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The other one
#426 Old 25th Oct 2010 at 5:13 AM
Ah-ha! I figured it out, well, it could be one of two but I think one of them is more likely....don't wanna spoil it for the rest though so I'll keep quiet

Really need to try to finish my Tudor like NOW 'cause I won't be able to tear myself away from late night when it comes out. Not sure when I can get it though since I live in the US but all my games are British versions....gonna try download it on 26th but might have to wait until it's released to Brits

Guys, rules are good! Rules help control the fun. ~ Monica E. Geller
Field Researcher
#427 Old 25th Oct 2010 at 6:17 PM
Mine's on pre-order but being in the UK it's not here till the end of this week. Might wait though as I have flashbacks from the last patch disaster when I lost the house in round 1!
Lab Assistant
#428 Old 26th Oct 2010 at 3:03 AM
My entry for the Tudor house.




Master bedroom.

Master bathroom.







No CC come from out the store.

Lot 30X30.
Forum Resident
Original Poster
#429 Old 26th Oct 2010 at 4:53 AM
Oh my goodness, guys, I am so sorry. I had a lot of company come over for the weekend (six guests!) and I had absolutely no time to even come near the computer to check on my e-mail, forget anything else! I am so sorry for the late replies to the round 2 scores and for not having gotten back to any of you with round 3 scores. All of the judges have submitted their scores, I just have to compile everything together.

While I was away, though, I also got a job! It's nothing glamorous, but it's a paycheck and it'll allow me to go back to college and earn some much needed work experience. I'll also be able to afford Christmas presents this year! I start orientation tomorrow, from 10 to 6. I swear, when I get back from work, I will finish up everything that I left off for the last three days, including all of the scores and polishing up the first round page. I really am very sorry for having left everything so long. There's no excuse for it.

If you have any questions, please tell me so that I can get back to you about them. I've gone through the posts (nice job, everybody!) but I might've missed one or two.

[you say you believe me but you don't deceive me]
The other one
#430 Old 26th Oct 2010 at 6:00 AM
Is it my imagination or do we have a lot less people than we started out with?

I have a confession....this week has totally gotten away from me. I'm nowhere near finished and with Late night coming out in just 2 little hours I'm not sure I'll get finished....sorry.

I did have some technical issues too though (self inflicted due to dumb-assery); I decided to buy fast lane but I was in a rush to get it installed and I forgot to remove my mods folder so I had major crashing issues for a while there. I've managed to narrow the crashing problem down to something in my packages files but not quite sure what so had to remove the whole folder so I could get the game to play. Then I loaded up the game sans mods and remembered that all my windows, the front door and a few patterns were packages so I had to go back and try to find them and check they were not the conflicting files....urgh! If only I wasn't in such a rush to install that bloody SP I would've saved myself a lot of time and effort.

So, I'm gonna try blast though it for the next 2 hours and post whatever I manage (the structure's done, I'm just trying to decorate the interior and I haven't started landscaping ) but I'm telling you now, it won't be pretty

Guys, rules are good! Rules help control the fun. ~ Monica E. Geller
The other one
#431 Old 26th Oct 2010 at 8:52 AM Last edited by missroxor : 26th Oct 2010 at 9:54 AM.
Original plans: http://www.architecturaldesigns.com...lan-43000pf.asp

Sorry, but this ended up being a rush job.

Plans I only had time to finish decorating downstairs.
Living Room
Dining Room

EDIT: Almost forgot the CC.
3 patterns, 4 decor items, 1 window seat, 2 windows and 1 door = 11CC alltogether.... think I did well this time!....only cuz I had to remove most of my downloads

I'm bummed....Late night is not available for download yet Oh well, at least I can start on the new round....and since it's nearly over, my guess is gothic....I googled I didn't realise real gothic was so old. I'm gonna need lots of downloads if it is

Guys, rules are good! Rules help control the fun. ~ Monica E. Geller
#432 Old 26th Oct 2010 at 11:10 AM
missroxor, that looks really good. And I'm really jealous of how good those split stairs look. I managed to finally figure out the technique for my Victorian but they weren't pretty!

LifesLover, no worries. Real life obligations come first. Congratulations on the job! I'm sure that takes a load off.

Field Researcher
#433 Old 26th Oct 2010 at 1:35 PM
My house


Floor 1

Floor 2

Living room

Kitchen and breakfast nook

Dining room. Bonus

Study area. Bonus

Master bedroom. Dollhouse view

Master bathroom

I used 6 pieces of CC. The vertical siding pattern, the front door, the long windows, the half shutters, the beams and roof supports over the porch.

