts I have made about the hood! 2013 apparently,

29th Sep 2013 at 5:26 PM
Since the death of Russinåkra, I am trying to populate Ullerby trough a greekhouse, so far two sims have graduatedand another one is on his last semester. Ophelia Girardet is living with Amin Sims, I se a lot of parties in their future as both of them are popularity-sims. But Ophelia and the other newly graduated sim (whom I have forgotten the name of) both want to be engaged to the same sim. A university student with a bandana who they both have ACR´d with. Actually, Ophelia wants to become engaged to both Amin and the bandana-guy, making me view her in a different way since it seems like she only wants to become engaged rather then care about the sim or the commitment it is to be engaged to someone. But she did not react when her BBF made out with the bandana-guy in front of her on an outing.

Ophelia and Amin have had a lot of parties. A lot. Oh so many.

Old 30th Sep 2013 at 9:32 PM
I have to share.

The bandana-guy (named Glenn apparently) moved in with Helena (Ophelias BFF) and got a job in law, all went well and he got promoted and arrived home early, but since his wishes was in the "make more money"-category I decided to send him to work again. And he got another card and was fired. Arrived home and was standing doing the "I lost my job"-animation, that I find hilarious.

So I was sitting, thinking about if he should start his own business instead and perhaps fulfill his LTW of having six pets at the top of the career. And then he died. I had not been monitoring his needs since he arrived home from work, thinking that he had eaten lunch, but that must have been when he was home from his promotion. When he was being beamed up, Helena arrived home from work and was to late to plead for his life. Then she wanted to juggle and get a television. Pleasure sims. After some proper mourning (I forced her) she wanted to resurrect him, but I think this might be the best storyline I have going for poor Helena. Will she change her ways or continue living life one pleasure at the time? She started out as a really bad knowledge-sim so might turn back. The future will tell. But I am quite sad that Glenn died since I moved him to balance up things, a lonely pleasure sim is not a lot of fun. But pleasure + fortune is a lot of fun.

Helena found a nice family-oriented sim, have two children and is still going strong for the LTW of 50 dream dates. But townies still call and ask if Glenn is home, so might be some bug of some kind.

4th Oct 2013 at 1:53 PM
My first five sims have graduated from university now!

It felt like a big step since one of the graduates already have two children (alien pregnant) and the first graduate is expecting her first child. Two of them is enemies and is always starting fights on the different parties that the other graduates throw. I do not know if they are going to continue that vendetta, since they have reasons to hate one another. Helena dislikes Martina because she thinks that she is a boring nobody, and that Kari can do better. Martina can not stand Helena since she believes Kari finds her attractive and she thinks Helena is a irresponsible luck-seeker. Partly because she did not care that her boyfriend died of hunger after coming home from work.

They are quite even in who wins the fights, but they have made a lot of parties suck with their constant poking, slapping and fighting. One thing that made me kind of sad this rotation was that neither Martina or Kari wished to get engaged, to put this in perspective, Martina wanted to get engaged more or less constantly during university. But now when they live together as grownups, no wished of that kind. But is is autumn so things can still change. And it is quite logical, they have been together since their first year at university and now they moved in together when they graduated. No pause to think about what they want to do with their future. But they are three-bolters so I am not worried that they might split up.

To mark this occasion (five graduated sims) I created three siblings that might pledge the greek-house, but to get them in different age-spans I think one of them will drop out of college (he is so cute, more geeky then the Curious but family-sim) and start a new family. He started out with a good relationship with both his siblings, but they were negative towards him making me believe he is the responsible older brother. He have to meet the other families in the hood first so there will be a big party at the greekhouse to welcome the new family. The other two are a already pledged brother and a romance sister, that will be the youngest and be unplayed until the middle brother is in the.. middle.. of his education. So much fun!

The Essex-siblings. Still great. Adam.. Is Adam. He has one kid and kind of a sad life story, with my standard at least. Maya is wonderful and creates a lot of drama. Reve (the middle one) is poor with many kids.

So much that can happen

lordtyger9 13th Jun 2017 9:22 PM

Hi existerande

Ullerby sounds interesting. I am looking forward to more.

I love to play the Greek Houses, I have three of them right now. I used to have more Greek Houses, but I reduced the number.

existerande 15th Jun 2017 9:10 AM

Quote: Originally posted by lordtyger9
Hi existerande

Ullerby sounds interesting. I am looking forward to more.

I love to play the Greek Houses, I have three of them right now. I used to have more Greek Houses, but I reduced the number.

Thank you, I am trying to find a way to make it more stringent in the different families without losing track of the overall hood.

