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#26 Old 20th Apr 2010 at 11:04 PM
I went through the tutorial and followed step by step but i think i may have messed up somewhere along the way. My recolor looks good but in-game when my sim sits down her hands go through her dress and there is a black gap under dress. See pic below:

Test Subject
#27 Old 20th Apr 2010 at 11:16 PM
I went through the tutorial and followed step by step but i think i may have messed up somewhere along the way. My recolor looks good but in-game when my sim sits down her hands go through her dress and there is a black gap under dress. See pic below:

Test Subject
#28 Old 20th Apr 2010 at 11:17 PM
sorry for the double posts my computer goofed.
Test Subject
#29 Old 5th Jun 2010 at 1:08 AM
As was mentioned, it seems as the first half of the tutorial it does start off teaching you how to "Frankenstein" as far as extracting the meshes for the dress and the mesh with the shoes you want to use. However once it gets to the "Editing in Milkshape" section it seems to follow Unimesh 2's tutorial to the letter even going as far as sending people to the unimesh 2 forums.

That is the same problem I have. So this tutorial doesn't show how to change the shoes.

Deo Gloria!

Field Researcher
#30 Old 25th Jun 2010 at 6:04 AM
I haven't seen anyone else complain about this, but has anyone had a problem with "thunder-thighs"? Back in the meshing section steps 16-18, I followed the directions to the T, but the models thighs blimped out! I didn't think to take a picture of it and I've already overwritten it with my 2nd try (which looks fine! ) My 2nd try would have blimped up too, except that I selected the vertices of the thigh that I just attached to the dress and scaled them down a little!
Thank you so much HP, and everyone else, for these great tuts!!! Great Job!!!

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Test Subject
#31 Old 7th Aug 2010 at 5:00 AM
Default Tip for MilkShape 1.8.5 Beta
Thanks for the wonderful tutorial. I am still working through it, but as I became hung up on Part 6, 16 & 17 I thought I might share something that was giving me fits using MilkShape 1.8.5 Beta if anyone else has the same problem (although, it could be my computer...who knows?)

I was having a hard time (read it wouldn't work) selecting any points in the 3D view only, a simple ALT+click was not happening nor was the ALT+SHIFT+click. What I found while getting frustrated and doing a lot of mouse swiping at the vertex was that if you are doing the ALT+click or ALT+SHIFT+click you have to draw with your mouse an imaginary "box" around the vertex to get it selected. This goes for both types of selection. Additionally, when I was able to select via the ALT+click method the screen would jump away from my view. Just had to readjust the camera back to where I was working and there was the target vertex all nice and red.

Sorry if this is not the proper forum for this post (or if this has been addressed elsewhere), but I thought I would post my findings here as I am working on this tutorial and this is the first "issue" I have had thus far.
Test Subject
#32 Old 7th Nov 2010 at 11:20 PM
Default Help!-I can't finish
Ok so I'm almost all of the way through with the second tutorial and everythings been going great. However I got stuck on Part 8: Step 9. I lengthened the skirt on the alpha file as stated to do and saved the edited version over the original file. It shows up as the corrected file when I look at it but when I go to body shop it doesn't have the black around the bottom, it's still the unwanted skin color. I went through and did it again and double checked everything and it looks right but isnt reading properly or something. What did I do wrong?
Mad Poster
#33 Old 8th Nov 2010 at 7:45 PM
Quote: Originally posted by lietzel
Ok so I'm almost all of the way through with the second tutorial and everythings been going great. However I got stuck on Part 8: Step 9. I lengthened the skirt on the alpha file as stated to do and saved the edited version over the original file. It shows up as the corrected file when I look at it but when I go to body shop it doesn't have the black around the bottom, it's still the unwanted skin color. I went through and did it again and double checked everything and it looks right but isnt reading properly or something. What did I do wrong?

Are you sure you saved it in the right place?
Test Subject
#34 Old 10th Nov 2010 at 7:53 PM
Not entirely but I followed the tutorial so I'm kind of assuming I did.

