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cherry3 12th Feb 2025 11:09 PM

World description does not display in Main Menu after exporting world in CAW. (SOLVED)

I am editing Midnight Hollow in CAW. When I want to export Midnight Hollow including the world description and world name, the world name appears in main menu, but the world description does not, appearing blank. I can load into edited Midnight Hollow just fine and everything works. I've tried looking in S3pe in the _XML file where the localization is set to en-US. My game's localization is set to en-US so I don't think it is that. But, I looked at another custom world's _XML file and the <packagedesc> and <description> in the metatags show the world description is present, but mine does not contain the world description and displays the world name instead (Midnight Hollow). I tried to replace the world name with the world description in Notepad, but when I loaded the game back in, I got the same blank text in main menu. However, the <localizeddescription> does contain the world description. I'm not playing with any cc or mods and I have tried taking out the world description in CAW and saving again, then exporting. I have deleted the caches in The Sims 3 Folder and The Sims 3 Create A World Tool Folder, but that hasn't solved the issue.

If anyone can point me in the right direction I'll be thankful. 😅

vesko_sims3 15th Feb 2025 5:21 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Did you change the world name and description to text instead of the file path, which is set as the default? If not, copy the world description from the Fandom page of sims wiki and paste it in the place of the file path.

cherry3 16th Feb 2025 10:40 PM

2 Attachment(s)
Quote: Originally posted by vesko_sims3

Did you change the world name and description to text instead of the file path, which is set as the default? If not, copy the world description from the Fandom page of sims wiki and paste it in the place of the file path.

Hi Vesko, thanks for replying.

I copied and pasted the world name and description exactly what you showed me the first time I exported the edited Midnight Hollow before encountering the world description not showing up:

Edit: I am using the CAW file of Midnight Hollow from this website if that helps (Unpopulated):

vesko_sims3 17th Feb 2025 8:36 AM

Also try to save the world under a new name and change the description a little bit. When I edit a game/store world, I always change its name and description to avoid any other conflicts.
I also download world resouses from this site, but recently I use to make them myself by following this tutorial - because I personally feel safer doing this.

Hope that helps!

simsample 17th Feb 2025 1:01 PM

Take a look in the WDDT resource (0x0668F638). World description should be saved there.

cherry3 17th Feb 2025 3:25 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Quote: Originally posted by vesko_sims3
Also try to save the world under a new name and change the description a little bit. When I edit a game/store world, I always change its name and description to avoid any other conflicts.
I also download world resouses from this site, but recently I use to make them myself by following this tutorial - because I personally feel safer doing this.

Hope that helps!

I've tried changing the world name to Midnight Falls instead of Midnight Hollow and changed the world description where it said Midnight Hollow, but the world description still isn't showing up. I've also tried making a new empty world in CAW and then importing the files from S3pe yet that hasn't solved the issue either.

cherry3 17th Feb 2025 3:28 PM

Quote: Originally posted by simsample
Take a look in the WDDT resource (0x0668F638). World description should be saved there.

I've checked to see if there is a WDDT resource in S3pe and there is one despite there being no world description in main menu which I'm not sure why.

simsample 17th Feb 2025 4:11 PM

Yes, what are the contents of that resource?

cherry3 17th Feb 2025 4:37 PM

2 Attachment(s)
Quote: Originally posted by simsample
Yes, what are the contents of that resource?

Here are the contents of the resource:

phantom99 17th Feb 2025 5:07 PM

Hi. Try deleting the following resources in your CAW project's .world file: UNKN 0x296A6258, WDSH 0x35A33E29. Save the world in CAW again so it regenerates them, export the world and reinstall it. Does the description show up now?

cherry3 17th Feb 2025 6:19 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Quote: Originally posted by phantom99
Hi. Try deleting the following resources in your CAW project's .world file: UNKN 0x296A6258, WDSH 0x35A33E29. Save the world in CAW again so it regenerates them, export the world and reinstall it. Does the description show up now?

Hi, that has fixed it thank you! 🙏
Doing that enabled the world description to load in the _XML file correctly, but I did need to delete the WPID and WDDT resources alongside in The Sims 3 Create A World Tool for the world description to load in main menu. 😅

simsample 17th Feb 2025 6:52 PM

Well done @phantom99 for that solution!

Glad you fixed it @cherry3 .

phantom99 17th Feb 2025 7:19 PM

Quote: Originally posted by cherry3
Hi, that has fixed it thank you! 🙏
Doing that enabled the world description to load in the _XML file correctly, but I did need to delete the WPID and WDDT resources alongside in The Sims 3 Create A World Tool for the world description to load in main menu. 😅
Ah, I assumed your world already had a unique WPID for some reason. Glad you fixed it!

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