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#76 Old 2nd May 2005 at 9:20 AM
Quote: Originally posted by eggster
anyone no any good sight to download good sims objects eg fridges, beds

For one, this has nothing to do with the thread you posted on. Two, hello? That's what this entire website is all about--creating stuff for the game. Three, you're probably not coming back to read this so I wont continue to let you know how wee-tah-ded your post was :Slap:

Anyways...I havent been able to figure out how to make my own careers yet...It's taken so much effort trying to make the "creative side" of the career and actually make it good and realistic that I was thinking it would be too much work after doing all that to try and learn how to do the "technical side" on my own...thats why I'm glad I found somebody willing to do it for me (p00jkins) but I'm going to take a look at your tutorial and see if it's as difficult as I figured it would be. Thanks for posting it and for being so helpful :D
Test Subject
#77 Old 5th May 2005 at 5:45 AM
Quote: Originally posted by anonymous
Anyways...I havent been able to figure out how to make my own careers yet...thats why I'm glad I found somebody willing to do it for me (p00jkins)

This is actually a cool idea. What about adding a space to the tutorial offering a "how to post a text-only career (and how-to ask for someone to make it work)? Something that would lay out a step by step, what to provide if you don't want to learn the techie part? For insatnce, it could list all the job levels/descriptions, but also what is needed to know for chance cards (choice A and B; bad and good for each)? Psion, is this something you'd be interested in doing, because I wouldn't mind writing it up...

You know, on second thought, that's probably a bad idea.

One more thing, and this may have been discovered by someone else. For the custom career icons you list the ....02 file as being "unknown" for what it does in game. I just discovered that it handles the graphics for teens with jobs; that's why there are several colors for it (blue means "school" is highlighted; green means that the work-tab is highlighted).

Not a Llama
Original Poster
#78 Old 5th May 2005 at 10:59 AM
Quote: Originally posted by jmk4422
What about adding a space to the tutorial offering a "how to post a text-only career (and how-to ask for someone to make it work)?
No, not a bad idea as such, but a bit out of place in the guide. It is something that should be added to the FAQ or the relevant suggestion thread though. Hmmm . . .

Quote: Originally posted by jmk4422
For the custom career icons you list the ....02 file as being "unknown" for what it does in game. I just discovered that it handles the graphics for teens with jobs; that's why there are several colors for it (blue means "school" is highlighted; green means that the work-tab is highlighted)
Excellent! Thanks for that. I will put that in the next version as well.
Test Subject
#79 Old 6th May 2005 at 4:12 AM
last question, really.
so i finally finished all my testing and shtuff. my only problem comes to making it a nice neat little usable file. i keep forgetting what i do to get it into my game ( :sorry: ), and anyway, i don't think what i'm doing would work to upload it here for others. is there a sort of standard procedure for that bit of the custom career process?
Not a Llama
Original Poster
#80 Old 6th May 2005 at 5:52 AM
Quote: Originally posted by spootcookie
last question . . . making it a nice neat little usable file . . . standard procedure . . . ?
The actual career,and any reward object (if custom), will both be .package files.

All you need to do is to name them appropriately, compress them using WinRAR (preferred) OR WinZip, then upload them to the careers forum here. Make sure you read the FAQ in that section (and possibly some of the other threads there), before uploading, to get some idea of what you should put in your first post.

Also have a look at the posting section of the current guide, which will assist in this as well.
Test Subject
#81 Old 11th May 2005 at 6:15 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Psion
Excellent! Thanks for that. I will put that in the next version as well.

Glad to be of service, as always. Hey, is there some sort of place I'm not aware of where people discuss these things? I have so many questions and guesses that I'd love a thread where I could suggest them...!


p.s. Anyone visiting this guide for the first time should know-- it kicks all kinds of a_$. Psion rocks for creating it... and this isn't me kissing up. After all, what kind of motive would I have to do so?
Not a Llama
Original Poster
#82 Old 11th May 2005 at 12:48 PM
Quote: Originally posted by jmk4422
is there some sort of place I'm not aware of where people discuss these things?
Anything pertaining directly to this guide is, of course, welcome to be posted here.

