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#301 Old 19th Sep 2018 at 6:44 PM Last edited by Sonshine : 19th Sep 2018 at 8:28 PM.
If sims cannot travel off of the island, what do you do for school for children? A homeschool mod like nraas? Otherwise the sw comes and takes the kids away if they don't go to school.

Edit: Also, it is a known fact that the "town" (in this case the island) becomes broken when a sim travels to a foreign land. If there is no city hall to engage nraas debug enabler to fix the town, what do you do?
#302 Old 20th Sep 2018 at 4:12 PM
I took my sim to Sunlit Tides to find a husband. She settled on one of the "beach bums" guys (Suzuki Hinata) and got him up to boyfriend status before he had to go to work and she had to go back home. She called him a couple of times and then invited him over on his day off. She invited him to move in and he brought in a bit over $2k. They will be starting their family soon ad I will find out what happens to kids when there is no school available. If all else fails, I will use nraas homeschool mod.
#303 Old 20th Sep 2018 at 7:34 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Sonshine
If sims cannot travel off of the island, what do you do for school for children? A homeschool mod like nraas? Otherwise the sw comes and takes the kids away if they don't go to school.

Edit: Also, it is a known fact that the "town" (in this case the island) becomes broken when a sim travels to a foreign land. If there is no city hall to engage nraas debug enabler to fix the town, what do you do?

I just temporary place one of the rabbithole rugs (city hall) or keep them under roof/in inaccesible cellar for convenience.

favorite quote: "When ElaineNualla is posting..I always read..Nutella. I am sorry" by Rosebine
self-claimed "lower-spec simmer"
#304 Old 21st Sep 2018 at 5:24 AM
My couple's child finally grew up into a child and I got my answer. I'm not sure if it's b/c there is no school or anything in this world or (most likely) b/c I turned the sw off in Register under service, (child abuse sw-false, and 0'd out all valid ages. I saved the game just in case, but no school and no sw.
#305 Old 21st Sep 2018 at 5:25 AM
I'm not sure if the OP comes around anymore, but I had to add a deathfish spawner. There was none around the houseboat.
#306 Old 22nd Sep 2018 at 7:55 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Sonshine
I'm not sure if it's b/c there is no school or anything in this world or (most likely) b/c I turned the sw off in Register under service, (child abuse sw-false, and 0'd out all valid ages. I saved the game just in case, but no school and no sw.

I just tested this out in a new game w/o using Register. There were no animals, but I did get notices of "missing" animals. My lot had LOTS of visitors/tourists who came everyday and hung around even after I sold off the portal. The child has no school b/c there is no school in that world and therefore no sw either. I also I took her outside the lot borders to fish for a while well after curfew and no notices. I'm not sure on the last one b/c in my real game, the child did get a notice that he was out after curfew. I 0'd out all police interactions in that game so I'm not sure what would have happened otherwise.
#307 Old 27th Sep 2018 at 5:06 AM
Just an update on my challenge. First of all, I made this a little more realistic by having no electricity. They eat fish a produce that they catch or grow roasted at the fire pit. Part of my story line is that there is a magic portal that they can travel through for a very limited number of times. Natalie (neurotic, dramatic, bookworm, gatherer, and angler) and Suzuki's (flirty, loves outdoors, great kisser, athletic, and mooch) son, Newell (clumsy, excitable, eccentric, and athletic so far) is now almost a YA. Their house boat is now the basement, ground level, and 2 stories above that. The basement is their bedroom and the single bathroom, the ground level is Newell's bedroom and the nursery and some planters, the next level has the chemistry set, a martial arts training dummy, and many more planters, the next level up (the roof) has the fire pit, more planters, a science station, board breaker, the helm, and a chest to keep the perfect fish and crops. For the computer, I d/led an "old typewriter" which I use for m apocalypse challenges. Natalie earned money at first by writing sports books. Her ltw was to earn $4k in royalties. Suzuki's ltw (which I changed b/c there was no way he could have become an all star athlete, lol) the perfect garden and Newell's ltw is the perfect aquarium. Both Suzuki and Newell are almost there. Natalie and Suzuki are now elders. So far, their household funds are almost $261k. I have them in the celeb system and they keep getting really nice gifts which I sell. I plan on having one of Newell's kids "discover" electricity and have a solar panel. Unfortunately, I do not have the EA items like that so it will have to be fictitious. It would be sooooo nice if EA brought those items back again. I think I'll wait to start Newell's family until after Natalie and Suzuki are passed on. Then he and his wife (probably the IF that has been w/him his entire life which I will have him turn real ) will move to the basement and his kid will have his old bedroom. Here are some pics: I'll also probably consolidate all of the planters into one room.
#308 Old 28th Sep 2018 at 12:11 AM Last edited by Sonshine : 29th Sep 2018 at 3:08 AM.
Update: Suzuki died leaving only a small tombstone. Before he died though, he mastered martial arts and in breaking space rock blocks, got a tiberium! This family will have millions by the time the 5th gen comes along, LOL Newell married his IF whom he made real. They will be expecting a child soon. When Natalie dies, she should have a med sized tombstone unless I can get her up to 150k+. Newell and Lily (the IF) will be expecting their first child soon. Lily has dark purple hair so we'll see how far that goes.

