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#301 Old 18th Jun 2007 at 4:47 AM
can some one tell me why i cant download some of the things here?
#302 Old 13th Jul 2007 at 1:44 AM
I cant download the Mesh thingie. Why can't I?
Test Subject
#303 Old 23rd Jul 2007 at 1:37 PM
Can someone upload the MTS2 Mesh Tool please? I really need it!!

Test Subject
#304 Old 27th Jul 2007 at 9:38 PM
Mesh is for people without lives and i have no life

Test Subject
#305 Old 4th Sep 2007 at 7:12 AM
its not working
I tried to downroad it but is just say that No cookies found

like this what should I do...
Test Subject
#306 Old 4th Sep 2007 at 7:12 AM
Help me plz
Test Subject
#307 Old 8th Sep 2007 at 6:04 PM
I keep getting the following error when I click GMDC view:

"Run-time error "9"
Subscript out of range"

Can anyone tell me how to fix this please?
Lab Assistant
#308 Old 17th Sep 2007 at 8:32 AM
It was the strangest thing (strange to me, because all this is foreign to me - I'm just following tuts and directions, I don't ask questions! ) but after editing my mesh in wings 3d, when I tried to import my obj file using meshtool, I was getting that same runtime error 9. I used Hellborn's vertice mapper, exported my obj file again (following the mapper's directions), tried meshtool once more and I didn't get an error that time. Either way, I was excited when everything worked out in the end with only minor errors!

Anyhow, thank you so much for this tool!!!!

visit my website: subKitten
Admin of Randomness
retired moderator
#309 Old 17th Sep 2007 at 9:01 AM
WykydSyn - that is because w/o the vertex mapper, wings rearranges the order of the vertices at random, and meshtool can't rebuild the mesh from the new file. I'm glad you got it all worked out! Remember not to delete or add any vertices, only to move them!

"Undertake something that is difficult; it will do you good. Unless you try to do something beyond what you have already mastered, you will never grow." - Ronald E. Osborn

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#310 Old 4th Nov 2007 at 10:24 AM
Hi, ich bin aus Österreich, ich kann nich so gut english und deswegen hoffe ich das hier auch einer is der deutsch kann, und mir das übersetzen kann...

bitte nicht löshen

please no cleanup...
Test Subject
#311 Old 9th Jan 2008 at 2:51 PM
Hey, i cant download mesh tool tooo...
can you help us to find it?
Test Subject
#312 Old 20th Jan 2008 at 7:45 AM
Default How do I extract the gmcd from package?
I don't know all that much about computers and I don't really know anything about using SimPE so please tell me how in simple to understand step by step instructions.
Test Subject
#313 Old 20th Jan 2008 at 4:21 PM
Default Help!
I downloaded the body mechcanic, the mesh tool, I'm confused about what do i need to do next I don't know what to do everytime i open the body Mech... it says Program not found what am i too do?
Test Subject
#314 Old 24th Jan 2008 at 3:54 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Miche
Tutorial on editing/making an armoire.

There are two ways you can use the mesh tool to make a working armoire(with opening doors), one is using meshes in a obj file and the other is with smd files.

Method 1: SMD files.

1: open SimPE and go to object work shop, clone the "* "Anti-Quaint-Ed" Ltd. Ed. Armoire"

2: extract the gmdc file from the package.

3: open the mesh tool.

4: go to the 3d view and load in the gmdc file you extracted in step 2

5: check the edit groups box. and then select entry called "armoire" in the object list, now click export smd button. Select the option of single bone per vertice. Close down the mesh tool.

6: import the smd file into your 3d program and edit it (or delete the mesh and create a new one) just remember to assign the vertices to the bones, and don`t assign any vertice to a bone which is unused when you first import the smd file. Export the edited object back out to a smd file. (with this object, the vertices for the main armoire should be assigned to bone 3, then the vertices for left door should be assigned to bone 5 , and for the right door bone 4.)

7: Open the mesh tool up and go to the 3d view, check any boxes for your 3d program. and load the smd file created in step 6.

8: load the original gmdc file you extracted in step 2.

9: select the "armoire" entry in the object list and the "object 1" (or whatever it happens to be called) in models list

10: in the Model box (bottom right of window) the number in the "sub groups#" box should be "0" change this to 1 (or anyother number), and click commit.

