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#8801 Old 6th May 2024 at 5:25 AM
Shelby BACC Round 1

Mayor Redd’s first week as Mayor of the city of Shelby. Redd and his tar colored cowboy hat was more than excited to start leading the new city to great pastures. A week ago, Redd along with 45 others arrived to Shelby to start anew and wipe themselves ‘pure’ in the eyes of the Watcher.

Having no City Hall, Redd traveled 10 miles east back to SimCity to conduct business for Shelby. Things were going seemingly well, until Redd was presented a Real Estate deal from Landgraab Enterprises. Everyone knows, when the Landgraab’s comes knocking, you always say yes (if you know what’s good for you). Desperate for money and lacking financial or legal advisors on council staff, Redd speedily agrees to the deal. Days later, he is notified that the deal was a dud due to recent land protection laws and that he is to appear at SimCity Courthouse. Not fully understand the landscape of the situation, Redd represented himself in court, which left the Judge ending the case in tears (from laughing so hard). Redd returns to Shelby with §10,000 less in the Treasury.


I usually don’t integrate chance cards into my gameplay plots, but this one was too good to pass up.
Redd is currently the only council member and has no experience, so of course he would link up with the scummy Landgraab’s and sign off on a bad deal. It sucks, because Shelby can not afford to lose that much amount of money. We have schools that need to be build.

Thanks for the good times The Sims and The Sims Community. After 18 years, it is time for me to move on to something more purposeful.
Lab Assistant
#8802 Old 6th May 2024 at 8:44 AM
Quote: Originally posted by monijt1
Shelby BACC Round 1

Mayor Redd’s first week as Mayor of the city of Shelby. Redd and his tar colored cowboy hat was more than excited to start leading the new city to great pastures. A week ago, Redd along with 45 others arrived to Shelby to start anew and wipe themselves ‘pure’ in the eyes of the Watcher.

Having no City Hall, Redd traveled 10 miles east back to SimCity to conduct business for Shelby. Things were going seemingly well, until Redd was presented a Real Estate deal from Landgraab Enterprises. Everyone knows, when the Landgraab’s comes knocking, you always say yes (if you know what’s good for you). Desperate for money and lacking financial or legal advisors on council staff, Redd speedily agrees to the deal. Days later, he is notified that the deal was a dud due to recent land protection laws and that he is to appear at SimCity Courthouse. Not fully understand the landscape of the situation, Redd represented himself in court, which left the Judge ending the case in tears (from laughing so hard). Redd returns to Shelby with §10,000 less in the Treasury.


I usually don’t integrate chance cards into my gameplay plots, but this one was too good to pass up.
Redd is currently the only council member and has no experience, so of course he would link up with the scummy Landgraab’s and sign off on a bad deal. It sucks, because Shelby can not afford to lose that much amount of money. We have schools that need to be build.

I love it when they put previous chance cards into later ones. Also always nice when the Landgraabs and Crumplebottoms show up.
#8803 Old 6th May 2024 at 12:06 PM
I played the O'Connor family in my prosperity-style hood. Previously, Alexa O'Connor had been caught by her husband in an affair with Ethan Stevens. They thought they were being discreet by going to the hotel, but not discreet enough, it seems. Ethan was a townie I put into the game because he had the same last name as one of my playable families, and he's really cute, so I would like him to procreate. He had the want to marry Alexa--odd for a Romance Sim, but then again, most of the women around town find his personality to be a dealbreaker. So he asked Alexa to leave her husband.

When I opened the household, Alexa's husband, Torin, was about as furious as he could be at her. There was a fight and then a breakup. Torin spent quite some time eating his feelings and gained some weight--sad for a once world-renowned swimmer. Finally, he decided to pull himself together and go on a date with a townie named Alisanne. The first date did not go so well because Alexa was on the lot and it was awkward. Torin preferred to get drink after drink instead of pay attention to his date. But his friend Belinda Chapel gave him a pep talk, so he decided to try again, and this time the date went better, ending in woohoo.

