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#851 Old 10th Sep 2021 at 7:12 PM
"Let me say it again, Rick: Hanna Roberts and Lila Marshall are NOT "one of the guys" so they are not going to appreciate it when you only give them noogies without having talked to them even once, OK? And also, when you see that your noogies are not appreciated, starting an argument with them will not make them like you, either, duh!"

I was playing the Contrary family and Rick wanted to make a friend so I sent him to the "Interactive" venue which is a teens-only hang-out (thank you Visitor Controller :lovestruc ). I think that Rick doesn't have any social skills at all, all the other teens that he tried to interact with ended up disliking him
(Please ignore Angela and Lilith Pleasant who took full front place arguing in screnshot 4).
Be like the 22nd elephant with heated value in space, bark!
retired moderator
#852 Old 9th Oct 2021 at 10:52 AM
Some teens from my neighbourhood!

Leominster Rossiter:

Forum Resident
#853 Old 9th Oct 2021 at 5:28 PM
I love that the cashier is called "Willie Buyit" It took a second for the, not sure if it was deliberate, pun to click.

Here are some pictures that I'm sure I haven't shared of some teens from my Crystal Pleasantview:


This is James Tribal introducing himself to Puck Summerdream in a very weird way, Ventrilo-Farting the poor guy. He looks so embarrassed! You wouldn't think that they were BFFs in the present day, but they are.

They've even been bowling since then; James isn't very good yet, obviously.

And you can even see them playing Punch-You-Punch-Me in the background of this picture with the Count talking to Goneril about public woohoo.

Their friendship is quite cute. It had an awkward start, but they're extremely close now.

On the topic of a different teen, with Juliette having moved on, Romeo decided to do the same:

She wants to take things slow and she made that very clear to Mr. Romeo

When a game is predictable, it's boring.
That goes for any medium that isn't life.
That's why The Sims 2 is my favourite sims game.
It has elements of unpredictability and everything feels more involved.
The Sims 4 is another story altogether...
#854 Old 6th Dec 2021 at 5:07 PM
I kinda like what I have so far...

(Obviously their outfits are nowhere near finished - haven't even started them!)
Field Researcher
#855 Old 7th Dec 2021 at 8:43 AM
Quote: Originally posted by WatermelonSandal
I kinda like what I have so far...

(Obviously their outfits are nowhere near finished - haven't even started them!)

They are so cute!!!

Have you ever walked into a room & forgot why you went in there?
What if God is playing The Sims & he just cancelled your action.
Adopt-a-Sim My Creations My Tumblr
#856 Old 15th Dec 2021 at 9:09 PM Last edited by WatermelonSandal : 16th Dec 2021 at 7:35 AM.
More experimentation with more realistic skin and eyes. Going for a Disney's Tarzan vibe with the long brown hair.
(Edit: he's a boy btw)
Mad Poster
#857 Old 15th Dec 2021 at 10:54 PM
The mention of Tarzan makes me think he must be a boy, but I can't tell by looking. But then it sometimes it's hard to tell with younger teens -- even in Real Life.

It doesn't really matter though -- he/she is lovely anyway. (On second thoughts, it maybe matters to him/her!!)

All Sims are beautiful -- even the ugly ones.
My Simblr ~~ My LJ
Sims' lives matter!
The Veronaville kids are alright.
#858 Old 16th Dec 2021 at 7:35 AM
Quote: Originally posted by AndrewGloria
The mention of Tarzan makes me think he must be a boy, but I can't tell by looking. But then it sometimes it's hard to tell with younger teens -- even in Real Life.

It doesn't really matter though -- he/she is lovely anyway. (On second thoughts, it maybe matters to him/her!!)

He's a boy
#859 Old 15th Jan 2022 at 11:41 AM
Default Sean Diaz
Field Researcher
#860 Old 14th Feb 2022 at 5:22 PM
1. Betty Broke is in a relationship with Nick Lothario (Don's and Cassandra's son).
2. Betty Broke is also in love with Brian Goth (Mortimer's and Dina's son).
3. Betty Broke is also attracted to Brad Burb (John's and Jennifer's son).

Nick and Brian are already in the students' bin and wait for their college round to start, so Betty (as we can see from her wants), wants to "go out" or "sneak out" with Brad (who, by the way, is a Romance sim!). I can't wait for the whole situation to "explode" during the next round which is going to be the college round and all this "teen drama" is going to become "college drama"... I'll get pop-corn too
Mad Poster
#861 Old 15th Jun 2022 at 6:27 AM Last edited by AndrewGloria : 15th Jun 2022 at 6:41 AM.