Greek Houses can either be just a way of living together, or you can really try to make a community spirit of it, which I like.

lordtyger9 15th Jun 2017 9:36 AM

Quote: Originally posted by existerande
Thank you, I am trying to find a way to make it more stringent in the different families without losing track of the overall hood.

Greek Houses can either be just a way of living together, or you can really try to make a community spirit of it, which I like.

I try to make a community spirit out of it I think, I have one all male Greek House and one all female Greek House and one mixed male and female. I have been playing one of them long enough to start having legacies, so some Sims are going to belong to certain houses.

Mostly I just figure that the leaders of the Greek Houses want to keep the House going and they recruit new members as needed. I also figure that since Sims at University will join a Greek House if asked to do so by someone that they know well enough, that Sims mostly want to be a member of one of the Greek Houses. Me I think playing Sims in a Greek House is more fun than playing Sims in a Dorm, and usually more fun than playing them in a house on campus, mostly because then you can throw Toga Parties and your get free Influence of Pledges. lol

Anyway I switch back and forth from playing houses from a list that I use for the Neighborhood to a list of Students that I am working on graduating from Uni. This way I don't get too much in rut when I am playing

existerande 21st Jun 2017 12:05 PM

I´m having a bit of a problem right now, everything is going along smoothly and the hood have had it´s first death by age this rotation. Grandpa Svan met the grim. No platinum grave for him unfortunately since all he wanted was for his grandchildren to get engaged, or other things that was more dependent upon others actions instead of his own. But, never mind.

The problem is in the Magnussim family. I really don´t like playing them and I have a hard time deciding what to do about it. It´s a single mother with six children, now teens (I rolled them with the random family creator) and her ambition is to reach the top of the gaming career, she is a pleasure sim so one idea might be to decide that they always should go for outings after school, but she works 14-20 so she is away when the teens are at home. This is making it hard for her to befriend her kids. So.. A bit of trouble and I am not sure what to do about it to be honest.

lordtyger9 21st Jun 2017 4:59 PM

Quote: Originally posted by existerande
I´m having a bit of a problem right now, everything is going along smoothly and the hood have had it´s first death by age this rotation. Grandpa Svan met the grim. No platinum grave for him unfortunately since all he wanted was for his grandchildren to get engaged, or other things that was more dependent upon others actions instead of his own. But, never mind.

The problem is in the Magnussim family. I really don´t like playing them and I have a hard time deciding what to do about it. It´s a single mother with six children, now teens (I rolled them with the random family creator) and her ambition is to reach the top of the gaming career, she is a pleasure sim so one idea might be to decide that they always should go for outings after school, but she works 14-20 so she is away when the teens are at home. This is making it hard for her to befriend her kids. So.. A bit of trouble and I am not sure what to do about it to be honest.

Well I never play pleasure Sims, so I would use the Sim Modder to change her to Popularity or Romance or Wealth or Knowledge or Family depending on how Neat and how Outgoing she is, if she is more Outgoing then most likely Popularity or Romance and if she is more Neat then most likely Knowledge or Wealth. If she is neither particularly Outgoing nor particularly Neat then Romance or Family if she is high in Nice or Wealth or Romance if she is not that high in Nice.

Changing her from Pleasure to something else might make her more interesting I am not sure if that will help, I just don't play Pleasure Sims.

Anyway I would have her go with her teens to someplace Downtown like one the parks and stay there awhile, take them on a Saturday or Sunday and then just stay there a while and socialize, keep doing that regularly.

You can get the buyable Sim Modder here and this is what I use a lot, or you can spawn it using boolprop TestingCheatsEnabled true

maxon 22nd Jun 2017 4:47 PM

Ullerby's a great name for a neighbourhood. I do like old-fashioned English-sounding names.

OnayaW 22nd Jun 2017 7:42 PM

Maxon... I think it is scandinavian? Since By in scandinavia means village/town/city
Like I live in a By but it has 110000 and is marked a city >w<' Scandinavian people be stupid (Also for a city on 110000 did we hold one of the biggest festivals in the country 2 years ago where nearly a million people showed up. Which is impressive because there only lives 500000 in the region, and that was the number to the ending concert. that was a good concert ;

Anyway, uller sound so much uld which... is used in that scratchy clothing grandmas make ;;
but besides that... idk if it is scandinavian inspired.

maxon 22nd Jun 2017 10:26 PM

-by is very common in England too - especially the north of England (that part most influenced by the Vikings). English and various Scandinavian languages are pretty close in some ways - all our sk- words come to us that way (sky, skill, skate etc.).