Meanwhile, Torin and Alexa's son, Hugo, had decided he wanted to go to university. Who could blame him? He worked on his grades, he worked on his part-time job, he worked on his chess, and he got an impressive number of scholarships. Torin got a promotion in his Adventurer job, which made up the rest of the tuition. Hugo had a place to live already--roommates with Scott Warner, who was already in his junior year. Hugo arrived on campus, put his things in his new room, and then immediately booty-called none other than Alisanne. She ended up spending so much time there that she became like a third roommate. It was clear that she liked Hugo more than she liked his dad--much more. I foresee a wedding in their future.

So, in my previous family, the father divorced his wife and stole his son's girlfriend for his new bride as soon as she became an adult. In this family, the son stole his father's girlfriend as soon as he became an adult. Perhaps this town is too small?
Mad Poster
#8804 Old 6th May 2024 at 2:06 PM
I'm not really sure what to do with the Klapper family now my ToT challenge has entered the Roman era. Based on my class system (money, skills, friends etc divided by family members) they would be Slaves, but the main family have over $70k which is more than most families. So I've kinda just let them continue to be a tribe. I've updated their lot to be more weather resistant, enough beds for all etc and then just kinda let them continue living off of fruits and fish.

Donkerste Klapper turned 79 by the end of the rotation and according to his age meter, still has plenty of life left in him. I was pretty surprised because most of the first generation have since passed. Him and his twin brother Grott have outlived 4 of their siblings even though they were the eldests (To be fair, their youngest brother died in adulthood after a fight). This rotation Donkestre became a great-grandfather to baby Drakari (meaning "happiness", as the new parents were happy to birth an heir), his son Erfgenaam also welcomed their 5th child Nyambe (meaning "Fire", because the mother went into labour whilst cooking and nearly burned to death moments postpartum)

Over in Grott's household, his 3 granddaughters are all preparing for marriage. The oldest, whos name I have forgotten married Brothus Klapper (close enough related they share a surname, not close enough related the game stops them. I think Grott's brothers grandchild?) and welcomed in their first child Amara. The second oldest, Well got engaged to her boyfriend Mensos Akuji, and third grandchild Grok became a teenager and is now finding love. Though her turn ons are grey hair and hard worker... so thats gonna be pretty difficult.

~Your friendly neighborhood ginge
Lab Assistant
#8805 Old 7th May 2024 at 6:06 PM
Husband became witch. Wife is not impressed. They have marriage crisis now and I play rarely love crisis Maybe this would be better if he would not be an evil witch... But nice to get something to do with an elderly couple.

Also, my first playable teen daddy has graduated. He founded a fraterity with a friend and found future wife for himself. (Not the teen mom, she is still teen.)
Mad Poster
#8806 Old 7th May 2024 at 9:29 PM
So yesterday I dragged out my backup drive and was looking for a neighborhood I'd made a long time ago. Did not find it, but did find some text output of families that I'd created with randomized family program.

Now I'm considering making an island named Duma Key with them. I'm still up in the air about it, though-Tinsel Town is going to go 'through some things' when a few of my elders start dying off.

Receptacle Refugee & Resident Polar Bear
"Get out of my way, young'un, I'm a ninja!"
Grave Matters: The funeral podium is available here: https://www.mediafire.com/file/e6tj...albits.zip/file
My other downloads are here: https://www.mediafire.com/?r=wbmnd#myfiles
Forum Resident
#8807 Old 8th May 2024 at 12:21 AM
Earl Capp married Victor Lillard. In the evening, the party spontaneously turned into some bird watching club. After Victor and Earl came home from their honeymoon, they called to adopt a baby. Earl went to work the next day before I realized it, but Victor was home to welcome his new daughter, and Regan her granddaughter, Aemelia Capp. Goneril came by intending to kick over the trashcan, but a robot that Curtis Ryan built once put a stop to that. Regan fulfilled her lifetime want of becoming a criminal mastermind.

Adriana Monty became a teen, and a popularity sim just like her parents Pamela and Mercutio. She became friends with her uncle Romeo. Her childhood friend Neha Ramaswami also grew up along with her.