Rocky Croall (Nee Macbeath, nearest to camera) and Quentin Urquhart are two gay Romance teens who live in Baldrair Bluffs, the custom neighbourhood that I created, to act as a feeder to Land Grant University. Rocky and Quentin look rather like each other, although they're not related. Both were made in CAS but Rocky is the genetic child of Jessica Macbeath and Farquhar Macdonald who live in a mixed age commune. (He was made by using the "pacifier" in CAS.) Quentin lives in a different commune, consisting entirely of gay (and bi) teenage boys. The two houses are quite near each other, in the Simourris Boulevard, near the pier. Rocky is now married to an Elder called Callum Croall, but it is a very open relationship, and Rocky has several boyfriends including Quentin and some other boys in his commune. As a result Rocky is a very frequent visitor there.

Anyway I think that both boys look quite attractive when seen full face, but sometimes, when I see them in game, I think they look a bit flat-faced, with flattened noses and receding chins.

Rocky Croall

Quentin Urquhart

However, when I took these detailed high-definition pictures of them using Windows 10 Printscreen, I thought they actually look quite attractive -- beautiful even? Like most of my Sims their faces are pure Maxis. In the full-face picture Quentin looks a bit haughty, but he's not like that really: he's actually quite fun-loving and easy to get on with. It's a pity about his plooks though; with his very full love life he finds it hard to find the time to get a shower. I suspect their really are some people around with faces a bit like theirs!? I suspect though, when I'm creating Sims in CAS, I should really make sure that I see them in profile as well as full-face. I suppose I like my Sims to be convincing from any angle. By the way, their hair is by Peggy (juice@hair0031).

With my mother probably approaching the end of her life I really don't want any high drama with my Sims. I find Sims like Rocky, Quentin and their friends easy, undemanding and fun to play.

All Sims are beautiful -- even the ugly ones.
My Simblr ~~ My LJ
Sims' lives matter!
The Veronaville kids are alright.
Be like the 22nd elephant with heated value in space, bark!
retired moderator
#862 Old 8th Sep 2022 at 10:36 PM
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#863 Old 4th Nov 2022 at 12:37 AM

Jihoon LeTourneau and Jamie Siddons are doing their homework.

Nearly all my kids do their homework like this. Hardly any of them have desks. I don't know why they don't sit on the sofa, like they do when they do the crossword.

I think they look cute.

All Sims are beautiful -- even the ugly ones.
My Simblr ~~ My LJ
Sims' lives matter!
The Veronaville kids are alright.
Lab Assistant
#864 Old 30th Nov 2022 at 7:42 AM
Five months ago, I started off a household with teens living in an abandoned orphanage with no caretaker. nowadays they're already adults with children and lives of their own (i'm playing a slow-going neighborhood) but I've always missed that chaotic moment of trying to manage seven teenagers and making sure they do their homeworks, clean up the house, and not wreck too much havoc with ACR
Mad Poster
#865 Old 24th Jan 2023 at 1:54 PM
Default Roger Jeffrey

Meet Roger Jeffrey, the youngest and shyest of Peter and Donna Jeffrey's three teenage children. Roger is excruciatingly, yet somehow adorably, shy. When he dances, he hardly moves. Roger hasn't always had it easy. Not so long ago he was seriously thinking of running away from home where he felt misunderstood. Quite recently he was seduced by an older woman, now a townie, who simply took advantage of his vulnerability and trusting nature. But now he seems to have found real love -- sophisticated Bluewater girl Melody Tinker has fallen in love with him.

In the picture he's in the Jeffreys' kitchen, where he's just finished washing the breakfast dishes. I'd never read the writing on his PJ-top until I read it yesterday. It reads, "Some day you'll ask for my autograph." When I read that, I wanted to give him a big hug. He's so shy and gauche, it's lovely to see him showing a little self-confidence, even if it's just in the slogan on the t-shirt he chooses to wear. (I think the PJs are by Simphany.com.) Do the rest of you also sometimes want to hug your Sims?

This may be one of the last times Roger is working in his family kitchen. I have a feeling that Melody is about to ask him to move in with the Tinkers in Bluewater.

------------------------------------ ooooooooooooooooooooooo ------------------------------------

Since the thread it was in got deleted, here again is a nice picture of Andrew that I posted last month:

He and Julian were welcoming some newcomers to Veronaville.

