
Downloads: 106,297
Thanks: 3,841

Last Activity: 27th Dec 2024 11:12 PM
Join Date: 12th Aug 2008
Total Posts: 3,935 (0.65 posts per day)

About Me

If you want to edit any of my custom careers or majors FOR YOUR OWN PERSONAL USE ONLY then go ahead. But please don't upload it anywhere and/or claim that you made it yourself.

Top Download

Six recolours of the Teen Style Stuff top, trousers and boots outfit. Using Maxis textures.

27th Dec 2010 at 12:46am in » Everyday

Sims 2 + 1 SPs

Personal Picks

lauratje86 has 33 downloads in the following areas of our download section:

Showing latest 32 downloads:

9.8k Sims 2 Seasons

Diplomacy Teen/Elder Career -...

28th Jun 2018 at 5:15pm

5.1k Sims 2 Nightlife

Three Cat-Themed Friendship Cards...

28th Feb 2018 at 7:03pm

6.9k Sims 2 Nightlife

Five Spooky Day/Halloween Cards...

31st Oct 2017 at 8:29pm

7.5k Sims 2 Nightlife

Twenty-Six "New Birth" Cards For...

30th Sep 2017 at 8:49pm

11.2k Sims 2

Teen Elder Career - "Popular Music...

31st Jul 2017 at 9:41pm

7.4k Sims 2

Two "Soft Kitty" Greetings Cards...

28th Feb 2016 at 4:16pm

9.5k Sims 2

Snoopy Christmas/Winter's Day...

28th Feb 2016 at 4:04pm

6.5k Sims 2

Snoopy Halloween/Spooky Day...

26th Feb 2016 at 8:46pm

25.3k Sims 2 University

Major-Career Linkage Mod

25th Feb 2016 at 12:05am

17.5k Sims 2 University

Default Replacement Majors For Use...

21st Feb 2016 at 10:30pm

14.3k Sims 2

Default Replacement: Slacker...

21st Feb 2016 at 1:03am

5.4k Sims 2 Nightlife

Nine Gender Neutral "New Birth"...

21st Aug 2015 at 12:44am

6.2k Sims 2 Nightlife

Ten "New Birth" Cards For Baby...

19th Aug 2015 at 11:44pm

6.5k Sims 2 Nightlife

Ten "New Birth" Cards For Baby...

18th Aug 2015 at 2:35am

5.5k Sims 2

Cricket Career For Teens/Elders

31st Jul 2015 at 5:31pm

12.9k Sims 2

Default Replacements: More...

30th Jun 2015 at 7:21pm

3.7k Sims 2 University

Protein Shake Advertisement...

25th May 2015 at 9:58pm

5.1k Sims 2

Bushcraft Career for Teens & Elders

30th Apr 2015 at 7:44pm

7k Sims 2

Seaside Worker Career for Teens &...

31st Mar 2015 at 6:55pm

22.6k Sims 2

Esmeiolanthe's Birth Queen Skin As...

19th Oct 2013 at 6:27pm

28.7k Sims 2 + 1 SPs

Teen Style Stuff Recolours For...

27th Dec 2010 at 12:46am

17.3k Sims 2 University

Automail Engineering Major -...

15th Nov 2010 at 3:03pm

25.5k Sims 2

Medieval Falconer Career for Adults

13th Aug 2010 at 2:43pm

25.6k Sims 2

Scottish Landscape Paintings &...

13th Aug 2010 at 12:28am

14.7k Sims 2

Falconry Career for teens & elders

9th Aug 2010 at 4:21pm

16.5k Sims 2

Five Floral Wallpaper Sets

16th Jun 2010 at 8:12pm

18.8k Sims 2

Hot Air Balloon Wallpaper &...

15th Jun 2010 at 3:55pm

12.9k Sims 2 University

Raptor Biology Major

5th Jun 2010 at 4:47pm

14.9k Sims 2 University

Animal Behaviour Major

30th May 2010 at 2:35pm

18.5k Sims 2 Nightlife

Glowing Flowers Painting Recolours...

28th Apr 2010 at 10:12pm

30.4k Sims 2

Scottish Landscape Paintings &...

13th Dec 2008 at 3:40am

Uploading terms:

  • Upload to Free sites only.
With my recolours:
  • You may include with Lots.
  • You may include with Sims.
  • You may recolour using my textures.
  • You may re-use my textures for unrelated projects.
With my walls/floors:
  • You may include with Lots.
  • You may recolour using my textures.
  • You may re-use my textures for unrelated projects.
General terms:
  • Please give credit with a link when using my work.
  • Let me know if you use my work.
  • Use for whatever you want.


lauratje86 is a member of the following groups:

2018 Secret Santa for those who play the Sims 2
This group functions as a place to record the occurences in your game, as well as post tutorials etc.
Get help from experienced builders
This is the official MTS Social Group for those who have discovered the joys of playing cooperatively with shared neighborhoods. Come join in the fun!
A place for MTS's Vegetarian and Vegan members to hang out
For creators, and downloaders who enjoy custom careers for the sims 2 or 3
A group for anyone who enjoys cooking to talk about food, share recipes, etc. :)
Chatterboxes of the Conest Unite!
Discussion of Mootilda's tools. Ideas for new tools. Testing of new versions. UI suggestions.

Location: Powys, UK Interests: Reading, gardening and Sims 2, of course. Occupation: Autism Consultant

Games owned: The Sims 2: Sims 2 University Nightlife Open for Business Pets Seasons Bon Voyage Free Time Apartment Life + 9 SPs