Since Ariel recently lost her shot at fulfilling her lifetime want of becoming a mad scientist, I used a randomizer to see how she would deal with the situation. The result was that she would leave her current home (where her daughter Lennox lives, along with Lennox' other mum Beatrice Monty as well as Beatrice's oldest child) for the Capp side of Veronaville, get a new job in oceanography, and spend five days isolating herself in a house, not inviting anyone in, not owning a phone, and only going out for work (which also means she'll miss her daughter growing up to a teenager).
I decided to play all five days at once and then plop her down in the family bin until the rest of the neighbourhood is caught up. Since she didn't have a lot of stuff in her temporary house she spent a lot of time writing in her diary. She got a visit from the social bunny and had a very hot-and-cold relationship with it.
After a few days she found a job opening in the oceanography career, only to be fired on her first day because of a chance card failure. I again used a randomizer to see how this would affect her: she'll never have a traditional job again, but rather make money if she wants/needs to by making and selling medicine with her career reward thing. When she rejoins the rotations she'll move in with some relative (probably Desdemona and her wife) for support. She is in some kind of crisis mode, and until she becomes an elder I will be allowed to control her, but not to look at her needs.

Benedick Monty, his wife Jennifer and their daughter Iris moved into the house where Beatrice lives with her two children. Lennox immediately rolled a want to play with little Iris, and later she rolled wants to befriend Benedick and Jennifer. I've already had the randomizer decide she'll be a romance sim growing up, but with this in mind I think I'll give her a family secondary aspiration.

I am Error.
#8808 Old 8th May 2024 at 1:49 AM
Shelby BACC – Round 1

Report to Mayor Redd:

Financially, things are looking grim for the city. Taxes aren’t due yet, but the forecast for the city’s first paycheck is cloudy. As the founders continue to move in, there are a number of them who are uninspired to apply for employment. Apparently, there is an issue with willingness to work among the residents. Precisely, 43% of residents are admittedly lazy. Over 60% of residents have high interests in entertainment venues such as sports, food and arts. The residents need to keep in mind that they aren’t living in New York SimCity or Los Santos, established cities that bleeds entertainment. We all came here to Shelby to turn it to an honest and lovely Watcher-fearing town, from the ground up, brick by brick. Mayor, if nobody achieves employment, we won’t be able to accomplish that. There will be plenty of time for entertainment in the future. As of right now, residents need to put on their working gloves and boots, because there are bills that needs to be paid.

Best regards, Treasurer Nessa.

Thanks for the good times The Sims and The Sims Community. After 18 years, it is time for me to move on to something more purposeful.
Field Researcher
#8809 Old 8th May 2024 at 6:36 AM
My game is getting clogged up with self-mods/mods inspired by others but made compatible with an unofficial EP. This is getting out of hand.

Shabado... sha..ba..doo..badooo
Forum Resident
#8810 Old 9th May 2024 at 1:27 AM
Update on Rodger Shales (my horniest Sim): Experimented with making "invisible undies" on the grounds that he was the most likely Sim to sleep "in the nude". (Recipe for invisible undies: take any clothing that fits on a Maxis nude mesh - underwear is usually good to start with - completely black out the alpha channel (also the bump map if there is one), and save under another name, then assign to the Sim you want to be a part-time nudist.)

That worked out rather well, aside from the Ken doll factor and a tendency to go wandering around the house in the altogether after showering after dark. :-)

Rodger's love life had been rather dull and he was getting bored, until he rang up Bella Goth, with whom he had some prior casual acquaintance, and invited her over. They hit it off tremendously (3 bolts both ways), and he had little trouble talking her into bed and beyond (if you take my meaning). She stayed the night and well into the next day, he fixed breakfast for her in the morning and she fixed lunch for him about noontime, then they parted (the goodbyes weren't all that steamy due to plural walk-bys). But she let him know he can call her "anytime".

Counting "Someone" back in high school and Prof. Diva in college, that's five Sims he has scored with (that I know of). He's currently in love, or at least in lust, with four women: Trista Shaw, Chloe Curious (he hasn't scored with her...yet), Delanna Saxton, and Bella Goth. There will probably be more. :-D
Mad Poster
#8811 Old 9th May 2024 at 3:33 AM
A near scandal almost happened in Tinsel Town.

