Mad Poster
Original Poster
#51 Old 10th Jun 2009 at 9:01 AM

Have you ever streaked?

"When life gives you lemons, see the lemons, feels the lemons, BE THE LEMONS!"

Take a look-see, hmm...? Go on, click them:
The Super Mario Project, Nintendorks Island-Celebrating 2 Years Online!
Anime Addict
#52 Old 10th Jun 2009 at 9:02 AM
not yet anyhow... joking...

Have you ever showered in a public shower?

My Alter Ego's
MTS | The Sim Supply | The Exchange

"I used to have Multiple Personality Disorder but we're ok now"
"Click here to find out how to keep an idiot busy for hours"
#53 Old 10th Jun 2009 at 9:12 AM

Has a boy ever kissed you?
Mad Poster
#54 Old 10th Jun 2009 at 9:14 AM

Have you ever ran into a glass sliding door?
#55 Old 10th Jun 2009 at 9:17 AM

Have you ever been caught picking your nose?
Mad Poster
#56 Old 10th Jun 2009 at 9:19 AM

Have you ever done a handstand and kicked someone in the face?
#57 Old 10th Jun 2009 at 9:36 AM

Have you ever done the splits and you pants ripped? ( I have )
Mad Poster
Original Poster
#58 Old 10th Jun 2009 at 9:43 AM
no. *is incapable of doing a split*

Have you ever fallen out a window?

"When life gives you lemons, see the lemons, feels the lemons, BE THE LEMONS!"

Take a look-see, hmm...? Go on, click them:
The Super Mario Project, Nintendorks Island-Celebrating 2 Years Online!
#59 Old 10th Jun 2009 at 9:45 AM Last edited by ZimZ : 12th Dec 2012 at 3:22 AM.

Have you ever eaten ham...
Mad Poster
Original Poster
#60 Old 10th Jun 2009 at 9:46 AM
yep. frequently

Have you ever eaten something really disgusting and liked it?

"When life gives you lemons, see the lemons, feels the lemons, BE THE LEMONS!"

Take a look-see, hmm...? Go on, click them:
The Super Mario Project, Nintendorks Island-Celebrating 2 Years Online!
#61 Old 10th Jun 2009 at 9:55 AM

*watch out boys /girl charges *

have you ever wiped a raid in any online game (wow xD ) ? *i did not my character tho was covering up for my brother he needed to eat*

All and all, no good.
Mad Poster
#62 Old 10th Jun 2009 at 9:57 AM
Okay seriously this is a guys group -_-
Mad Poster
Original Poster
#63 Old 10th Jun 2009 at 9:59 AM
gah, women.


Have you ever killed off a sim family just to watch them die?

"When life gives you lemons, see the lemons, feels the lemons, BE THE LEMONS!"

Take a look-see, hmm...? Go on, click them:
The Super Mario Project, Nintendorks Island-Celebrating 2 Years Online!
Mad Poster
#64 Old 10th Jun 2009 at 10:00 AM
Yes. :P

Are yo able to kick someone in the face? (I am :D)
Lab Assistant
#65 Old 10th Jun 2009 at 10:22 AM

Have you ever punch someone under the belt?
Mad Poster
#66 Old 10th Jun 2009 at 10:25 AM

Have you ever bitten someone?
Mad Poster
Original Poster
#67 Old 10th Jun 2009 at 11:08 AM
Can't remember. i guess that means no.

Have you ever shaved your pubic area? *girls, this is not a question you should answer*

"When life gives you lemons, see the lemons, feels the lemons, BE THE LEMONS!"

Take a look-see, hmm...? Go on, click them:
The Super Mario Project, Nintendorks Island-Celebrating 2 Years Online!
Mad Poster
#68 Old 10th Jun 2009 at 11:12 AM

Have you ever ran into a wall?
Mad Poster
#69 Old 10th Jun 2009 at 11:12 AM
DAMN IT! *screams*
Mad Poster
Original Poster
#70 Old 10th Jun 2009 at 11:17 AM
frequently. Easily every other day. trees too. And doors, desks, chairs, cars, signposts, people, counters, bushes...

Have you ever fallen down a well/storm drain?

"When life gives you lemons, see the lemons, feels the lemons, BE THE LEMONS!"

Take a look-see, hmm...? Go on, click them:
The Super Mario Project, Nintendorks Island-Celebrating 2 Years Online!
Mad Poster
#71 Old 10th Jun 2009 at 11:37 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Rapsheba555
frequently. Easily every other day. trees too. And doors, desks, chairs, cars, signposts, people, counters, bushes...
Another thing we have in common! Except I do it every day.


Have you ever placed a fake snake in someone's bed who was afraid of snakes?
Mad Poster
Original Poster
#72 Old 10th Jun 2009 at 11:47 AM
no. :P

Have you ever walked into a room naked thinking there was no one in it, but there was? (That would make a great movie scene)

"When life gives you lemons, see the lemons, feels the lemons, BE THE LEMONS!"

Take a look-see, hmm...? Go on, click them:
The Super Mario Project, Nintendorks Island-Celebrating 2 Years Online!
Anime Addict
#73 Old 10th Jun 2009 at 11:49 AM
no, but someone has walked in on me in the shower... XD

Have you ever been caught with someone you shouldn't have been with?

My Alter Ego's
MTS | The Sim Supply | The Exchange

"I used to have Multiple Personality Disorder but we're ok now"
"Click here to find out how to keep an idiot busy for hours"
Mad Poster
Original Poster
#74 Old 10th Jun 2009 at 11:50 AM
in what way?

"When life gives you lemons, see the lemons, feels the lemons, BE THE LEMONS!"

Take a look-see, hmm...? Go on, click them:
The Super Mario Project, Nintendorks Island-Celebrating 2 Years Online!
#75 Old 10th Jun 2009 at 1:20 PM Last edited by ZimZ : 12th Dec 2012 at 3:23 AM.
! YES!

Have you ever gotten angry because girls joined this club
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