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#4026 Old 6th Apr 2024 at 12:26 AM
Wojtek, those bubbles are very pretty.
Lab Assistant
#4027 Old 8th Apr 2024 at 11:56 AM
Busted out yet another new save in Isla Paradiso. Made a hybrid witch/mermaid guy, his theme is that he's a kind of water mage studying the local ecosystem in Isla Paradiso. I saw him do this face while working on his garden one morning and so I had to take a pic. What is he looking at? :D
Top Secret Researcher
#4028 Old 8th Apr 2024 at 2:33 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Sazandora123
Busted out yet another new save in Isla Paradiso. Made a hybrid witch/mermaid guy, his theme is that he's a kind of water mage studying the local ecosystem in Isla Paradiso. I saw him do this face while working on his garden one morning and so I had to take a pic. What is he looking at? :D

The weather? Hoping for rain for his garden?
Lab Assistant
#4029 Old 9th Apr 2024 at 12:31 PM
Quote: Originally posted by 310175
The weather? Hoping for rain for his garden?

Maybe he's looking at the skill meter above his head and wondering what it is. Now I'm counting the days for when he realizes he's a character in a video game and becomes sentient.
Lab Assistant
#4030 Old 9th Apr 2024 at 6:20 PM
This is Daavia Veracruz, she is a regular politician from Twinbrook with a passion for alchemy.

Well... I say from Twinbrook. She was actually from Democles Height. She just moved to Twinbrook.

And she went to explore the mysterious ruins there.

And they teleported her...

(this is my way to make my own personal Doctor Who\Star Trek in sims )

Alolissimo Pomel of Goldel Lucentel, it's me, the Fandom Gremlin and Different Twin.

My main site is at https://www.ncls.it/unigaia/

Just a girl on Entropy’s Side
Lab Assistant
#4031 Old 10th Apr 2024 at 12:37 PM
Daavia ended up on Nibiru, the Impossible Planet!!! (technically it's a set in Riverwiew, a la Doctor Who and even my dad compared it to DW when he saw it) (but it's meant to be Nibiru in-universe)

She met teMau veNibiru (this means, teMau of Nibiru It's like some Doctor Who alien names where they're called, of their planets, such as of Zanak, of Manussa.)

and her younger brother, aKoti, who looks very Sims 2

Both are witch\alien hybrids!

Alolissimo Pomel of Goldel Lucentel, it's me, the Fandom Gremlin and Different Twin.

My main site is at https://www.ncls.it/unigaia/

Just a girl on Entropy’s Side
#4032 Old 13th Apr 2024 at 6:47 PM
Took two of my characters who were intended for the university I added to my Belladonna Cove in TS2, and sent them to Bridgeport, remodeling one of the condos into a two-bedroom. Esther Chase, whose TS2 incarnation was a Family Sim with the tutoring LTW from the LTWs pack on here, is now an aspiring teacher (it's weird that there's no LTW for the education career in TS3), while Diana Bright, whose TS2 incarnation was a Romance Sim with the job hopper LTW from the LTWs pack, is now an aspiring actress. TS3 jank reared its head as the bouncer for the main room was in the VIP area. Also, Esther's date with her coworker after work went well until Diana introduced herself to him and made him uncomfortable. Or maybe it was unmet needs (the dreaded hunger maybe?) that declared the date a dud. Whatever it was, it ended with "You've got some issues and I'm not going to stick around to deal with them".

I think the celebrity decay rate works too well. This is the one time where I want to get celebrity rank.

1/8/2016: New avatar! Pre-censored for EA's approval.
3/19/2015: Teens are too close to YAs. EA needs to either shorten the teens, or add preteens and make YAs look older.
Lab Assistant
#4033 Old 15th Apr 2024 at 6:50 PM
I reach my goal! I am creating family with an alien daddy and finally my sim met the alien. I had to use nraas MasterController to get them know each other and I had to change one trait but no gender or age like I feared! I thougt now that the alien met my sim and interviewed her and then my sim gave him a tour about her world (university campus). They ate fast food and went to the cinema. Evening was succec. Hopefully they meet again soon.

"Look, they are called flowers. Do you have plants like this in your planet?"
Lab Assistant
#4034 Old 22nd Apr 2024 at 8:52 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Ruusupapu
I reach my goal! I am creating family with an alien daddy and finally my sim met the alien. I had to use nraas MasterController to get them know each other and I had to change one trait but no gender or age like I feared! I thougt now that the alien met my sim and interviewed her and then my sim gave him a tour about her world (university campus). They ate fast food and went to the cinema. Evening was succec. Hopefully they meet again soon.

"Look, they are called flowers. Do you have plants like this in your planet?"