OnayaW 22nd Jun 2017 10:29 PM

I honestly didn't think English people used By? That is at least not taught to us in school plus I think it'll make my teacher wonder?

maxon 22nd Jun 2017 11:00 PM

List from Wikipedia:
Grimsby, Tenby, Derby, Whitby, Selby, Crosby, Formby, Kirkby, Rugby, Helsby, Corby, Wetherby, Lockerbie

Interestingly, nearly all of those are northern towns. There are more (to my certain knowledge).

Prah 29th Jun 2017 12:10 AM

Well, the vikings did invade the British isle and probably put their foot prints in many of the names there (and as well as the language) :P

existerande 29th Jun 2017 7:39 AM

Well, being from Sweden I can´t take credit for north England/Scotland, but I choose Ull due too being wool, er for the practicality of saying it and by due to the fact that it is a small village.

I have been playing my university hood (three households, one semester) and some things have happened, but in other ways the most interesting have been what the pixels have done without my interference.

Due to some kind of personality quirk Veronika Battler have either been super friendly towards other sims, or made enemies of them. This (and some other stuff) resulted in that she did not get her first kiss as a teenager. Very sad for a family sim, so I owed her to find a suitable first kisser and perhaps future partner. Being due to randomness and first generation genetics Ullerby is currently overflowing with black haired children so Veronica Battler had to scoop the room until she found a blonde or redhead that might be of interest, in hindsight it might have been better if that someone was not Benjamin Long.. But I already have Amin Sims in the gene pool so narrow faces with pointy noses are in my sims future! They shared a romantic date in the city, did not become best friends, but he gave her a piano later during the night. So a success overall. And she got her first kiss.

During a party that both Io Ny (alien challenge offspring) and Johanna Girardet (legacy-heir) was invited to they autonomously fell in love. Johanna dated his twin brother Deneb during the teen years but had double bolts with both of them and now I don´t know what to do. She is supposed to fall in love with and marry a townie or NPC, but on the other hand i do not want to stand in the way of true love (in this case uncontrolled non-ACR romantic interactions).

Silla and Alex Gratton graduated, and if I play my rotations well Silla will be able to marry the older Edgar Castaneda before her mother Cordelia (maybe Conelia) dies of old age. And Edgars father Majken, who is in a serious relation with Cordelia, is also close to the grim reaper.

The problem for Edgar and Silla is where to live, they could buy the house next to where Sillas sister Gisela lives, but that is also next to Maya Essex who Silla hates (Giselas sister-in-law who had a relationship with Jesper Svan at the same time as Gisela had love tags with him, resulting in a small family feud). The other option is to live closer to Cordelias house where Alex and Kevin (the fourth Gratton-sibling) lives but then they would not be close to any future cousins as I have a hard time seeing either Alex or Kevin wanting children in the near future. This is, of course, not relevant to the game or the sims.. But still. I want it to be pretty.

lordtyger9 29th Jun 2017 9:14 AM

From what I know about Sweden, you live in an interesting place existerande. I have been to Germany, but never visited Sweden unfortunately.

I would have them live closer to Cordelias house, because of there being less drama that way. My take on it as I really try to avoid drama.

Good update it was interesting reading.

simsample 1st Jul 2017 1:14 PM

@existerande What an interesting neighbourhood! I have a neighbourhood I abandoned for a while and then came back to, too.

Looking forward to more updates!

existerande 3rd Jul 2017 9:35 PM

1 Attachment(s)
@lordtyger9 For me, it is ordinary but in an international perspective I guess we are quite different in many ways, as all countries.
@simsample The good thing is that they are waiting for you

I moved Silla to live close to her sister, both because of the rotation and families but also due to the drama possibilities, since I like those. And i reinstalled ACR since some have to many love interests for me to care about or sort it out, it is better to leave them to it.

Silla moved into the house, greeted the neighbors that came to visit (all townies), found a job within the cooking career (her LTW), asked Edgar to move in with her, they threw a wedding. It raised the roof, they could not afford a honeymoon but instead some chimes. Baby on the way! Since Silla is the sweetest of my sims I think she really deserves this happy first days as an adult. She will soon realize (I hope) what her husband is less then perfect but he might have other qualities.