As for airing general ideas about the modding aspects of the game etc, the best place is the the "General Modding" forum. If it relates to this guide, post a link and a short explanation of the thread.
#83 Old 13th May 2005 at 3:00 AM
For my custom career the sims are still bringing home friends from the base career. Is there any way to change this? Did I miss something in the guide?
Test Subject
#84 Old 18th May 2005 at 6:02 AM
Yanal-- Wow. Great question! I have not seen this occur in my own game... which is surprising... because I've not seen any Sims brought home from my custom careers at all. I had completely forgotten that this happens, in fact!

Psion would know more. My question to you would be this: What Maxis-career did you base your custom career off of? And are the friends being brought home employed in that career? If so, are the job-skill requirements of the template career similar at all to the job-skill requirements of your custom one?

Just curious!

Lab Assistant
#85 Old 21st May 2005 at 2:25 AM
make a non-rar. version will ya? I can't open this!
Test Subject
#86 Old 22nd May 2005 at 10:33 PM Last edited by sodiumlight : 22nd May 2005 at 10:57 PM.
*edits last post* Think I've got the GUID figured out, or so I hope. *fingers crossed* But my next question is, what would I input if I wanted my Sim to wear their everyday clothes to work?
Not a Llama
Original Poster
#87 Old 23rd May 2005 at 7:03 PM
Quote: Originally posted by labine730
make a non-rar. version will ya? I can't open this!
RAR is one of the 2 main file formats used on this site and gives a smaller file size in most cases.

We generally use one or the other, not both. For instruction on how to use a rar file, click the link next to the download.

Also, [COLOR=Red]READ THE SITE RULES[/COLOR]. Spamming in threads is not allowed. You have been warned.
Not a Llama
Original Poster
#88 Old 23rd May 2005 at 8:16 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Yanal
For my custom career the sims are still bringing home friends from the base career. Is there any way to change this? Did I miss something in the guide?
This question has never been raised before.

I am sorry, but that is likely controlled randomly in-game. I have seen the same NPC in different career roles before so I believe that there is some sort of random factor involved.

The only way to change NPC job roles would involve hacking the sims themselves, and I don't know of an automated way to do that. Another possibility is using custom NPCs that are assigned to the career themselves. This is untested, and quite frankly, probably not many people would want actual sims in a career kit.

Quote: Originally posted by sodiumlight
*edits last post* Think I've got the GUID figured out, or so I hope. *fingers crossed* But my next question is, what would I input if I wanted my Sim to wear their everyday clothes to work?
As jmk4422 posted earlier in this thread (Please read the rest of the thread before posting), a value of 0 in both fields will give you the everyday clothes.
Not a Llama
Original Poster
#89 Old 27th May 2005 at 1:21 PM
As pointed out by Psychoslayer10987, there is a hole in the GroupID section. It has been amended as follows:
Change object Group ID
1. Select all types (first entry / “------------“) from “Filetypes”
2. Select the “Packed File” tab.
3. Type in the new template group in the Group field. I recommend “0xFFxxxxxx”, where the xxxxxx is replaced with the last six digits of your objects GUID. This should ensure you have a unique public Group ID. For example, if your GUID is 0xAE537C32 your Group ID would be 0xFF537C32.
• You cannot use the same Group ID for an Adult and Teen career set, they must be different, as they are different objects.
4. Select “Change all listed”
Field Researcher
#90 Old 28th May 2005 at 2:59 PM
I have been looking for the update on the vehicles. I am completely computer-illiterate, but this tutorial was easy to understand. Just can't figure out the rides! Sorry if I missed it. Thank you for wtining something even I can now do.
Not a Llama
Original Poster
#91 Old 28th May 2005 at 4:09 PM
Quote: Originally posted by nancyw41
I have been looking for the update on the vehicles
Sorry, I have been busy with other things recently, so the v0.06 has been somewhat neglected.

I should be getting back to that shortly.
Lab Assistant
#92 Old 6th Jun 2005 at 4:26 PM
(Posting in here due to the fact majors are linked with careers, sorry if it's in the wrong place)

Okay, had a look through the tutorials but can't seem to find any on making custom Majors - I want to try and make my own now I have summer ahead of me.

Where can I find a tutorial for making new majors on here? Or are they elsewhere?
Test Subject
#93 Old 10th Jun 2005 at 1:06 AM
Quote: Originally posted by emiejemy
Okay, had a look through the tutorials but can't seem to find any on making custom Majors - I want to try and make my own now I have summer ahead of me. Where can I find a tutorial for making new majors on here? Or are they elsewhere?