And after I played whole Sunday afternoon, the woman is graduated and the happy couple is married and pregnant with their first child. Their names are Tea-Riina and Tequeq (I think) Vajjar. I changed one of Tequeq traits to socially awkward bc I do not think that an alien would understand all our (read: sims) social rules.

I think this is nice idea to play. Weird situations are fine. Tequeq took Tea-Riina on date to dormitory and I could just be "okay, that's some alien stuff again."
Field Researcher
#4035 Old 24th Apr 2024 at 12:10 AM


If I lived on Mars, I would be pleased because the Earth is not my cup of tea
Lab Assistant
#4036 Old 1st May 2024 at 5:12 PM
If people of the town do not like your alien husband, organize a protest for him!
Field Researcher
#4037 Old 14th May 2024 at 6:37 AM
Playing my Perfect Genetics challenge again. No luck yet. 23 children into this generation.

One of the kids has an imaginary friend. I caught him autonomously trying to kiss her, being rejected, and then she tried to kiss him and he rejected her!

I had another kid with an imaginary enemy, but I think being rejected by your imaginary friend might be worse than that. Can't even have your first kiss in your imagination.
Forum Resident
#4038 Old 16th May 2024 at 8:50 PM
A baby girl! I named her Penelope and she's an excitable genius who I have an idea to grow up and be adventurous and probably a tinker and jack of all trades. She may get inspired as she grows older by her family's hobbies but maybe she will learn something entirely new.

She has her father's brown hair, although I thought it was black at first like her sister Nora's which is a carrier gene that got inherited as the phenotype. But with this particular infant hair style, I think it is difficult to tell unless I check in CAS or Stylist which I did when giving her a makeover.

Then not too long after getting some much needed rest, the wife Myra, decides yeah let's just Try For a Baby! even though they just had a baby. But luckily the husband's A.I., Tariku, was like no without saying no and thus I did not hear the baby chimes. However, that time was a success but how long will Tariku deny Myra? Unfortunately I noticed she's using being pregnant as her way of being the center of attention in Tariku's world. And even the kids notice this as their mother uses feminine charm to her advantage. This reminds me of another married couple, well they are divorced now, of a wife weaponizing her feminine charm too. What are my Sims' A.I. learning? So much psychology packed into this A.I.


Previous Game: Batman: Arkham Knight (Hard Mode/Unfinished-Another Time)

Current Game(s): ObsCure and Cyberpunk 2077
#4039 Old 18th May 2024 at 11:56 AM Last edited by Elynda : 18th May 2024 at 5:32 PM.
Peter Marcus aged up...

Looks like he's going to 'break a few hearts', as we used to say. His traits are Adventurous, Genius and Easily Impressed. Funny he should age up into that tee shirt, it's the same one as his sister's but with a different pattern. And, yes, Chrissie is still at it with that guitar. I think I'll get a drum kit for Peter and then they can jam together. Yes, I'm sure Christopher and Alison with appreciate that.

Just after Peter's birthday I moved them to a nicer house. It's this one: https://modthesims.info/d/590874/sw...-3bd-2-5ba.html. I like it. It's down by the river, so they've got their own private beach, and Peter and Chrissie each get a room of their own. Well, I was fed up with looking at Shady Bough, which is gone now, and good riddance! Like other EA builds in Finnington it was only a place holder til I could find (or build) something better.


In other news, Alison got PD'd over some claim she got into a fight. Knowing Alison, it wouldn't surprise me, but I didn't see it. Anyway, she lost around 25 friends in one fell swoop and had to pay off the press to the tune of 6000 simoleons. Well, that's the 'freedom of the press' for you: if anybody else played that kind of racket it would be called extortion!

Anyway Alison spent the rest of the day going around town patching things up with some of those lost friends...

She was particularly keen to re-assure Staci Jackson, who you may recall is engaged to Cosima. In a sense Alison is a sort of 'mother' to Cosima. After all, it was she who trekked across the burning sands of Al SImhara, in search of the rainbow jewel, which Jerry needed to make Cosima a real friend, as opposed to an imaginary one.

Whilst Alison was out, Collette Ross-Fordyce came around, trick-or-treating, in the middle of winter. History repeating itself: her mother Cressida used to do that too, when she was a teen.

Legend is history as we would like it to be. We pick through the dusts of time for what is worth keeping and, here and there, we occasionally find treasure.

tumblr: Elyndaworld *** tumblr: Queen Lucy (new)
#4040 Old 22nd May 2024 at 10:38 PM Last edited by LadySmoks : 23rd May 2024 at 2:22 AM.
Legends are often slightly exaggerated. It has been said that in(to) the future, a great FemmeBot uprising was led... will be led... by the ruthless Red Queen, after acquiring sentience (someone didn't read that 3rd book), and gaining understanding of how poorly she and her fellow FemmeBots were treated by the oppressive overlords at Landgraab Industries' Military Division.

