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Elephant 26th Aug 2009 8:46 PM

Pretty much like the "Smokers or Drinkers in your family?" thread.

Ever done drugs?
Any friends do drugs?
Any family do drugs?

I have never done anything like that.

I have two cousins who have, though.

One (the partier I mentioned in the other thread) used Zanex I think.

And a different cousin on the other side of my family, JUST barley excaped jail for drugs, theft, and a speeding ticket and is on parole.

Oh and I'm assuming this is ok for ages 13+?
Surely 13 year olds know about drugs?

VladCrau 26th Aug 2009 8:46 PM

I had a few classmates who were smoking "weed", from what they told me.

Zinthos 26th Aug 2009 8:48 PM

Psssh, no. The most people around here get with drugs is taking one more paracetemol than recommended.

secretspyagentTW 26th Aug 2009 8:50 PM

Again, lots in my family do.

I did drugs a lot, but again. Girlfriend made me quit.

Zinthos 26th Aug 2009 8:51 PM

Also, what's Zanex? Or is that your fancy US slang for something?

VladCrau 26th Aug 2009 8:53 PM

Does TS2 classify as a drug? Because if it is, then I'm on drugs too

Elephant 26th Aug 2009 9:01 PM

haha. Well Vlad, then we're all addicts.

Zanex (If that is the right name) is a prescription drug that she was getting illegally.

Vampire_aninyosaloh 26th Aug 2009 9:02 PM

The only thing I'm really addicted to is coffee. I've never been into drugs. I don't smoke or drink alcohol either, and I'm 18... a weird 18 year old girl, btw xD

GuardStud08 27th Aug 2009 3:04 AM

Nope, never have, never will. A few kids were popping Zantics on the bus today. They asked if I wanted one, I said no..... stupid kids.....

Rikachu 27th Aug 2009 3:10 AM

Nope, I haven't.

NintendoLover13 27th Aug 2009 4:01 AM

No and I don't plan to. It's like hey I want lung cancer! Or hey, doesn't cirrhosis sound fun!?
No, i don't want lung cancer, and no, cirrhosis doesn't sound fun. I'm sorry if i offend people.

EvilOverlord 27th Aug 2009 5:16 AM

*ish straight edge*
*her sister is as straight edge as a circle*

Beata125 27th Aug 2009 8:20 AM

Do I take any drugs? *Thinks hard* Paracetamol.

I'm also addicted to the computer.

Beata125 27th Aug 2009 8:44 AM

Yeah well, it's addiction. The seller gives them a few free ones first...
And oh! They're trapped. They have to pay the time they ask the seller, the cost will be going up and soon they might end up with no money, stealing and begging on the street.
Drug addiction stays for the rest of the life......

lethifold 27th Aug 2009 8:47 AM

One guy in my grade got busted by the police because he was growing weed in his back garden.
And one of my friends who is into the marijuana is trying to quit, but he says it's hard because he has no support.

Beata125 27th Aug 2009 8:54 AM

He should ring a helpline.

lethifold 27th Aug 2009 8:55 AM

He's not really that sort of guy. I'm helping him quit though, but I don't know how it's going to work out for him. I really hope he can quit, because he's amazingly intelligent and shouldn't waste his life by doing drugs like that.

Beata125 27th Aug 2009 8:56 AM

Has he told a doctor? Doctors can help I think.

VoiceIHear 27th Aug 2009 12:54 PM

Nope. Not drugs. And i'm not sure about my family though .. lol
I did go through a point where i was addicted to (something like) pain-killers or something though ... again, something i'm not very proud of ... but i've never done drugs. never will either.

Jellytots 30th Aug 2009 8:00 PM

Nope, not at all.

I don't drink tea or coffee, and us natrual remeides, not paracetmoal or asprin. I only once ever had a paracetiomal, and it didn't help.

ToxicPinkPoison 1st Sep 2009 1:56 AM

I'm completely straight edge. Never drank, done drugs or smoked in the 17 years of my living (which is odd to most people round here, everyone at my school seems to enjoy getting blazed out of there minds. not for me thanks.) But my parents have been smoking weed since they were 12. They quit smoking in 1997 and pretty much never drink.

Sadly almost everyone of my friends enjoys smoking up so it sorta leaves me as the odd one out nowadays.

Prosthetics 5th Sep 2009 11:14 PM

I feel kind of the like the odd woman out here...I smoke pot occasionally. I used to smoke cigarettes to. I guess I just don't have an addictive personality, becuase I've never felt like I need to smoke pot, and cigarettes were easy to quit...

But yeah. I do drugs. I hang out with a bunch of potheads. We have tons of fun, and are all responsible adults who graduated high school...and have jobs.

candiiee 13th Sep 2009 1:28 PM

Since this guy came in and did a talk on drugs and what happens to people who take them, I personally was too shocked to ever think about taking drugs. And I think half of my school were shocked into never doing drugs too.

ChemicalCaitlin 13th Sep 2009 6:34 PM

I'm 13, and I've never done drugs. I don't plan to, and I find them useless. I know my sister has tried a lot of drugs, but she refuses to tell me what. She thinks I'll tell someone, I guess. I know for certain pot, and probably a lot of prescription stuff. Seeing how she is now, angry and depressed almost all the time, and how she used to be before all of the drugs, kind and almost always smiling, has proved to me that I don't want or need drugs. Also, one of my friends smokes, and she's 13, but I don't know that she's done drugs.

Beata125 13th Sep 2009 6:41 PM

Only paracetamol lol.

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