11: click the replace button, and save the gmdc file , now replace in back into you package in the normal way.

Note this hasn`t changed the handles or hinges to the armoire as they are in the object called "armoireQuaint" listed in the objects list, so these would need to also be exported to a smd file and changed.

How do I extract the gmdc file tell me please soon.
#315 Old 24th Jan 2008 at 5:17 AM
When you open your package in SimPE, in the list of files (Center top) you right-click on the GMDC file, and from that menu you select "extract". Then save it to a file name that you can remember.

You need to study SimPE though, before you tackle trying to make things with it. Most of the tutorials you find will already assume that you know how to work SimPE, it appears you need a little more work in that area.

<* Wes *>

If you like to say what you think, be sure you know which to do first.
Test Subject
#316 Old 7th Feb 2008 at 3:54 PM Last edited by simasterfan : 8th Feb 2008 at 11:51 AM.
Help Me Please!
I just downloaded SimPE and MeshTool, and want to start creating objects.
BUT........... , i have some problems with my username on SimPE. Because of theese problems i can't write in their forum, and log into my user.
The problem is, i created my user on SimPE about five days ago, yesterday i asked about 15 or more for my password in "forgot password" page.
I have done all of those and they haven't emaild me my password.
Can you PLEASE help me?
Test Subject
#317 Old 7th Feb 2008 at 3:59 PM
I forgot to tell you about some other things:
1.what are vertex normals?
2.when i used a file without vertex normals in your meshtool, it didn't show it
on the 3d view and got stuck in another stage.
can help me with this topics too?
Test Subject
#318 Old 18th Feb 2008 at 1:17 PM
Give Me An Answer - Please ! Now !
#319 Old 20th Feb 2008 at 12:31 AM

I see you are frustrated. Both authors of this tool have retired, and it hasn't been updated in a long time. That means you have to learn to use it the way it is.

The owner of the SimPE site has been slow in doing new things. His real-life job has apparently kept him from spending much time on Sims 2 except during school breaks.

If the mesh tool gives you an error message about not having vertex normals, the problem is in the 3D program you are using, or in the file you downloaded. The game will not properly display objects without vertex normals, so it is no use trying to use them. As many things in the world have evolved over time, so have 3D meshes, and newer features like vertex normals have become standard items.

Where did you get the file... you said you have SimPE and MeshTool, but neither one can create a 3D mesh, only manage them. So let's start with you telling about the file you have and what you are trying to do with it, in more precise terms. Maybe then we can get you on track.

<* Wes *>

If you like to say what you think, be sure you know which to do first.
Test Subject
#320 Old 20th Feb 2008 at 2:59 AM
a two part question
ok so im tryin to use my 3d models saved as obj files to desktop. i used 3dsmax to make them. and part 1 to my question would be how i should go about recoloring these files and part 2 would be how to import the finalized obj file to the game using the mesh tool. i have simpe, meshtool, 3dsmax, and photoshop cs3. im really excited to start so if anyone has suggestions please help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Test Subject
#321 Old 20th Feb 2008 at 3:03 AM
i downloaded 3d models and they were in 3ds max files to begin with then i opened file in 3ds max and saved to desktop as a obj file. i have no clue where to go from there. i know i have all the tool just dont have the know how to recolor and import to the game
thanks for quick reply
#322 Old 20th Feb 2008 at 3:45 AM
This could be easy or complicated, depending on what you want to do.
Generally, you want to clone some similar object using SimPE's Object Workshop so that you have a new object, and make your mesh and texture modifications to that.
You can use the meshtool to convert it to a GMDC, or you can import the .obj directly into SimPE. The textures can be exported, recolored in your photoshop and imported.
There are tutorials already written in the Object Creation section here, that would be a good place to start.

If you like to say what you think, be sure you know which to do first.
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#323 Old 11th May 2008 at 10:35 AM
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#324 Old 12th May 2008 at 5:46 PM
i downloaded SimPE but when i open it then i press on workshop it doesnt come up and on meshtool thing when i start a new thing i need to find a obj file coz when i look for were all my sims 2 stuff is that folder well... its empty...
Test Subject
#325 Old 4th Aug 2008 at 4:27 PM Last edited by MmMinik_kus : 4th Aug 2008 at 4:41 PM.
I solved the problem
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