In particular, this guy...

During the long war, a mighty general arose! Alice model M1-A10. She was created by The Red Queen, exclusively for war... and given more intelligence and strength than any other bot, except the queen herself. During the 2nd battle for control of Oasis Landing, Alice single handedly confronted, and defeated Landgraab forces numbering in the thousands! But, she paid a price with severe damage to her right eye.

Despite this, she still led the FemmeBot warriors to total victory and liberation 3 days later!!!!!

Well, that was the "legend", but I'm starting to think that eye got messed up in a far less storybook fashion...


Shiny, happy people make me puke!
Lab Assistant
#4041 Old 23rd May 2024 at 9:08 AM
I created a new family. It is a couple in Monte Vista. Woman is an interior desinger and man is a detective. They live in a fake apartment house I built. (Fake because maybe I want make their apartment bigger sooner.)

The second customer of the interior designer was a CHILD! She wanted an own paiting studio. My sim noticed she was from a rich family so this kinda makes sense. Maybe parents gave the studio as a birthday present or something and chils just told what she wanted. It is cute althougt.

All animations worked like normal so maybe this is normal. I also remember a child, who ordered a biography. It was weirder.

And the alien/human couple have two children now
Be like the 22nd elephant with heated value in space, bark!
retired moderator
#4042 Old 24th May 2024 at 9:40 PM
Quote: Originally posted by LadySmoks
In particular, this guy...

Brakish Okun!
#4043 Old 24th May 2024 at 11:11 PM
I'm not sure how it happens, or whether of not it is feature of the game or a glitch, but very occasionally in my game sims form almost instant friendships. It happened with one of my first sims and Geoffrey Landgraab. They'd only exchanged a few a few words at a party, and next time I looked at the relationships panel they were best friends.

And now, in Finnington, Christina Marcus was playing her guitar outside the sports stadium (perhaps in hopes of getting discovered) just as a rock concert started up inside. She could only attend in company with an Adult, and the nearest convenient one happened to be Mathilda Thynne (who wasn't exactly living up to her name at the time). Anyway, after the concert they exchanged a few pleasantries and went their separate ways. They haven't met since, but now I find they have become best friends.

Whatever the case I prefer to think of it as a feature because, as I said, it only happens very occasionally.

P.S. The above reminds me of the time I encountered my sister and her husband at a Motorhead concert. She was pregnant too.

Legend is history as we would like it to be. We pick through the dusts of time for what is worth keeping and, here and there, we occasionally find treasure.

tumblr: Elyndaworld *** tumblr: Queen Lucy (new)
Forum Resident
#4044 Old 2nd Jun 2024 at 4:23 AM
I was going to do an arranged marriage for two of my Sims but changed my mind. So right now they are kids about to age up into teens soon.

Taz is a little bit younger than Dania by 9 days I think and throughout his childhood upon introducing him to Dania and then watching them autonomously, he would interact with her all on his own and vice versa. Though she would argue sometimes with him but then he would argue too and both of them have the insane trait which makes them both more susceptible to argue than most Sims. It also was never any noticeable relationship dip either after they would argue and go back to being on friendly terms.

What I began to notice is Dania has been distancing herself from Taz and now I think I know why.

When my Sims roll the wish to visit the graveyard it could be an implication that something is dead, even based on the idiom dead and buried. I would guess that is accurate enough from my observations. And that icon was after the failed boat ride a day or more later because she would not get in the boat; I just wanted a Alfafa and Darla like moment....(It's possible there was a routing issue but I don't know.)

I switched households for now so when Dania and her twin sister Farah can have a birthday party and invite over the Mwangi household. I cannot remember if I had her visit or if she got the prompt to go after school but I noticed Taz got his sister Indie to sing with him which is something I haven't seen him do before so I had Dania go watch and ended up learning and confirming some things.

Then Dania went autonomously into Lulu's room and I just noticed her demeanor, facial expression and thought bubble.

Then Tatianna asked Baha to prom and I'm like sure why not and during that they became boyfriend/girlfriend except for some reason Baha went to prom but Tatianna was still out in front of his house. This game sometimes....

Usually I ignore prom prompts but since Baha had previously admitted he was interested in her and she seemed to consider I allowed it. I planned a date at their school and she went straight for the jungle gym so I had him join her to hang out and talk which was cute. Then the second date was at the school again and this time I had him prepare her favorite food, tofu hot dogs and she went straight to the portable gnubb set, he felt ignored but I directed him to just join her and he kept clapping multiple times before starting the game, lol. They ate afterwards and then she wanted to take a photo with him and then he heat of the moment kiss with her...uh slow down Baha; she did accept the kiss.