I saved it over the other alpha file with that original files name. Which was under:
my documents/ea games/the sims 2/projects/retexture dress 2 and replaced it with the file named: body~stdMatBaseTextureName_alpha

Is that right? Or did I save the wrong file in the wrong place?
Mad Poster
#35 Old 10th Nov 2010 at 9:43 PM
Quote: Originally posted by lietzel
Not entirely but I followed the tutorial so I'm kind of assuming I did.

I saved it over the other alpha file with that original files name. Which was under:
my documents/ea games/the sims 2/projects/retexture dress 2 and replaced it with the file named: body~stdMatBaseTextureName_alpha

Is that right? Or did I save the wrong file in the wrong place?

That's the right place. Hmmm... I really don't know what would be causing the problem.
Test Subject
#36 Old 13th Nov 2010 at 6:56 PM
Could I maybe have not saved it correctly? When I go to that file it shows the lengthened version so I would assume it's correct...but maybe I did it wrong.

I noticed the other two files in that same folder. The tutorial says to change the alpha file, but do I have to change all 3? I know that doesn't really make sense but maybe it's not adjusting the others correctly?-if that's what it does
Mad Poster
#37 Old 13th Nov 2010 at 7:20 PM
Well, yes, you need to change all 3 files (texture, alpha, and bump map... if it has a bump map), but that's the next step in the tutorial, so you haven't gotten there yet.

Something's gone wrong somewhere along the way. The only thing I can suggest is to make sure that you're saving your alpha in the right Project folder. Sometimes when none of my changes are showing up, it's because I'm saving the files to the wrong project! That can happen if you've got lots of projects (at least, it happens to me... I have to learn to be more careful!)...

Oh, wait... something else you could look at. How are you looking at it in Body Shop? Are you getting to the file through "Create New Project"? I think you need to go through "Load Saved Project" in order for your changes to show up.
Test Subject
#38 Old 14th Nov 2010 at 4:20 AM
Ha, that was it. I was looking at it in the wrong place in body shop. It was right all along. Thanks for your help!
Test Subject
#39 Old 27th Mar 2011 at 6:21 PM
I know this threa is old. But i was doing the Tutorial Unimesh 3 - Frankensteining, an it was all good, until i noticed in the middle of the tutorial, it has stopped being the tutorial 3, and it was from the there on the tutorial 2 again. In the bottom, it ha a link to this page. What happened to tutorial 3???

Test Subject
#40 Old 1st Apr 2011 at 12:50 AM
Default vertex vertigo
Concerning Unimesh 2 tutorial.

I've managed to complete the first part of this tut by shortening the said dress. However, when i open it in Body Shop, the top of the leg flares out to meet the body of the dress, giving the thigh a completely distorted look. I've repeated STEP16 several times and the problem seems to be as follows: once i've matched up the verticies(one on the leg and the other on the dress) and proceed to VERTEX DATA MERGE, the leg stretches out when filling in the gap. However, when i do the same steps on the opposite leg....the DATA MERGE will bring the body of the dress to meet the leg. (which is what i want, cuz then the legs looks and stays straight) No matter how i proceed, whether I click the outside edge before the inside, or do one whole leg then move ot the other, the DATA MERGE is fickle and will sometimes pull the top of the leg out, or the skirt inwards but never the same way twice.

Can someone help...all i want is a Sim without odd, lobsided looking thighs...Thanks

Test Subject
#41 Old 7th May 2011 at 1:03 AM Last edited by jaidamaida54 : 11th May 2011 at 12:28 AM.
-Ignore this post-
Test Subject
#42 Old 11th May 2011 at 12:28 AM
Soo.. Does the third tutorial ever add the shoes? Or is that just me? I kind of want to do the frankensteining tutorial..
Test Subject
#43 Old 18th Aug 2011 at 12:55 AM
It looks like there are no answers about Unimesh 3 becoming Unimesh 2 at Part 6.
Mad Poster
#44 Old 31st Aug 2011 at 6:11 PM
Quote: Originally posted by tanina
It looks like there are no answers about Unimesh 3 becoming Unimesh 2 at Part 6.