All Sims are beautiful -- even the ugly ones.
My Simblr ~~ My LJ
Sims' lives matter!
The Veronaville kids are alright.
#866 Old 24th Jan 2023 at 3:38 PM
This is Harley, the first born of Generation 4!!! She was a miracle baby as her mom was on birth control when she got pregnant, so we all knew she was going to be a stubborn mess when she grew up, and yes, yes she is! She just aged up into a young adult, and I'm very excited to see where she will go!

#867 Old 7th Feb 2023 at 7:26 PM
Lucy Burb the purple princess and writer who moved from Downtown into a palace for $10,000 at the Academy Le Tour, and is about to enter university tomorrow together with her best friend forever++ Angela Pleasant who lives next door.

Mad Poster
#868 Old 4th Aug 2023 at 1:27 PM
Default Makeover for Eve Marsden
Eve Marsden, the one-time papergirl in Baldrair Bluffs who ran away from School, has had a makeover:

Before her makeover, Eve is grilling sausages at "Just Hair". The red-haired woman clad in back behind her is Esmeralda Garvie, who owns the Salon. Right of her are Eve's new little step-sister Alyssa (also in a black dress) and Justin Brand, one of Eve's new dads. (She has been adopted by a gay couple, Justin and John Brand.) For some reason Esmeralda couldn't give her a makeover ("No actions available" on the makeover chair), so Eve had to go home and use the mirror for her hair. When this picture was taken, they had just come from the Baldrair General Store, where they had been buying new clothes for her.

After her makeover, Eve is at home in the bedroom that she shares with Alyssa. The red-haired boy squatting on the floor is visiting teenage neighbour Dakota Carrol (who never wears many clothes). The blond-haired "boy" is another view of her dad Justin. Alyssa is sleeping in the bed at the other side of the room.

Another view of Eve in her new everyday outfit. Her new denim shorts are shorter than the blue shorts she used to wear as a papergirl, but they're still quite long in comparison with what most Sims in my game wear.

All Sims are beautiful -- even the ugly ones.
My Simblr ~~ My LJ
Sims' lives matter!
The Veronaville kids are alright.
Mad Poster
#869 Old 20th Dec 2023 at 11:51 AM
I find it really entertaining when siblings look nothing alike; Here's Lua Anderson and her older sister Auber.

and a closeup of Auber, because I love her face! She's related to Ideal Plantsim (Grandma and Mother were both plantbabies)

~Your friendly neighborhood ginge
Mad Poster
#870 Old 25th Feb 2024 at 4:43 AM
Well, I promised a picture of these boys, so here it is:

Left to right: Colin Gillies, Toni Forth and Tommie Clyde. Note the matching pendants worn by Toni and Tommie.

Originally intended to be townies, a mistake by me brought then all into the same household, allowing them to pool their resources and buy a typical old Veronaville double house at 40 Via Veronaville. This picture was taking just as they were leaving the changing hut to move there. Read their story here.


Julian starting to get ready for bed

A few days ago somebody disagreed with me when I told Julian he was beautiful. But it's just a simple statement of fact. He is beautiful. I wish I was half as good looking as he is!

All Sims are beautiful -- even the ugly ones.
My Simblr ~~ My LJ
Sims' lives matter!
The Veronaville kids are alright.
Mad Poster
#871 Old 25th Feb 2024 at 10:23 AM
Quote: Originally posted by AndrewGloria
A few days ago somebody disagreed with me when I told Julian he was beautiful. But it's just a simple statement of fact. He is beautiful. I wish I was half as good looking as he is!

That was me, actually. I was feeling too lazy to explain what I disagreed with, sorry. And I wasn't disagreeing about Julian being beautiful. I was disagreeing that he'd get off the bed by himself, because sims tend to be oblivious to someone else wanting to use something. Well, by now you can probably tell me if he did get off without a push. XD
Be like the 22nd elephant with heated value in space, bark!
retired moderator
#872 Old 25th Feb 2024 at 10:30 AM
Mad Poster
#873 Old 28th Feb 2024 at 4:25 AM Last edited by AndrewGloria : 28th Feb 2024 at 4:36 AM.
Quote: Originally posted by Charity
That was me, actually. I was feeling too lazy to explain what I disagreed with, sorry. And I wasn't disagreeing about Julian being beautiful. I was disagreeing that he'd get off the bed by himself, because sims tend to be oblivious to someone else wanting to use something. Well, by now you can probably tell me if he did get off without a push. XD
Well (as I recall) he didn't get off the bed autonomously, but he got off it as soon as I asked him. Which I suppose is really what I meant in the first place. I suppose, when I'm playing, I make very little distinction between what my Sims do autonomously, and what they do in response to a request from me. I feel that most of the time my Sims and I work together towards outcomes that we both consider desirable. Just occasionally do they take me totally by surprise, like when Julian caressed his long term platonic friend Jack Gill outside Gill Cuthbert's house. That really put the cat among the pigeons! It finished up with me putting in a "no jealousy at all" mod to replace Pescado's Romance Mod, just to placate Julian and Andrew. I wonder if anyone else here would have done that for their Sims!