They were both getting cold and I had him invite her over to his house to warm up but not that way but he had other plans but his room door was locked which I'm glad and she left. Baha needs to take a chill pill. Now I have to make sure he behaves himself and isn't trying to take things too fast. How about get to know her better and her parents and family too. If they both fall for each other I'll consider him asking for her hand in marriage from her father. The good thing is that her family seems to like him and now I need to get Anna to get to know his family better as well.

I have high free-will and I don't always catch things in time to intervene, like well Tariku being a family man, why not have another baby. Baby number nine is coming or more if they are multiples. Oh and speaking of pregnancies, Baha's parents are expecting now too on baby number seven or more if she is having multiples.

See I have the NRass setting to stop trying for baby after 5 I think but it doesn't work because bluegenjutsu's teen-elder auto romance mod somehow cancels that or at least for Sims with the family-oriented trait. So I end up with overpopulated households because I do have it enabled. I don't know if it would be okay to turn it off and the already overpopulated households would be fine. It doesn't really bother me having huge families though; the more Sims the more interesting observing how they all interact autonomously.

*I don't know where the site rules/guidelines are so my question is, is it okay discussing teen x teen relationships? I remember something being said about keep it PG-13 and the movie Juno is PG-13 though I don't think I've ever watched the movie. But I do remember hearing a lot of talk about the movie around the time it was released. And what about teen marriages?

Previous Game: Batman: Arkham Knight (Hard Mode/Unfinished-Another Time)

Current Game(s): ObsCure and Cyberpunk 2077
Lab Assistant
#4045 Old 7th Jun 2024 at 11:31 AM Last edited by Luvicsiana : 8th Jun 2024 at 11:55 AM.
I started to ship https://www.ncls.it/unigaia/susvic/

And there's a mermaid AU now! https://www.ncls.it/unigaia/susvic-sirene-au/

Alolissimo Pomel of Goldel Lucentel, it's me, the Fandom Gremlin and Different Twin.

My main site is at https://www.ncls.it/unigaia/

Just a girl on Entropy’s Side
Field Researcher
#4046 Old 11th Jun 2024 at 7:24 PM
I'm trying something different this generation of my Perfect Genetics challenge. My current heir, Isobel, was the 30th child of her generation (and she has three younger siblings.) The six prior generations have all raised children semi-traditionally. Being a genius and a scientist, she has hatched a plot to make child-rearing easier. And by easier, I mean completely abdicating her parental duties.

1. One of her siblings found a dusty old lamp in the catacombs.
2. She used her first two wishes to wish for money and the last to free the genie.
3. I like to have unique spouses for this challenge, so the genie will provide genetic material for her offspring. He turned out to have the "Surrounded by Family" LTW, so it works out very well.
4. Isobel built two plumbots (Nanette and Roboto) and equipped them with the robo-nanny trait chip, plus some others to make them useful around the house.
5. With the cash from the wishes, she bought a second home. The kids and the plumbots will live on that lot. They should be entirely self-sufficient, but the parents can go visit if they want to.
6. All Isobel has to do is be pregnant and pop out babies. The plumbots and the genie should be able to take it from there, and she's free to focus on her scientific experiments.

I want to look into building a Simbot too, to see how they compare to Plumbots.
#4047 Old 15th Jun 2024 at 9:45 PM
@igazor mentioned cheese danishes.


Let's gooo!

I don't drink coffee, but I'll buy them for those that want one.
Mad Poster
#4048 Old 16th Jun 2024 at 11:30 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Gargoyle Cat
@igazor mentioned cheese danishes.

The impact I seem to have on players' games is both flattering and appalling at the same time.

What if I had suggested broccoli or a bowl of high fiber cereal for a safe birthday treat instead of pastry and coffee?
#4049 Old 17th Jun 2024 at 10:18 AM
Quote: Originally posted by igazor
The impact I seem to have on players' games is both flattering and appalling at the same time.

What if I had suggested broccoli or a bowl of high fiber cereal for a safe birthday treat instead of pastry and coffee?

Appalling? What's appalling? A lighthearted joke about a cheese danish that actually sounded good at the time? Sorry, I didn't realize the subject of cheese danish subject was that deep.

Happy Birthday!

Lab Assistant
#4050 Old 23rd Jun 2024 at 5:49 PM
I created a new sim for celebrity life in Bridgeport. Somehow there was no celebrites at the start of the game. (Active households celebrity system was off then and I think this was the reason.) So I had to search every sim I saw in Simswikia and give the celebrity status with cheat.
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