Rebecca Lloyd's daughter, Faye Eleanor-who's in her second semester of college, decided that she was in love with her stepfather, Sheldon Lloyd. Knowing all too well that this was not a good development, Sheldon took out all of his 401k and suggested to Faye that she would be much happier in her own place.
Slightly disappointed, Faye did take him up on the offer, and moved into a small efficiency house. She expects Sheldon will be more amenable to visit her and they could get on with their affair. She knows he returns her affections.
However, as fate might have it, one of the very first people to come visit her was Stephen Hubbard, her grandmother Lynne's lover.
Faye had heard a lot of stories and rumors about this famous director-and she was instantly attracted to him. At first, their conversation was a bit awkward until they got on the subject of food, and the next thing she knew they were having sex on her couch.

Faye knows now why her grandmother is so obsessed with Stephen, because she, herself is also now in love with him.

A good shrink could opine that Faye has daddy issues..but it appears she's just really over-sexed. She's going to have a long and interesting love life from what has happened so far..

Receptacle Refugee & Resident Polar Bear
"Get out of my way, young'un, I'm a ninja!"
Grave Matters: The funeral podium is available here: https://www.mediafire.com/file/e6tj...albits.zip/file
My other downloads are here: https://www.mediafire.com/?r=wbmnd#myfiles
Be like the 22nd elephant with heated value in space, bark!
retired moderator
#8812 Old 9th May 2024 at 12:56 PM
We definitely need a 'Oooooh, the scandal!!!' button as well as a 'love' button, just for this thread!
Mad Poster
#8813 Old 9th May 2024 at 4:23 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Sims2Maven
That worked out rather well, aside from the Ken doll factor and a tendency to go wandering around the house in the altogether after showering after dark. :-)

Ken doll can be fixed with certain mods. XD
Be like the 22nd elephant with heated value in space, bark!
retired moderator
#8814 Old 9th May 2024 at 5:06 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Charity
Ken doll can be fixed with certain mods. XD

simsample hits 'Oooooh, the scandal!!!' button...
#8815 Old 9th May 2024 at 6:40 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Charity
Ken doll can be fixed with certain mods. XD
Brb readjusting my imaginary pacemaker after reading this. Scandalous indeed!

DJ. who?
opin suomea, kerro mulle vitsi DM:ssä (ja ole valmis selittämään se)
Mad Poster
#8816 Old 9th May 2024 at 9:39 PM
It takes me back to the "hot coffee" days

(For the uninitiated: https://www.gamespot.com/articles/s...e/1100-6129609/)

Interesting that video games no longer seem to get the blame for teen violence - what is it now - social media, I guess?

Check out my thoughts on Psymchology (Sim Psychology) - latest post is on the main six aspirations.
Mad Poster
#8817 Old 9th May 2024 at 10:34 PM
Ah, Jack Thompson..the good old days.

He's not practicing law any more (he got disbarred-"Thompson was disbarred by the Florida Supreme Court in 2007 after being accused of 31 different lawyerly violations, but his feelings about video games have not changed.")


Still a sanctimonious jerk to this day.

Receptacle Refugee & Resident Polar Bear
"Get out of my way, young'un, I'm a ninja!"
Grave Matters: The funeral podium is available here: https://www.mediafire.com/file/e6tj...albits.zip/file
My other downloads are here: https://www.mediafire.com/?r=wbmnd#myfiles
Mad Poster
#8818 Old 9th May 2024 at 10:40 PM
Stop and consider how bad at lawyering you have to be to get disbarred in Florida. Truly one of the great overachievers.

Ugly is in the heart of the beholder.
(My simblr isSim Media Res . Widespot,Widespot RFD: The Subhood, and Land Grant University are all available here. In case you care.)
Forum Resident
#8819 Old 10th May 2024 at 6:16 AM
Jorge had a minor glitch with the water wiggler

#8820 Old 10th May 2024 at 10:36 AM
Nothing much is happening in my game, as I got sidetracked learning to default NPC clothing. I finally seemed to get the hang of it, after about eight different tutorials from as many creators.
But now it is all wrong again. Defaults that were working but needed a tweak, are now completely broken and I can't figure out why. I've remade them several times each. Gah. Downing tools for today. Tomorrow I will have to start them all over again, and maybe they will work? Fingers crossed.