My house is on a 3 by 3 lot
Forum Resident
Original Poster
#434 Old 26th Oct 2010 at 2:13 PM
Hey guys! Okay, I don't have a whole lot of time left, since I have to start getting ready to go (it's about 9 am where I am). If I remember correctly, this round ends at 5 pm my time. That gives you about 8 hours left to complete it. However, I won't be here to close the round, so I'm extending it by another few hours, to 7 pm. That'll give me enough time to get home from work and close the round. I wasn't planning on getting the job and having to go to orientation so soon! I even had to change a doctor's appointment that I've had for a month because of it! But, anyway, yeah, it'll be extended for just a few hours. That gives you guys a total of 10 hours to complete your entry for this round.

Now, I have some really big news. This contest has been on-going, now, for nearly two months, about 7 weeks. That's about two weeks per round. We got off to a bad start with having to have another week just to move on to Round 2 and then problems kept getting in the way in both my life and yours, so I kept extending deadlines. To be honest, the contest was not supposed to go this long. I had originally planned on there being five rounds. I'd always wanted five rounds, to make this a nice, long contest. But I think that's been accomplished, don't you?

With Late Night coming out today (I won't be getting it until Christmas, unfortunately), a lot of you will be wanting to play around with Late Night, including the building tools. I don't want to have to extend the deadline for the fifth round due to computer crashing and patch problems and it will happen, it's happened every single time a new patch or expansion comes out. So, I have made the decision that the contest ends here, with just four rounds. I know that this is last minute, and I'm so sorry, but it's not fair to either you or the judges to be made to wait all of this time and I know for sure that with Late Night coming out, you'll want to check it out and play it more than anything else.

But that doesn't mean there won't be a fifth round! I'm making the fifth round optional, akin to those who built along with the Foundations Contest in the Chat Thread. They will not be judged and they will not be counted as a bonus to your score. It's there merely if you want to try it and show it off to others.

So, since this is the last round, try and make this one count! I'll update when I come home with round 3 scores and round 2 score breakdowns and answer all of my messages and close the round. I hope to see some great houses! I already see some great houses, you're all doing a fabulous job. And then, I'll compile all of the data and get back to you your round 3 score breakdowns and your round 4 breakdowns and scores. And then I'll get together all of the scores and find out who won, including telling you about the prizes!

[you say you believe me but you don't deceive me]
Lab Assistant
#435 Old 26th Oct 2010 at 9:25 PM
My entry
I just used 1 piece of CC in this and built it on a 30x30 lot. Also, I couldn't add stais to the attic space because of the stairs below, and I couldn't place a window in the dormer in the middle because the wall is too low.

Required Pics



Ground Floor


First Floor


Living Room




Extra Pics

Dining Room

Back View


Excuse me, but I just have to explode.
Forum Resident
Original Poster
#436 Old 27th Oct 2010 at 1:37 AM
Okay, unless you tell me within the next few hours that you need more time, I'm considering this round to be officially closed.

[you say you believe me but you don't deceive me]
#437 Old 29th Oct 2010 at 4:00 PM
To be honest, I really don't want to judge another round anyways. The last round, I stayed up late on a work/school night to judge the round, because I promised I would, and didn't want to keep everyone else waiting too long. If I would have known that the scores wouldn't be in yet, I wouldn't have missed out on sleep that I so desperately needed.

I understand being busy. I have a 4 year old child and a job outside of this. But I made a commitment to do this that I intended to follow through on, because I love this community and wanted to give something back.

Lifeslover, you need to ask for help from somebody if you can't get these scores together in a timely manner. I'm sorry, but I missed sleep over this, and when you have a toddler, that's a big deal.

Please consider taking part in LifesLover's "The Build To Plan" Contest. You'll make new friends and have tons of fun!
Forum Resident
Original Poster
#438 Old 29th Oct 2010 at 5:39 PM
I completely understand, fragglerocks. My time blunders were unexpected and not at all how I usually conduct myself. I'm embarrassed over having taken so long with the scores. Round 3 scores will be updated today, since I'm home from work early. I expect to update with Round 4 scores sometime over the weekend. Fragglerocks, I tried to send you a PM concerning the contest, but it said that your inbox was full and that you were not allowed to receive additional PMs. If you would rather, I could contact you through e-mail instead.

[you say you believe me but you don't deceive me]
#439 Old 29th Oct 2010 at 6:01 PM
Whoops! I didn't realize it was full. I cleared up some room in my pm box, but you could send an email anytime.

Please consider taking part in LifesLover's "The Build To Plan" Contest. You'll make new friends and have tons of fun!
Forum Resident
Original Poster
#440 Old 29th Oct 2010 at 7:13 PM
Round 3 Scores are finally here!