I have an epidemic going on in the hood too, flu everywhere and my good witch have tried to cure them, a lot have found a newfound family secondary to get comfort soup and the scientists are making vaccines. But on every party there is someone that are coughing. I am trying to accept this and merrily go on with my life and at one party, at the Grattons (Sillas mother and her two adult brothers are living in that household) ACR gave me a suprise as Kevin started to flirt with and woohooed with Jesper Svan. The same Jesper that Silla hates since, you know, he "cheated" on Gisela (their sister) with Giselas husbands (Adam) sister Maya Essex. Looking forward to this development! And on the same party Silla attacked Jesper, they became enemies (again!) and after Jesper won the fight Kevin congratulated him and said goodbye to Silla. I guess there is a saying about blood and water somewhere that might be beneficial for Kevin to think about.

lordtyger9 3rd Jul 2017 10:27 PM

Quote: Originally posted by existerande
@lordtyger9 For me, it is ordinary but in an international perspective I guess we are quite different in many ways, as all countries.
@simsample The good thing is that they are waiting for you

I moved Silla to live close to her sister, both because of the rotation and families but also due to the drama possibilities, since I like those. And i reinstalled ACR since some have to many love interests for me to care about or sort it out, it is better to leave them to it.

Silla moved into the house, greeted the neighbors that came to visit (all townies), found a job within the cooking career (her LTW), asked Edgar to move in with her, they threw a wedding. It raised the roof, they could not afford a honeymoon but instead some chimes. Baby on the way! Since Silla is the sweetest of my sims I think she really deserves this happy first days as an adult. She will soon realize (I hope) what her husband is less then perfect but he might have other qualities.

I have an epidemic going on in the hood too, flu everywhere and my good witch have tried to cure them, a lot have found a newfound family secondary to get comfort soup and the scientists are making vaccines. But on every party there is someone that are coughing. I am trying to accept this and merrily go on with my life and at one party, at the Grattons (Sillas mother and her two adult brothers are living in that household) ACR gave me a suprise as Kevin started to flirt with and woohooed with Jesper Svan. The same Jesper that Silla hates since, you know, he "cheated" on Gisela (their sister) with Giselas husbands (Adam) sister Maya Essex. Looking forward to this development! And on the same party Silla attacked Jesper, they became enemies (again!) and after Jesper won the fight Kevin congratulated him and said goodbye to Silla. I guess there is a saying about blood and water somewhere that might be beneficial for Kevin to think about.

Nice update, I enjoyed reading about your Sims.

existerande 16th Jul 2017 9:10 PM

I'm playing in the university now and it is quite fun, two different households and eight Sims. A lot of dating, parties and outings.

One thing that keeps bothering me is that a couple that have triple bolts (fortune and fortune/family) roll wants to fall in love with other sims on every date they go on! EVERY DATE. The same sims (the beautiful Johanna Girardet and the player Alex Gratton) every time too. That want usually roll away after a while, but I don't know how to interpret it. Of course, it would create drama if they fell in love with their best friends and I like that but it's just so weird that it comes up during dates. They should be smitten with each other instead.

Emperor Crat 17th Jul 2017 12:24 AM

Sounds frustrating, but also appears to be a prospectively intriguing plot point... Perhaps they're serial romantics who struggle to settle down and therefore, pay the consequences associated with such a lifestyle. Who knows

existerande 17th Jan 2018 2:41 PM

I´m an on again off again kind of player. Now I´m back again and not writing anything about it is not my idea of fun. So here we go.
When I stopped playing last time my rotation was at university, and there was also where I started again.

So! In the full frat house ACR showed up three times:
Bella Svan ended up in the hot tub together with the wrong twin, Io instead of Deneb. ACR made them do it since they hardly had spoken before the cuddle/make out session in the steaming water. But when Io wanted to take things further Bella realized her mistake and turned him down. Good for Bella! Since he is the popularity sim and Deneb is the fortune sim that Bella triple bolts with and they dream about having a business empire (well, Deneb has a LTW of pets reaching the top of the career ladder so.. animal business empire?). After a small burning incident in the kitchen the partying went on.

During the party ACR showed itself once again and Veronica Battler booty called Benjamin Long, fell in love during make out and promptly lost her virginity. I had planned for a date but this works to.

ACR incident nr 3 was when Jesper Svan (oh, how do he find the time?) and Holiday Castaneda found their way to the bed (same as Veronica and Benjamin (the frat only have one double bed)) and had a moment. Holiday usually spend her time with Roger Battler, and they are both family sims so this might end in many many ways. Hope nobody finds out.