ETA: He died just before realizing his ltw. I have the elderhood set to very short, 8 days. The family now has a bit over a mil simoleons and I'l just quit on that one. They don't need anymore, lol. I had Newell's wife study and research science and had her "discover" electricity.
#309 Old 8th Oct 2018 at 5:04 AM
Update: Natalie died leaving a nice large tombstone and Newell and Lily are just a hair from being elder now. Their son Ranon is just a hair from being a teen and daughter Laurinda is a child now. I'll probably make Ranon the heir so I can get on w/the 4th gen sooner. I added another floor to their houseboat which is pretty much dedicated to their plants which are in planters. When it's time for Newell and Lily to pass on, they will both have a nice big tombstone. They're still on the celeb list and so still get gifts and sometimes deep discounts at the shops when they're allowed to travel. I do place a "city hall" rabbit hole rug down when they get back from traveling to fix the broken world. Any time any sim travels to any of the WA worlds and then comes back, the world is broken. This is bad programming on EA's part.
Lab Assistant
#310 Old 30th Nov 2018 at 6:15 AM
I decided to try this for a change of pace. It sure is! I'm used to controlling 8 sims in a busy world. One sim with not much to do is kind of refreshing. When it gets boring, I fast-forward. Then I drop to normal to see what silly thing she's doing.

Loner and loves the outdoors were no-brainer trait choices. Same with angler and green thumb. I chose the latter because I knew she'd be gardening. I hadn't anticipated her socializing with the plants. LOL! Her last trait is bookworm, which turns out to be the most useful.

The best thing in her inventory is the MultiTab 6000 from the Sims Store. Listening to tabcasts is the most entertaining thing to do, so she does it all the time. (In the spirit of the challenge, I don't let her play social games on it.) She gains gardening skill while fishing, cooking skill while gardening, etc. And then there's the writing skill. She writes books in her MTS Scribbling Pad, which cost a whopping 20 simoleons. They magically get sent to a publisher, and she gets paid big money. By day 6, after 7 novels, she's making more than 1000 simoleons per week in royalties. When she gets paid on Sunday, she'll finally be able to travel. Getting pregnant would be nice, but she'll also be getting seeds and books. I think. I haven't traveled before, but I think that's how it works.

Thanks for making this challenge!

BTW--I can't imagine combining this with the Perfect Genetics challenge! My sims often have a bunch of babies before they produce an heir. I move them out to make room for more. Since I can't do that here, the founder would probably have to die before there was room for the next generation. To keep it going for 10 generations... wow!
Lab Assistant
#311 Old 30th Nov 2018 at 6:20 AM
After reading other comments, I decided to play with only WA activated. No unexpected visitors have shown up. I have mixed feelings about this. ;-)
Lab Assistant
#312 Old 2nd Dec 2018 at 5:15 AM
I haven't posted about other challenges I've done, but love this one too much to stay quiet!

I wish I had played a game with World Adventures before this. It would have been nice to know my way around the places, and to be able to focus on getting pregnant, rather than the adventures. It's OK, though. I found enough treasure on my first trip to afford nice things for my home.

The SwiftGro Gardening Station (Sims Store) fits well. It takes care of watering, weeding and fertilizing. Better yet, it spawns random seeds--including special seeds. (I did move the seed spawner to the center of the island, to keep the seeds out of the water. Stupid fish won't even eat them, so they sit there, just out of reach!)

I didn't think an 8x8 basement would be big enough, but it is. Kitchen, living room, bathroom, bedroom. I've expanded to a 2nd basement, and I'm sure I'll need more before I'm done

My sims won't play catch. They say there's not enough room. I wanted them to play/exercise together. It turns out the basketball court fits--barely. I had it with the hoop at the edge of the lot. My girl's first shot bounced into the water. She stood at the edge of the island for a long time, crying "Wilson!" She refused to play again until I turned the court.

I didn't know that you can stack spiral stairs. (I've never used them before.) It's nice because they take up little space. They also make a cool look-out tower. The poor child has been up there for hours, looking through the telescope, hoping to see a ship.
Lab Assistant
#313 Old 13th Dec 2018 at 5:35 AM
I admit that I haven't read all of the comments preceding this. In what I did read, I didn't see the problem I just had.

My girl went to China to get pregnant. Or find a husband. She didn't quite get the job done. As soon as she got home, she called her beau and invited him over. He said he'd be there in the morning.