I apologize, once again, for the length of time in which it took me to finish everything. It will not be the same for Round 4. If you would like a Round 5, please tell me and I will make it. Round 5, of course, will not be judged, because I do believe that all of my judges are warn out and I'm sure most of the contestants are, as well. Anyway, here we go. As per usual, this is merely the rounded total scores. If you would like to see your individual scores, please PM me. I recently emptied my inbox, so your PMs should go through. And I do promise that this time, you will receive them within a day of sending your PM to me. I've already gotten everything together, so it won't take me long.

  1. sandymdh: 89.25 points out of a possible 110.
  2. serraphinn: 83 points out of a possible 110.
  3. suzetter: 91.5 points out of a possible 110.
  4. missroxor: 71.75 points out of a possible 110.
  5. wickedblue: 90.5 points out of a possible 110.
  6. Dantes: 93 points out of a possible 110.
  7. aUserName: 85 points out of a possible 110.
  8. Cloudburst: 95.25 points out of a possible 110.

Round 3 high scorers are, respectively, Cloudburst, Dantes, and suzetter. Congratulations to these three and, most especially, to all of the contestants. You all are making judging very difficult. Thank you for your time.

[you say you believe me but you don't deceive me]
#441 Old 3rd Nov 2010 at 5:01 PM
Default Thanks everyone!
Now that the challenge and judging is over, I just want to say Thanks to the judges for taking the time create and judge this exceptionally interesting and very fun challenge and thanks to my fellow contestants for being so creative and making it even more fun and challenging by being such good builders and decorators. I learned something from everyone involved. Thanks.

It's Life...there are no rules.
You can see more of my creations at www.customsims3.com
#442 Old 4th Nov 2010 at 1:47 AM
I want to take a moment to deeply apologize to all the contestants. I am embarrassed and ashamed of how this contest has been officiated. I understand that real life takes president over a virtual one, but I find the abandonment of the contest without even posting the remainder of the scores and announcing a winner appalling. With 3 judges Lifeslover could have easily requested any one of us to help her.

Again, contestants please accept my apologies and each of you should be proud of yourselves. All of you have done amazing, each of you have had to step outside you comfort zone with at least one aspect of this contest and did so beautifully with the appearance of ease. Great Work!
Forum Resident
Original Poster
#443 Old 4th Nov 2010 at 6:25 PM
I fully intend to post the Round 4 scores and final scores, Sookielee. I just haven't received scores from one of the judges and she has not answered any of my PMs or e-mails. I have no intention of abandoning this contest.

[you say you believe me but you don't deceive me]
Lab Assistant
#444 Old 4th Nov 2010 at 11:37 PM
Bah...Just take the scores of the 3 judges we got and it will be fine for me. Naming a winner is not so important in this contest. I have done this just for fun and for the challenge, of course. And we have great challengers here. I'm impressed by those incredibles houses we can see in this contest, really. You are all fabulous builders and i'm glad to have the honnor of measuring my building skills with yours. It was a very interesting challenge.

Thank you very much to all of you. It was a real pleasure.
Forum Resident
Original Poster
#445 Old 7th Nov 2010 at 3:29 AM
At this point, I'm inclined to agree with you, Dantes. I'll wait another day to see if she contacts me, but if not, I'll get the scores up for Round 4 and the final scores on Monday, which is my day off. I apologize to you all for the incredibly long wait.

[you say you believe me but you don't deceive me]
Forum Resident
#446 Old 7th Nov 2010 at 3:42 AM
I can do it if you like

Official Foundation Challange Contestant. R1-R2-R3-R4

BLOGGER A Random Legacy - Vasher
Lab Assistant
#447 Old 7th Nov 2010 at 8:57 PM
Like you wish, no problemo.
#448 Old 9th Nov 2010 at 1:39 PM
I'd like to see the scores for round 4 whether its 3 or 4 judges is up to you,

It's Life...there are no rules.
You can see more of my creations at www.customsims3.com
Forum Resident
Original Poster
#449 Old 9th Nov 2010 at 6:10 PM
Kaylarox was gracious enough to fill in the fourth judging spot for me. Many thanks go to her. I'll have the scores up tonight. Thank you all for your patience.

[you say you believe me but you don't deceive me]
Forum Resident
#450 Old 9th Nov 2010 at 7:26 PM
it was fun actually. You all are very clever, its SO hard to build by plan .........

Official Foundation Challange Contestant. R1-R2-R3-R4

BLOGGER A Random Legacy - Vasher
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