Try this thread:


Lab Assistant
#94 Old 10th Jun 2005 at 5:12 PM

thanks jmk4422 :D
Forum Resident
#95 Old 13th Jun 2005 at 11:34 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Psion
As pointed out by Psychoslayer10987, there is a hole in the GroupID section. It has been amended as follows:
Change object Group ID
1. Select all types (first entry / “------------&#8220 from “Filetypes”
2. Select the “Packed File” tab.
3. Type in the new template group in the Group field. I recommend “0xFFxxxxxx”, where the xxxxxx is replaced with the last six digits of your objects GUID. This should ensure you have a unique public Group ID. For example, if your GUID is 0xAE537C32 your Group ID would be 0xFF537C32.
• You cannot use the same Group ID for an Adult and Teen career set, they must be different, as they are different objects.
4. Select “Change all listed”

Psion,why not just use 0xFFFFFFFF for all the group IDs? That's what i have done with all my careers. Or else, sometimes, the career shows as red in Sims2pack clean installer.

SAm....Home to the clones and my gorgeous friends,
SIMilar Addiction
#96 Old 13th Jun 2005 at 2:53 PM Last edited by lamba99 : 14th Jun 2005 at 4:26 AM.
Quote: Originally posted by p00jkins
Psion,why not just use 0xFFFFFFFF for all the group IDs? That's what i have done with all my careers. Or else, sometimes, the career shows as red in Sims2pack clean installer.
Good questions p00jkins. I'm pretty sure I followed Psion's instructions (trying to make a teen career to match an existing Adult career). But the problem for me is that my unique GUID (from the SimpPE site) doesn't appear to work, but I found if I just incremented the original GUID ID of the Adult career I'm matching it does. I guess that's ok to do during my private testing.

What does having a unique the Group ID allow one to do or not do? If Group IDs within careers need to be unqiue as Psion says, why does 0xFFFFFFFF appear to work for you p00jkins? Is it because the object is first addressed by the game using an objects GUID, then the Group ID. Then the Group ID wouldn't need to be unique surely, unless we are talking about global functions being accessed within the career by the game?

Thanks by the way Psion, the tutorial was excellent, since I modded a complementry teen career is less than half a day thanks to the tutorial and MTS2 :-)
Test Subject
#97 Old 13th Jun 2005 at 6:09 PM Last edited by xXCateXx : 14th Jun 2005 at 5:43 AM.
Thanks Psion, this toturial is truely amazing :D!

EDIT: but for some weird reason my career wont show in the game.. :S
do you have any idea why??
Forum Resident
#98 Old 17th Jun 2005 at 11:43 AM
Quote: Originally posted by lamba99
Good questions p00jkins. I'm pretty sure I followed Psion's instructions (trying to make a teen career to match an existing Adult career). But the problem for me is that my unique GUID (from the SimpPE site) doesn't appear to work, but I found if I just incremented the original GUID ID of the Adult career I'm matching it does. I guess that's ok to do during my private testing.

What does having a unique the Group ID allow one to do or not do? If Group IDs within careers need to be unqiue as Psion says, why does 0xFFFFFFFF appear to work for you p00jkins? Is it because the object is first addressed by the game using an objects GUID, then the Group ID. Then the Group ID wouldn't need to be unique surely, unless we are talking about global functions being accessed within the career by the game?

Thanks by the way Psion, the tutorial was excellent, since I modded a complementry teen career is less than half a day thanks to the tutorial and MTS2 :-)

Okay, what i ALWAYS do in like 10++ of my careers are i use the GUID from the SimPE website, separate guids for teen/elder and adult. but the GROUP IDs are always left to 0xFFFFFFFF. And it works perfectly fine, doesnt replace any career and the Sims2pack Clean Installer doesnt show it as RED in color. So i guess no, if you use 0xFFFFFFFF for the GROUP ID,you can use it for every career since 0xFFFFFFFF recognizes that it is custom content.
Forum Resident
#99 Old 17th Jun 2005 at 11:44 AM
Quote: Originally posted by xXCateXx
Thanks Psion, this toturial is truely amazing :D!

EDIT: but for some weird reason my career wont show in the game.. :S
do you have any idea why??
Have you changed both the group IDs and Guids? If yes, maybe you'd like me to take a look at it for you? You could email the files to me, i could tell you whats the problem/fix it and send it back to you.
#100 Old 20th Jun 2005 at 2:09 AM
okkk i downloaded it but now im soo clueless wat do i do next how do i get the procedure to pop up!? help plzz!
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