My new downloads are on my Pillowfort
Field Researcher
#8821 Old 11th May 2024 at 4:50 AM
Bella Bachelor married Dylan Kincaid (Four Corners), initially they were a temporal couple, but their chemistry is great so they did get a great wedding even with Mortimer and Bella’s family in the attendance, the Caliente sisters were also there and the Nina's boyfriend danced with all the guests and taught them new dance steps. Bella is extremely happy, so they went on a honeymoon at the Beach with more good memories for both of them. After all these good results maybe this will be an endgame couple in my neighborhood.

"Old Town Revival: My MegaHood"
Field Researcher
#8822 Old 11th May 2024 at 8:52 AM
Quote: Originally posted by inspiredzone
Jorge had a minor glitch with the water wiggler

We've all been there.

Shabado... sha..ba..doo..badooo
#8823 Old 12th May 2024 at 4:46 AM Last edited by monijt1 : 12th May 2024 at 5:37 AM.
Shelby BACC – Round 2
SCNN News Report

Burglar Strikes Shelby School
Saturday afternoon, a burglar stole playground equipment from Shelby residential school. School Headmaster Hannah Hedley wonders when the city will enforce police, so her home won’t be a target anymore. “This is the second time this week that llama stole from my home! I’m don’t mind him stealing my Mother-in-law’s stereo, but why take the children’s exercise equipment? Do you how much shipping and handing I had to pay for that 50-foot equipment? That ugly burglar just picked it up and ran off the lot like it was nothing! We need police in this city now!”

Shelby Council Faces Salary Cuts
Treasury Nessa Cropper announced earlier this week, that the city will cut the salary of it’s city officials. This comes during the first tax week for Shelby. When asked, Mayor Redd seemed confused about Mrs. Cropper execution process of the cuts, “We don’t even have any staff members or budget currently, so what is she cutting exactly? How can you downsized from zero? I haven’t even received my first paycheck yet. I understand she’s excited about her position, but she’s jumping too ahead with this.”

Fire Ends The Lives of A Father and Daughter
On Thursday, a fire on 23 Mayor Drive took the lives of Dickson Fox and his oldest daughter Etta Fox. There’s no knowing how the fire started, but neighbors say that it was location in the second floor bathroom. The community is at a great lost, especially since Dickson’s wife died in a similar fashion a few days prior. “This might have not happened if we had firefighters in the city. Dickson and Etta died trying to extinguished the fire in a very small room.” One grieving neighbor commented. Dickson left behind two daughters, who are now in the custody of Social Services.

Thanks for the good times The Sims and The Sims Community. After 18 years, it is time for me to move on to something more purposeful.
Lab Assistant
#8824 Old 13th May 2024 at 12:13 PM Last edited by MHS0501 : 13th May 2024 at 12:30 PM.
Just finished year 20 in Strangetown, made custom neighborhood storytelling images to commemorate the occasion (plus I have way too much spare time at the moment). Added in the La Fiesta Tech sims as well. Yes, several of the original sims have unfortunately died. Once I'm finished with the family tree for the round I'll add it to this post! Hope you like them. Descriptions in order of appearance:

Curious: A series of tragic deaths have left the once large Curious clan far smaller than before. With their patriarch gone, will Monica ever bounce back, and will his three daughters be able to succeed in life without his guidance and wisdom?

Curious, Faye (daughter of Lazlo and PT): With no more roots to her previous home, Faye was determined to set out for greener pastures, and find stardom in the bright lights of Simcity-- can she make friends and perhaps find love in the meantime, or will her jungle of half dead plants prove to be this prima donna's only companions?

Nigmos: Johnny has finally found happiness again with Noelle and has quickly settled down, but he expects his new bride to do the same. Has Noelle dug herself too deep, or just deep enough to strike gold?

Singles: Not interested in slumming it in the boarding house, Zog convinced his cousin Galileo to room together after securing a loan from his city councilman father. While they don't seem to have much in common, can they share a space long enough to climb their career ladders?

Beaker: Loki found a partner and lover in Holly Anderson, and together the two seem destined to continue where Circe's experiments left off. Will Amouratic and Obedient Subjects ever see the end of their captivity, or is their poor start to life just another bad omen for what comes next?