I waited. His head finally showed up. The rest of him was inside the island. The mail carrier does the same thing, but it doesn't bother me. This was a problem. The girl couldn't see him and greet him. By the time it occurred to me to use MOO, he had swum away from the island. I couldn't grab him. She couldn't call him over. I had her go out to meet him and maybe lead him in, but it didn't work. It became clear that he was going to drown, taking his precious sperm with him. I decided that after he died, I would go back to my last save and grab him when he showed up. I watched him swim for 10 sim hours. He would come close to shore, then swim away. I got tire of waiting. I guess I could have quit and reloaded, rather than waiting for him to drown. Instead, I used "add to active family." {{sigh}} I was so determined to do this challenge without cheating!
Lab Assistant
#314 Old 7th Jan 2019 at 1:08 PM
This is awkward

Megan eventually died of old age, but she also had a baby just before.

Have you ever had ghosts being autonomously romantic? This is a first for me

I played through Frances teenage years without really taking pictures, that's her growing up to young adult in the last pic.
Barbara had four boys, which since I'm playing a fusion challenge game are meant to be moved out after they grow up to young adult, she only has 10 days before growing up to elder. Megan was the first to give birth to a girl, Irene who also inherited her pink hair. Candice also had a baby girl named Lauren. So my next generation is safe.
Lab Assistant
#315 Old 4th Feb 2019 at 4:09 AM
I took time away from this to work on other challenges. (Addictive, aren't they?) When I tried to come back, the world was missing. It took me a while to discover that this is why the game wouldn't load. All seemed well after I added it back in. Feeling bad about using "add to active family" on the last guy, I decided to load the previous save (in China) and try again. This time, it wouldn't give me a romantic interaction menu. No "try for baby" on the showers, either. I had added several NRaas mods, and suspected that had something to do with it.

I backed up another save, before she went to China. Since Traveler was one of my new mods, I decided to visit Riverview. I've played a couple games there, and know the land and the people. She met Don Lothario the first night. Bought him dinner, took him on a tour of the theater, got caught making a baby behind stage... We got kicked out. He was naked, and she was pregnant. Thanks, Don! I spent a couple days finding seeds, and buying books and food. I had purchased the LTR that allowed me to stay 6 days, but I got so bored that I sent her home after just 3. (The sooner she went home, the sooner she'd have the baby!)

I think this is easier than when the challenge was first issued. Origin lets you choose which EPs you want to use, so I never had animals or paparazzi appear. NRaas mods will allow me to have up to 24 sims on the island. I don't think I'd want to, but I could.

I did have a burglar. She stole the toilet. I decided that, if she was that desperate, she could keep it. She wasn't grateful enough to talk to us. She couldn't figure out how to leave, and just stood there for days. My sims left her there when they went to France. She was gone when they returned.

OK--No cheating. But if I can do it in build mode, it's not a cheat, right? I discovered that I could add another lot to the edge of the island. I zoned it as a library. Now they can zoom through those skill books and toddler books we bought in Riverview!
Mad Poster
#316 Old 8th Jul 2019 at 12:21 AM
I am thinking about having a go at the challenge, but in The Sims 2 rather than The Sims 3. But I was wondering - how much money does the household have at the start of the challenge, after they've moved onto the lot? I would like to give them a similar amount when I play with TS2, but I don't know how much they have in TS3 and I no longer have it installed to find out for myself.... :-(
#317 Old 8th Jul 2019 at 5:54 AM
Hi Lauretje86! I haven't done this in a little while. I got caught up in other challenges, but I will load it and see what happens and how much money they have. The base expenses are that you have to buy the land and the houseboat which comes to $13,500 and leaves your sim w/$3,000 to start. This is w/the v3 game. I don't know how much the lot costs w/v2. Probably a lot less since it is an empty lot. The best way to start w/money making is to write sports books. They're fast to write and very lucrative. I chose to get a fire pit instead of a stove and my sims roasted fish and veggies on it to eat. This is b/c the fire pit is cheaper than the stove. There is a "typewriter" mod here at MTS that is very cheap. It's cloned from the cheap comp. It's really good in the beginning when you have very little money. If you read my story, I didn't have electricity and so no stove. TSR has some lights that are called Sil Oil Lamps. They're kerosene lamps. Later on, my scientist sim "discovered" electricity, lol. This of course, is just a choice. Good luck in doing this Sims 2 style.
#318 Old 8th Jul 2019 at 8:20 PM
Quote: Originally posted by lauratje86
I am thinking about having a go at the challenge, but in The Sims 2 rather than The Sims 3. But I was wondering - how much money does the household have at the start of the challenge, after they've moved onto the lot? I would like to give them a similar amount when I play with TS2, but I don't know how much they have in TS3 and I no longer have it installed to find out for myself.... :-(