Quote: Originally posted by simsample
I love Colin's underpants!
They're from Simphany.com, which has been a favourite site of mine from my earliest Simming days. But I rarely hear anybody else mention it. There were always a lot of outfits like that there. It's where Andrew gets his "sexy but respectable" shorts that he likes to wear to school and to church. I was intending to send you a link to the one Colin is wearing so I visited the site. It's still up, but the range available seems to be somewhat reduced. I could no longer find that particular item for teens, although it's adult equivalent is on page 1 of adult underwear. I've got the teen version in my game. The one Colin is wearing is yellow, but I've also got it with grey, purple, blue, green, orange and red hearts. Its filename is 5f5b8c06_ylwhrtbxtnby9-23.package, which is typical of the naming conventions on Simphany.com; the random 8 characters at the start of the filename are always retained there. I guess the name means:
ylw = yellow
hrt = hearts
bx = boxer
tnby = teenboy.
With this name, I've definitely downloaded this file and the other six recolours from Simphany.com. If it had been my own adult to teen conversion, I'd have used my own naming convention. I think I'll try to contact the owner of Simphany.com about there being less stuff available than there used to be. I wonder though if there just aren't enough TS2 people going there, to justify the range they used to have. I suppose servers aren't free.

However I do have a lot of their stuff, so if anybody here wants something I have that is no longer on the site, I'll happily share it with them. Simphany.com had a lot of boxer shorts and swim shorts based on the Maxis mesh. (They still have quite a lot!) Here are some of them from my game:

Green Hearts

Purple Horseshoes

Pink Lips (Kisses)

Because of the forum limit to four pictures I'll spoiler the rest:

Finally, here are some Everyday clothes from Simphany.com:

I'm sure you'll all recognise Andrew on the left. He's wearing blue Simphany.com shorts with a matching Maxis bubble vest. Julian calls this Andrew's "Little Boy Blue" outfit! These are the shorts Andrew considers "long enough to be respectable, but short enough to be sexy". He likes to wear grey or black shorts in this style to school and to church. The boy next to him is wearing an all-in-one Simphany.com outfit, which is also available as athletic wear. The next two boys are wearing the same style of shorts as Andrew likes, paired with Simphany.com tops. I just downloaded these tops, but they're probably not the best ones on the site. The boy on the right is wearing a denim version of those shorts. His Maxis nude top is by HystericalParoxysm here on MTS.

The boy with the long blond hair and the white shirt and tie has made it into my game. His name is Mark Woodward and he's living with his mother Delia in a new-build Jones & Moltke house in the Veronaville suburb of Monopolis. He's Popularity and she's Romance. The combination of a really wild Romance mother with a slightly more conventional teenage boy is one that I know works for me. I think Mark and Delia are almost as close to each other as Andrew and Gloria. Mark may not agree with all his mum's ideas, but he still loves her to bits!

This is a small selection of the clothes for teenage boys available at Simphany.com. Of course they have plenty of clothes for both sexes from toddlers to elders. I think on the whole there, the clothes have a "cheap and cheerful look" that I rather like. As I said, it's been one of my favourite Sims sites from the very beginning.

I'm sorry for taking so long to reply. On Sunday I fell down the steps coming out of our local Tesco supermarket, and I've been feeling rather sore ever since.

All Sims are beautiful -- even the ugly ones.
My Simblr ~~ My LJ
Sims' lives matter!
The Veronaville kids are alright.
Mad Poster
#874 Old 28th Feb 2024 at 4:36 PM
Yikes. Hope you're okay.

I think I found Simphany because of you. I downloaded a heap of cute toddler and child clothing from there.
Be like the 22nd elephant with heated value in space, bark!
retired moderator
#875 Old 28th Feb 2024 at 4:59 PM
Oh dear @AndrewGloria I hope you'll feel less sore very soon! Sending hugs.
I remember you mentioning Simphany before, very nice stuff there! Thanks for the link.
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