After that rotation I continued with the hood itself (one semester at university is one day in the main hood).
Teenage love! Bo Battler and Uno Magnussim fell in love! And rapidly proceeded to do what a couple consisting of a popularity sim and a pleasure combination does best: tickled each other and danced some hula. And speaking about one of the Magnussim family members: the mother in the family, Susanna is one of my least favorite sims ever. So now she have a grilled cheese aspiration. It made it much more fun. Now she wants to interact with her children (giving them food and speaking about it) and she opened a cafe (selling grilled cheese). Instead of being a pleasure sim with a lot of children and the ambition of reaching the top of the career in gaming. Finaly I found her a purpose!

Martina Hult and Helena Dahl fought again. I constantly forget that they are enemies since university. Soon both of them are elders. Per-Adam Dahl became a teenager and apparently a real looker if the bolts is any indication. As the rest of the family, the rapidly got a life filled with pleasure. The Dahls are so cute, if they are invited to a party together it is very likely that they will spend half of their time playing with their own family members! And often they are invited to parties, as almost all of my sims (except Susanna, she almost never get an invite).

And now I guess I will play for a while and then forget all about it for a couple of months. Such is the life.
It is 16 households in the hood+university right now, probably going to expand when this generation of teens reach adulthood since I have over 20 teens right now. It was a baby boom. 7 children and three toddlers. So the big bang will reach university in a few rotations.

And when its the Svan familys turn I might just get Jesper to throw a party the mourning period after his grandfathers death being passed and he has to show his siblings how to party before they leave for university.

lordtyger9 17th Jan 2018 3:56 PM

Glad to see you posted @existerande

I have never played with ACR, but I can tell it has interesting things happen in one's game.

You certainly did have a baby boom.

Cher64 17th Jan 2018 5:04 PM

Nice update; there's a lot going on in your hood. I really like playing with ACR because my sims often surprise me with their choices.

existerande 19th Jan 2018 8:55 AM

Thanks for the response @lordtyger6 and @Cher64

Update from the hood!
Nothing really interesting in the Ny household, I have the ambition that all of the siblings should be best friends and that has proven to be a bit of a challenge since they are alien spawn and have quite... different personalities to say the least. But little Sirius is a true charmer, youngest in the family and still a child, no one can resist him 0 points in playful, but very, very nice. The only problem is that Dominic Ny (father in the house) used to live for his family and them alone, except for pursuing knowledge of course, and now they are on their way to grow up. What are he supposed to do with all of the spare time? Garden I guess. Perhaps look some more in his telescope. But he has 23 days left as an elder so my challenge is to find something meaningful for him to do with all the time.

The Hult family, next door from the Ny household, had a more eventful day! Boris and Majvor grew to children! They are the twins resulting from Kari being unsure that Martina would leave her. To compensate for this horrid behavior she has a lot of wishes to kiss her wife. Martinas flowershop got taken care of by their teenage-children so Martina was home and made sure that Boris and Majvor knew all the essential skills for becoming children. And the whole evening Castor Ny, Isak Castaneda and Renee Svan stood out on the porch playing kicky bag. On a party at the Holk family this seemed to be forgotten and Isak attacked Castor. I don't know the reason they became enemies to start with. Anyway, Isak won the fight and the Holk family went on a mountain vacation.

The same day, when they got home (also on the same day) Tom Holk threw one of the biggest birthday parties I have had in the hood. I think about 20 sims attended when it was time for Tom to blow out the candles. Popularity with a fortune secondary (it would devastate his father if he did not get a fortune secondary) and his token showed a preference for men so the promptly flirted with Per-Adam Dahl and they got small pink hearts above their heads. The Holk residence is not really big enough for over 20 sims so it was some issues up and down stairs and the like. But until the cop came it was a big success.

Maya Essex, aspiring rock-star, had to make the tough priority to sell her business (Rock-A-Look) back to the community for the neat sum of 64000 since it was hard to be a studio musician and owner of the nicest saloon in Ullerby (also the only one), especially when you take in the consideration that she has five lovers that needs.. love.. Her chihuahua Messiah approved as well. And now her nieces and nephews are big enough to start visit her on their own and she will spoil them with gifts and try and speak with them about music and literature. The downside of her selling her business is that Edgar Gratton (born Castaneda) now is out of job and his wife Silla will be due with their first child soon.

I´m thinking about adding a rule that only sims with a LTW of something related to work will get a sim-profession and everyone else will find other ways of providing for themselves. They will still have a lot of money (most of them) and I often have a hard time keeping their family funds low and I am to lazy for some sort of tax.

lordtyger9 19th Jan 2018 2:46 PM

20 Sims at a Party is a Huge party, wow. Sounds like it was a very good party.

I think I would have had her keep business my self. I rearely sell a business back to the community. I make sure to have managers.

Good update, I like reading about Ullerby

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