Fleig: Kampol brings home the bacon while his husband Nervous is still coping with his regenerating personality, all while raising twins Errol and Una. Nervous's surprise inheritance from his late mother bought them their home and a small nest egg, but will their meager jobs be enough to upkeep their fledgling family?

Smith: Jill has been trapped in a domestic life she never wanted for as long as she can remember, and the other members of her family seem to be drifting further away from her by the day. Can she and her husband, Samuel, manage to find a balance in their relationship? Or will the pressure of their children and Jill's strict parents keep them from fulfilling their true desires?

Grunt (Buzz): General Buzz Grunt got more than he was "expecting" after one too many encounters with aliens, and his longtime girlfriend Margaret is less than thrilled about him being a willing vessel for the enemy. With Tank and Kristen proving to be dedicated parents, can these two convince her to get involved, or will they be left to raise more than little Quay?

Buck Grunt: Buck has been pining after Jill for as long as he can remember, and moonlights as her secret lover while running his salon by day. Is there ever a way where these two can be together, or will he find his match among the many other beautiful bachelorettes that frequent his business?

Loner: Ajay and Bim were married in a whirlwind romance and little Charat and Deepa quickly followed, with very little time to sort out their finances. With Bim determined to run a bakery from her front yard and Ajay determined to make simoleons through his banjo, can they manage to balance their books, or will they have to choose between expanding their business and expanding their family?

Wrightley: Guy and Mickey have had some wild times, but lately they're starting to wonder if perhaps there's more to life than beautiful women and toga parties. Can they build a secure nest egg for Ozzie and Ian, or will their boys be left to fend for themselves?

Ng: Fresh out of college, Luz agreed to become his mother's business manager as she works to get her dream pottery store off the ground, but only on the condition that his twin brother be allowed to room with them. With Ram and Vyn constantly at each other's throats, will Ram's new fiance bring some balance to the household, or force Luz to be the peacemaker?

Working Friends: Regina and Ingrid have found themselves rooming together until both can return to their respective living arrangements. Can Regina commit to her fiance? Can Ingrid manage to claw her way up as a measly test subject in her father's field?

Worthington: Cunning Francis Worthington III has found a suitable match in local Captain Hero, Renee Andrews, and his legacy is completely assured. With the pressure of being the firstborn heir now off his shoulders, will Isaac be able to find a new path for himself? And will the next generation of Worthingtons grow up better than the last?

Tri-Fruhm Sisters: DJ and Jessie have been practically joined at the hip since their sorority days, and it seems like they've never grown up since. Will Hope go to college and continue the Tri-Fruhm tradition, or has their carefree lifestyle influenced her in all the wrong ways?

WIlliamson: Yeardley was determined to protect her little brother after the untimely death of their father, and ditched the group home the second she could-- only for Patrick to quickly turn against her. With tensions running high, will she be able to keep her wild brother in line? Or will her attempts to be a mother only push him further away?

Vonderstein: Klara and Vidcund's romance seems written in the stars, while young Quirk has thrown himself into his culinary pursuits. Can he figure out the secret to his own romantic success? And can Zoltar and Nellie make the right choices when it comes to relationships?

Terrano: After the death of her longtime boyfriend, Stella finally feels a weight has been lifted off her shoulders-- now she only has to raise THREE boys on her own. While she's managed fine up until now, Tito's close relationship with his father has left him distant and withdrawn. Will she be able to reign her sons in and help them to choose the right path?

Ripp Grunt: Ripp and Sadie have their hands full with three sloppy children, busy careers and an open marriage, but somewhere along the way Isabel and Oviya have been lost on the shuffle. Can Isabel manage to pull herself together in time for university? And can Oviya manage to stake a claim on the money she needs to finally feel complete?

Group Home: A recent financial endeavor by the Simcity "Have a Nice Day Commitee" after an embarrassing news fiasco claiming there were starving children on the neighborhood streets, the Strangetown Group Home has opened its doors and its standard-issue-teak-beds to all the tykes and tots in need of a warm meal, a perfectly average dental plan, and potentially, a good home.
Forum Resident
#8825 Old 14th May 2024 at 1:47 PM Last edited by parrot999 : 14th May 2024 at 1:58 PM.
Well... This apparently:
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