Hi again Lauratje, I just remembered that there is a challenge of being deserted on an island for sims 2. It's on TSR. Here is the link to it if you want. http://forums.thesimsresource.com/t...land-challenge/ This one however, uses 2 families instead of one.
Test Subject
#319 Old 12th Jul 2019 at 10:41 PM
I'm having issues with the houseboat version of the world. It loads and everything but I can't move the houseboat at all because it's off of the world. It's unfortunate because I wanted to go diving and travel to different areas to scuba dive.
#320 Old 13th Jul 2019 at 7:02 PM
I don't think you're supposed to move it. There are 2 diving spots on either side of the boat though. To get to them, you can just point to it and tell your sim to "go here" and they'll probably boat to it. Also, you can use the rabbit hole rugs for the book store and city hall, but you'll have to delete them immediately after you're done or you will have sims popping up constantly to "visit" the store. You're supposed to be out in the middle of nowhere, LOL. The reason for the city hall is if you want to use the nraas mods like Register to get rid of npc's like the social worker and Traveler if you want to go to different worlds besides the three that came w/WA.
#321 Old 15th Apr 2020 at 1:13 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Sonshine
Update: Natalie died leaving a nice large tombstone and Newell and Lily are just a hair from being elder now. Their son Ranon is just a hair from being a teen and daughter Laurinda is a child now. I'll probably make Ranon the heir so I can get on w/the 4th gen sooner. I added another floor to their houseboat which is pretty much dedicated to their plants which are in planters. When it's time for Newell and Lily to pass on, they will both have a nice big tombstone. They're still on the celeb list and so still get gifts and sometimes deep discounts at the shops when they're allowed to travel. I do place a "city hall" rabbit hole rug down when they get back from traveling to fix the broken world. Any time any sim travels to any of the WA worlds and then comes back, the world is broken. This is bad programming on EA's part.

I know it's been a long time since this update. I've done some other challenges in between, one of which was the Farmacy challenge here.

Anyway, w/o further adieu, I decided on Lily and Newell's daughter Laurinda as the heiress. I took her to Riverview and was looking for a mate w/o much success to my liking (I decided against Jon). I looked in my library and saw another sim from one of my other games named Jonathan Liberty and so decided to plunk him down and have her meet him. It was love at first sight! When she first saw him, she noticed that he was all green and had ears that were pointy! She wondered why and he explained that he was a alien/human hybrid. She had never heard of such a thing since she had gown up isolated on a tiny island. For that matter, she didn't know much of anything about the world, lol. I worked up their relationship using friendly actions only in order to get him to move in first. After moving in, I had him marry her to change the last name. Their name is now Liberty. Laurinda inherited her hair from her mother. Their children will be very interesting since she has the dark purple hair and he has light green hair. Newell and Lily are still in the early stages of their elderhood. Newell spends most of his time making Life Fruit/Pomegranate nectar. I'll probably have their youngest son carry on the torch of nectar making. A sizable land mass appeared near their houseboat and he set up his nectar making there. Earlier, another sizable landmass had appeared where Lily and Laurinda have a nice large garden there which is mostly Pomegranates and Life Fruits. Jonathan is an angler and so spends much of his time fishing. His ltw is "Presenting the Perfect Private Aquarium." Jonathan and Laurinda's children will be the 4th generation. When their grandchildren grow up, they won't have to worry about anything except getting back to civilization, but will they want to? The family already has well over 1 million simoleons!
Test Subject
#322 Old 29th Jun 2020 at 10:04 PM
Links in openingpost to the world aren't working anymore. Anyone has both the original and the houseboat version of the worlds?
Test Subject
#323 Old 3rd Jul 2020 at 12:03 AM
Quote: Originally posted by bobjuh
Links in openingpost to the world aren't working anymore. Anyone has both the original and the houseboat version of the worlds?

I dont think I can post liks yet, so ill direct you. You will want to google something along the lines of 'midnight sun world sims 3' then look for simlogical. This: 'Isle of the Midnight Sun v. 2 - MSC World by Gurra - Simlogical' should be the full title. Hope it helps!

The houseboat version isnt in the same area. For that one it should be v. 3
#324 Old 9th Sep 2020 at 10:37 AM
Quote: Originally posted by bobjuh
Links in opening post to the world aren't working anymore. Anyone has both the original and the houseboat version of the worlds?

Hi, did you get the world w/the link that Cecero gave? If not, I have the houseboat world. I don't think I can upload it here so I would have to have an email to send it to you. You have to have IP though for it to work. I don't have the other one.
Test Subject
#325 Old 21st Mar 2021 at 1:13 AM
Links to Midnight Sun Island on Simlogical: V2 Island Both Versions and V3 Island (Island Paradise Version)
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