It doesn't become Unimesh 2 at Part 6. Unimesh 3 includes information on UV mapping because you pretty much always have to adjust your UV map after you add or switch parts of a mesh.
Test Subject
#45 Old 8th Dec 2011 at 10:48 AM
Thank you so much,
this tutorial is so easy to follow.
Test Subject
#46 Old 24th Dec 2011 at 10:53 PM
Default Issue in Part 4
I'm experiencing some issue in part 4, right after I've followed every detail of information from Part 1 to part 4 3).

After I've pressed "Ok", I got an error message saying "Could not use this package. Either zero or multiple CRES or SHPE resources were found". What can be the reason for this message?
Mad Poster
#47 Old 24th Dec 2011 at 11:46 PM
Quote: Originally posted by beeccy
I'm experiencing some issue in part 4, right after I've followed every detail of information from Part 1 to part 4 3).

After I've pressed "Ok", I got an error message saying "Could not use this package. Either zero or multiple CRES or SHPE resources were found". What can be the reason for this message?

Were you able to successfully link your mesh and recolour in the first tutorial?

I have no idea what could be causing the error message, other than maybe a broken or incorrectly made mesh package. But if you followed the instructions in Part 3 (building the mesh package) then it should be working... unless something went wrong at that point.

I don't follow the instructions in Part 3; I make my mesh by gathering 4 parts of a Maxis mesh by typing in the filename rather than browsing for the file (that was how the instructions used to go, I think... if not, I have no idea why I was doing it that way!). You could try doing that... or you could just try rebuilding your mesh package the way you did it the first time. Sometimes the second time's the charm in meshing, and there doesn't seem to be much of a reason!
Test Subject
#48 Old 3rd Jun 2012 at 2:11 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Cousin Barney
I'm having a problem during part 6. It's step 17 where you merge the vertex data points. One leg went fine. The points from the LEG jumped to the points at the bottom of the skirt. When I go to do the next leg, the points from the SKIRT jump over to the leg. I have tried alt select/shift-alt selecting in different orders with no go. I don't know what else I can do.
I'll poke around and see if I can figure it out before I get too frustrated...

Quote: Originally posted by andre499
I've managed to complete the first part of this tut by shortening the said dress. However, when i open it in Body Shop, the top of the leg flares out to meet the body of the dress, giving the thigh a completely distorted look. I've repeated STEP16 several times and the problem seems to be as follows: once i've matched up the verticies(one on the leg and the other on the dress) and proceed to VERTEX DATA MERGE, the leg stretches out when filling in the gap. However, when i do the same steps on the opposite leg....the DATA MERGE will bring the body of the dress to meet the leg. (which is what i want, cuz then the legs looks and stays straight) No matter how i proceed, whether I click the outside edge before the inside, or do one whole leg then move ot the other, the DATA MERGE is fickle and will sometimes pull the top of the leg out, or the skirt inwards but never the same way twice.

This post is several years old, however I'll leave my workaround here in case anyone else finds the thread with google search like I did.

Create a duplicate of the group you're working on, delete the skirt on that group so the only thing is the legs up to the vertexes you are merging. Put that group on TOP of your groups lists. According to another tutorial I found I believe this is what affects the snapping order. Then zoom in and merge them and it should work, and you can delete the temporary layer when you're done. (grumble: blender always keeps track of your selection order)
Lab Assistant
#49 Old 31st Jul 2014 at 10:05 AM Last edited by pandaseal : 31st Jul 2014 at 4:09 PM.
I feel rather foolish, but I'm having the same problem that andre499 had and Tashhhhh's explanation isn't quite getting through to me. I'm not sure what exactly to delete or duplicate. sorry to resurrect an old thread, but if someone felt like breaking it down into discrete steps I would be very grateful.

ETA: Nevermind, it suddenly started working correctly, I think my lack of milkshape knowhow was tripping me up.
Field Researcher
#50 Old 20th May 2019 at 2:57 AM
Is this thread alive? I'm also having a problem with the leg vertex merging to the dress vertex, sometimes, so the legs are weird at the top. Help from anyone would be appreciated!
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